Society Decline, Part 4 – Bureacracy: A First-Order Evil

“Join the collective. Or else.” Part 3 showed that average IQs have made huge gains while general intelligence (g) has declined. Why worry about falling g? Physical and mental mutations are usually co-morbid.[1][2a] 84% of the human genome involves the brain[3], so a decrease in g means higher physical mutations (e.g. fewer alpha traits). Therefore, g predicts mutational load—something …

Is Wintery Knight a Snowflake?

I often discuss censorship on Twitter and blogs (see here). A Christian following Jesus’ example lives in peace. A Christian following Paul’s example uses reason and evidence. A Christian fully prepared to defend his faith has no use for ideological censorship.[1] You might expect that—as a Christian who frequents the blogs …

Anonymity and the authority of God

When I wrote Anonymous Leadership, I did not expect it to turn into multiple posts. The idea is not a new one or particularly revolutionary. Then, I stumbled upon the reverse correlation between anonymity and non-blog authorship. Next, I noted that anonymity contributes to the censorship problem in the manosphere. …

Why I Don’t Vote

I don’t vote. As a Christian I often take heat from other Christians for this stance. The argument is purely utilitarian: If you don’t vote for party A[1] then Party B will cause a much greater evil. If you don’t vote for the presumptive best candidate, you must therefore be held …