James White on the Trinity

Note: This is part of a series on the Trinity from a rational, non-mystical perspective. See the index here. Yesterday we discussed “James Attebury on the Trinity.” Today we are going to continue the series with a discussion of James White’s views on the Trinity. James White is one of …

James Attebury on the Trinity

Note: This is part of a series on the Trinity from a rational, non-mystical perspective. See the index here. As most readers already know, I wrote a series on the Eucharist where I claimed that the Roman Catholic Eucharist was completely absent from the first three centuries of the church. …

Feeriker On Fraud Among Christians

I’m a semi-regular reader of Feeriker’s blog. His family and work situation is interesting, and he often asks for prayer. I also sometimes read his comments at other places (when I happen to notice his name pop up in my RSS feed). Well, Feeriker tends to write mostly well-measured responses, …


When it comes to Christianity, there are many identifiable denominations and cults within a single frame. There is significant uniformity between them in terms of moral and ethical teachings, ritual practices, group identity, and, of course, who the religion is centered upon. With Gnosticism this is all very different. Gnosticism …

The Eucharist, Redux #6: AI Apologist

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism and the eucharist. See this index. I’ve been reading the recent writings of Bruce Charlton, where he appears to assert—in his recent post “If I do it, then it can’t be bad…” (The example of “AI”)“—that AI is inherently evil and …

The Image of God, Part 2

Former reader and commenter Sharkly hss claimed many times that the image of God came only to men, that is, “biological males” and not “mankind.” A lot of discussion ensued, but I have never taken a chance to summarize the many articles and comments that came out of that discussion. …

The Image Of God, Part 1

Sharkly recently left a comment where he promoted his skills at interpreting the original biblical language. And, what do you know, he’s following through on his promise! Look at that, his own translation! It is curious that Sharkly is citing Epiphanius, who believed that all of humanity—both men and women—were …

Year in Review

I’ve been on a tear this year. More than 40% of my blog articles were written in 2024. It may seem like what I write about is somewhat random, but there has actually been a lot of thematic consistency. Before 2024, I interacted a lot with the Sigma Frame blog. …

Women are Tools

A click-bait headline, brought to you by a former reader: My point isn’t that women are tools, but that everything in society from the goods we buy to the relationships we enter has been cheapened. So much is disposable. But, you know what? In many ways, for all our complaining …

Sigma Frame Abandons the Patriarchy

According to Christian Patriarchy, an unmarried woman is under the domain of her father. Under this frame, she must obey her father in everything (where “everything” means “EVERYTHING”). For as long as she remains unmarried, no other man has any claim of authority on her. For another man to demand …