Nothing Works Anymore

Feeriker — Does ANYTHING Work Anymore?
Just a generic overhead question, aimed far and wide at anyone who cares to answer. The “anything” is also generic and refers to institutions, people, relationships, technology, whatever. I’m pretty sure everyone knows that the question is rhetorical, as well as what my answer to it is.

Sorry, folks. It’s been a profoundly frustrating week for me on many levels. This is just a net that I’ve cast to see if anyone else shares this perspective to the extent that I do.

Carry on.

Citation: Feeriker, “Does ANYTHING Work Anymore?” To Reclaim Normality

The Death Cult

I’ve been writing about bureaucracy for years. I have an index of this in “The Decline of Society.” Indeed, in December, 2019, I wrote this:

Society Decline, Part 6 – Beyond Nature vs Nurture
If recovery or stagnation do not occur, as society declines and economic momentum wanes over the next century, a collapse of society and mass death—war, starvation, genocide, criminalization and execution, and disease and epidemic—become more likely. Darwinian selection will return and most people will die.

The point of this comment is that the institutions—all of them—are not there to help us, but that inherent evil that is bureaucracy will both passively and actively bring about death. The current path of society requires deaths, especially of the elderly. And what happened? A few months later a manufactured virus was released that almost completely targeted just the elderly and those who are subject to expensive ongoing medical treatments. Weird.

Who could have seen that coming? Oh, wait, I did.

And of course Canada has rapidly embraced murdering its own population, especially those who are subject to expensive ongoing medical treatments. Now in Canada you are an order of magnitude more likely to be killed by Canada than an average American is to be killed by a gun. That’s the part about “execution” above. Oh, they don’t call it execution but dress it up in pretty language and try to get people to ‘volunteer’ for it, but execution is precisely what it is.

I would say I saw that one coming too, except that euthanasia was already social policy prior to 2019. I saw it increasing in scope, but anyone could have seen that coming. Doesn’t take a genius.

Then you have the transgender movement, in which people mutilate their bodies and take drugs, the collective action of which increases their risk of suicide and reduces their lifespan.

And if you follow The Ethical Skeptic, you’ve seen the data on how cancer frequency started to rise since the introduction of something (not the virus), which shall not be named here. 😉

In any case, these deaths are meant to be a small, but meaningful, portion of the population. Not big enough to raise an alarm, but big enough to achieve the desired goals. Over the next hundred years, the numbers of deaths—like those of abortion (the all-time leading non-natural cause of death in humans: 2 billion deaths) already—will be staggeringly beyond comprehension, but nobody will care because it all happened slowly.

In a culture of death, decline becomes a virtue and increase becomes a sin. This inversion is typified in bureaucracy.


When I talk about bureaucracy, I’m talking about what others call the “Crisis of Competency.” Things—whether infrastructure, services, or the jobs that persons do—that once worked do not work as well as they once did. This is directly correlated with the rise in bureaucracy (I’ll leave causation as an exercise for the reader).

Although you can read my previous writings, the following are the most on point.

Society Decline, Part 4 – Bureacracy: A First-Order Evil
Intelligence, Education, and Covid, Part 1

Here I explain precisely the problem with falling IQ and the increase in bureaucracy:

Bureaucracy is leadership by command hierarchy, rule following, and functional specialization. This is workable—even rational—when it utilizes individual decision making by qualified decision makers. This is not practical with g decline—with most workers less intelligent than factory workers or farm laborers of 1900—due to the huge demand for, and decreased supply of, qualified decision makers. In its place is mindless red tape, blind adherence to rules, and automation (e.g. computerization) that explicitly rejects individualism. Decisions are made by compromise, agreement, group think, and uniformity, especially by utilizing committees.

The Modern Bureaucracy is full of leaders, but utterly lacks leadership. There is no accountability. In fact, accountability requires individualism, and the modern bureaucrat is a collectivist. Bureaucracy is to all of society’s major and minor institutions what peer review is to “science” (now known as “The Science”).

As Bruce Charlton notes in “Not Even Trying” and on his blog, since the 1950s, there has been a cultural revolution that has since completely captured our institutions. Unlike the conspiracies of the past and those of popular fiction, this is not being controlled by secret gatherings of a few powerful men. The conspiracies today are taking place out in the open for all to see, involving millions of people, yet are generally uncoordinated, as it is with scientific research:

Peer review (where it matters, where it makes a difference to policy and practice) simply is monopolization of all evaluation, reward or punishment processes by senior scientists; yet not as autonomous individuals but as components of a process which nobody-in-particular controls.

