The Man of Lawlessness

In a previous post “Scripture is Tradition“, we responded to the claim that 2 Thessalonians 2:15 sets up a Holy Tradition governed by the Roman Catholic church. We examined the works of the early church to demonstrate that it did not believe that there was any authority other than the Word …

Scripture *is* Tradition

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism. See this index. In a discussion with Protestant to Roman Catholic convert Kentucky Gent, he made a typical appeal to sacred tradition. Catholics argue that “sacred tradition” is not merely written, but also included spoken instruction. Thus he cited: 2 Thessalonians 2:15 …

Waldensians: An Historical Overview

There is much mystery about the sect of Christians known as the Waldensians (or Waldenses, or Vaudois). Wikipedia provides the common understanding: Originally known as the “Poor Men of Lyon” in the late twelfth century, the movement spread to the Cottian Alps in what are today France and Italy. The founding of the Waldensians is attributed to Peter Waldo, …