Unlearning Inversion

Everyone is a blankslatist

Per Charlton:

A great deal of what we know in the Modern West is false and evil.


A great deal of our “common sense” is actually propaganda and mind-games. A great deal of our motivation has been socially and by the mass media inculcated artificially and with malign intent.


Another way of thinking of un-learning is that modern people like us believe that many sins are virtues and virtues are sins; that is, our values are inverted; and we need to unlearn this inversion.


What this points-at is that our un-learning is mostly about basic assumptions rather than “empirical” facts: we need to unlearn our deep, false and evil metaphysics rather than surface ideologies and religions.


So if you are puzzled today about what you are supposed to be learning from your actual and present life; it might be worth considering that it is probably more likely your basic assumptions need to be un-learned.

In a number of recent posts, I’ve been discussing blankslatism, the belief that all people are inherently equal and that any and all differences in outcomes is due to environmental differences. To the blankslatist, any differences in ability are caused by external factors, such as so-called systemic racism.

Blankslatism is, by far, the most commonly held modern belief in the West. It is nearly universal “common sense.” Virtually everyone you know, including those you think of as the most bible-minded, likely embraces this metaphysical assumption wholeheartedly. Even most people in the manosphere believe this.

Only a percent or two of the population believe that people do not have inherent equality in their traits and outcomes, that is, they explicitly believe that not everyone has the same potential. Those who believe this are generally ostracized for expressing the view. For example, anyone who believes that genetics are responsible for learning ability is a racist, white supremacist, nazi who must (in their mind) necessarily mean that differences in intelligence implies superiority and inferiority.

Blankslatism is utterly an utterly false metaphysical assumption. It is not based on empirical facts.

It is hard to express exactly how negatively impactful blankslatism is. If you see it, it is everywhere and you don’t need it explained. But if you can’t see what is plainly obvious, what can be said?

Your kids at school are taught a certain way because it is assumed that everyone should have equal outcomes because the inputs are equal. It doesn’t matter if your kids go to a public or private school, whether secular or Christian.

But, kids are not all equal and do not all have the same potential. This is why academic standards have fallen so steeply. The only way that the inputs can produce equal outcomes is if the standards are lowered. And this is precisely what has been happening. Colleges no longer require SAT and ACT scores, and they are discriminating against higher scoring candidates in favor of diverse lower scoring candidates. They are loud and proud about doing so! (Looking at you Harvard…)

It’s not just in schools. Blankslatism has resulted in reduced standards in every facet of life. The social pressure to reduce standards and merit in the name of diversity is extremely powerful. Consider how difficult it is to fire a union worker for incompetence. When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, he immediately fired three out of four employees, resulting in outrage. And yet, the vast majority of those employees were purely dead weight. Who else is willing to stand up and do such a thing? Your local School District Board isn’t going to fire underperforming teachers or aggressively cull excess administrators. Nor are your hospitals, airlines, and government regulatory offices (e.g. department of health). There is a reason that we are used to underperforming employees getting transferred.

Blankslatism implies that all unequal outcomes are the result of external forces (“being held back by racism”; “handed to you by white privilege”). It is the logical consequence of the bureaucratic mindset that has infected all of society, where procedure and consensus (“box checking”) have completely replaced individual authority and responsibility. Nobody-in-particular is at fault for anything (unless a scapegoat is required by an external force, then someone is selected after-the-fact). Equality of outcome is expected, so any deviation from this must be caused by outside evil people who are forcing inequality on what would otherwise be equal by default.

So, if a child underperforms in school, it isn’t because of anything inherent about them. Nor is it the fault of the teachers who teach them, or the schools that fail them. It isn’t the fault of parents for not being around or attentive. It’s always the fault of poorly defined external forces, such as racism and discrimination. Underperformance is defined to never be the fault of the student, let alone the result of something like intelligence.

The manosphere often complains that pastors and elders do not discipline wayward—divorcing or cheating—spouses. But the reason is not precisely and directly due to a lack of faith per se, but due to blankslatism and bureaucracy (two primary examples of what Charlton calls virtue inversion). If a wife files for divorce or is unfaithful, society considers this to be an unequal outcome to which she can not possibly be at fault. There must be some external force responsible—whether feminism blaming “the patriarchy,” or blaming her husband, or simply that her marriage—the systemic oppression—prevents her from self-actualizing and “finding herself,” a very common trope.

To unlearn blankslatism, you must reject the metaphysical assumptions upon which it is based: that all persons have equal potential and that an equal outcome is the only morally correct outcome. This is a pure inversion, for persons have unequal potential, and unequal outcomes are a certainty of life.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”Only a percent or two of the population believe that people do not have inherent equality in their traits and outcomes, that is, they explicitly believe that not everyone has the same potential. Those who believe this are generally ostracized for expressing the view. For example, anyone who believes that genetics are responsible for learning ability is a racist, white supremacist, nazi who must (in their mind) necessarily mean that differences in intelligence implies superiority and inferiority.”

    ”Virtually everyone you know, including those you think of as the most bible-minded, likely embraces this metaphysical assumption wholeheartedly. Even most people in the manosphere believe this.”

    ”To unlearn blankslatism, you must reject the metaphysical assumptions upon which it is based: that all men have equal potential and that an equal outcome is the only morally correct outcome. This is a pure inversion, for all men have unequal potential, and unequal outcomes are a certainty of life.”


    Christians in-general and those in the MANosphere should know this from Matthew 13:8:

    ”Still other seed fell on good soil and produced a crop—a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold.”

    Those in the ‘sphere have seen it with their very eyes as Roissy stood higher than any other blogger-commenter in the ‘sphere for years and his legacy and legend is only nearly matched by GBFM in-general and to most divorced and married redpillers dalrock-who was the more ”easy” gateway to the ‘sphere for those that were divorced or married compared to the PUA lifestyle that they wanted to emulate from Roissy nor the master of life’s ”riddles”=parables,info overload on occasion and metaphysics(ask Scott from sf who had a whole post on GBFM& his metaphysics lifestyle back in April=May ’21) from GBFM!

