
I’ve written a lot about dishonesty in the Manosphere, including (and especially) from those who call others liars. This includes:

Absolutely Mystified
Habitually Being Wrong
It’s Always Someone Else’s Problem
Anonymity and Plagiarism
Deti on Hypocrisy
Everyone’s a Genius
The Living Voice
Ambiguity in the Bible
1 Corinthians 14:34-35” (footnote 1)

And those are just a few from 2024. It doesn’t even include the comment sections (e.g. hereherehere, and here).

Comment by Bruce Charlton
My idea of an ideal Christian is someone who is not sin-orientated, but who quickly recognizes and honestly admits to whatever of his innumerable sins become apparent in the course of life.

That’s why I keep harping on the endemic and increasing modern sin of dishonesty – because this stands in the path of repentance. Many people who regard themselves as exceptionally pure, devout and observant Christians are shockingly dishonest; and thereby self-blinded to their progressive corruption into active support of the agenda of evil.

Citation: Comment by Bruce Charlton, “Did Jesus *really* say “sin no more” in the Fourth Gospel?” (2024-07-09)

This, in my opinion, describes the Manosphere’s general condition better than anything I could say.

I do want to be clear that I don’t include Gunner Q:

comment by Derek Ramsey — GunnerQ and The Beast’s Mark
When Gunner Q viciously attacked me, he also raised a few valid points of critique, so I edited my articles accordingly. He recently apologized to me for his manner and I continue to view him as a Brother in Christ who cares, as I always have.

GQ has demonstrated a clear willingness to recognize and honestly admit to his sins, even though he has been highly critical of me at times.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”I’ve written a lot about dishonesty in the Manosphere, including (and especially) from those who call others liars.”

    Hey Derek don’t expect any repentance from Sharkly as shown here today.

    Sharkly says:
    10 July, 2024 at 11:19 pm
    “We can’t keep nice things like civilization, because… wymynz.

    The feral variety, anyway.”

    They only come in one kind. The natural defiler.

    Eve, the pinnacle of womanhood, that unspoiled mother of all living people, who had known no sin, and never been sinned against, chose to rebel despite living in a world of perfection. Perfection wasn’t good enough for her. She wanted still more. She wanted to become like God. Probably because Adam was already made in God’s image, and she’d willingly defy him to gain ground against his natural superiority.

    Corrupting the whole world was just an unforeseen consequence of her willful transgression against the perfect man and the God who made her for him to serve him and reverence him. Her nature is to be discontent, envious, and to cause unnecessary trouble.

    It is only fitting that women remain under subjection to men because of their inherent nature. Not just because all-wise God told us that in humankind’s instruction manual. To be productive women have to be taught to deny their own nature, and to find contentment in doing what is right. There is a destructive whore inside of every woman, a natural portion of her that needs to be repressed.

    I’m not saying that men don’t also have selfish instincts that need to be directed in positive directions, but that our all-wise and loving God made no mistake when He categorically set every husband over his wife.”

    ” She wanted to become like God. Probably because Adam was already made in God’s image, and she’d willingly defy him to gain ground against his natural superiority.

    Corrupting the whole world was just an unforeseen consequence of her willful transgression against the perfect man and the God who made her for him to serve him and reverence him.

    It is only fitting that women remain under subjection to men because of their inherent nature. Not just because all-wise God told us that in humankind’s instruction manual. ”

    Still, wondering what his/her/its talking &”debate” points would be on your recent Review: Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”? post now, bro!?

  2. Lastmod


    He’s just mad and upset………at God actually.

    He chose poorly, and now that’s her fault, Gods fault or all the “simps” and “cucks” fault for some reason. I guess he didnt use Scott’s test with the pictures, that women must have a “viscereal” look that cannot ever, ever be faked or your marriage is doomed to fail.

    “Dont worry, no marriage in heaven, God promises you nothing. So buck up! Its not that bad! Jesus had it worse!” That is what I was told about my celibate situation and curse of God with not being conventionally attractive for a long time. They cant even follow thier own advice and the bible they claim to revere.