This is how, for example, the CDC could make recommendations, the State Health Department would be forced to simply follow the direction of the CDC, and the local school districts would merely be following orders. That’s how we got lockdowns and other mandates. Not a single person calling the shots, not a single person accountable, but if you didn’t follow the legally binding rules that nobody made, the cops might show up.

If you can’t explain why that is and how that happens, you might want to stop reading and think about that for a while.

When you see bureaucratization begin to happen (as it did on Sigma Frame with its censorship and its codified rules, maxims, corollaries, and axioms), then you know that it has been institutionally captured. It is lost.

Why Doesn’t Anything Work?

These are not new effects. As Charlton notes, this has been going on since at least the 1950s, if not earlier. So why is Feeriker only noticing it now?

It’s hard for me to say without details. For some, it just takes a personal interaction with an important bureaucracy, such as the family court. For others it is much more personal.

Let’s look at my example of Sigma Frame, where both Feeriker and I have spent time commenting. Both Sigma Frame and Dalrock shared something in common: coerced self-censorship. Dalrock, for example, would never deadname someone because doing so would have gotten him kicked off WordPress. He didn’t refuse to deadname because he thought doing so was bad, he did so because he was captured. Jack @ Sigma Frame censors these things all the time, because he’s been captured. He not only doesn’t resist, but he adds to it by actively censoring others.

When one builds an attachment towards things close to you, such as your family or an online community, you find it hard to accept that the things you love have been lost. This is self-delusion. It is completely understandable, but it is a form of self-enforced blinders nonetheless.

Many in the Manosphere are deeply religious. A great many have not yet come to accept that their denominations have been captured. This is true of many Roman Catholics, who do not yet realize that their religion has been lost. For myself, I was first forced to address this  when the Lancaster Mennonites split in 2018. That same year, I was forced to leave the United Methodist Church. It wouldn’t be until 2023 when the United Methodists would completely collapse, but I saw it coming and left. Consider how this is for a deeply religious person whose faith is inherently Anabaptist and yet holds to more inclusive ecumenical stances. When a denomination splits, it is like a divorce.

Many in the Manosphere have suffered the dual indignity: being divorced from their wife and being divorced from their chosen faith.

All of this is part and parcel of bureaucratic capture. Organized religion does not work anymore.

It’s not just religion. It’s everything: “institutions, people, relationships, technology, whatever.” Increasingly all that is left are small pockets of individuals that can be relied upon.

Get used to mediocrity.

How Bad Is It?

Let’s just run down a few examples of institutions that have been captured: all government agencies, mainstream and independent media, every major religion, virtually all forms of entertainment and the arts, every regulated industry or body that takes government money (including non-profits), your garbage collection service, public and private schools, anything to do with energy production and consumption, book publishers, social media platforms, internet service providers, and many, many others.

Feeriker could be dealing with any of these, or one of many alternatives. It is completely unavoidable.

Get used to mediocrity. And get used to all your friends—and probably you and I too—being captured.

I wish I had better news, but I’ve been discussing this for years and to the best of my knowledge nobody cares. People like institutional capture. They want more of it. Even extreme reactionaries like Sharkly—who absolutely hates modern culture with a passion that goes beyond reason—want more of it. Just listen to him talk about politics.

Oh, people certainly notice the problems, but they think it can be fixed by adding more bureaucracy, better forms of it that comport with whatever views they personally have. It never works.

Those you love, those sitting next to you, your spouses, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, and acquaintances. Are you going to abandon them? Correct all their errors? No you are not. You can’t fix this, even if you were not already subsumed by it.

Back when commenter Liz was here, she used to tell how much of a positive impact her husband had on his chunk of the world. He was a beacon of hope, and I loved reading those anecdotes. But his actions could ultimately not stem the tide of the bureaucratic beast. No matter how fantastic his actions were, no matter how many lives he impacted, he can’t “right the ship” because the problem with society is in the hearts of mankind, and only God can change those and even then only if people freely choose him.

