Infallibility 101

One of the core doctrines of Roman Catholicism is that of Infallibility. It is quite common for Catholics to tell Protestants that they do not understand Infallibility because they are not Catholics. This is the genetic fallacy. The reality is that Protestants understand infallibility better than Roman Catholics do. Yes, …

The Context of Genesis 3:16

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Let’s continue where “An Analysis of Genesis 3:16” left off, this time discussing the comments of prolific commentor, thedeti. His comments are illustrative of some common arguments that I’ve seen. Intermingled Context Thedeti begins his exegesis …

The Meaning of Head in Colossians 2:9-10

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. In “Headship: Authority or Preeminence?“, we reviewed the evidence and concluded that the Greek word for ‘head’ (kephalē) has the sense of preeminence or firstness. As shown in “Sanctified Marriage: Part 5“, the meaning of ‘head’ …

Moral Monsters

Every once in a while there is a discussion on morality and ethics that leads to a crystal clear outcome. One of my favorites is the essay by Free Northerner entitled “Abortion, Tomlinson, and Moral Midgets.” Another began when Matt Walsh posed a fairly standard-sounding moral dilemma on Twitter: This …

Sacred Tradition of the Old Testament

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism. See this index. During the Q&A segment of the debate between Catholic Tim Staples and Reformed Baptist James White, Staples claimed that the validity of the Jewish canon required sacred tradition outside of the canon itself. This claim requires that the words of …