The Disadvantage of Authority

In “It’s a Military Term,” I had noted that the word translated “helper” in Genesis 2:18 is used in the Old Testament as a military term that refers to that of an ally, rather than that of a subordinate, with no connotation of an implied difference in power or authority. …

Links of Interest

Old Testament Additional perspectives on the theme of “It’s a Military Term” on validating theology by looking at the Old Testament. Ambiguity Another perspective on the theme of “Ambiguity in the Bible” on ambiguity in biblical language. On Wikipedia Confirmation of our finding in “The Icons of Feminism, Part 1” and …

On Suffering

The Manosphere is Feminine If the manosphere could be summarized in one long sentence it would be this: Suffering men—mostly divorcees and married and unmarried incels—who have been burnt by women assemble together to talk—and complain—about how naturally evil and essentially broken women are and how they need men to …

“It’s a Military Term”

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. See also this index on Sharkly posts. Among proponents of Christian patriarchy, this passage is one of the four most cited (along with “be silent“, “don’t teach“, and “cover“): Wives are to submit to their own husbands as to the …

Ambiguity in the Bible

See this index. One of those common things you often see in the fundamentalist Christian manosphere is the general belief that the Bible must be easy to explain: that the simplest interpretation is the correct one. Most of the time the person making this claim believes that their own arguments …

Androsphere Archive

My blog has been silent recently in large part because I’ve been working on a new project: The Androsphere Archive. I registered that domain years ago after Sigma Frame had a discussion about Manosphere sites going offline. I made it with the intention of unifying sites, especially sites that have …

Unlearning Inversion

Per Charlton: A great deal of what we know in the Modern West is false and evil.   A great deal of our “common sense” is actually propaganda and mind-games. A great deal of our motivation has been socially and by the mass media inculcated artificially and with malign intent. …


Gunner Q’s recent article on Substack, “Vince Foster’s Arkancide And the Silencing of Alternative Medicine” (archive PDF here), is an excellent read. So I decided to make a comment, and wouldn’t you know, I’m banned from Substack. I think I’ve commented there something like two or three times. My guess …

The Origin of Covid

In his recent comment, Lastmod made an important observation while discussing the death of the manosphere due to the atomization of society: All of what we are seeing has and IS being orchestrated. Not in the sense of a secret committee of a few people….but through a long march through …

Bespoke Epistles: Part 2

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Once upon a time, on June 21, 2017, Dalrock posted an article entitled “Straining out gnats” (PDF) in which he discussed 1 Timothy 2:12 with respect to women teaching and holding authority. For the first time, I …