It’s not your battle. Your battle is doing what you can to do what is right with what you have, like Liz’s husband. For the most part, it is beyond your ability to fix others or the systems that are failing around you.

Where Is The Hope?

Do things sound hopeless? Things were pretty bleak when Peter wrote the book of 1 Peter. Here is its clear thematic focus on suffering and holy living:

  • Suffering (1:6,11; 2:19-23; 3:14,17-18; 4:1,13,15-16,19; 5:1,9,10)
  • Trials (1:6)
  • Test (4:14)
  • Anxiety (5:7)
  • Submission (2:13-24,3:1-7)
  • Insults (2:23, 4:14)
  • Rejection (2:4,7)
  • Harm (3:13)
  • Fiery ordeal (4:14)
  • End (4:7).

Rather than have me exegete it, as your homework read the whole short book. See what Peter’s solution to suffering is. That’s the solution to the bureaucratic nightmare that we see now. And it’s full of hope. But is it the hope you are looking for? That’s a good question.

In other news, if Feeriker wants to come here and commiserate, he’s welcome. I just won’t be able to respond for a couple weeks while the blog is on hiatus.


  1. Lastmod

    With my team and managers I supervise, I am still training them to “pick up the phone in their repsected offices when it rings”

    *Oh, they’ll leave a message and I’ll call them back.
    *If its important they’ll call back
    *I’m in the middle of something
    *They should just send me an email

    No! It could be a tenant. It could be a vendor. It doesnt matter. It is so frustrating when people call, needing answer or information…..and there is no reply or they again have to wait.

    It could be a property emergency. It could be of my generation or older who want to “talk to a person” instead of going through another process. It is so frustration when you have to call a bank……phone tree and the line you finally get, no one picks up and the message tells you to “create an account on their online portal”

    I joke frequently that AT&T is a phone company that doesnt have a telephone number. How many times you call the DMV, with they number they provide. It rings and after three minutes “We’re sorry, our representatives are busy. Please try again later”

    Everyone keeps griping about how broken everything is, and businesses stress “customer service” and the most basic level of that service: when you call, no one feels like or wants to pick up the phone

    Yet they will tell you its a “top priority” of theirs.

    I was sitting in a managers office at a property, having a meeting with him. His phone rang, I sat back, waited. I made a motion as if to say “yes, please…go ahead, pick up the phone”

    He looks at me “thats just the custodial dept, I’ll call them later”

    I shook my head, reached over and answered the phone. He is shocked. The person from the custodial dept just found human excement in the dumpsetr area and needs a few custodians deployed in hazmat gear to clean up. Homeless had cut the gate to the dumpster area and were using it like a toilet. (this is a high end shopping plaza mind you)

    I dressed the manager down firmly. “You must pick up the phone. Custodians dont have your personal cell, they dont have the means to come up to your office to get through your admin. This is what a phone is for. We mitigate before our tenants find out or if they do, they see we’re already on it. We own this job and give good service interanlly and externally”

    He still felt the custodial dept could have just left a message.

    I said “The manager, you has to get fencing and gate reapirs immediately. Has to ensure the teams safety and give the teanats what they pay for. This is why everything in this fair State is falling apart. I expect you to pick up your phone unless you are not at your desk.”

  2. professorGBFMtm

    The Death Cult
    I’ve been writing about bureaucracy for years. I have an index of this in “The Decline of Society.” Indeed, in December, 2019, I wrote this:

    Society Decline, Part 6 – Beyond Nature vs Nurture
    If recovery or stagnation do not occur, as society declines and economic momentum wanes over the next century, a collapse of society and mass death—war, starvation, genocide, criminalization and execution, and disease and epidemic—become more likely. Darwinian selection will return and most people will die.
    The point of this comment is that the institutions—all of them—are not there to help us, but that inherent evil that is bureaucracy will both passively and actively bring about death. The current path of society requires deaths, especially of the elderly. And what happened? A few months later a manufactured virus was released that almost completely targeted just the elderly and those who are subject to expensive ongoing medical treatments. Weird.

    Who could have seen that coming? Oh, wait, I did.

    And of course Canada has rapidly embraced murdering its own population, especially those who are subject to expensive ongoing medical treatments. Now in Canada you are an order of magnitude more likely to be killed by Canada than an average American is to be killed by a gun. That’s the part about “execution” above. Oh, they don’t call it execution but dress it up in pretty language and try to get people to ‘volunteer’ for it, but execution is precisely what it is.

