Feeriker On Fraud Among Christians

I’m a semi-regular reader of Feeriker’s blog. His family and work situation is interesting, and he often asks for prayer. I also sometimes read his comments at other places (when I happen to notice his name pop up in my RSS feed). Well, Feeriker tends to write mostly well-measured responses, although I disagree with much of it at times. Here is an example of one of his comments that is well-measured, but incorrect.

Why I Am Red Pill
This is intentional misrepresentation of material facts and inducement of reliance. This is fraud. It’s fraud in the inducement. It’s conspiracy. It’s definitely a basis for civil lawsuits and borders on criminal conduct.

Not only are there legal grounds for action, there are also, IMO, Scriptural grounds as well. Although we as Christians are enjoined from suing each other in Caesar’s courts, one could very legitimately argue that anyone who would knowingly attempt such acts of deception and fraud upon a fellow member of their congregation is not, as demonstrated by their actions, a brother or sister in Christ and is thus of the World.

Simply put, this opinion of what is permissible is contradicted by the words of Jesus himself. And, frankly, I find it difficult to believe that Feeriker does not know this.

Feeriker is correct that Christians are forbidden from suing fellow believers in court. But, that’s because they must follow a different process in dealing with disputes. In Matthew 18:15-35, Jesus was very explicit in how one should deal with the wayward actions of a fellow member of the congregation. Indeed, Jesus makes very clear at what stage in the process that we are permitted to consider that they are no longer a brother or sister in Christ. That conclusion may not be drawn until the proper time and under the proper authority. This is Feeriker’s error: too soon and under the wrong authority.

The first step is always to approach the person privately and attempt to resolve the conflict directly.

This step cannot be skipped! If you jump straight to the later steps—you have disobeyed Jesus himself. You may not simply reject a fellow member of the congregation on the basis of their actions alone. You may not condemn him for his sin, nor accuse him of being Satan’s ally, nor accuse him of worshiping women (ahem…).

The second step takes place after the first step fails. It only takes place if the first step has been attempted and failed. You must find at least two or three witnesses who can attest to the sin—establishing the charge—and then privately confront the fellow believer.

Regardless of their response, you still may not reject them as a fellow member of the congregation based on their actions, nor condemn them for their sin. Rather, you must proceed to the next step.

The third step is for you and your witnesses to bring your case to the whole congregation. This is semi-public in that it is directed at a public body in a private way (whenever possible). It is a kind of trial, and most churches do not air them publicly and only allow members of the church to participate, even if the accusations and documentation is made public to all participants (and possibly non-participants).

In any case, the congregation will formally—as one body—confront the sinner with their sin and call them to repentance and a resolution of the conflict.

If the person refuses repentance—and only then—is that person no longer considered to be a brother or sister in Christ. Notably, this removal from the brotherhood isn’t directly based on your response to the original sin. Rather, it is based on the authority and action of the congregation. They are no longer a brother or sister because they were excommunicated by the authority of the church for their sin, not (merely) because they sinned. This is why Feeriker’s stance is non-biblical, for his stated reason for rejecting a brother as a brother is not the reason scripture mandates: it’s not based on a decision of the church after the process of church discipline was completed.

It is after excommunication—and only then—where the prohibition on suing no longer applies. Having been ejected from the congregation by the congregation, they are no longer your brother or sister, and therefore are not subject to the prohibitions on lawsuits against fellow believers.

Or to put this similarly, the first “lawsuit” is completely within the congregation. The sole judgment of that process is to determine whether or not the person is to be a repentant Christian or an unrepentant unbeliever. Only if the first process rules that the person is an unrepentant unbeliever—and thus not a Christian—may it be permissible to consider proceeding to a second lawsuit: suing them in secular court.

But, Jesus followed his teaching on this topic by insisting that Christians should more-or-less offer unlimited forgiveness. Jesus did not qualify the scope of that forgiveness, using the language of hyperbole:

Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Despite a brother or sister sinning against you time and time again, your forgiveness is offered again and again. Thus is forgiveness always an option. One may choose to forgive the sin debt that is owed them and skip the entire process of church discipline or a secular lawsuit.

Then Jesus tells a Parable. In the Parable, the king’s slave does not have the money to pay off a debt, and begs for more time to pay. Rather than grant this, the king forgives the debt:

That is why the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his slaves. And when he began to settle them, one slave was brought to him who owed him 10,000 talents. But because he did not have the means to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. Therefore, the slave fell at his feet and bowed down before him, saying, ‘Lord, have patience with me and I will pay you everything.’ And the lord of that slave, being moved with compassion, released him and forgave him the debt.