    Then they thought ”just learn game and you’ll be a massive success at least with your wife”

    How did that work out for legendary ‘sphere commenter Deti?

    again ”This is a pure inversion, for all men have unequal potential, and unequal outcomes are a certainty of life.”

    and especially JESUS in Matthew 13:8:

    ”Still other seed fell on good soil and produced a crop—a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold.”

    explains all of it better than countless studies ,charts ,graphs and other words would.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      The wise are better than the foolish.

      Christianity is hated when it asserts that some people are superior to others because they follow Christ and because of Christ living within them. In other words, it is hateful to say “It is better to live with Christ than to die without him, and whoever rejects him is a fool.” But, Christianity is tolerated when it is soft: refusing to acknowledge that sin has deadly consequences and denying that the way to salvation is exclusive.

      Blankslatists cannot bear the idea that some people are fertile soil and that some people are barren soil. It flies against the notion that everyone is equal and deserves the same outcome. It makes sin personal and not a result of external causes.

      The world says “Did you sin? Don’t worry, it’s the fault of racism.” But Christ says that eternal life is reserved only for those who accept what Christ has offered and do what he says.

      The world says:

      But Christ says:

      It is pure inversion.

      Love as a naked abstraction outside the person of Christ is empty and void. Per Charlton:

      “How did Love affect the closure of Christian churches in 2020; the fleeing of priests, the shut-down of Lourdes; the churches refusal to administer the Eucharist, wed people, conduct funerals? “

      “Despite everybody asserting its immense importance all-the-time; despite the constant whittering of pseudo-Christians and materialist-hedonists alike over “God is love”, and that Love is “the most important thing of all”: Love made not the slightest perceptible difference to anything at all when something that the Establishment regarded as serious was at stake. Neither did Love lead to rebellion or even dissent in thought or in deed; among the docile, obedient masses. “

      And ultimately the world’s view is ironic and self-defeating:

      “For far too long, Christians have been pouring the new-wine of a life of Love following Jesus, into the old-bottle of abstract, materialist thinking that posits the irrelevance of Love and regards following Jesus as just-another-set-of-processes – firmly located within the usual kinds of social process. “

      This “love” is nothing more than materialism, hedonism, and narcissism wrapped up in various social processes. The love of Jesus is reduced to an abstraction and the procedural affirmation of sin.

      1. Bardelys the Magnificent

        “Blankslatists cannot bear the idea that some people are fertile soil and that some people are barren soil.”

        Most Christians have trouble with this idea. Where do you think “all I have to do is believe and I get in” comes from? Jesus clearly told us “not all who say ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven.” It’s not nice to say that some, maybe most, people will not get in, so it we don’t.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “Most Christians have trouble with this idea.”

          And yet, Jesus didn’t merely divide people into two categories (the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’), he noted that people would be ranked when he said

          “The greatest among you shall be your servant” — Matthew 23:11


          “For he who is least among you all is the one who is great.” — Luke 9:48

          Clearly Christ himself taught that all are not equal, even as he declared his ranking to be the inverse of the world’s rank.

          We see the same in Luke 19 in the Jesus’ Parable of Ten Minas, where each servant receives their just reward for their work, some greater, some lesser.

          Yet, scripture also teaches:

          “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.” — 1 Corinthians 12:26

          And so the Christian rightfully concludes that some are superior to others, but they also find unity with each other, not jealousy or competition. Indeed, this is a true, non-abstract example of what love is.

          “Where do you think “all I have to do is believe and I get in” comes from?”

          Because Jesus himself said:

          “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever is hearing my word and is believing him who sent me has life in the age to come, and does not come into condemnation, but has crossed over from death into life.” — John 5:25

  2. Surfdumb

    When I read “A great deal of what we know in the West is false and evil” I think BC is naive at best.

    I agree with the sentiment as far as morals stemming from humanism goes, but the way he worded it sounds too much like a clear supporting/encouraging/enabling the rainbow brigade.
    The last time I heard that phrase was a few years ago at a gym from a guy from church who said the same thing and what he said he wanted to make sure his kids knew. He loves social justice, pluralism, CRT, and public schools. I think that’s the common understanding of the above phrase, that is, demonize Christians to usher in a humanist utopia. That’s why I consider it naive that he worded it that way. Couldn’t he have just said the Rousseau and Lockes battle about human nature is still going on with the blank statists winning the day because it’s what itching ears want to be tickled with?”

    Regarding your China question, a few months in coastal province living a day-to-day life.
    Obviously it’s just my speculation. I can’t hold the wind in my hands, nor can I add all the sinfulness, acted and thought, of each Chinese, divided by the number of Chinese, and to compare such a per capita sin number to an American’s number. I just think it might be lower for them based on what I saw. Maybe their number of abortions is so great that my guess is extremely wrong. The sins you mentioned are all true, but how many of them are freezing to death while watching sports? Anyway, may God have mercy on us.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      This was said…

      “A great deal of what we know in the West is false and evil”

      …and this was the reply:

      “I think BC is naive at best. I agree with the sentiment as far as morals stemming from humanism goes, but the way he worded it sounds too much like a clear supporting/encouraging/enabling the rainbow brigade.”

      It’s not merely morals, but goes to the heart and sources of what we think we know in general, and how we act on it. It’s literally everywhere you go. Here are a few recent examples:

      The CO2 emissions figures are fabricated. For example, even when the type of plane, number of miles, elevation and speed flown are nearly identical, Google claims roughly double the emissions.

      Pro-abortion supporters allege that this is an aborted fetus. I won’t post a real aborted fetus, because it is a graphic and upsetting crime against humanity.

      The lower curve-fit is a blatant lie. This type of very common political lie is justified “for the greater good.”

      Virtually all of the top 10,000 meter records come from runners in this region. Blankslatists are dishonest about its relevance.

      The BBC is promoting these modeled temperatures as if they were a physical reality.

      I could go on and on. But nobody cares. Everyone is used to this level of dishonesty, because it is everywhere you look. That’s Charlton’s point.

