Constructive Criticism, Part 3

This is part of a series. See part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, and part 6. Note: links will go live upon publication.

After I wrote “Sigma Frame Abandons the Patriarchy,” Jack responded with two comments on his own blog. In “Constructive Criticism, Part 2,” I responded to his tips for improving my writing. Now I’m going to read (for the first time) and respond his comment responding to my original article. Let’s see if it is constructive criticism.

Jack @ Sigma Frame
Boundaries : Self-Control vs Drawing the Line

I read Derek’s post again. It appears as though he’s updated it to be more clear because it makes more sense now.

I routinely edit my posts for clarity and to correct errors. As noted in Part 2, I understand that I make many errors and so I do my best to subject my ideas to critical examination. This is absolutely required to avoid self-righteousness.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

Derek is making the following errors and omissions in his reasoning.

Alright. We’re going to see if Jack can substantiate that claim.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(1) He fails to address the core idea covered in the above post, which is how a man is supposed to accurately read a woman he is interested in to know her level of attraction and how virtuous she is.

First, let’s get one thing out of the way quickly. Whether or not I provide a solution to the chosen topic of the post has no bearing at all on my criticisms of the claims being made within that post. None of my points are dependent on me providing answers to how a man is supposed to vet a woman (as if, by assumption, there actually were some universal rules that could accomplish this goal). For example…

One of the axioms of the Manosphere is,

“She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

…the truth or fiction of this axiom cannot be altered by providing an alternative. It is wrong all on its own merits.

Jack’s objection is known as deflection. It also exposes his philosophical utilitarianism,[1] which he has never acknowledged.[2]

Second, the topic of the post was boundaries and virtue in relationships. The part I was responding to was entitled “The Necessity of Pushing the Boundaries.” My response directly pertained to alleged necessity of pushing boundaries and the virtuousness of doing so. In short, I showed that pushing boundaries was not a necessary part of a Christian Patriarchal vetting process, and that pushing those boundaries was the opposite of virtuous.

I could not have been more on-topic if I had tried.

Third, as I noted, it is a flat contradiction for a man to reject virtuous behavior in an attempt to provide answers on how virtuous a woman is. This “axiom” is self-refuting.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(2) Quoted text is taken out of context and is misleading.

Sheesh! The quote I provided was massive enough. What do you want me to do, quote the whole article?

Well, here is the text I originally quoted:

One of the axioms of the Manosphere is,

“She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

Why is this important?

For a man, this is a confirmation that a woman trusts him, submits to him, and is under his domain of authority.

OTOH, if a woman does NOT care to kiss or have her breast grabbed on the first date, it does not necessarily indicate a lack of attraction. She may be a modest and chaste woman who is wisely drawing a boundary, biding her time, and doing her own vetting for a husband.  Just because this type of woman is rare does NOT mean they don’t exist.

But as Sir Red Pill Apostle said, a man has to press those boundaries in order to know her reaction.

Now, guess what happens when we include the full context represented by that ellipsis?

But truth be told, this approach does not work for women.  A single woman cannot break the rules for a man, even only one man, and expect that to play out well.

A woman who breaks the rules because she is sexually attracted to a man is a woman who believes sexual attraction HAS to be ACTED upon.  But for women, Chastity does not work that way. Sexual Purity does not work that way.

We all want a spouse to remain faithful, so it doesn’t work for a man to teach or tempt a woman to relax her boundaries “just for him”.  Besides, Men have no way of knowing whether it’s “just for him” or “just for the man she’s with at the time”.

A girl who kisses a man simply because he bought her a coffee or who does not mind if he grabs her breast may be very sexually attracted to him and therefore submissive to him in their relationship. But she is NOT a chaste woman. She does NOT have boundaries.

These days, a lot of women are demanding much more than a coffee date before they put out, but it’s still the same ritual only with a higher admission fee.

That’s the context. And guess what? I mostly agree with all of this. It’s almost a summary of my post. If Jack had stopped his post there, we would have concluded that the axiom was wrong. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation. But, this is followed immediately by the following:

OTOH, if a woman does NOT care to kiss or have her breast grabbed on the first date, it does not necessarily indicate a lack of attraction. She may be a modest and chaste woman who is wisely drawing a boundary, biding her time, and doing her own vetting for a husband.  Just because this type of woman is rare does NOT mean they don’t exist.

