Capitalism and Inflation: Part 1

One of the political views that I find most frustrating is that America is full of greedy capitalists who—if they were destroyed by socialists and communists—would usher in a period of economic prosperity that no society has ever experienced. This is all a complete fabrication of reality. The reality is …

Partisan Lies

Though I am mostly apolitical (I do not vote), I can be classified as a political centrist (not a compromising moderate). This means I don’t land anywhere in particular on the political spectrum. I chose my views independently of any party line. I also apply my criticisms across the board. …

The Lies They Tell Us

In Why I Don’t Vote, I laid out four reasons why I—as an Anabaptist—don’t vote. In doing so, I didn’t even have to mention the most obvious reason not to vote: dishonesty. Christians are enjoined to live pure lives cleansed of dishonesty and lies and they are instructed to call …

Anabaptism and Passivism

My previous post, “Anabaptism: Non-Violent Resistance“, highlighted how Christians must eschew violence, including any advocacy of violence. Anabaptism radically accepts the Bible’s commands to live in peace while always resisting evil. Is this a contradiction? How can this be done practically? The answer lies in Passivism (not pacifism): “Passivism is building …

Why I Don’t Vote

I don’t vote. As a Christian I often take heat from other Christians for this stance. The argument is purely utilitarian: If you don’t vote for party A[1] then Party B will cause a much greater evil. If you don’t vote for the presumptive best candidate, you must therefore be held …

Do People Kill People?

According to the cliche, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Is this a true statement? If it were true, we would expect that changing the amount of gun possession would have no effect[1] on the total number of murders.[2] Indeed, this was exactly the case in Australia. How can this possibly …

Pro-Life Hypocrisy?

While browsing Twitter, I stumbled upon an interesting set of questions by @mxrgee.  The conversation was, for Twitter standards, civil and constructive. Nevertheless, it is a difficult place to make a well-reasoned defense of the pro-life movement. So here is a summary of some of the key questions and a …

Obstruction of Justice and Presidential Power

In discussing the obstruction of justice charge against President Trump with many people, I’ve noticed some common misconceptions. I’ve read different conflicting legal expert opinions. What follows is an explanation that bridges the gap between the legal expert and non-expert. The comments below are my non-lawyer opinions and explanation on this: what …