Roman Catholicism

This is a set of series on Roman Catholicism

On Doctrine and Tradition:

Roman Catholicism, Part 1” — Papal Infallibility
Roman Catholicism, Part 2” — Peter and the Papacy
Roman Catholicism, Part 3” — Sacred Tradition
Roman Catholicism, Part 4” — Biblical Interpretation
Roman Catholicism, Part 5” — Scripture *is* Tradition
Roman Catholicism, Part 6” — No Early Evidence for RC Doctrine
Roman Catholicism, Part 7” — Roman Supremacy; the Diocese of Egypt
Roman Catholicism, Part 8” — On authority
Roman Catholicism, Part 9” — On development and mistranslation

On the Sacraments:

Part 1: “Why is the Sacrament of Marriage Important?
Part 2: “Sacraments are the Reason for the Priesthood
Part 3: “What is Grace?
Part 4: “Changing Language

On Sacrifice and Sanctification

On Justification:

Part 1: The Primacy of Love
Part 2: What is Faith? What are works?
Part 3: Faith and Works
Part 4: Faith Alone?
Part 5: Justification
Part 6: Salvation
Part 7: Faith: Living or Dead?

On the Eucharist:

The Eucharist, Part 1” — Liturgy of the Eucharist and Lord’s Supper
The Eucharist, Part 2” — Eucharist and John C. Wright’s Apologia
The Eucharist, Part 3” — The Original Meaning of Eucharist

What the Earliest Christians Wrote About the Eucharist

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Didache
Part 3: Justin Martyr
Part 4: Ignatius of Antioch
Part 5: Clement of Rome
Part 6: Irenaeus of Lyons
Part 7: Clement of Alexandria
Part 8: …Interlude…
Part 9: Tertullian
Part 10: Origen of Alexandria
Part 11: Cyprian of Carthage
Part 12: Hippolytus of Rome
Part 13: Aphrahat the Persian Sage
Part 14: …Interlude…
Part 15: Athenagoras of Athens
Part 16: Apostolic Constitutions
Part 17: …Interlude…
Part 18: Athanasius of Alexandria
Part 19: Ephraim the Syrian
Part 20: Cornelius of Rome
Part 21: Eusebius of Caesarea
Part 22: Dionysius of Alexandria
Part 23: Gregory of Nyssa
Part 24: Cyril of Jerusalem
Part 25: Gregory Nazianzus
Part 26: Lactantius
Part 27: …Interlude…
Part 28: Basil of Caesarea
Part 29: Serapion of Thmuis
Part 30: John Chrysostom
Part 31: Ambrose of Milan
Part 32: …Interlude…
Part 33: Macarius the Elder
Part 34: Hilary of Poitiers
Part 35: First Council of Nicaea
Part 36: Irenaeus, Revisited
Part 37: Augustine of Hippo
Part 38: Didascalia Apostolorum
Part 39: Catechism of the Catholic Church
Part 40: Conclusion

Redux #1: Copy-and-Paste Apologetics
Redux #2: The meaning of the eucharist.
Redux #3: The meaning of the tithe.
Redux #4: Leavened or unleavened bread?

On Eschatology:

Eschatological Timeline
Eschatology, Part 1” — The Whore of Babylon
Eschatology, Part 2” — Ten and Three Horns
Eschatology, Part 3” — The Seven Kings
Eschatology, Part 4” — The Image and Mark of the Beast
Eschatology, Part 5” — The Image and Mark of the Beast
Eschatology, Part 6” — The Image and Mark of the Beast
The Man of Lawlessness

On Veneration:

Veneration of Relics

On Heretics:

Michael Sattler and Wisdom
The Waldensians: An Historical Overview

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano:

A Spirit of Confusion
Is it Finished?
More on Vigano

On Roman Catholic Apologia:

This is a review of John C. Wright’s A Universal Apologia for the Catholic Church

Part 1 — Introduction
Part 2 — Roman Catholicism and Anabaptism
Part 3 — The Parable of the Servants, Authority
Part 4 — Bible Canonization
Part 5 — Teachings, Part 1: Chastity, Continuity, Tradition
Part 6 — Teachings, Part 2: Infallibility
Part 7 — Church, Authority, Arguments, Persecution, War, Ignorance
Part 8 — The Rise of Heresy and Apostasy
Part 9 — Roman Catholic Eucharist, Revelation
Part 10 — Apparitions of Mary
Part 11 — Unity, Part 1: Unity and Tradition
Part 12 — Unity, Part 2: Is Unity Impossible?
Part 13 — Unity, Part 3: The Kingdom of God
Part 14 — The Origin of Roman Catholicsm