But as Sir Red Pill Apostle said, a man has to press those boundaries in order to know her reaction.

In politics, politicians often engage in double-speak. For example, they might claim to be pro-life at one rally, and then support pro-abortion policies at another rally. When questioned, they can just say that the believe whatever the person questioning wants them to believe while, correctly, noting that they expressed that viewpoint. Nevermind that they also expressed the opposing viewpoint. That’s what’s going on here.

So, after explaining why pushing a woman’s boundaries won’t work, he goes out of is way to explain why those boundaries have to be pressed anyway and why it will work on certain rare modest and chaste women. I presume this is why pressing the boundaries is still a good idea?

To prove this is no fluke, he goes on to emphasize this point:

If a man does NOT press her, then a boundary cannot manifest and the relationship may not develop properly along those lines.

While I do not think it is right for a woman to expect a man to be a eunuch and NOT push for some kind of physical intimacy, OTOH, I do think if the girl refuses, a man needs to at least check whether it is because she is NOT attracted to him or because she is NOT someone who takes physical intimacy lightly.

This is why I think communication is key, and I don’t mean just verbal conversation.

That’s the context. And if you don’t like the ellipses, stop complaining and go read the original.

So, without pushing the man pushing the physical boundaries, the boundary cannot manifest in this context. For a girl to refuse his physical advances in this context and for a man to have to make subsequent additional checks in this context, the man must have pushed physical boundaries in this context. This is about pushing boundaries through non-verbal “communication” (e.g. having “her breast grabbed on the first date”) in this context.

Does this context help Jack’s situation? Not at all.

Would anything I wrote or concluded have had to change if I had quoted the entire article for context? No it wouldn’t have.

Does this context invalidate what I said? Jack doesn’t say how that might be. Maybe he will show below how I took things out of context. We’ll see. (Update: unfortunately, after finishing reading his comment, he did not)

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(3) He fails to recognize the contrasting contextual nuances between modern society and a patriarchal community (which is largely theoretical to most readers).

No, I don’t. I understand full well the contextual differences, which is why I do not work towards bringing about patriarchy. Patriarchy is an incompatible anachronism. It’s impossible to have patriarchy, so wishing it existed (let alone actively working towards it) is the height of futility. But, let’s set that aside for sake of argument.

The key motivational difference here is that I don’t think Patriarchy is Christian. The vast majority of what the Manosphere sees as proper Patriarchy is pagan in origin. So nothing I suggest involves bringing back the patriarchy or any social framework upon which it was built. Even if I were able to propose and enact an environment compatible with patriarchy, I still wouldn’t advocate for patriarchy because it isn’t Christian.

Bruce G. Charlton

Many orthodox mainstream Christians are theologically (if not in practice) de facto Moslems, IMO – especially current trad Catholics, and Calvinists; and “manosphere” type Christians.

Since Islam answers their apparently deep and primary demands wrt mens’ relationships with women – I honestly find it increasingly hard to understand why manosphere-Christians persist with their weirdly distorted and unconvincing version of Christianity; rather than simply becoming purely-monotheistic (and coherent) Moslems. Islam is ready made for them – and designed explicitly to be the basis of theocratic nations.

My critiques of the proponents of patriarchy are centered around how their ideas and actions in modern society are, by their very nature, mutually incompatible with the future establishment of any patriarchal community. If they wanted to replace the current modern social systems and replace (or supplement) them with a patriarchal community, they’d have to first stop doing what they are advocating.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(4) He is assuming that the larger society is or should be Christian or patriarchal. (The larger secular society is NOT Christian or patriarchal. Christian communities should be patriarchal, but few are.)

As above, this is not my assumption. This is Jack’s false assumption about my assumption.

Had he asked me about it on my blog, I would have quickly explained my assumptions to him. This would have eliminated the need for him to get this wrong on his blog and thus to replicate and compound that error by making all his readers think he was correct. Now the only way to fix it would be to post another retraction (see “Habitually Being Wrong“).

In any case, I’m well aware that he thinks Christian communities should be patriarchal. This is precisely why the non-virtuous approach to establishing boundaries by, paradoxically, trying to violate those boundaries, stands against establishing patriarchy. It’s self-refuting.

