Marriage isn’t Magic, Part 2

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. Are illicit acts—prostitution, incest, and polygamy—marriage? Since the recent publication of “Marriage isn’t Magic“, the Christianity and Masculinity blog made a post which describes three situations where the Bible supposedly contradicts my post, all describing illicit acts, … …

The Political Spectrum is Leftist

Christians should stay out of politics. Many years ago I wrote in “Left, Right, and Religion” that from the Christian perspective there is no meaningful distinction between the Left and the Right political wings. All are leftist in terms of the philosophy of their purpose. I wrote: The distinction between “Republican vs. …

of Fox and Green

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. Is marrying a young bride sufficient to ensure a life-long marriage? In speaking of Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, commentator Oscar says: Off-the-charts attraction, as usual. They started dating when she was 18, and he was …

Unity in the Church

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. What constitutes unity in the church? One of the repeating themes among critics of the church is that disagreement is the same as disunity and that conformity is the mark of unity. Neither of these are true …

Marriage isn’t Magic

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. What is fornication? What is marriage? Commentator John explains his difficulty: Perhaps I have been misunderstanding this entire discussion: [consummation of marriage] nullifies fornication as a category [..] When Paul counseled to “flee fornication,” I have trouble …


This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. Roman Catholic soteriology rejects faith alone (‘sola fide‘). The Sacraments are a part of salvation. Sola fide implies the rejection of the sacraments, including marriage as a sacrament. If Sanctified Marriage is equal to Sacramental marriage, then …

Barley, Oil, and Wine

The Third Seal of Revelation Over a GunnerQ’s place, he is also talking about “Ousting Female Pastors” in the SBC. After noticing that the SBC passed a number of barely reported resolutions, he makes this observation. Meanwhile, the Southern Baptists are siding with the Biden Regime to flood the United States …

Ousting Female Pastors

With news of the Southern Baptists voting to oust two churches with female pastors (H/T: whiteguy1), we can expect an outpouring of polarization, both celebration and anger. Few people have weak opinions on the subject. This is a good opportunity to discuss one of the passages used to justify denying women pastors: …

Authority or Unity in Marriage?

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Abandon Ship! Consider the following argument: (1) A godly marriage requires a husband’s authority and a wife’s submission (2) It is nearly impossible within our current cultural and legal framework for a husband to assert authority …

What is Grace?

This is the third part in a series on the Roman Catholic sacraments. See the index. Being Vague In the first two parts of this series, “Why is the Sacrament of Marriage Important?” and “Sacraments are the Reason for the Priesthood“, I explained that Roman Catholics view grace  and marriage …