Jesus Sanctified Himself

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, authority, and submission. See this index. In John 17, Jesus prays for his disciples. In doing so, he prays about sanctification in a rather curious way. “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the …

Paul’s Use of Submission

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. When I wrote “The Context of Genesis 3:16”, I looked at how the context of Genesis 3:16 could be combined with that of Ephesians 5 and 1 Peter 3. Regarding the submission in Ephesians 5, I had …

Capitalism and Inflation: Part 2

In his two volume book, Escape the City, Travis Corcoran listed prices of various goods used in homesteading. Because he recorded the price, he was able to notice that these prices fluctuated much higher than the government published rate of inflation even  in the months while he was writing the book. …

Capitalism and Inflation: Part 1

One of the political views that I find most frustrating is that America is full of greedy capitalists who—if they were destroyed by socialists and communists—would usher in a period of economic prosperity that no society has ever experienced. This is all a complete fabrication of reality. The reality is …

It’s a Religion: Atheism

In my previous posts “It’s a Religion: Trans Ideology” and “It’s a Religion: Public Health,” I discussed how governments and activists use religious indoctrination techniques to propagandize people. This is typified in statements by trans-rights activist governments… “Repeat after us: trans women are women” …and statements by public health bureaucrats… “Repeat …

It’s a Religion: Public Health

In my previous post, “It’s a Religion: Trans Ideology,” I described how in the United Kingdom, the government is using the power of the State to attempt to coerce people into making public formulaic pronouncements, a liturgy of religious indoctrination in support of trans ideology. Just like trans ideology, the …

It’s a Religion: Trans Ideology

There was once a time when people understood that the expectation to recite a public formulaic pronouncement—a liturgy—was, in fact, religious expression of belief. People also once understand that teaching a person to accept a set of beliefs uncritically was, in fact, indoctrination. Paired together, people once recognized this for …

Veneration of Relics

This is part of a series on the Roman Catholic sacraments. See the index. One of the common problems I’ve experienced in my interactions with Roman Catholics is that they don’t understand their own religion. They are discouraged from reading the Bible and coming to their own conclusions, and so rarely …

The Canonicity of the Old Testament

From here: The New Testament as a whole quotes from all but Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs. It quotes in total 237 Old Testament passages.   Notwithstanding claims made by some, the New Testament does not directly quote from any book in the Apocrypha, although it does …

On Divorce

God doesn’t like divorce, so don’t ever do it. For many years I have sat back and not weighed in on whether divorce or remarriage is ever correct. Interpreting the so-called “exception clause” given by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew is not a trivial matter. Nonetheless, in response to …