    I would say I saw that one coming too, except that euthanasia was already social policy prior to 2019. I saw it increasing in scope, but anyone could have seen that coming. Doesn’t take a genius.”

    YEP!-Sometimes it just takes an admitted p@on tarded dude that’s also an honorary Saint{blessed and canionized by ”red pill” soccer dad(he’s in it for the ”good-feels”,hi-fives & ”dats what I’m talking about’s” from fellow supposed ”geniuses” like ”sparkly”) Pope ”jack” even!!!} to tell it like it is!!!

    Saint thedeti says:
    12 July, 2024 at 2:26 pm
    “Died suddenly”

    On my FB feed is a photo of someone a few degrees removed from me who “died suddenly”. A young man, around 30 years old, accomplished, in good shape. Just… died. No reason stated in his obit. Just… died.

    The last time we had the “died suddenly” epidemic was AIDS in the 1980s and early 90s. Everyone was just assuming when people in their 30s and 40s started getting sick and dying, they died of AIDS. “The gay cancer”, they called it before they really knew what it was.

    Now? When someone young dies, especially a young man in excellent physical condition, and no cause is stated, I’m starting to assume it was a Covid vaccine-caused heart condition. ”

    1. Lastmod

      And we all know that every man in the manosphere never, never got the vaccination. They didnt trust it from day one, and they knew Covid wasnt real and people were deluded by “blue pill feminist thinking” (rolls eyes).

      Despite Trump fast tracking it, despite him even encouraging people to get it. Not overtly, but many times in speeches and press questioning, he did tell people they should get it.

      And if you did get it, you were dumb and you deserve everything that happens to you!

      1. Derek L. Ramsey

        The ultraconservative baptist (I repeat myself) church I went to realized what the vaccination was actually about early on, and acted accordingly. They also didn’t close their doors when the government demanded it.

        This is an example of what I was talking about at the end of “A Decree to Rebuild“:

        “this is an excellent example of how one does not have to have a genius level IQ to arrive at the correct answer. One doesn’t even have to have a rational or correct argument to arrive at the correct answer!”

        [They] possessed the correct assumptions (or axioms).

        There is more than one way to get the correct answer. The approach I use here on this blog is not the only one. It’s why you don’t have to be like me.

        The people I have generally been hardest on—e.g. BtM, Sharkly, Deti, Jack, RPA, Info, and Malcolm Reynolds—are the people who confidently say things that are wrong and should know better. I never expect them to be like me, nor use my methods. This is why I don’t generally criticize Feeriker, Gunner Q, Lastmod, Deep Strength, or Archangel, even though I may disagree (at times) as much as the others above.

        Yeah, that’s probably ad hominem… or maybe just editorial licence.

        1. Lastmod

          I am just astounded at all the “non conformance” now to the pandemic. No one evidently got the vaccination. Have met so many people who tell me so. Never have I seen so many people who “knew it was fake from day one”

          I just roll my eyes and think “I dont recall LA or Fresno en mass out in the streets, thousand upon thousand protesting the lockdowns, the jab, and Fauci, or PElosi, or the government on this”

          Yes, there were some. Some churches. You had that occasional doctor raising a voice or concern. You had some politicians making some noise……but it just seems…seems….that now, in summer 2024, everyone was against this, knew it was fake. The virus did kill people. Usually the elderly and those with a weakened immune system or some other complication. It may not have been the sole cause…..but it was enough to push that person to the other side.

          Has the vaccine worked? We’ll never know. What we do know is this:

          Billions and billions have been spent on trying to find a cure for HIV since the 1980s. Worldwide. No cure yet. Sure, so much vast progress has been made. And yes, being HIV positive is no longer a death sentence and has not been for well over fifteen years.

          Even more has been spent on trying to cure the common cold. People do die every year from the flu. Usually old people or people with a weak immune system. No cure yet for this.

          But with this most recent virus???? We had a cure in the matter of weeks from a “novel / new” virus. THAT raises an eyebrow and a few people should be in jail.

          Not just Fauci. The big shots from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna….others need to be brought in to Congresses’and Parliaments’ around the world. It will never happen. Not even if Trump wins.