Am I the only one who finds this observation to be completely obvious?

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(5) He’s assuming that single women live under the authority of their fathers when most do not.

Now, this is a very, very important point. Please, if you do nothing else, spend some time thinking about this.

If you want a woman to accept that she should be under the authority of a man (including her father), then you do immeasurable damage by not insisting that she be under the authority of her father before she is rightly your own in matrimony. This means you don’t attempt to cross physical boundaries or any other boundary that is the divine right of her father whether she or her father acknowledge the divine mandate or not. Acknowledging and indulging her (supposed) rebellion to male authority undermines the very foundation of patriarchal authority that you are trying to establish in your life (or your Christian community).

It is simply this:

“Rules for thee, but not for me.”

That’s the hypocrisy. It’s a functional abandonment of “Christian” Patriarchy. A true patriarchal man would demand that she place herself under her father’s authority before he even accept a date from her. If she was under her father’s authority—as scripture allegedly universally mandates—then this would go a long way towards eliminating any need to test her physical boundaries.

If you don’t think that it is necessary for her to be under her father’s authority, then you don’t think father rule is essential. You don’t believe in patriarchy.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(6) He’s assuming that these same women who do not submit to the authority of their fathers are above scrutiny, and that their moral rectitude is not to be questioned or tested, and that it is shameful for men to do so.

This makes no logical sense.

He seems to be drawing false conclusions that are based on his false assumptions about my assumptions. This is why he should have just asked me what I believe if he didn’t understand, because his objections are increasingly only applicable to strawmen.

Let’s make this clear. I reject the following claims:

Axiom #1: “She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

Axiom #2: “A man has to press those boundaries in order to know her reaction.”

Axiom #3: “If a man does NOT press her, then a boundary cannot manifest”

Jack’s objection here involves me agreeing to one or more of these axioms, but since I don’t, the conclusion that women are above scrutiny does not logically follow from anything I’ve argued. I don’t believe that anyone is above scrutiny. Simple as that.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

He doesn’t offer an alternate method.

Irrelevant and fallacious (I repeat myself). It is a sorry attempt at deflection, but serves as a second good example of Jack’s unacknowledged philosophical utilitarianism.[3]

But let’s assume Jack’s frame for sake of argument, so I can make a critical point.

Let’s say you demand that any woman have placed herself under their father’s authority before you’ll have anything to do with them. Will you ever get even a single date?

If not, then doesn’t that prove to you—without needing to test boundaries—that no virtuous girls exist (for any virtuous girl would put herself under her father’s authority if you asked)? If she won’t put herself under her father’s rule at your request, then she most certainly won’t put herself under your authority for any legitimate reason at your request, as you have no rightful claim to her unless and until you marry her (which, patriarchy claims, should involve her father anyway). If she does put herself under your sole authority, but not her father’s, then that only proves what she really thinks about your authority. Enjoy your future divorce, am I right?

If you can’t find any women who will place themselves under their father’s rule, but still think that virtuous women exist among those women, then patriarchy isn’t quite as essential to being a virtuous woman as you think. Similarly, if you waive the requirement for her to be under her father’s rule, then you don’t view father rule as all that essential after all. Don’t be surprised when she ultimately reveals that she doesn’t respect you.

But what if, by some miracle, you do get a date from a woman who submits to her father’s rule. Doesn’t that prove that testing those physical boundaries was not, in fact, necessary to manifest boundaries?

A man can, right now, demand that his date be under the authority of her father. He can open with that demand before he ever goes on a first date, long before any boundaries have to be set, and he can do it any time after that before he is married. It is 100% within his power, authority, and responsibility to respect the woman’s father’s rights under God’s own mandate. He doesn’t need anyone’s permission—not the woman’s, not the church’s, nor the State’s—to do so. He doesn’t even need to be part of an established patriarchal community. All he has to do is meaningfully believe that patriarchy was established by God and act upon it. And if she refuses to comply, he ends the relationship. But, if he doesn’t find this necessary, then he doesn’t find patriarchy to be essential, as nothing is preventing him from doing so. In fact, this is so easy to do, that every blog that promotes Christian patriarchy should be leading with this “test.” It’s quite telling that they don’t. It is almost… hypocritical.