      The (in)ability to see that a huge portion of what we think we know in the West is actually both false (i.e. not transcendental truth, nor compatible with it) and evil (i.e. goes against—is inverted from—God’s principles) is a kind of “litmus test” of one’s metaphysics and intuition. This is so obviously true in more-or-less all facets of life that a failure to apprehend this plainly indicates a deep support of it.

      For example, dishonesty is structurally required. Being a manager, teacher, or doctor generally requires accepting many little white lies about reality. These are usually written off and ignored, but they are inherently false nonetheless. There are countless examples, such as this one.

      For example, in many states you can’t even become certified to teach without passing a test that requires you to accept the existence of “learning styles”, even though these are fake. Becoming a teacher requires asserting a falsehood that the certification agencies insist you believe, and virtually all teachers really do believe it! Go ahead and ask them. They’ll probably get really upset at you for questioning it, so deeply have they accepted falsehoods without consciously knowing it.

      For example, in the UK, in order to receive a government research grant, you must claim that your research will be beneficial, something you cannot possibly honestly claim to know. You must be dishonest just to get paid. This means every scientific researcher is a liar, no matter how they justify the lie.

      All of this includes entire fields, such as virtually all of politics, government, media, education, science, institutional religion, and quite a bit of medicine. What blinds many is how many people place their hope in one or more of these areas.

      For example, a good indication of the problem is thinking that voting is beneficial.

      For example, a prime indication is the metaphysical belief in blankslatism: that all people are equal in potential and so should be equal in outcome, combined with the belief that every disparate outcome is the result of some external wrongdoing (past or present). Almost every American holds this belief to a greater or lesser degree (e.g. “it would be good if everyone could go to college” and “diversity is our strength”). Only a tiny percentage reject it.

      While I may try to write more on this theme (I have a related comment to write that I owe Liz), people who are naturally sheep and not truthseekers really cannot be saved from themselves. There isn’t a recipe that can be followed that can alter their trajectory. It’s not like buying a new pair of glasses.

      As for supporting/encouraging/enabling the rainbow brigade, that’s simply absurd in the most extreme way. Completely opposite from reality. I have no idea how anyone could come to this conclusion, other than simple ignorance, and so I’m not even going to try.

      1. Surfdumb

        I must have used a harsh word, and stirred up anger. I apologize. As for being ignorant, so true, and many other failings too.
        I don’t want to be a John Robert trying to save the reputation of the court, or in my case the west, but I do think proclamations of the failure of the west plays into the soft minds of those that are trying to transform the west. In other words, Barack Obama would be more in agreement with the west is evil than the average Christian. But those are just generalities, if I run into an unbeliever rejecting Christ because the unbeliever says he can’t be a Christian because he’s not of the West, then I certainly would point out being a Christ follower doesn’t mean being a westerner.
        You have many good examples of lies, and some I weren’t aware of and will share with my son, thank you.
        Like you said, I am ignorant, so I really don’t see how this is a west-east topic, instead of a topic about Satan being the author of lies. Russians were famous for 5 year plans, Chinese government numbers aren’t trustworthy.
        Jason has mentioned the Lake Placid Olympics, I bet he remembers what the East German women looked like. Maybe they are considered West though.
        The entire equlity in outcome isn’t a western thought, but a leftist tool used to gain political power. Yes, it’s coming from Americans, so western in one way, but I’d say they are eastern commies in their hearts.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey


          Oh, I understand what you are saying now. These really are separate things.

          The West drinks coffee. The East drinks tea. Does this make the East better than the West? So it is with Charlton, who generally views the West and East as incompatible, even incomparable. The West will not be saved by becoming more like the East. Something else is required. So, it doesn’t really matter if one or the other is “better,” and such distinctions are not helpful.

          The West is evil on its own (de)merits.

          It is common for American elites to trash their own nation, but this is based on their value inversion. Like most things, it is fake. They don’t really want another value system, just like they don’t want Europe’s abortion laws (which are more conservative than America’s). They don’t want to be like any of those countries, they just hate everyone in America who disagrees with them.

          A Christian must not fail to understand and see the rot in the West simply because its most evil participants hate it. This would be a critical error. Evil only knows hate, it cannot know love, so of course an inherently evil system hates itself! Meanwhile, pointing out that the West is evil is not an act of hatred, but one of correction (like Jonah).

          In the West, most everything is functionally inverted. What little that isn’t inverted is ultimately subsumed by that which is inverted. So the first step everyone must take—including before being anything-pilled—is unlearning inversion.


        2. Lastmod

          My parents were both “against” the 1980 Games being held in Lake Placid. Lake Placid was awarded the 1980 Winter Games in 1974? 1975? The cost was too much and the village was going to assume a massive cost. Also, there was only one way into Lake Placid (then and now). The Adirondack Northway (I-87). I was finished in 1967 but all the smaller feeder State Highways and the like were not adequate to handle the traffic even at that time. The closest airport was Plattsburgh (45 minutes drive) and it was subpar. The next closest airport was Albany and even in 1980…….hardly an airport that could handle what was to come. A two and a half hour drive or more away.

          The Olympics itself was a disaster financially for Lake Placid, the Town of Keene and Essex County and the State of New York.

          CV Whitney and his wife Mary-Lou (Whitney / Vanderbuilt fortunes) threw several fundraisers to just keep the whole thing afloat . I was in third grade, at the time. It was fun as kid to see all of this. No, I didnt see “miracle on ice” but I did get to see Erik Heiden win gold for the USA for “speed skating”

          The speed skating rink for the 1980 games was the Lake Placid High School football field that was flooded to make the rink. All seating outside. Wooden benches. Northern New York State winters can make Canadian winters seem warm at times! Our elementary school got to see the torch lit, and that was pretty astounding at the time.

          I did see two matches of Bobsledding at the Mt Van Hoovenburg track.

          Traffic was terrible in the whole region. Europeans expecting fine dining and upscale accommodations for a village of maybe 2000. Tourists, the press…the clogged county and state roads that whole time.

          The locals didnt get to see many events, but were expected to tirelessly volunteer to keep info booths and the like up and running. My parents did help and put their time in as I remember.