          1. Derek L. Ramsey

            I am just astounded at all the “non conformance” now to the pandemic. No one evidently got the vaccination. Have met so many people who tell me so. Never have I seen so many people who “knew it was fake from day one”

            I follow a Twitter account @politicalmath and he predicted a couple years ago that this very thing would occur.

            As for me, I knew from day one that I was not going to get an mRNA vaccine. After doing research, I got a single dose of the J&J viral vector vaccine, because the way those vaccines work is quite a bit different (and properly tested). And that’s it. I even had to “lay down the law” at home against the mRNA vaccine, something I rarely have to do.

            In the early days, before masks were mandated, I mentioned how stupid cloth masks were. I wrote a lot about that topic on Twitter.

            “Has the vaccine worked? We’ll never know.”

            Depends what you mean by “worked.”
            It’s always a bit more complicated than a simple black-and-white explanations.

            I know from the statistics that in aggregate it did not work. Indeed, the effect of the mass vaccination campaign was net negative. That doesn’t mean that the vaccine didn’t have any positive effect on certain individuals, especially those who were most at-risk.

            “a few people should be in jail”

            But it’s never going to happen.

          2. Lastmod

            I was heading to England for a month in June 2022. I was going to get the jab, so I could enter the UK. Then, in February that year. The requirements for it were dropped.

            Around that same time, I had my yearly physical, and and bloodwork done.

            Doc says to me while looking over my file on his tablet “So, tell me….when did you have Covid?”

            “I didn’t” I said.

            “Hmmm, you have. Your bloodwork shows that you have. I also see you have not had the vaccine. Think for me. Are you sure you didnt have Covid?”

            Al I could rememeber was during the summer of 2021 for about three days….I had a blasting, splitting headache behind my eyes. I thought it was stress related or a lack of caffeine . I do remember going to bed early, being very tired when I came home from work. But no shortness of breath, and I am a cigarette smoker. No temperature. No sweats, or chills.

            Doc says “Yeah, you had it. Mild case. If you want the vaccine, just go downstairs. If not, I will not push you to get it. ”

            My employer didnt care if you got the vaccine or not. IF you did not have the vaccine, you were to wear a Nu95 mask at work, and change three to four times a day, and you had to wear gloves at work, and change every few hours. I complied with that. I was not allowed to go to group meetings but had to do them from my office.

            I was ready to get it….like I said…..but when resriictions were dropped and then slowly loosened up after in most places…..I decided against it. I didnt think anyone was “stupid” or “dumb” for getting it. Nor did I brag how “smart” I was either.

          3. Derek L. Ramsey


            To be clear, I was always in a “wait and see” approach, not based on militant dogmatic disapproval. So even though I was never going to take an experimental treatment, I did advise an older family member that it would be okay to get it (I judged the risk/reward to be worth it due to the unique circumstances). It wasn’t until later that my “wait and see” approach proved justified by the data.


          4. Lastmod

            I am an armchair prepper. No I dont have the bunker and enough ammo to take on the “government” for years like all these other guys do.

            No, I wasnt a sniper in the military (everyone who served was either a sniper or ‘specail ops’ now but we somehow still lost in Iraq and Afgan…..)

            I have just prepared for a basic three month lowdown, and had been like this for year. Probably enough for bit more. Who knows.

            Anyway, when the virus hit and everyone was rushing to the stores fighting over toilet paper and Spam at Walmart, Target and Costco. I was at home having a cup of tea. I had Nu95 masks. I didnt have to leave. Work paid us for that first uncertainty and I didnt have report to the Office for almost two weeks. Then we were told to show up. Fresno County Sheriff issued our company “road passes” to drive if we had to.

            At the time…..I either thought it would be a burn out….some danger. Be safe. Wait and see….or it would quickly become The Stand by Stephen King. After a month and I noticed the people who did indeed die were the elderly and those who did have already compromised health…..severe diabetes, COPD, liver disease of some sort……and I didnt see the vast swath of “normal” or “average” people with okay / decent health and no children dying en masse…I know we would get through this.

          5. professorGBFMtm

            ”Sparkly” today knows who’s going to win in the end!

            Sharkly says:
            2024-07-13 at 3:10 am
            Satan does not have only one single false set of beliefs that he wants you to believe. His way, leading to destruction, is quite broad and anyone can find it. It has been said that Satan doesn’t care what you believe, so long as it is not the truth. Satan is OK with you believing in anything but the truth of God. The truth is one narrow way. There is only one true reality, one true set of facts.