Something to think about. Maybe Jack can use this as the subject of a future post.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(7) He’s expecting men to act like they’re living in a patriarchal society when they’re not, and calls these men hypocrites if they do not.

Citation? A little context would be nice.

I call men hypocrites when they believe two mutually contradictory things simultaneously.

For example, it is hypocrisy when a man claims to believe in patriarchal principles but then chooses not to implement them when he has the free choice to do so.

For example, if someone claims that men should have their own domains of authority and then he intrudes on another man’s domain of authority or questions his ultimate authority to do as he decides, that’s self-refuting hypocrisy.

(Keep in mind that I don’t actually personally care if someone intrudes on my domain, I’m just going to respond in-kind. My concern is that the person isn’t being true to their own convictions, and in doing so undermines the foundation of patriarchy.)

But, in Dalrock’s case, it’s actually worse than either of those. He took a man’s most sacred patriarchal right—the right to make a woman his—and suggested that society publicly shame him for his choice by publicly shaming his choice of bride. Neither Dalrock, nor his hordes of supporters, excepting Boxer, saw any problem with this, even though it betrayed the fundamental principles of patriarchy.

The hordes had no problem with hypocrisy, just as long as it only disadvantaged women (and, presumably, men) they didn’t like.

Oh, and Dalrock’s hypocritical anti-patriarchal suggestion was intended for the church community, not society at large.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(8) He is assuming that the secular SMP/MMP will magically transform into a Christian or patriarchal one…

Uh, no. This is not even close.

As I said above, modern patriarchy is an impossible historical anachronism. There is no way to incrementally—or magically—transform the secular into a patriarchy. Only a bloody revolution could possibly do that, and that’s just not going to happen. And, even if it did, it still wouldn’t involve people in the Manosphere anyway.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

…if only men would step up and stop being lazy hypocrites. It’s the old “blame it on men” card.

My objection gets to the heart of personal integrity. If anything it is a kind of “Man-Up” argument, not the “Blame it on Men” meme (see this thread). To wit:


“Man up” is what you would expect a patriarchal man to do if all authority and responsibility was, in fact, his.

I’m not blaming the promoters of patriarchy for their problems, I’m simply observing that when given the chances to actually take the authority and responsibility that they explicitly promote, they choose not to do it. It’s not like women (or secular society) are forcing them to do it, they are choosing this on their own. It’s an unforced error.

If you think that patriarchal principles are important, you can’t engage in personal actions that are at odds with patriarchal principles. This is not a difficult concept.

There is a reason that axiom #1…

“She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

…gives the game away. Manosphere men are only concerned with the authority of Manosphere man and could care less about the authority of the woman’s father. That’s what this selfish axiom[4] actually says: just for you. Of Axiom #1, I had said…

Derek L. Ramsey
For another man to demand that such an unmarried woman submit to him—to break the rules for him and him alone—he must usurp the authority of her father without marrying her.

…and I maintain that the Manosphere man usurping the woman’s father’s divine right is by design. I really don’t think Jack slipped up and worded it that way by mistake. That really is the axiom of the manosphere, as honestly stated as it ever has been stated. Axiom #1 is aptly named: it is all about “Number One.”

“Manosphere-Christians persist with their weirdly distorted and unconvincing version of Christianity” — Bruce Charlton

Distorted, indeed!

At the very least the axiom is a tacit acknowledgment that a father’s right over his daughters is not a universally applicable divine mandate, or else every man would be obligated to respect it even if the woman didn’t. By his own words and deeds, Jack isn’t interested in restoring women’s fathers’ authority. As long as the woman respects the man’s authority, that’s all that matters. As Lastmod has long noted, patriarchy isn’t the point at all: successfully bedding a woman and keeping it going indefinitely is. That’s all this is.

Patriarchy is just the smoke screen. Nobody actually cares about patriarchy. If they did, they’d act like it. Rather, they only care that they have power over the women in their life, their “sphere of authority.” That’s not patriarchy, its megalomania.

All the examples I gave are examples where men had expressed their embrace of patriarchy and then later chose to oppose it when they had the actual freedom to choose the patriarchal option. The option they all—Jack, Dalrock, Sharkly, Deti—ultimately chose (instead of patriarchy) was trying to gain, retain, or exercise power.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

(I agree that this could happen if there was a critical mass of men who did this, but we’re not there yet. If Derek is referring to a specific community that operates differently and in the way he describes, then he would be much more self-aware and considerate to his readers by mentioning this. He might even attract a following of men who desire to build such a community.)