          All the eastern European female atheletes looked like men.

          Let me first push aside “miracle on ice”

          It was a miracle, it was amazing, and it was fitting this happened in Lake Placid. A small venue. The LAST small venue for ANY winter games since.

          1. Lastmod

            This TV commercial. Genesee Beer is the “beer” of New York State. Its the most pitiful, awful swill you will ever taste. It was the “official” beer of the 1980 Winter Games and all restaurants and the like were *forced* to serve it if they wanted any “financial help” / “funding” for the games and to be included on official documentation.

            My father DID feel bad for Europeans here, “they come to the USA and this beautiful area and are forced to drink this terrible beer”

            The commercial was filmed in nearby “Blue Mountain Lake” and it was on our local NBC affiliate out of Plattsburgh only 24 hours a day back then

            Genesee is still around for some reason so there must be a market for people who never knew any better



          2. Lastmod

            A long time ago. Anyway……thanks Surfdumb for the stroll down memory lane. There is talk about Lake Placid hosting the games again. Hopefully it never happens. They would ruin it. Stadiums, and the like will HAVE to built at cost of billions. The road systems are still terrible. Lake Placid was forced in bankruptcy after the games in 1980. All the “promises” of local work, and employment never happened.

            I remember one day, traffic was SO bad, dad put me on the snowmobile and took the trails through forests and country roads to bring me and pick me up from school.

            The locals were happy when the athletes and foreign press left, some of the most rude and entitled people ever to grace our region….especially the UK and western Europeans.

          3. Lastmod

            We watched this live at home……a mere ten minute drive away and I remember even my parents “couldnt believe it”

            A bunch of American college kids took on the finest “pro” athletes from around the world in this sport and won. Its something that will never be repeated in quite the same way again. That venue btw by todays standards would be too small for even a “pro” hockey team. Its still there, and its still being used but for nothing really spectacular. It sits empty most of the year


          4. Liz

            “We watched this live at home……a mere ten minute drive away and I remember even my parents “couldnt believe it”

            Mike watched it too.
            Made a big impact on him.
            I watched the movie with him and the boys, if it is even 10 percent true that was really epic.

          5. Lastmod

            It was pretty amazing watching that. The USA then played Finland for the “gold medal” round and won. Naysayers in the press back then and the news “well, silver is better than nothing” assuming Finland was just going to win.

            Part of it was an assumption by other national teams that “these Americans cant win at our sport” and also it was the coaching. It was the drive of him to inspire.

            It just fit the times, it was the largest outpouring of national pride in the USA in quite sometime (defeat in Vietnam, economic malaise, the nonsense of what was happening in Iran and the USA powerless to do anything about it. The second gas shortage and manufacturing offshoring at such a raid rate back then).

            I never saw the movie, but many have said “its pretty good”

            Lake Placid was the last “small olympics” to be held. All olympiads since then (winter and summer) are huge events. Large scale stadiums, high tech, and “new”

            The hockey rink at Lake Placid was used for opening ceremonies, closing ceremonies, figure skating, hockey, pairs skating …..there was overlapping and massive delays at times bc a hockey match would end, and then practice / warm up for figure skating and prepping the field….back to warm ups, and practice for next rounds of hockey. It was a logistics nightmare at the time. Skaters didnt want to practice on the rinks made at the local high school outside (bitter cold) and also hounding by the press….and there was little to no security.

            The bobsled run was built in the 1930’s and only had minor upgrades for 1980, making it one of the more dangerous runs in the world. The high jumps for skiing would never pass today for modern use.

            I remember telephone lines in our home being shut off most of the day during the olympics because there were not enough lines for use for all the press, telecoms and early satellite feeds at that time to uplink done by dialup back then.

          6. Liz

            “It was pretty amazing watching that”

            Mike said (he grew up in Miami) all the kids were on skates in the neighborhoods for months after that, playing hockey with brooms and sticks.
            People really underestimate the power of morale (Napoleon said morale is to the physical as three is to one….and if anything he underestimated in that statement).
            Stephen Covey wrote about how group incentives are sometimes better than individual incentives. Especially when the goal is anti cohesiveness/team building.

          7. Liz

            Hm…not sure how that “anti” typo up there. Probably wrote something first and then changed. Just the word cohesiveness was intended.
            Per the topic (the subject fits in well), incentives for DEI/trans are destructive to the unit, for obvious reasons. CEOs of well functioning businesses (with a tight knit sense of community) understand that focusing on divisiveness undermines collaboration. CEOs of large corporations tend to approve of such incentives for that very reason….it undermines trust and makes collective bargaining much less likely.

          8. professorGBFMtm

            ”Mike said (he grew up in Miami) all the kids were on skates in the neighborhoods for months after that, playing hockey with brooms and sticks.”

            Like nearly everyone that came across the CHATEAU between ’07 and ’13 wanted to be as popular ,legendary and knowlegible of life and women as ROISSY and GBFM(both of whom dalrock and most others to this day , wanted to emulate in success, popularity and influence)

            ”People really underestimate the power of morale (Napoleon said morale is to the physical as three is to one….and if anything he underestimated in that statement).”

            Yeah look how popular and in the spotlight the ‘sphere was when ROISSY in the late ’00’s and even later when ROISSY & GBFM worked more openly together and were going full tilt being different and more larger than life in than anyone else on the net let alone the ‘sphere .

            Then by ’13 there was calls in the manosphere for a ”united” and homogenious ‘sphere and that made it fragment like nothing else before it could(which most self-righteous red pillers still don’t like to talk about as they blame ”other” MEN instead for it) .

            Hence why it had in most parts(dalrock-type blogs) had fallen to new lows in traffic and commenting numbers by late ’15/early ’16 when the GREAT times & expansion of the golden age version of it came to an end.

          9. Lastmod

            Where I grew up, most boys and girls were either on ice skates or skis at a young age. I could ice skate, but was never a hockey player. I started skiing at at seven or eight. It was something I did until I hit my early 30’s and then it just got WAY too expensive.

