Michael Sattler and Wisdom

This post comes from a request from a Catholic named Betty to explain the text of the Wisdom 2:12-20. The Book of Wisdom is written from the perspective of Solomon and the book’s intended audience are those in rulership. The first third of the book contrasts the righteous with the …

The Lies They Tell Us

In Why I Don’t Vote, I laid out four reasons why I—as an Anabaptist—don’t vote. In doing so, I didn’t even have to mention the most obvious reason not to vote: dishonesty. Christians are enjoined to live pure lives cleansed of dishonesty and lies and they are instructed to call …

Moral Monsters

Every once in a while there is a discussion on morality and ethics that leads to a crystal clear outcome. One of my favorites is the essay by Free Northerner entitled “Abortion, Tomlinson, and Moral Midgets.” Another began when Matt Walsh posed a fairly standard-sounding moral dilemma on Twitter: This …

Anabaptism and Passivism

My previous post, “Anabaptism: Non-Violent Resistance“, highlighted how Christians must eschew violence, including any advocacy of violence. Anabaptism radically accepts the Bible’s commands to live in peace while always resisting evil. Is this a contradiction? How can this be done practically? The answer lies in Passivism (not pacifism): “Passivism is building …

Anabaptism: Non-Violent Resistance

Recently Christian apologist Wintery Knight deleted my comments, banned me, and then passively accused me of some combination of supporting anti-war, pacifism, appeasement, and/or isolationism as well as being historically ignorant and governed by feelings. I wrote about this experience at “Is Wintery Knight a Snowflake?” and also specifically addressed …