But the servant was not deserving of forgiveness:

But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves, who owed him 100 denarii, and he laid hold on him, and seizing him, began to choke him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe.’ So his fellow slave fell down and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ But he was unwilling, and went and threw him into prison until he paid what was due.

When the king found out about this injustice, he was enraged:

Then having called him in, his lord said to him, ‘You wicked slave, I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, just as I had mercy on you?’ And his lord was enraged and handed him over to the torturers until he paid back all that was owed.

Now consider if a brother sins against you, and you forgive him without going through church discipline process to reject him as your brother. Would you presume that the purpose of this parable is that if he sins against you again, he is no longer worthy of forgiveness? Or if he refuses to repent the second time, is the purpose of this parable to give you justification for holding him to account this time around?

We find the answer in the words of Jesus:

So my heavenly Father will also do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.

Did you catch that? Your failure to forgive your brother for their sin against you is held against you, not because they did or did not sincerely repent, but because you also were forgiven a great debt and failed to extend that to your brother.

In the parable, the forgiveness was unmerited. Though the first slave offered to pay the debt eventually, the master had canceled the debt instead. The slave had done nothing to warrant forgiveness.

What makes you deserving of forgiveness for your own debts is not even your repentance, but the mercy and gratitude you show God by also forgiving your brother.

Like the Good Samaritan, the essence of these parables is not what others are doing in relation to you, but what you are doing in relation to others. You must be another’s neighbor by showing mercy to them, whether or not they show mercy to you. The mercy you show is not conditional on anything they say or do. Similarly, you must show forgiveness to others, whether or not they deserve it. The forgiveness you show is not conditional on anything they say or do. The mercy and forgiveness you show is based on the mercy and forgiveness that you have received from God, completely without merit.

So think long and hard before you send your brother through the process of church discipline to have him removed as your brother. It is the option of last resort, and it permissible—if there is zero willingness for them to reconcile, sincere or otherwise—but never required. You have a choice. Consider, instead, unmerited forgiveness, just as your Heavenly Father has granted unmerited forgiveness to you. Discern what is most appropriate.

In any case, this…

…one could very legitimately argue that anyone who would knowingly attempt such acts of deception and fraud upon a fellow member of their congregation is not, as demonstrated by their actions, a brother or sister in Christ and is thus of the World.

…is wrong. Unless your brother has explicitly declared that they are no longer your brother or you have tried and failed the complete process of church discipline with them (and chosen not to forgive them), then there is no legitimate argument that they are not your brother anymore. That is not your choice to make if you intend to remain a member of the congregation. Only your brother or the congregation can make that choice.

In short, your brother is your brother until one of two things happens: he declares himself to no longer be a follower of Christ (and thus subject to the congregation) or he is excommunicated by the congregation. Neither of those things involve you personally making conclusions about his status based on his sinful behavior. Furthermore, the prohibition on lawsuits against your brothers and sisters remains.

There are other issues to consider that do not apply to meatspace conflicts between a man and his ex. Consider “Correcting Sin in the Church.”

Here the first step could not be fully accomplished due to anonymity. The man who sinned did so publicly and kept himself from the possibility of private correction by his own choice. Thus the first step involved public, rather than private, confrontation.

This having failed, the second step commenced. Multiple witnesses (at least five, including myself) bore witness against him. Every requirement was fulfilled except the privacy requirement (which was implicitly waived due to the man’s explicit adherence to strict anonymity).

This having failed, the next step was for the congregation to weigh in. But the “Christian” forum in which this took place refused to fulfill its obligations by hearing the case. Moreover, in refusing to condemn the sin while keeping the original article up uncorrected in an act of unrepentance, it became an accomplice to the sin and placed itself outside the realm of church discipline.

What is one to do when all attempts at church discipline have failed and the “congregation” refuses to perform its duty?

This is, in my opinion, where Feeriker’s suggestion has validity:

…one could very legitimately argue that anyone who would knowingly attempt such acts of deception and fraud upon a fellow member of their congregation is not, as demonstrated by their actions, a brother or sister in Christ and is thus of the World.