            In California we have these huge resorts. High prices. Where I grew up, we had Killington, Pico, Stowe (Vermont)…sure biggeer resorts for sure, but they were more reasonable compared to out West in pricing. New York State had “olympic mountain” (Whiteface) which even today is reasonable in cost. West Mountain. Alpine Meodows in Saratoga County. Gore Mt. Willard Mountain. Small “pimples” compared to the big shots and famous places out West.

            It has become really a “rich mans” sport now. And, the clothing is now “skier fashion” rather than actual durability and use. High cost too! Its an activity I do miss. I was never “pro” level but I was def an above average skiier by the time I was into my late teens and college. Was on the “alpine racing team” in college for two years.

            In the Northeast we learned to ski on “packed ice” while out West you have that “power” skiier which is made to be romantic and glamorous. Whatever.

          10. Liz

            Professor, Agree that the sphere has changed, for sure.

            ” Northeast we learned to ski on “packed ice” while out West you have that “power” skiier which is made to be romantic and glamorous. Whatever.”

            Hey, Europe (at least the last time I skied there…which was a while back) likes the packed ice too. I’m a “powder” skier myself (haven’t spent enough time on the slopes for ice). Probably better for snowboarding though, which is big now.

          11. professorGBFMtm


            See where at a certain site , their even going after saint Rollo now for supposedly not agreeing with them on red pill doctrine?:

            ArchAngel says:
            2024-03-03 at 6:25 am
            “I tend to promote the idea that Men should be sexually and emotionally non-exclusive until age 30, but this is a minimal suggestion. I think 35 may even serve better for Men.”

            The Rational Male: Dream Killers (2011/10/14)

            Rollo used to advise men to get married when he got married, at 35. More recently, he advises against marriage because he would never enter into the ‘unconscionable contract’ today, although today’s divorce laws also apply to him. The rest of the red pill gurus echo his more recent advice, however liberally. His close friend, Rian Stone, for instance, is in a common law marriage.

            [Jack: Quotation has been corrected.] ”

            We know why Rollo got married to his wife because she demanded it and he still wanted her with him , no matter how good or tight his game was.

            Also rollo was more like 25 when he got married not 35.

          12. Lastmod


            Rollo honestly believes that if he was not married all the single, *hot* nubile women ages 18-25 would be banging down his door just begging for his attention, sex, and his acknowledgement because he has such great Game and women cannot resist that. They just cannot help themselves.

            He’s a fool’s fool at this point. He’s actually angry, and upset people dont buy his books anymore or that the younger set isnt “gettin it” or have found Andrew tate and others more helpful.

            Who knows? He’s not rational. He’s got a huge Ego thathas been stroked by everyone for some strange reason. His “game” and “red Pill” probably worked for a few men. Most men will forever be in the comments defending him, and still “stuc on step six but on this topic, and growing here and here” (they sound like AA . NA people…..always in some step, process)

          13. professorGBFMtm

            ”He’s got a huge Ego thathas been stroked by everyone for some strange reason.”

            The most likely reason in this ‘sphere at least?

            Him being BFFS with dalrock (remember how heart broken he was when dalrock quit on that”exit darock” post of his in Jan ’20?-
            ”This is truly depressing.

            Yesterday Dalrock announced that he’s stepping away from his blog. Not only that, but he’s contemplating deleting the blog and over 10 years of what can only be described as seminal work in explaining contemporary Christianity from a Red Pill perspective.

            I’m not sure what prompted this decision. I want to chalk it up to burnout, but I’m afraid that doesn’t explain the desire to erase a body of work of Dalrock’s magnitude. Everyone gets burned-out at some stage and 10+ years is a long time to sustain a blog that’s as well-thought as Dalrock’s.

            I’m talking with Dal via email now and I’m trying to make sense of this decision. Several people have already begun to archive the ‘best of’ Dalrock for posterities sake, but I’m not sure this aligns with his desire to remove his work entirely.”
            , his wife being a quote ”a conservative and from a Christian family” and him going to church for that very reason alone-his wife and her family wants him to.

            i mainly only read a few posts here and there at his blog as usual with my speed-reading on the net/large monitor abilities back between 2013 and ’15 and remember him saying those things then also.

          14. Lastmod

            I really don’t know Professor.

            I dont believe Dal was in “danger” of being doxxed or “dragged into the public square to be burned at the stake” which at times is inferred by the rest of the Christian sphere.

            I know he had a daughter coming of age, and he does have a decent marriage. I think…I wont speak for the man……..but I do have a hunch, Dal realized too “all that has been said, HAS been said and there isnt much more I can do, so here you go Christian ‘sphere, take what I have said….see if it works in your life”

            I have my disagreements with him, but I have no hate for him. I had more of a problem of his slavish followers in his comment section if truth be told. My comments reflect that.

            From the Incel forums / Dischord forums concerning “blackpill” and the like……there is again a change coming.

            The younger men (18-25) seem to be……not all mind you…..but many seem to be resolved there is no hope for them in these matters. Ive been in video chats with many……..and these men are not “ugly” or below four on the “looks scale”

            They are not mouth breathers with bad haircuts and thick glasses, nor do they watch “Big Bang Theory” reruns. They just seem shut-out from dating or meeting a gal.

            One made a comment, blaming my generation (Gen X) “You guys set such high standards in red pill of what being a man is, that none….not even yourselves could live up to and expected us to just run with it. Hook up. Game. Plan. Have a great job and career by 25. You made it sound so easy and simple…..and most of you dont even have this. Project much?”

            I could take issue with some matters but he did have a few points

            Red Pill pretty much got stuck on metrics, graphs, charts, stats, studies, polls, unchangeable rules and laws, and protocols, and standards that in the end…..it might have choked itself off in some areas.

            They (RP content creators) would of course smear them and say “they are still blinded by blue pill thinking” and other intellectual statements to absolve any criticism.

            I have been watching a lot of videos of Christians lately pondering why “men are leaving the church” and some of the problem is indeed themselves.