I’m not referring to a specific community, nor am I interested in trying to establish one.

My thesis is that the Manosphere’s modern reconception of Christian patriarchy is neither Christian nor patriarchy. It doesn’t get more concisely stated than that.

And, since Jack really likes numbered Axioms and Corollaries, here is:

Corollary #1: “Christian Patriarchy” in the manosphere is nothing more than a desire for men—the true number one—to get sex whenever they demand it.

Everything else is window dressing.

Jack @ Sigma Frame

He’s also trolling Dalrock, Deti, Jack, Sharkly, and others, as he’s done many times before.

Statements like this are useless, nonconstructive ad hominem. It’s a shame Jack resorted to this nonsense rather than address my points.

We’ve now reached the end of his comment, and there isn’t anything constructive for me to work with. Unfortunately, Jack never did cite whatever it is I might have taken out of context. Well, if he changes his mind and his standard-operating-procedure, maybe he’ll post the missing context here.

Let’s summarize what we’ve discussed. The Manosphere Axiom…

“She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

…is not merely an approach that does not work with women. If that were the only criticism, I’d have much less to say. But rather, it is inherently anti-patriarchal because it implicitly rejects a woman’s father’s authority. It is fundamentally selfish[4] and utilitarian, revealing the underlying megalomaniacal focus of the Manosphere. If Manosphere men truly thought that patriarchal principles were important, they wouldn’t engage in personal actions that are at odds with those patriarchal principles.

This is not a difficult concept.

I’ll conclude with a quote from a comment I made in response to Jack about the effeminacy of the Manosphere and how this is anti-patriarchal:

Comment by Derek L. Ramsey
“You have said that men talking about their problems with women is effeminate, but it is better than avoiding the topic or remaining silent, which is more effeminate.”

Men talking about women is effeminate, because it is highly characteristic of women. What greater criteria for effeminacy could you want?

This isn’t a man dealing with his personal family situation, a man talking about himself. It is the manosphere concerning itself with women (and men) outside their patriarchal domain (or ministers ministering outside the patriarchal domain of those ministered to). This is undeniably feminine behavior.

It is not hard to discuss these topics without talking about women specifically.

On this blog, I discuss ideas, which is why ad hominems are absent. When I discuss people specifically, it is usually other men. This makes people very unhappy! Apparently, others think it would be better if I spent more time talking about women instead of “hurting” men.

Jack declined to comment.[5]


[1] The axiom is concerned only with the utility it provides the man, irrespective of any first- or second-order effects it might have on anyone else. Jack’s statement that I failed to address the core idea—how a man is supposed to accurately read a woman—exposes his utilitarianism, because my comments do not provide, in his opinion, sufficient utility to men.

[2] I have written about how the Red Pill movement is utilitarian in “The Red Pill is Utilitarian,” “The Disadvantage of Authority,” and “On Suffering.” I’ve noted that utilitarianism is tightly coupled to philosophical leftism in “Positivist Leftism,” “The Political Spectrum is Lefist,” and “Where Do Leftists Get Their Ideas.” I tied these concepts together in “Positivism” where I noted that Sigma Frame is positivist (and so also leftist and utilitarian).

Jack gave just two responses. In the first, he described his goal as the alleviation of suffering, which describes secular utilitarianism precisely. In the second, he failed to acknowledge his utilitarianism.

[3] I believe that truth has merit all on its own. No further utility is required to justify it. The best ideas are not determined by their greater utility over the ideas they replace.

[4] After I wrote this article, I saw the following comment:

Today, a man “going his own way” is a survival necessity. He must put himself first. If he doesn’t, he’s dead. Men simply don’t have a choice now but to be ruthlessly selfish and self interested.

[5] Which is why things never improve in the Manosphere. Its false ideas can’t meaningfully be challenged and overturned. After I wrote “Hypergamy is a Myth,” which destroys the common Manosphere belief in “female hypergamy” and the 80/20 principle, it gained no traction at all. Jack is still citing hypergamy, as he did in a recent article.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Jack @ Sigma Frame

    …if only men would step up and stop being lazy hypocrites. It’s the old “blame it on men” card.