The blog where this took place purported to be a part of the body of Christ, yet knowingly abetted acts of sin and refused to obey Jesus’ commands regarding church discipline. As demonstrated by their actions—the failure to act as the body of Christ must—the blog (and, by extension, its owner) are demonstrated to have rejected membership in the body of Christ. If the assembly of believers refuses to assemble as is its duty, it cannot rightly be called an assembly. Thus, there existed no congregation for which to engage in the process of church discipline. Along with the man who committed the sin, none can rightly be considered to be members of the body of Christ any longer.

All that could have been done to enact church discipline was done. The final act is de-facto excommunication. No other outcome is possible or permissible.

In the conflict resolution proceed, there is always an obligation to a private—if possible—confrontation, followed by a private—if possible—confrontation with two or three witnesses. But it is not always possible to identify a sinner with a specific congregation. In such cases, there can be no obligation to bring the case to a congregation that does not exist. Instead, the witnesses themselves must serve in the role of the congregation. This is one reason why it was good that five witnesses attested to the man’s sin, rather than merely two or three.

Of note, excommunication is not mutually exclusive with forgiveness, as excommunication is not a punishment for sin. A lawsuit would be an attempt to collect on a sin debt and would directly contradict the forgiveness of the sin debt. It’s not possible to forgive a debt at the same time you are trying to collect on it. But excommunication is not a judgment for sin, rather, it is a removal of sin from the congregation. The penalty for sin remains in God’s hands.

Let’s now consider a case where Feeriker’s suggestion…

…one could very legitimately argue that anyone who would knowingly attempt such acts of deception and fraud upon a fellow member of their congregation is not, as demonstrated by their actions, a brother or sister in Christ and is thus of the World.

…was implemented as-is.

A while back I claimed that Sharkly’s argument was a case of circular reasoning. I’ve since (re)demonstrated on multiple occasions that I was correct. I brought Sharkly’s claim before witnesses, both publicly on my blog and offline, and received no condemnation. The feedback I’ve received only confirmed my original assessment.

By contrast, Sharkly followed Feeriker’s procedure and jumped straight to judgment. He accused me of sin, slandered me with accusations of idolatry and being a servant of Satan, and denied me brotherhood, declaring me to be an enemy of the Word of God, all based (allegedly) on my actions. All based on his own authority.

Sharkly did not contact me privately to confront me about the issue. I have received a number of private emails from Sharkly, but did not receive one where he confronted me on this issue. If he had, I may have gathered two or three witnesses and confronted him on his error.

Sharkly never brought any witnesses against me, not even one, let alone the two or three required by Christ and the Law.

Subsequently, after I confronted him about not following the procedure that Jesus demanded he follow, Sharkly demanded that I face judgment before my church—that’s the third step of the processes—specifically asking for the contact information for the elders. He thus declared his active intent to publicly make accusation against me before the church without first establishing the case with the testimony of two or three witnesses (and, as he admitted to me, he had no intention of submitting to their authority)

The bible has established standards for the bringing of charges, as summarized here:

The Hebrew Bible contains a number of prohibitions against false witness, lying, spreading false reports, etc. For a person who had a charge brought against them and were brought before a religious prosecution, the charge was considered as established only on the evidence of two or three sworn witnesses.

To admit a charge against someone before the congregation without first establishing it on the basis of the testimony of sufficient witnesses is injustice. It is truly wicked.

Exodus 20:16

Do not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Exodus 23:1-3

You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.

Isaiah 29:20-21

For the ruthless person will be brought to nothing, and the scoffer will cease, and all those who watch for an opportunity to do evil will be cut off—those who by a word make a person out to be an offender and lay a snare for the one who arbitrates at the city gate, and who deprive the innocent of justice by false testimony.

The fruit of Feeriker’s suggestion is injustice.

It must be injustice. Any time you go to judgment without first establishing it on the testimony of witnesses and then prevailing on your charge in the assembly of the congregation, you have engaged in injustice. It doesn’t matter how righteous you think your claims are. To wit:

comment by thedeti

The church does not correct, discipline, or excommunicate women who will not live by Christian sexual morality, because doing so is considered mean spirited, nasty, and misogynist. Women are permitted to do and say anything they want with impunity.

Meanwhile, the church harshly repudiates and demonizes men merely for expressing sexual interest in women and for expressing disinterest in unattractive, overweight, promiscuous, or mentally ill women.

Women’s poor character is indulged and deified; while men’s normal and natural conduct and character are discouraged and excoriated.