            Guys like Deep Strenght who cant see past a page and walk deeper with a man like Jesus did. “These men just need to work out, bench, read my book, and become a leader”

            And reading Derek’s blog here…….all men are NOT going to be leaders. In fact, most are not. There can only be one main pastor. You can only have so many men leading a bible study. In the end, most men are going to have to wash the dishes and direct traffic in the parking lot.

            I wish I could better articulate this. RP still elevates women to something they are not, and they still worship the sex act (you are a lesser man without sex / you will die / you need sex like air and food and water)

            Ego and arrogance has harmed the sphere….especially the Christian one……..when their own sorrowful savior had the most wisdom, humility and bravery they cant even see.

          15. Liz

            I thought Dalrock was smart to step out when he did.
            Better to leave on a high note, with people wanting more.
            When Mike retired, for example, it was standing room only at the ceremony (a very large ballroom). He thought he’d done about the best he could, and if he’d pinned on that star there wasn’t much to be gained (except pay wise I suppose, and career wise if he wanted to work for a defense contractor, which he did not). He stuck with it and left with his honor and integrity intact, and helped a lot of people.
            Dalrock is fondly remembered. Good for him.

          16. Lastmod


            Probably the case or a good one for that reason about Dal leaving.

            Was plagued with a very powerful, vivid dream this morning. I awoke and I could actually remember the whole thing. All of it. At my age, most dreams I can only pick up a fragment or image from it that probably is from a series or several I had during my sleep.

            Medieval music playing, flags waving and snapping in the breeze from atop a castle. A circle of women in period garb (13th century) in a circle performing a Medieval dance of sorts. I seemed to watching it in a lucid way. Not like it was a movie, or “fly on the wall” perspective.

            I could feel the sun on my face, I could smell that it had rained that morning. The garish colors and patterns of shields and heraldric emblems on others watching the dance. Then I heard myself speak. And others in the crowd watching as well. It was in Welsh; The whole dream. I could feel myself having a slight headache because of the vivid brightness and depth of the color.

            “Mae hi’n brydferth” A man next to me said to me (She is beautiful). I nodded and smiled. And the view in the dream zoomed to a one of the woman in the dance. Yes, she was….she was “Mae hi’n brydferth”

            She looked at me and smiled. Sunlight on her face, a gentle smile. Blue eyes with darker brown hair.

            Dreams seem to feel longer than they actually are, because time is not a concept to the mind in this state. It was at this point I realized in the dream, that it “was” a dream and I am not in high Medieval Wales. I am asleep in my bed in Los Angeles.

            I awoke. When we take perceptions of an ideal state or what our subconscious tells us in dreams like this. All are symbols for something we long for want, or for our mind to work our frustrations out in a deep restful state that is supposed to be healthy for us.

            I dont know what I ma trying to say or explain here…..but for the fact it means something to me, and I just had to say it. There isnt anyone else to talk to about it.

            As you all were….

          17. professorGBFMtm

            ”Red Pill pretty much got stuck on metrics, graphs, charts, stats, studies, polls, unchangeable rules and laws, and protocols, and standards that in the end…..it might have choked itself off in some areas.”

            Yeah MGTOW was originally about thinking outside the box or really society then comes the ”standardized ” red pill with a new box or society as they tell ”other” MEN ”your scared of failure so heres all the tips you need to succeed”

            Yet who needs the ”strategy guide’s” of game & redpill?

            When i was out talking to people even on the side walks as a kid , i didn’t even think ”how do you talk to people?” -i just did it!-it really is like DEREK said before in a comment here that most rp guys must fall into the 5% of MEN that are risk-averse-which could explain all the ” I’m desperate -give me lots of rules ,axioms and strategies to live by” stuff among them.

          18. Liz

            “Was plagued with a very powerful, vivid dream this morning”

            Might’ve been a prophetic dream (real or metaphorical perhaps).
            I’ve had a few of those (Mike has too).
            Also known others who have.
            Unfortunately (at least for me) I usually only recognize the dream as prophetic after it happens. Dreams are rare for me these days too. Rare enough, I’d take notice also if I had one so vivid.

          19. professorGBFMtm


            i remember your sons doing GREAT with that AMC stock back in ’22 @spawnys before you were pushed out by a certain someone and you saying it amazed you at their success and they were like savants at it.

            That has helped inspire myself to invest more in my own business that i have put off doing for about eight years -i have always been self-employed with various ventures ever since i was a pre-teen.

            ”Might’ve been a prophetic dream”

            Yeah i know he’s been wanting to be there for years and hopefully he soon will get his wish.

          20. Liz

            Hey professor,
            LOL yes I remember…it was their first investment.
            We tried to get them to invest “sensibly” and then soon as we left town (after Mom’s big fall) they invested in a speculation and won big.
            I convinced them to sell and put it into the S and P…where it proceeded to go down. Kind of reminded me of this South Park skit.

            fortunately most of it lasted, heh 🙂

  3. Surfdumb

    My reference to freezing to death is about 3 Kansas City men who took drugs and froze to death while watching a playoff game a couple of weeks ago. Look at their pictures. Normal white dudes, but normal now includes 60 beers, cochise, fentanayl.
    However, that reminds me about two years ago , around 18 Chinese people froze to death running an ultra long race, maybe it was 50 miles. Organizers didn’t expect/prepare for bad weather and a blizzard blew in.
    Never mind my comment previously about the comparative sin of Chinese, I have no idea.

  4. Derek, you seem to have omitted a few possibilities.

    “Only a percent or two of the population believe that people do not have inherent equality in their traits and outcomes … Those who believe this are generally ostracized for expressing the view. “

    1) I think there is a large percentage who know we are all unequal, but that they will be punished for expressing that viewpoint. And so, they are cowardly and quietly play along with what they have realized to be false.

    2) There is also a lot of cognitive dissonance where people realize we are unequal here and there, but then don’t apply that there or here.

    If you mention that we are clearly told that women are the “weaker vessel”, that weakness will usually be relegated to not applying to whatever trait is presently being discussed, or limited to meaning “physical strength”, even though some women are clearly stronger than some men. They’d far rather make God into a clumsy liar than to imply that men might be better than women at anything other than being a marital beast of burden.