    My objection gets to the heart of personal integrity. If anything it is a kind of “Man-Up” argument, not the “Blame it on Men” meme (see this thread). To wit:


    “Man up” is what you would expect a patriarchal man to do if all authority and responsibility was, in fact, his.

    I’m not blaming the promoters of patriarchy for their problems, I’m simply observing that when given the chances to actually take the authority and responsibility that they explicitly promote, they choose not to do it. It’s not like women are forcing them to do it, they are choosing this on their own. It’s an unforced error.

    If you think that patriarchal principles are important, you can’t engage in personal actions that are at odds with patriarchal principles. This is not a difficult concept.

    There is a reason that axiom #1…

    “She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

    …gives the game away. Manosphere men are only concerned with the authority of Manosphere man and could care less about the authority of the woman’s father. That’s what this selfish axiom[4] actually says: just for you. Of Axiom #1, I had said…

    Derek L. Ramsey

    For another man to demand that such an unmarried woman submit to him—to break the rules for him and him alone—he must usurp the authority of her father without marrying her.

    …and I maintain that the Manosphere man usurping the woman’s father’s divine right is by design. I really don’t think Jack slipped up and worded it that way by mistake. That really is the axiom of the manosphere, as honestly stated as it ever has been stated. Axiom #1 is aptly named: it is all about “Number One.”

    At the very least the axiom is a tacit acknowledgment that a father’s right over his daughters is not a universally applicable divine mandate, or else every man would be obligated to respect it even if the woman didn’t. By his own words and deeds, Jack isn’t interested in restoring women’s fathers’ authority. As long as the woman respects the man’s authority, that’s all that matters. As Lastmod has long noted, patriarchy isn’t the point at all: successfully bedding a woman and keeping it going indefinitely is. That’s all this is.

    Patriarchy is just the smoke screen. Nobody actually cares about patriarchy. If they did, they’d act like it. Rather, they only care that they have power of the woman in their life. That’s not patriarchy, its megalomania.

    YEAH, THAT and this about the ”Manosphere’s” other sacred but queer as WE will see cow(especially to Scott and Sparkly who endlessly debated in p!ssing contests on ”the right approach” to it).

    The Queerness of Bodybuilding

    ‘In many ways the bodybuilder’s body seems to have transcended the boundaries of masculine and feminine and escaped the cultural confines of gender’ – Niall Richardson.

    In The Queer Activity of Extreme Male Bodybuilding, Richardson explores the subversive nature of the bodies of male bodybuilders, defining queer ‘as something that describes mismatches or incoherencies between sex, gender and sexuality.’ He argues that the queerness derives from the mere suggestion of strength, when in fact competitive bodybuilding is not about what the bodies can do, but how they look. In media and publications, Richardson suggests, bodybuilding is often disguised as powerlifting. He points out that this ‘phallic strength’ portrayed in pictures of bodybuilders is only an ‘illusion.’ He also identifies “pumping up” at the gym as a queer sexual experience.

    ‘Extreme male bodybuilding destabilises the performative gender binary,’ valued and in fact necessary to patriarchal culture, ‘which equates femininity with passivity and objectification of the body while masculinity is synonymous with activity and the body as a vehicle for the display of power.’ The bodies of bodybuilders are often considered unsettling to look upon – a repulsion, according to Richardson, that ‘may stem from the way the bodybuilder’s body simultaneously affirms both masculine and feminine characteristics.’

    I would like to briefly analyse what Richardson does not: the subversive queerness of female bodybuilding. Within the patriarchy, the female’s purpose is to be an object of visual pleasure for males. No female body, I argue, is subjected to male scrutiny and contempt as much as the bodybuilder’s. The excessive muscle and the illusion of strength and power signify a masculine body; a body which is deemed unattractive to the heterosexual patriarchy. I argue that the female aversion to the bodies of female bodybuilders is a result of the male gaze being internalised. According to feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey, women look at themselves through the eyes of men. They assume the male spectator role and objectify the other women upon whom they look. Because of the androgynous nature of both male and female bodybuilders, it can be argued that the gaze is undermined. Neither body fits neatly into what is culturally considered masculine or feminine, and can therefore be said to lie in between the binary, or altogether outside of it.

    When in history did men concern themselves so much with how their bodies looked?