Gee. I wonder why men don’t like church.

It is massively ironic that a de-facto excommunicated man—who refused to accept church discipline and speaks whatever he wants with impunity—is complaining about the refusal of the church to correct, discipline, or excommunicate on the same forum that refused to correct, discipline, or excommunicate him, but instead has repeatedly indulged his poor conduct and character.

Gee. I wonder why men don’t like church.

I guarantee you that Deti does not recognize the authority of the apostate churches to refuse to correct, discipline, and excommunicate women for those things. But I’m quite sure he’s fine with the refusal of the church to discipline him, as he’s never made any objection to the failure of the church to call him to task under church discipline, nor has he chosen to submit or repent.

This is a double standard.

I also guarantee you that Deti believes that his judgment of those women is 100% correct and 0% slander. Furthermore, he believes that his individual judgment supersedes the opinion of the apostate churches that have opted not to make the same claims. In other words, he considers his own authority to be superior to that of the congregation, because his individual authority reflects the commands of Christ, and the congregation’s does not. Yet, in the case of church discipline, he has not submitted to the will of the witnesses who actually obediently reflected the command of Christ by bringing the accusation of sin against him.

This is a double standard.

And, by biblical standards, it is also injustice:

Matthew 7:3-5

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Deti sees the double standards in the apostate church, but he does not see those same double standards in himself.

In case you think the implementation of church discipline and excommunication wasn’t valid and that the removal from the body of Christ was an abrogation of justice, consider this statement made only yesterday:

comment by Deti
I’ve told Mrs. deti point blank that if she ever takes sides against me and for someone else in public, I’ll divorce her.

Does this sound familiar?

Matthew 19:3

And some Pharisees came to him, testing him, and saying, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?

Like Deti, the Pharisees of the school of Hillel believed that a man could divorce his wife for any reason. All that was required was for a wife’s husband to be displeased with her in some way. But here is what Jesus—who disagreed—taught, in his own words:

Matthew 19:4-9

And he answered and said, “Have you not read that in the beginning the Creator made them male and female? And he said,

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together no human is to separate.”

They said to him, “Why then did Moses command to give her a certificate of divorce and send her away?”

He said to them, “Moses, in view of the hardness of your hearts, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been this way. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”

“What God has joined together, no man is to separate.” Deti opposes the very words of Christ. As it appears so also do some familiar names:

If Surfdumb or Feeriker ever comment here again, we should try to remember to ask them about their apparent support of Deti’s apostasy… and his blasphemy:

comment by Deti

If God gets to say “thou shalt have no other gods before Me”, I get to say “thou shalt have no other persons before me.”


    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      I find the whole thread (starting here) to display the irony and hypocrisy that I expressed in the OP. There is much complaining about the body of Christ being largely unwilling to enact proper church discipline, but no one there is willing to challenge Deti on his sin and refusal to repent. It’s almost comically absurd.

      None of the other objections seem to matter much when the essential premise is so deeply flawed.

      It’s so bad, that I’d bet that anyone reading this who doesn’t think I’m a villain will think that I’m brave for “poking the bear” as it were, as if I’ve somehow picked a fight. And that’s basically my point. Everyone in the church—from the churches that refuse to discipline to the people complaining about it—is afraid to challenge the important people when they sin. Deti, like women in the church, are protected persons. They are immune to criticism. They cannot be brought under church discipline. I’d be utterly shocked if anyone risked the wrath of the crowd to call out Deti for his sin, and that’s the point. This is what typically happens:

      Jesus’ statement about the speck and the plank refer to the fact that you can’t fix the external problems until you fix the internal ones. It’s impossible to fix church discipline if you don’t personally respect the authority of the church to enact church discipline.

      The same issue of authority applies to Sigma Frame, which claims to be a Christian ministry—where two, three, or more are often gathered together in Jesus’ name—but denies its place and role in the body of Christ.

      Recently I pointed out that Sigma Frame has debased the concept of the patriarchy. And it’s this kind of rejection of proper authority that only proves the point. Denying the authority of Christ and his body is not compatible with Christian Patriarchy.


      Had church discipline been executed properly and privately, none of this would have happened. There would have been no strife or conflict, no fight to pick (as it were). This is why anonymity among Christians is so wrong: there is no accountability, and any attempt to confront a fellow believer turns into an unnecessarily ugly situation.

