Exploring Gnosticism: Part 2

In Part 2 of our series, we’ll be discussing the second article that Jack @ Sigma Frame wrote about Gnosticism. Gnosticism As I mentioned in “Gnosticism,” one cannot approach Gnosticism in the same way you would approach other religions, expecting there to be denominations that differ only in theology. The categories …

Exploring Gnosticism: Part 1

I’ve been discussing Gnosticism in “Gnosticism” (as it pertains to Radix Fidem) and “Gnosticism, The Trinity, and the Dialectical Method” (as part of my series on the Trinity). In the comment section, Bruce Charlton wrote: This largely conforms to what I discussed here throughout 2024. See how closely this matches …

Cult of Nice

I’m going to take a break from my normal writing to correct some misconceptions about politics and Donald Trump. We live in a fundamentally feminine society. It is a society where boys and men are viewed as defective girls and women (respectively). It is a society that finds masculinity shocking, …

Cowboy Hats

From time to time I like to highlight how people believe all sorts of wrong things because they overemphasize and generalize their personal anecdotal experiences. Here is one simple, seemingly unimportant example: I think that Oscar has never attended the Pennsylvania Farm Show or an indoor Rodeo (see the picture?). He’s probably …

The World in Hebrews

Over at James Attebury’s blog, he has written “Part 16: The Trinity in Hebrews” in his series against David K. Bernard’s “The Oneness of God.” There he repeated the same error that he made in “Part 11: John 1:1” regarding the prologue of John’s Gospel. This is the same claim …

The AI Apocalypse Begins

I recently wrote “The Eucharist, Redux #6: AI Apologist” which highlighted the pitfalls of AI when it comes to apologetics. But my warnings… …apply to any topic. When it comes to programming questions, StackOverflow has been the go to source for programmers for a long time. It contains answers to …

Constructive Criticism, Part 6

This is part of a series. See part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5. Note: links will go live upon publication. So far in this series, we’ve both expressed and received criticism. Whether any of it has been constructive or not is a matter of perspective. …