    His incesscant whining about what all these women / woman did to him is worse than all the women in my office rolled into one. Get over yourself. You are not that important in this world, or life. For real.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    ” I guess he didnt use Scott’s test with the pictures, that women must have a “viscereal” look that cannot ever, ever be faked or your marriage is doomed to fail.”

    YEP!He has a pic of him and his wife(who ”looked saintly”-in a 1950s-for all his fellow holy rolling ”conservative” checkpantz goddess-worshipping republicans,way- to pin-up queen goddess Bettie Page) standing side by side at the wedding cake ”looking happy” then?- She said FU to ”him” on the way to the honeymoon about s*x or anything else so, so much for ”visceral” lookz.

    1. Lastmod

      I dont wish ill on him. Everyone…..and it took me a long time to learn this, a REAL long time…..everyone has a cross to bear. Everyone, has something in their own personal life that “just wasnt fair” or it “wasnt suppose to be this way” or a situation or happenstance that was wrong, unfair, and mixed with “but I did the RIGHT thing”

      My own mother had a child with Downs Syndrome, with severe health complications. It was her first. She was 19 years old.

      She once told me “I was a good girl. I waited til marriage! I didnt drink, or smoke. I didnt deserve this! Friends and co-workers, other women had healthy babies and mine was still in a hospital, tubes, meters, wires all over him. A hospital bill of over 75K (1966 dollars, today that would be $723K and in those days, health insurances didnt cover ‘kids like this’).

      I cannot imagine a young newlywed woman going through this then, or now. Also, my mother was over 3K miles from home and what she knew. No family support nearby.

      She recalled as well to me once as a young man “When I was a schoolgirl. Early 1960’s. There was a boy in my town. A bit slow. Socially awkward. I guess you would call him mildly retarded. He wasnt attractive at all. Not fashionable. He of course was picked on by the popular boys and girls. Now, never once did I go out of my way to pick on or bother him. But, when he was tormented in school, or in public between classes by other girls and boys. I stood there and laughed with them. I never defended him. I never said ‘Hey, let him be, likes’. I never stood up to those popular boys or girls and said ‘Just leave him alone’.

      she continued, tears in her eyes, voice shaking

      “When I had my own son, a few short years later. So very sick. A mongoloid. Expensive. A shame in some circles back then to have. I recalled myself laughing at that boy in school. It was to me, a “reward” or “consequence” for MY behavior. MY actions. I knew better. Was raised better. The things we do for social acceptance in a peer group are terrible. God can be a vengeful God, and sometimes a payback. Fortunately I had the common sense to reflect on this. Many do not.”

      That was her take with my late brother. He was loved. Cared for. Not abused. He had a decent quality of life for the potentials he did indeed have. I could never convince her otherwise that “these things just happen”. She took it and accepted that it was a cross to bear, and it would be for her entire adult life.

      My mother was proper, well kept in appearance. Kept a good home. Worked. Loved my father, and my brother and my self. But still….a cross to bear in this life for a son that was a burden. It wasnt asked for. It wasnt deserved (in my opinion) and it wasnt fair to me either.

      Year, and years after her death, and the death of my older brother I realized the cost and cross all will bear in this life with something. We all have one. The best solution in the end is to “get up and get on” because there really isnt any other choice.

      1. Lastmod

        In the summer of 1975, this song by folk singer made the top ten in the USA. It was called “At Seventeen”. It focused on the perils of being an unattractive girl in high school and into beyond. A bit cloying, but its simplicity made it that more “real” or relatable. It comes from a point of view that is tender and would not be understood by a “pretty girl” or “handsome boy” then or now. Cross to bear.

        1970’s American top / pop radio was probably the best it ever got. A song like this would never make the charts today, or even in the 1990’s when “women with guitars” were a thing.

        1. Lastmod

          Also, the singer, Janis Ian did indeed win a Grammy for this song during the awards in early 1976. Song of The Year. Such a quiet piece in an era of Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, The Bee Gees, Donna Summer, Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, and James Taylor with very big albums as well that year

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