      Bruce Charlton won’t even interact with anonymous commenters. Read why here. I wonder if that aspect of his policy should be adopted here.

  1. professorGBFMtm

    It is massively ironic that a de-facto excommunicated man—who refused to accept church discipline and speaks whatever he wants with impunity—is complaining about the refusal of the church to correct, discipline, or excommunicate on the same forum that refused to correct, discipline, or excommunicate him, but instead has repeatedly indulged his poor conduct and character.

    YEAH he also didn’t like being seen as trying to get Liz(in September 2021) banned at Spawnys for disagreeing about ”Christian MEN” looking at porn ”when MENZ like myself can’t even watch it in peace with respect and honor as i play with my joystick and two(2)buttonz”

    I’m fascinated that people on a certain other blog are obsessed with my participation or lack thereof on this blog.

    Maybe if he stopped judging VOX(& other tradcons) for doing the same tradcon things that Jack and Oscar do, Deti’s hypocrisy would be no BIG deal yet he acts like there’s a HUGE difference between them since Deti’s done posts at SF and not alpha/sigma game about how supposedly ”all MEN need is game and a dab of Patriarchy and data b!tch will recognize!”.Then why did you discredit the sphere by saying ”game failed”?

    Hey Deti!-i love you but you’re a lover of covert tradcons(”I’m ”RP” so you know I’m NOT a TRAITOR to MENZ”) and not the overt ones that would make you look like a tradcon yourself.

    It must be okay to be a hypocrite tradcon like Sharkly(who questions his own ”responsibilities”e.g. paying a woman to sit on her behind all day while she pleasures herself by being handsy dl with fifty shades in her mind, but then tells i and other MENZ our”responsibilities” for wimmenz) for instance.

    What are covert tradcons versus overt ones?

    They mainly like to justify their past and current support of feminism and anti-Patriarchy as ”sanctifying” and even ANE or they ignore(refuse to do & even hate the lawfulness they claim in it) their Fathers slapping the Patriarchy into a lawless wimminz head by continuing to salute the lawless feminist Government that speaks ill of it and God’s holy order of Patriarchy!


    You, Jack, Oscar, and Sparkly are only about promoting your own anti-CHRIST feminist selves & lusts instead of fighting feminism and promoting God’s holy order of Patriarchy!

    P.S.It’s like Sparkly claiming he banned Ace because people or anti-SJW SJWS(like at SF and Spawnys) complained about her when it was really because she refused to give Sharkly her husband’s phone number(like when he demanded the phone number of Derek’s Church here back in February) to prove she was married to a previously ”abusive”(he supposedly hit her plus got very rough on their teen son when he got violent too-which was ”okay” since he had a penis-which usually makes violence ”okay” in the eyes of tradcons) husband.

    She also still comes to AMES site occasionally.

    You and your other failourous covert(”I’m ”RP” so you know I’m NOT a TRAITOR to MENZ”) tradcon buddy Sparkly should show how Bellvuian deranged y’all are by trying to get AME to ban her.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      I’m fascinated that people on a certain other blog are obsessed with my participation or lack thereof on this blog.

      Who is genuinely surprised by my interest in statistical analysis? It’s almost as if I have a history of it.

      Back when I posted on Boxer’s blog, I did a guest post where I pointed out that Saint Dalrock was insignificant. So, yes, the vast majority of the Manosphere is insignificant, and that’s not even considering how insignificant the individual commenters are. Any time we talk amongst ourselves for any reason at all, we are talking about insignificant people. Insignificant, that is, to outsiders. It doesn’t have to be that way to those inside.

      “like when he demanded the phone number of Derek’s Church here back in February”

      It’s not even a secret at this point, and hasn’t been for a few months. Even Sharkly knows.

      Back when I refused Sharkly’s demand, he thought it was because I didn’t want to face the music (i.e. a hypocrite), but I told him that the church was apostate (and thus lacks authority as the body of Christ). He didn’t believe me and falsely assumed I was dodging. What can you do with someone who constantly thinks he knows your invisible inner motives and invisible inner heart better than you do?

      Not of course that any of this matters. What he never seemed to understand, despite my explanation, was that his obligation to follow Jesus’ commands in Matthew 18 was independent of anything I might say, do, or want.