    The manosphere often complains that pastors and elders do not discipline wayward (i.e. divorcing or unfaithful) wives. But the reason is not precisely and directly due to a lack of faith per se, but due to blankslatism and bureaucracy (two primary examples of what Charlton calls virtue inversion). For a wife to divorce or be unfaithful is an unequal outcome to which she can not possibly be at fault. There must be some external force responsible—whether “the patriarchy,” her husband, or simply that her marriage—the systemic oppression—prevents her from self-actualizing and “finding herself.”

    They do what you’ve said, but not for why you’ve said. if they truly did it because of equalism/blankslatism they would also perform that same blame shifting for husbands. And consequently, they would not reflexively try to use the husband as their external cause for the wife’s divorce or unfaithfulness, but rather (like Communists) would cite truly external stuff like “the dreaded patriarchy”, systemic oppression, worldly culture, Hollywood programming, sexist traditions, and presumed institutional biases against Christian marriages.

    The Manosphere is not wrong for seeing that churches give women greater deference, and greater worth-ship, including their tacit permission to defy their supposed god’s commandments. They certainly won’t do that for most men. So, Feminism, or the idolatrous worship of women, make a far better explanation for those church’s patterns of behavior, in those cases.

    I’m not sure if it is you or Charlton, but somebody is confusing “love” with “being nice and agreeable to a fault”.

    Love is “doing what is best for others”, even if that is disciplining them or even executing them so that they can thereby pay the penalty of God’s law for those sins with their own blood, and not presume full payment for all of their immoralities solely upon the blood of Christ. Otherwise, the blood of Christ would thereby be made into an indulgence, or an elixir for all lawlessness.

    The Biblical phrase: “thy blood shall be upon thine own head” means that one can be guilty of necessitating their own execution.

    Folks will assuredly fare better on their day of judgement or atonement after having paid the penalty for their capital sins with their own blood. And it is also far better that they not live to sin against others further, and to taint the lives of many others with their great wickedness and their almost inevitable self-justifying of their corrupt ways. God was neither a fool nor unloving to tell us to execute those who commit capital sins. If we still did that, those who committed them would be far fewer.

    Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. 28 He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: 29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

    Is it not harder hearted and unloving to turn sinners over to God, left unpunished here on earth, when God is able to punish people eternally, and is known to be a God of justice?

    Leave your orphans behind and I will keep them alive. Your widows, too, can depend on me.” For the Lord says, “If even those who did not deserve to drink from the cup of my wrath must drink from it, do you think you will go unpunished? You will not go unpunished, but must certainly drink from the cup of my wrath.

    We all die because of sin. Should those guilty of capital sins not be offered the opportunity to die an earthly death in punishment for their capital sins? Why would we do them the disservice of turning them over to Jealous the God of Vengeance and justice, in a completely unpunished state? Will the eternal Son forsake the will of His Father? Might we not justly share in their punishment if we willfully let their corrupt deeds go unpunished?

    Psalm 50:16 But to the wicked God says, “Why do you talk about my laws? Why do you even mention my covenant? 17 You hate discipline, and you toss my words behind your back. 18 You make friends with thieves whenever you see one; you spend your time with adulterers. 19 You set your mouth free to do evil, then harness your tongue to tell lies.

    Martin Luther was right to condemn his local government’s irresponsibility when it began failing to execute those guilty of adultery. Observe where we now are today. In many states you can have your children taken away by our family courts if you don’t consent to their castration. Our churches need to look up the etymology of the word “nice”. If they truly loved God, they’d try to keep His laws, and see to it that God’s loving laws were enforced for others as well.

    If “Christians” had kept their beliefs right, our government would be serving God.
    Romans 13:3 (for rulers cause no fear for good conduct but for bad). Do you desire not to fear authority? Do good and you will receive its commendation 4 because it is God’s servant for your well-being. But be afraid if you do wrong because government does not bear the sword for nothing. It is God’s servant to administer punishment on the person who does wrong.

    America went from being a Christian nation to being a satanic nation, spreading Feminism and every other form of sexual immorality, because Christians were fooled into pacifism and then into a complete surrender resulting in a rigid separation of all church beliefs from state power. And now the church has become (in Derek’s words) so “cucked”, that they shut their doors whenever the satanic government asks them to. And in a grand victory lap, after churches told women they didn’t have to cover their heads for God, Satan just performed a burnout in the cosmic infield by showing everyone that all the churches would agree to make women cover their faces with masks when it was per his own decree. Satan was taunting God, “See the women defying your command, but obeying it when it’s mine? See the churchmen coming into your presence praying with their faces covered, like you commanded them not to?”

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      “I think there is a large percentage who know we are all unequal, but that they will be punished for expressing that viewpoint. And so, they are cowardly and quietly play along with what they have realized to be false.”

      If a person knows but says otherwise for any reason, then by definition they are liars. Thus, we have rampant dishonesty.

      This is precisely how falsehood is normalized and inversion systematizes. Eventually those who knew forget what they knew (or are brainwashed into accepting the new ‘reality’) and the lie is thus embraced as fact. Inversion.

      This process is exceedingly fast. Consider how “fringe” traditional feminism was quickly displaced by trans-supporting feminism, in which it is now claimed that feminists always wanted to give women’s rights away to males all along. Inversion.

      Your description is also a good example of how individual responsibility is eliminated and replaced by externally forced group consensus through bureaucratic processes—in which nobody-in-particular is responsible—that ensure public compliance and obedience, regardless of private viewpoints. Inversion.

    2. Derek L. Ramsey

      “They do what you’ve said, but not for why you’ve said. if they truly did it because of equalism/blankslatism they would also perform that same blame shifting for husbands.”

      Blankslatism isn’t rational. It is inherently logically contradictory. It is utterly trivial for you to identify the logical contradiction. But there is more to it than that:

      Blankslatism: the belief that all people are equal in potential and so should be equal in outcome, combined with the belief that every disparate outcome is the result of some external wrongdoing (past or present).