            The church is a flagrant harlot cheating on her betrothed, with the prince of this world, and lying to everyone about it. Whore-worship is her ideal, that’s what she most wants you to believe in. But, as long as she keeps you from discovering the truth, she has accomplished her mission of hiding her immoral ways and hiding the truth that she is supposed to be living by.

            Satan first tripped up Adam by getting his woman to tempt him to submit to and serve her desire instead of God’s. And that is Satan’s easiest scheme to operate. It is quite natural for men to submit to women and fall into gyneolatry. And so that is why it is the churches favored strategy of turning you away from God’s will for you to be exercising dominion over your domain in the image of God.

            You’ve no doubt heard of all the “servant leadership” crap talk at churches. And by “servant leader” they are usually meaning you serving your wife’s whims, not them serving the men of the church. That is an intentional satanic inversion of patriarchy and intended to steal the man’s rulership over his wife.

            Well, with the Red Pill truth going mainstream and permeating the world, the church is naturally going to want a shot at perverting that truth. And so, they pretend that they too are interested in “godly masculinity” (Betaherb with a beard) stuff. Their formerly cleanshaven loafer-wearing preacher now has a hipster beard and boots on. Oh, how masculine! But they’re still peddling the same old beta-male life of serving your wife’s whims. The churches are still betaherb-male factories even as they now mention powerlifting and pickup trucks as they teach you how to become enslaved and controlled by your wife’s sexual denial and rationing of affection. Don’t let their affectations of manliness fool you, their goal is still to make an easily controlled non-republican tradcon p@ssy-beggar out of you. They don’t care if you’re ‘roided out, so long as you still submit to your wife like a good boy.

            The churchian purple pill is just a satanic ploy to distract men and to snatch the truth, “the good seed”, away from those who have heard it. Ignore the great whore. We’re making progress and getting the message out on the worldwide information web. They’re followers. And not of Christ, but of the world. So, if we teach our message to the whole world, the church will eventually have to deal with it. Whereas they are our trolls. The church and certain others are our detractors. We just need to ignore their whining, about how we’re not “nice”, and keep on winning by planting the good seeds of father-rule and female depravity all over the world. God’s Spirit is on our side.

            Dealing with the churchian Feminist trolls similar to our own troll selves who are churchian ”redpill”- painted tradcon republican trolls, is largely a waste of time. They hateth you, they hateth your beliefs, they hateth that you are not beholden to women, their goddesses like my own Bettie Page 1950s pin-up queen S &M goddess worshipping self, like they are. They don’t want to know the truth of the tradcon republican troll ”red pill”, they only want to waylay you by throwing endless lies and betaian and herbian bullish!t arguments at you.

            Stand upright as ye do hand sodomy to ye nether regions, speak thy thoughts of S&M 1950s-stlyeth pinup queen goddess worshipping, declare the truth thou hast, that all may share; be bold, proclaim it everywhere: They only live who dare to do neo-tradconic approved sodomy. ~ Voltaire

          6. Lastmod

            And the final thing. The news was making the hospitals were like Tokyo or Berlin in 1945. Piles of bodies. No help. Chaos!

            In March 2020, I had two very large kidney stones removed at Kaiser (my health plan) at their large medical center in Fresno. The largest hospital in the great interior California valley.

            I came to emergency. Not empty but half full. Yes, we were in masks. Yes, it was an ER, busy. I waited only 20 minutes. Given a painkiller. Sent to MRI 30 minutes later. Two hours after that I was being put under to remove the kidney stones. Awake. They kept me overnight. Had my own room. Discharged in the morning. It was hardly like a prime time drama like ER or Chicago Hope. This was at the time when the panic was starting to reach fever pitch.

            After that, I knew we would be okay. Not writing off the many who did die from this. Not at all. But you come home to Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC they were making out to be the end of the world is here…”and Trump isnt doing nuthin’ about it”

          7. Derek L. Ramsey

            The published public health statistics, like the number of beds occupied, told us early on that we were being lied to about SARS-COV2. The data did not fit the official narrative. And it never did. The NYC data is especially egregious, but I won’t get into that now.