      Deti made the same mistake, thinking that excommunication is dependent on the consent of the person being excommunicated. It’s a function of the church, not the person being expelled. When Sharkly unilaterally excommunicated me from the brotherhood of Christ, he did so on his own authority. He did this on the authority of neither I, my church, potential witnesses, nor Christ, but he did so nonetheless. It would be pointless of me to claim I wasn’t excommunicated. By his own declaration, I’m not his brother in Christ anymore.

      I didn’t tell Sharkly to obey Christ because I wanted him to take me to the church for discipline, I just wanted him not to disobey Christ. His attempt to take me to task—on his own word alone—in front of the church was never legally, morally, ethically, or spiritually valid. If he had unilaterally reached out to my church, I would hope they would have refused his invalid request outright.

  2. Lastmod

    Dalrock, Frame, and other fellow travelers are very insignificant in the Red Pill world. Its not that much of their information is bad. Much of it isnt. Its the usual peanut gallery of commentors that have:

    *Pushed many a man away for the need of actual help
    *Mocked, debased, and give the “should have” comments
    *Openly disregarding a mans problems as “normal” and to “man up”
    *Demanding a list of your physical prowness and fitness regime before any help is offered
    *Splicing your comments, taking them out of context and slamming you with questions and calling you a liar (this is the art of smearing) and it puts any man or newbie on the defensive
    *Talking about “love” but they all view love as the carnal (sexual) and could care less about the love with Christ spoke of
    *Outright making fun of you, and none will jump to your defense
    *Using big words and flowerly female language to evade the point (our Governor in California is famous for this, they took the lesson well)
    *Piling on you with aquadrillion methods, terms, acronyms, axioms, and “Laws” that you had better follow to the letter!
    *Citing constantly their sexual prowness, while telling you its a sin…for YOU

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Ah, yes, the old fashioned humble-brag.

      It was so terrible how amazing it was! If only I wasn’t so attractive to women, but it’s a burden I bear. Just be lucky you don’t have the problem of all that constant attention. How terrible those decades of sheer pleasure were, but I’ve seen the light now. Those experiences have actually helped me in my ability to relate to others. Without them I wouldn’t have my ministry. They were invaluable, I mean, completely regrettable.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    i also like where Deti keeps acting like he is banned here at Derek’s.:

    thedeti says:
    2025-01-11 at 2:38 am
    A few more things:

    –The accusatory blog is not a local body. The most the accusatory blog can do is say “I, the proprietor of said blog, declare myself to be not in fellowship with deti; and he is banned from being or commenting here.” OK. Fine. We’re not in fellowship; and you won’t allow me to comment at your blog. You’re not the first to do that and I’m sure you won’t be the last.

    –I am sure I’m in sin (as are all people), but since we’re not at local bodies, they don’t have the authority to Matthew 18 me. When we’re at local bodies, I’m sure they’ll Matthew 18 me if they see the need to do so.

    –I’m just a guy expressing his singular opinions at a blog read by about 20 people (if that). I’m not an important person; nor a protected person, nor am I immune from criticism. No one has to read or even care about anything I write or say.

    –I can be brought under church discipline at a church or a local body, by individuals having that authority. But that’s not what this is, nor is the accusatory blog, nor does anyone here have that authority. Unless of course they’re pastors or elders; in which case they’ll be held to much, much higher standards than I think they’re prepared to adhere to. And they’d also have to be MY pastor and MY elders; individuals under whose authority I’ve placed myself.

    ”–The accusatory blog is not a local body. The most the accusatory blog can do is say “I, the proprietor of said blog, declare myself to be not in fellowship with deti; and he is banned from being or commenting here.” OK. Fine. We’re not in fellowship; and you won’t allow me to comment at your blog.”

    Derek NEVER said Deti was banned from commenting here, Deti said ”I won’t comment where I’m called out for my covert tradconnery (mixed in with my traditional feminism in the mold of Hillel, Milton, Anthony, and Stanton of ”Divorce is Holy and ”okay” if I want it, No matter what that icky and oppressive Patriarchal Nazarene carpenter said”)-”which is actually quite contrary to my Favored nations status at SF and Spawnys and before them?-Dalrock!”

    That Deti comment also brings up this NOT true statement from SF
    ”Commenters who have been blocked or who have had comments deleted
    No one!”

    Yet i know of at least a few that Jack himself said were banned and comments deleted too(even Derek says he was eventually banned after being accused of derailing posts and performing one too many ”hellfire sermons”-which he is famous for delivering even here😉 for over a year or so-while Sparkly in his initial peeing contest with Scott both of whom had comments deleted and reworded-which is a specialty of ”Jack’s”),
    so why does this ”Commenters who have been blocked or who have had comments deleted
    No one!” rubbish still exists at SF when Jack is such a stickler for grammar, good English, site stats and proper feminine etiquette?

