Moral Monsters

Every once in a while there is a discussion on morality and ethics that leads to a crystal clear outcome. One of my favorites is the essay by Free Northerner entitled “Abortion, Tomlinson, and Moral Midgets.” Another began when Matt Walsh posed a fairly standard-sounding moral dilemma on Twitter: This …

Is Wintery Knight a Snowflake?

I often discuss censorship on Twitter and blogs (see here). A Christian following Jesus’ example lives in peace. A Christian following Paul’s example uses reason and evidence. A Christian fully prepared to defend his faith has no use for ideological censorship.[1] You might expect that—as a Christian who frequents the blogs …

Censorship is cowardice

I recently read a post lamenting the cowardice of bloggers. While the tone of that article was too black and white, the general premise was correct. A great many bloggers heavily censor their comments to avoid criticism. Such censorship is cowardice. Consider the warning on this post by Bonald of Throne …

Censorship in the manosphere

While I spend a lot of time blogging against feminism, I don’t spend a lot of time discussing censorship.  Most of that happens on my schizophrenic Twitter account. To be clear: I hate censorship almost as much as I hate feminism. I may disagree with you, but I’ll defend your …