            This is also why my baptist church was not easily deceived: the nurses in the congregation knew better.

          8. Malcolm Reynolds

            > This is also why my baptist church was not easily deceived: the nurses in the congregation knew better.

            The baptist church I attended back then did go full narrative including abandoning Sunday services for months. Congregation was mostly bureaucrats (including health insurance sector and related occupations). I left and never looked back.

          9. professorGBFMtm

            Speaking of ABC & so-called ”traditional MEN” like the f@olz who claim to be ”red pill leaders” who have and will happily sell out MOSES, JESUS & their other fathers of ancient western civilization for IOIS from lesbians & their flavor of rs & ds is this:

            Robin Roberts is opening up about being “afraid” at one point to come out publicly due to her religion.

            The media personality admitted on a recent episode of Jamie Kern Lima’s podcast that while her Good Morning America colleagues were aware of her sexuality prior to coming out publicly in 2013, she still feared public acknowledgment could negatively impact the ABC show.

            “It’s not the Robin Roberts Show, it’s Good Morning America, and there are so many people whose livelihoods depend on the success of our show,” she said. “And so, if I do something that hurts the show, that hurts them.”


            Read More

            Roberts explained that she “wasn’t trying to hide” her sexuality ”like most ”redpiller” and tradcon ”men” do” or ”wife” Amber Laign, noting she “would walk down the street with Amber and if somebody saw us, I would introduce her.” But she wasn’t necessarily ready to “fully” come out at the time.

            The GMA co-host added that her hesitations to come out publicly also derived from being a Christian.

            “I was afraid,” she said. “People, they think you can’t be gay and a Christian, and I am. I am. I was so fearful that I would be shunned.”

            However, when she received “a beautiful BUT highly queer and blue pilled letter” from the National Office of the Presbyterian Church after coming out, Roberts admitted she was surprised at how “fully supportive” they were ”like most ”redpilled” ”MEN” are as they wink at me for IOIS,I will add”.

            “I think about all those years I wasted, worried — needless worry,” she explained. “And we all are guilty of this. Think about all these things that we worry about that never come to fruition as most ”redpillers” just want a friendly but ”sanctified” by ”red pill” pope ”jack” handjob from either sex, IOIS(also from either sex), or a feel-good ”dats what I’m talking about”. And we just spend all of this energy on that.

            “But also, I had to believe this was right on time,” Roberts continued. “This was the time in my life that was right. It felt good. And I can’t even imagine now people not knowing everything about me. And you know what’s so freeing about it also? It’s like, ‘Bring it on. You know everything about me. And I have nothing to hide.’ And to still be embraced, I am blessed and highly favored. And I’m so grateful.”

            Roberts and Laign tied the knot in September 2023 following an 18-year relationship that made”redpillers” say d@mn that be ”sanctified!!!-like pope ”jack” says”.

          10. professorGBFMtm

            This about the ”twicked”by society” shooter is why the sphere attracts the feds and their infiltrator male h8ters fedpillers to begin with. As stated here:

            ”leader’, hung and not hung at the same time somehow- like a p@rn star’, ‘Lonely’ and ‘quiet”

            Former classmates and ”followers” of the suspected ”leader” shooter described him to ABC News as a student-”leader” who was “quiet” when he wasn’t being a ”loudmouth chump leader” and did not have many friends nor ”followers” even though he claimed ”I BE BIG AS A ”REDPILL” POPE JIM JONES Y’ALL IN MY ”LEADERSHIP” SKILLZ AND FOLLOWING BROZ!”

            “He was somebody who came across as lonely as well as non-big d@nged I might add, a lot,” said Jameson Myers, who said he attended both elementary and high school with the suspect.

            Myers said that Crooks “tended to be more of an interesting one” and described him as “more socially reserved” and someone who “didn’t have a ton of friends as he was a well-known simping chump ”leader” blue-pilled painted ”red goddess butt worshipper.” But he said he never heard Crooks discuss politics or, specifically, Donald Trump, but only ”lawlessness and ”sanctified” fornication brah.”

            “I was friends with him- he never acted, like, by any means a political revolutionary,” Myers said, noting he was a fan of “Star Wars”,” matrix”, saying ”red pill” and “was a very nice beta boy herb who was oft ”twicked” by churches, parents, governments and wh@res” as he said even though ”he was a self-proclaimed ”genius”, even sweet guy from what I knew.”