    Could it be to look ”cool and hip” to those young MEN NOT going to SF?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “i also like where Deti keeps acting like he is banned here at Derek’s”

      Yeah, that’s pretty weird, since I’ve never banned anyone here. The whole point of excommunication is that they are no longer your brother, that they are like tax collectors to you. And one of the things that you can rely on tax collectors for is that they don’t go away and you can’t stop them from coming.

      If there is a ban, it is before God himself, not man. But Deti doesn’t recognize that particular authority here…

  4. professorGBFMtm

    One more comment to Deti(who sometimes thinks Sparkly is his bro) who says no ”online” persons have ”Authoritah” over him or his Family, have you read what Sparkly said here in this comment a year ago about you?https://derekramsey.com/2023/11/29/despair/#comment-7732

    ”Derek, since you seemingly love to name & claim logical fallacies even when you lack the understanding to apply them correctly: For you to lump me in together with thedeti is an Ad Hominem (Guilt by Association) to associate me with somebody who advocates for sexual immorality.

    I myself have taken the time to contended against thedeti for advocating sexual immorality almost every time I’ve encountered it. I also methodically contended against Scott’s unrepentantly glorying in his former sexual immorality.

    Y’all are amateurs compared to me when it comes to sticking up for God’s rules for sexual purity and reminding self-professing believers of these capital offenses. I of all people shouldn’t be lumped in with somebody who advocates against male virginity and for sexual immorality.
    Lastmod can tell you that I have tried to encourage him that his virginity is precious to God.”

    Or here?https://derekramsey.com/2023/11/29/despair/#comment-7756:
    “You might as well admit that you think Christian patriarchy is wrong because it lets men manage their wives in a way that you don’t think is right. I will say this again and again and again: if you think a man has authority over his own domain, then intruding on another man’s domain is wrong. For example, what gives you the right to disrespect me by intruding on how I manage my family?”

    You misunderstand how God’s holy patriarchy integrates into a godly patriarchal society. 1 Corinthians 11:3 gives the general chain of command. God the Father’s law presides over all. Jesus did not come to abolish it, but to do it. I’ve disagreed with thedeti on this also, that men do not have the delegated authority to command their wives to defy God’s (Noahic) laws which applies to all people, nor to disobey Jesus Christ. If a man tells his wife to get an abortion, I and every other living soul have a right to condemn his action. The same thing goes if a man tells his wife to defy God’s command to cover her head when she prays. I have every right to condemn that wickedness.

    Furthermore, in a patriarchal society, when your wife or children are out interacting with me, it is my duty to try to turn them to righteousness, when I witness them doing unrighteousness, and to uphold good morality. While it is better if a husband or parent can correct their own, society as a whole has to uphold and enforce good morality. Establishing a system for dealing out and upholding justice is part of the Noahic law. However not everything needs to go to court or go before the elders of a city. Most correction can be meted out on the spot by other good citizens. And man to man I am able to state my belief and call you to repentance, if I think you’re violating the commands of God. God’s holy patriarchy does not preclude a man from ever being advised or criticized. Your own prerogative as a patriarch only extends to deciding those things which are outside of what God the Father and the Word of God have already clearly prescribed. e.g. thedeti doesn’t get to decide it’s OK for his wife to rob a bank, when God’s law forbids theft. I have every right to stop thedeti, his wife , or his children, if I see any of them stealing.

    See how Sparkly’s ”Authoritah” is not only over yourself, Deti, but also over your wife and children?
    Yet you think Derek is the bad guy in the judgment seat against you instead of Sparkly huh?

    Like when he says things like this that above comment too?:

    I think we’ve already disagreed on the definition of the word “authority”.
    Authority: The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
    Authority: The power or right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of others.

    & especially feel-feelz good to you and SF this?:

    ”He attacked Dalrock, Jack, myself, thedeti, and others who are effectively helping to move the needle against his churchian Feminism.”

    i know you know that Sparkly isn’t ”friends” with Dalrock, Jack,Scott, thedeti, and others from your own years of experience with Sparkly and from the two comments by him above.

  5. Pingback: Constructive Criticism, Part 6 - Derek L. Ramsey

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