    Only g@y/effiminate Men have ever cared that much about the look of male bodies !

    In the latest post at SF( Coauthored with Jack.)

    Oscar wrote,

    “If you keep telling men that they have agency in their lives, the hope thieves will accuse you of making Boomer bootstrap speeches.”

    Bardelys the Magnificent wrote,

    “…the bootstraps speech, no matter who is giving it, is not a one-size-fits-all. Most modern men are not a pep talk away from making it. Sad, but true. I have sympathy for these men, and try to help them, even if it’s just an internet “I got you, fam”.”


    The following video from David Huberman is a good one to watch in light of BtM and Oscar mentioning Boomers and Bootstraps a few times.

    Trending: There is Something David Goggins Knows Nobody Else Does, Andrew Huberman (Experiments Reveal) (2023/8/8) Length: 6:55

    About his subject, Huberman says,

    “… [David Goggins] was living in New York and hitting the usual g@y spots, including the Stonewall Inn, Hell’s Kitchen, the West Village, and Williamsburg and Park Slope.
    and I said, “Wait a second… Where are you?”

    He said, “New York & loving all the usual g@y spots while queerly hit and run bodybuilding while ”pumping up”(like all my boys on the down low don’t know what that means).”

    And I said, “It’s 3:30 in the morning!”

    And he goes, “Yeah, I’m going ”bodybuilding” with other ”men” of course…”

    Then Huberman has a life-altering epiphany.

    …and I realized at that point, I was like, “Okay, you know there it is … it’s undisputable … you know this guy lives the persona that he projects into the world.”

    “…whatever it is that David has figured out how to do, it clearly involves taking whatever adrenaline pulse he feels and understanding something fundamental to biology, which is that that adrenaline response was designed to move us, NOT to keep us stationary. He uses Behavior as the way to shift sensation, perception, feelings,queer lusts and thoughts. He understands how to run that program in the right direction, whereas most people, when they don’t like what they feel, they start negotiating sensation in ”pumping up”, which will never work. They start trying to control their perception, which is hard. They’re like, “I’m not going to think about that” or “I’ll think about it differently.” It’s very hard to control the mind with the mind. He knows that’s a tough one. Yeah, feelings. Lord knows what those are and how to control them. I mean, we’ll eventually figure that out as a field; but thoughts are complicated, so he just goes immediately into action.”

    At 6:28, Huberman says,

    “…when it comes to wanting to shift the way that you function to get better or to perform better or to show up better or to move away from things like addictive behaviors, it’s absolutely foolish for any of us, me included, to think that we can do that by changing our thoughts first. It’s behavior first, and then thoughts, feelings, queer lusts, and perceptions follow.”

    So-called ”Patriarchal” ”MEN” living the g@y queer dream in search of women?

    And they wonder why Derek said

    ”Let’s summarize what we’ve discussed. The Manosphere Axiom…

    “She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.”

    …is not merely an approach that does not work with women. If that were the only criticism, I’d have much less to say. But rather, it is inherently anti-patriarchal because it implicitly rejects a woman’s father’s authority. It is fundamentally selfish[4] and utilitarian, revealing the underlying megalomaniacal focus of the Manosphere. If Manosphere men truly thought that patriarchal principles were important, they wouldn’t engage in personal actions that are at odds with those patriarchal principles.

    This is not a difficult concept.”

    What the so-called ”Patriarchal” ”MEN” in the manosphere won’t tell you is they got the ”“She must be willing to break the rules but just for you.” axiom from themselves who break Patriarchal rules for women & rich queer bums like new U.S. Treasurer Scott Bessent and Apple CEO Tim Cook, all the time while crying”Feminists destroyed Patriarchy” when it was actually double minded chicken$#itted but lawless ”Patriarchal” ”MEN” like themselves who made unprincipled exceptions /”rule-breaking” for rich queer ”men” and ”women” and then a while later crying ”Feminists destroyed Patriarchy” when the real feminism was the double-minded chicken$#itted but lawless ”Patriarchy” that is still alive but ever failing i.e. NOT ”doing well” in the ”manosphere”!

  2. Lastmod

    On bootstraps and blame

    I’ve heard a billion variations of this “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” speech since I was a kid going back to the Carter Administration.

