
Recently I was sent a link to this video by Luis Narciso, the author of “The Messiah Codes: Unsealed.” He believes that the next (third) Jewish temple will be rededicated in 2030. As I was listening to the video, Bruce Charlton’s most recent article popped up in my RSS feed: “What’s going-on about the obsession with 2030? Black magic numerology…” Talk about timing!

I’m fairly torn over this.

I have reason to believe (here) that the seven seals of revelation, the first six of seven trumpets, and the first five of the seven bowl judgments have all been completed. That leaves two bowls and the final trumpet before Christ returns in judgment.

This is based on exegesis and historical observation. This does not rely on any prediction of the future.

There have been many hundreds of years since the first bowl judgment, and there could be hundreds more before the sixth and seventh bowls. But, even so, there are not many left. Prophecy is drawing to a close. We just don’t know how much time is left.

The biggest problem I have is that the seventh bowl sounds like the events surrounding the expected solar incursion and corresponding pole flip and change in earth’s axis of rotation. Rather than being a matter of numerology and black magic, this is a matter of (real!) scientific inquiry. And guess when the next most likely time for this to occur is? You guessed it: the middle of the 2030s.

There seems to be a growing consensus that the 2030s are to be a time of great spiritual significance, of possible catastrophic, apocalyptic, or eschatological significance. The general worldwide consensus, including disparate mystics, gives me pause. I don’t know what to make of it.

Though no man knows the day or hour, could it be that the practitioners of black magic and their demonic overseers know that the Parousia is coming soon? Jesus and his apostles gave the signs for a reason: so that you’d know it is coming and coming soon. You may not know it precisely, but know it generally you shall, by reading the signs. And the signs appear to be screaming loudly.

If you really think this is all nonsense, go read the description of the sixth and seventh bowls:


  1. Lastmod

    Jesus told us to “be ready” and that was it. Like the parable he said about the brides. No one knows the day or the hour. Only The father.

    I put little faith in numerology and other “arcane arts” that so many stand on, even in Christianity. I remember “christians” in the late 1990’s were convinced the year 2000, or 1999 (because Christ died in his 1999th week of his life evidently).

    “two will be in a field, and one will be gone”

    Even in the days of Noah, what God told him to build and make…..up to the last minute. People were still getting married, living life, sowing the fields……

    In The Book of James, he makes the case about “time” and “future plans” going on about “In a year, we will go here or there…conduct business” and he states “No. God WILLING, we will go here or there, conduct business”

    Like our own lives, we dont know what the future holds. So much can change in a day, or week, or month……time is a human invention. A useful one, true….but a human one.

    One should be prayed up. Free of sin, or have such sins confessed…..and to Trust. Believe. Taste and See.

    Nothing about being married. Having lots of sex before He returns, or “female nature” or Trump being president, or the “building ministry” at the church, nor youth pastor, or red kettles, or the feast of this or that Saint from 1120 AD being observed….nor painted icons (chanting to them) nor Sunday School, or “childrens church ”

    Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, believe his “good news” flee from sin and follow Him. As for prayer, he taught us how to pray in Matthew. He didnt speak about celebrating Dec 25 as His birthday. He didnt demand “chruch attendance” nor did he expect you to look at His Kingdom through a “red pill lense”


    Since His ascension to heaven, people have been predicting the end times. All of them have been wrong. All of them. These “soothsayers” and “prophets” never seem to apologize either when they are wrong. Another reason why people “dont like church / christians”

  2. professorGBFMtm

    Jesus told us to “be ready” and that was it. Like the parable he said about the brides. No one knows the day or the hour. Only The father.

    I put little faith in numerology and other “arcane arts” that so many stand on, even in Christianity. I remember “christians” in the late 1990’s were convinced the year 2000, or 1999 (because Christ died in his 1999th week of his life evidently).

    Yeah, that’s why i mainly listened to pre-1990s I.E. Pastor Oliver Green’s Gospel Hour (mainly they laid episodes from the mid-60s) Christian radio programs then.