            Myers and another student said that Crooks tried to join the high school’s rifle team but was rejected and asked not to return after a “preseason” session.

            “He didn’t just didn’t make the team, he was asked not to come back because of how bad of a shot he was BUT he kept bragging he was a ”genius” but really just a sh!t poster,l!@r and hung like a porn star even though in e-mails he would say it didn’t matter if it was true or not, it was considered like, dangerous, saying ”redpill” like in the matrix films,” said Myers.

            Another member of the team, who asked not to be named, told ABC News that there was a view that Crooks “wasn’t really fit for the rifle team or posting or commenting in the Roissyosphere as he sux big time brah.”

            “He also shot terrible as well as at writing ”brilliant” as he claimed comments and posts,” the team member added.

          11. Malcolm Reynolds

            > The media personality admitted on a recent episode of Jamie Kern Lima’s podcast that while her Good Morning America colleagues were aware of her sexuality prior to coming out publicly in 2013, she still feared public acknowledgment could negatively impact the ABC show.

            The RP is a global phenomenon that started with Millennials. However the people watching “Good Morning America” are mostly Baby Boomers if my estimation of the genre from the title is correct. Consequently I never heard of this “media personality”.

            > “I was afraid,” she said. “People, they think you can’t be gay and a Christian, and I am. I am. I was so fearful that I would be shunned.”

            I recently attended a sermon of pastor of the locally most mainstream church denomination (with membership in the tens of millions). He not only mentioned gay marriage being okay, but that he is actually doing just another gay wedding service himself. The congregation didn’t seem to be upset.

            So that view of “being a Christian” seems to be pretty America-specific as well.It is as if they have their own definition of literally everything: How to measure lengths, weights and temperatures, paper formats, which calendar week is the first of the year, how to transmit TV, who Jesus is, when the Earth was created and the exact time-space coordinates of ancient Israel.

        2. professorGBFMtm

          Has anyone heard Reince Priebus said on the ABC boring and bland political Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos(but usually ”other ”boring and bland hosts”) that the shooting yesterday or more specifically Trump shaking his fist will be remembered 300 years from now? Or that ”division” is very profitable right now!?”

          He is just as delusional as those at SF who claim people will read and canonize old boring and pretty useless posts in his own day Dalrock a thousand years from now or where they had supposed ”rows” or read ”long wordy screeds at that barely a Roissy/MANosphere site!

          1. Lastmod

            That image I will conceed is one that will define this year, for sure.

            What George Stephanopoulos doesntr understand and will never understand is that the division we’re seeing right now he has helepd cause, along with his former boss Bill Clinton (who FIRED him btw, no one ever talks about that) and others.

            Division is only “bad” when the opponent does it. When he does it, it of course is “justified”

  3. Derek L. Ramsey

    “So why is Feeriker only noticing it now? [..] Many in the Manosphere have suffered the dual indignity: being divorced from their wife and being divorced from their chosen faith.”

    This is why I encourage folk to read 1 Peter. It is, by far, my most common book recommendation.

    This complete convergence with the world is part of God’s plan, his punishment. This is why I cite Ed Hurst from Radix Fidem:

    Peter tells us what to do.

    1. Malcolm Reynolds

      I can’t really make the connection between the US government and “Western Civilization” (capital W and C).

      Where I live Western civilization is considered being built on the legacy of the Roman Empire and outlived it by about one and half millennia. It will surely outlive a US government, which hasn’t existed in its current expression before 1860.

      The hubris is big in these guys. Their “apocalypse” is the Americas having another time of political instability with assassination attempts on presidential candidates, or a civil war or two. Western civilization as a whole is not really affected by that.

      1. Derek L. Ramsey


        “I can’t really make the connection between the US government and “Western Civilization” (capital W and C).”

        It astounds me how Western Civilization could produce a nearly unified and universally coordinated response to SARS-CoV-2—that went against all previously published plans—and then you’d say something like this. How can anyone see this lockstep political unity and fail to see that there is a corresponding lockstep cultural unity?

        The differences you have noted (such as which celebrities are celebrities in each locale) are irrelevant distractions. The point isn’t that there are not differences, but that those differences are not essential to politics or culture. Or as I pointed out, this is mistaking the PR for the real thing.


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