    Does it work? No. Yes. Maybe.

    It works when in the end you do understand that there is NO ONE who is going to help you. Not family, not friends. Not how cool you think you are. In the end, your problems are indeed yours, and yours alone.

    I came to this in 2008. Despite being clean. Despite ‘holing it together’ and at times it was “breadline and less” of holding it together. After the death of my mother, I trudged back to California. My dad at the time was convinced it would be the “last time he saw me” and he believed “he will go back to Fresno, and die”

    There was nothing he could offer me. We were ships that had long cut the moors and were off in different directions. He was my father. A good man. But, I was my mothers son. Also, I had moved away in 1994. We were blood related, but that was about it. Aside for genetics, we really had nothing at that point.

    Back in California, I mourned deeply over my mother by what was not said over the decades. What should have been said. What could have been said. What I should have done. Tears no one could dry for me.

    My job at 711 was keeping my hair freshly barbered, my clothing clean, the lights on and my rent barely paid. I was “bootstrapping” and the only reason why it was working at that point was the fact I was raised with a very deep / cultural son-of-immigrants work ethic / keeping up appearances. I stayed sober and clean for the fact that I did promise my mother when I last saw her in 2008 before she died that “I would stay clean and sober” and I had broken so many promises in my life. I decided that for once, I would keep one. No matter how hard. Probably a result of the “bootstrapping” efforts I was doing.

    The boots were strapped. Nothing else was going up or being repaired in reality.

    Things still were slowly getting better with this mindset. My debts were being repaid. My debt was dropping. Slowly, but still dropping. It was still a dead end.

    It was at this point that I did take my meager savings and hire a “career counselor” to figure out how to get a better job and get out of all of this.

    He basically told me “You blew it. Career wrecked from IBM days. Spotty resume. You need to stay with this current job for another three to four years…no matter how much you hate it. Employers want to see consistancy at your age (late 30’s at the time) and proof that you can hold down a job for longer than a few months or a year”

    Bootstraps again.

    You all know, things did slowly…..slowly…get better with full time work as a janitor with the Salvation Army (okay, lousy job but I did have healthcare now, including dental / vision and I did get paid sick days and had vacation time)

    I think this “bootstraps” speech has nothing to do with “Jesus” nor does it have anything to do with The American Dream “work hard, dont get a girl pregnant in high school and graduate high school and you will have a great life” nonsense.

    I know in the end, this “bootstrap” thing is cliche. Like love, like Game, like other over abused words and phrases that just “lose” their actual meaning over time because they are so over used. Their effectiveness loses its power or zeal. Perhaps in a time when things were just better in some areas (yes, in 1960….you could land a decent job at the local plant with Union benefits from just finishing HS and getting your silly “Honorable Discharge” for your military service. It was a different time. Sure, it perhaps was easier in some regards).

    What our leaders today and cultural pundits DON’T understand is that everyone isnt going to be rich. The world has always needed its “ditch-diggers”

    They forget not everyone has “equal” intelligence, physical looks, or even opportunities and potentials. Everyone does not have “equal” inheritances to property or possible family wealth or resources. Many dont have “equal” supportive family structures.

    Its not wrong to say this. Nor is it an “excuse” to give up. Its a fact. The arrogance of many still believing that if you just work hard, get a STEM degree, go to the gym you will have lots of opportunities in life…..and an EQUAL chance is bunk.

    The problem lies in the end. When a man does “bootstrapping” and it isnt working or he fails……the usal peanut gallery. The infamous “they” will put their noses up at you and tell you “you did it wrong” without any considerations on what you started with.

    Many great stories out there of people who did indeed bootstrap, even today…..and the reason why they dont give “glory to god” and become “real man” Christians is the fact

    The Real Man “christians” told them that they couldnt do it. The last thing a man wants to hear when he is indeed in the midst of that…or doing it wrong….and then after all the work is done, and the tools put away…..

    The outright gall to tell him “you owe God for what you overcame”

    The arrogance and nerve of men like this. They cant have ANYONE achieve anything in life.

    Most of it stems I believe from a jealousy that they themselves would NOT be able to do it if they were in that situation.

  3. Pingback: Constructive Criticism, Part 4 - Derek L. Ramsey

  4. Pingback: Constructive Criticism, Part 6 - Derek L. Ramsey

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