    Nothing about being married. Having lots of sex before He returns, or “female nature” or Trump being president, or the “building ministry” at the church, nor youth pastor, or red kettles, or the feast of this or that Saint from 1120 AD being observed….nor painted icons (chanting to them) nor Sunday School, or “childrens church ”

    THIS not only signaled the death knell for the Church 25-35 years ago but in modern times, the ”redpill”osphere as it took down the Roissyosphere it was parasitizing and trolling too.

    That’s why Jack pretends MGTOW didn’t come out until 2014 when the whole Gamergate thing started around the summer of ’14 as he told you,MOD around ’22 or so ”According to my research a large group of MENZ didn’t start referring to themselves as MGTOW until 2014.”
    He should do more research and he’ll find out that most MENZ didn’t refer to themselves as ”redpillers” until 2018 or so once the ”redpill”osphere had already fallen years earlier.

    Just look at how many comments Dalrock posts were getting between the summer of 2012 and the summer of 2015 versus how many between the summer of 2016 and the summer of 2019-it’s a world of difference.

    It’s like SF in early-mid 2021 versus any other time there.

    Yet Jack will say” eb and flow brosz” yeah you easily go from 100-200 comment posts back to a handful of comment posts and then call that ”eb and flow brosz”?

    1. Lastmod

      I remember hearing MGTOW in 2006 and into 2007. Stardusk and company. Paul Elam tried to co-opt it saying “MRA is really MGTOW, same thing….and since I am published and speak for men, I’m in charge”

      That turned out well for him.

      red pill now is basically PUA, still bases everything on sex. Getting dates. Getting women-to-like-you and then telling you how “there are no good women left anywhere”

      Like most Christians, way behind the cultural curve of things. I was looking over some “bible study” stuff for early teens in the Salvation Army from 1987 once. It was talking about “latchkey” kids like it was a brand new thing and it was almost ten years on in the lexicon by that point.

      A co-worker of mine attends church at the Fuller Seminary here in Pasadena, and he’s talking about “social justice” and the danger it is to society, like its a brand new term or phrase and I’m like “where have you been for the past ten years?”

      You cant talk to people like this….let me rephrase that….you cant tell them anything. They know it all already.

      In the 1980’s Leonard Ravenhill, (who I admire…..but he’s just a man) made a statement to his small congregation at that time (Regan had won / was in office) and Christians were flocking to Washington DC en masse. Nonprofits, ministry, groups, advocacy groups…….PACS, lobbyists…….and Pastor Ravenhill said something like “All this talk of going-to-Washington and we have a Christian president now! Nonsense. These same people preaching this and talking like this. Their daughter is a lesbian, their son is weak in his faith, their finances and personal domestic lives are a mess, but we have to go to Washington right now!”

      Red Pill is a bandwagon. Taking every old thing, or not-so-old thing and rebranding it as “new and a breakthrough” and “mystic knowledge” or inventing another chart to “game” your wife or describe some newfangled “headship” model.

      Have your yes mean “yes” and your no mean “no” and the world would turn easier than it does now for sure.

      My boss (a woman) is a decent manager. She is pretty no nonsense (I dont know her outside of work). She is my age. She always says to me when I get off topic, or sidetracked on a work issue “Jay, bring me the baby, not the pain”.

      Again, I am hearing from RP sites, and Fox News that “GenZ” is “conservative” and the same thing was said about the Millennials and even my age group. The problem is (again) their guy gets in, and suddenly “everyone is a conservative” and I remember hearing that when W Bush was president. I recall saying at the time “Oh W Bush is conservative? So, is the budget balanced?”

      They are so stuck on being “right” rather than having a heart that is right and a mind that wants to strive for right. Its all slogans, and making out that they themselves are a “winner” because their guy won the presidency.

      This behaior is for middle school…..and by their own actions over the years. They mentally still are on so many levels. Shifting goalposts, changing rules. Cannot even for one seconds believe they coudld be “wrong” on something.

      They are perfect (according to them) and it puzzles me of why they need Jesus. They dont obviously, its just a “virtue signal” for the Right and a peeing standing up contest. They can have it.

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