      Blankslatism cannot deny that differences in outcomes exist, so they have to be explained somehow: by finding the villains.

      Because differences exist, there must be a perpetrator of wrongdoing causing those differences. Regardless of the rationality, these are preselected as various identities: white, male, conservative, Christian, straight, etc. (even Jews, as they did when they sided with Hamas over Israel).

      The reason is because these groups generally have better-than-average outcomes, and so they are assigned as the oppressors. Everyone else gets assigned as the oppressed.

      Husbands are in the oppressor group. Wives are in the oppressed. Their individual actions do not matter.

      This is blankslatism, and I want to make this abundantly clear: it is a belief held by the left and the right. In the conservative churches it shows up in precisely the way you described.

      On one of the blogs I follow “Rational Christian Discernment”, Jesse Albrecht posted (reposted) a this article (PDF) in he made the standard blankslatist claims about race in his responses to a progressive liberal:

      Liberal: “You may not know it, but thugs is a real word. There are real thugs. You think it has to do with skin color. And that’s the problem: thugs are people who hate with brutality.”

      Albrecht: “The skin color of a man is not an issue, but how he was raised by his parents. If there is statistical data suggesting that people of a particular pigmentation commit more crimes than others, then that would be due to a cultural problem as opposed to a racial problem.”

      Notice how Albrecht is simply unwilling to state what is plainly true. He isn’t even willing to say “Black”, akin to refusing to write G-d: the sacred must not be stated. He just assumes that differences between races in crime rates are environmental (“cultural”) rather than genetic (“racial”). But this just falls into the liberal progressive trap that was set, because in doing so he is implicitly making the racist claim that “black culture” is inferior to “white culture”. The progressive blankslatist believes that thuggish “white culture” is at fault for black crime rates, so by the progressive standard Albrecht is a racist either way.

      1. Jesse Albrecht

        I think that you’re reading into my comments something which I did not intend. I spoke in general terms to underscore the irrelevancy of one’s skin color, not because of unwillingness to refer to black people as what they are. Genetics alone would not determine the likelihood of one committing crimes.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          I think that you’re reading into my comments

          I’m not reading into your comments, because this claim here that you just made

          “in general terms to underscore the irrelevancy of one’s skin color….Genetics alone would not determine the likelihood of one committing crimes.”

          …is a typical blankslatist claim the confirms what I said. So I can’t be reading into your comments when you confirmed that what I said was true.

          Rather, it’s highly likely that you don’t understand what I am saying. I don’t mean this as an insult. I enjoy reading what you write! But blankslatists just don’t view the world in a way that is accurate and objective, leading to this perception that I’m “reading into” things. You are, apparently, ignorant of the factual reality of the world. But this is easy to resolve by simply supplying you with the information you lack.

          Let’s put this concretely, shall we?

          The likelihood of committing crimes is highly heritable. Roughly 80% of the likelihood to commit crimes is explained by genetics. That’s not “genetics alone” (i.e. 100% genetics; predeterminism) but it is “mostly genetics.” Or to put it another way, if the environment was optimized, the likelihood of committing crimes would still fall along genetic—and racial—lines.

          In America, one-in-three black males will be convicted of a felony during their lifetime (from published public government stats). This is too high of a statistical anomaly to be explained the environment, as other population groups in the same environment and culture do not experience rates this high. Only one known variable correlates to this: IQ. Not culture, not environment, and not parenting. IQ.

          In fact, IQ is a better predictor of crime than race is. This is why I tend to talk about IQ and avoid talking about race whenever possible. The reason we talk about race based statistics rather than IQ based statistics is complicated. But regardless of whether we are talking about race or IQ, both are largely caused by genetics, and thus genetics is behind crime rates.

          What you think of as “environment” is actually a type of selection bias. As a group, black Americans have an average IQ around 85. But, in places where crime rates are the highest, there has been a “black flight” (corresponding to the term “white flight”) by higher IQ portions of the population that has resulted in a depression of average IQ in those areas. This increases the crime rate within that environment, making it seem as if the environment is the cause, but the reality is that as the average IQ drops, the crime rate increases.

          This is why entire schools in areas like Baltimore, Washington DC, and Chicago don’t graduate a single student who meets proficiency standards in math and language. All the smart kids’ parents have long since fled the city.

          Put simply, IQ (and the crime rate) is determined by genetics. If the environment self-segregates lower-IQ genetics into a different geographic bin than the higher-IQ genetics, then the number of crimes committed is independent of the environment. The total number of crimes remains constant, because the environment doesn’t matter. Only the geographic distribution and concentration changes. This is just math.

          Let’s look at the things you said.


          “The skin color of a man is not an issue, but how he was raised by his parents.”

          This is a false statement. Research has shown (and repeatedly been replicated)—through things like adoption studies—that major outcomes (such as crime rates) are mostly unaffected by parenting. Parenting just does not matter all that much, especially in America where environmental outcomes are already nearly optimal.

          IQ, parenting, and crime rates are all correlated, but there is no causation between parenting quality and crime.


          “If there is statistical data suggesting that people of a particular pigmentation commit more crimes than others, then that would be due to a cultural problem as opposed to a racial problem.”

          This is a prototypical blankslatist statement that you hear mostly from the progressive left and unmarried/childless people on the right.

          For one thing, it commits the error that “race” is “pigmentation.” This is an archaic definition of race that is not used by modern genetics researchers. Defining race by geography is significantly more accurate than color, though even this is still just a proxy for genetic markers.

          To demonstrate this, I could perhaps explain how east Africans make up > 98% of the world’s fastest long-distance runners or how west Africans (and their genetic offspring) dominate the fastest sprinters.

          The belief that it is cultural has been disproved time-and-time again. There is little-to-no evidence to support this claim. It’s wishful thinking.

          The racial distribution of crime among Asians, Whites, Latinos, and Africans—in that order—is found in every culture where those groups exist. Changing the culture objectively does not change the crime distribution.

          In summary, you believe in blankslatism, as indicated by your comments that parenting and environment are the cause of crime disparities. I’m not misrepresenting you, because your response confirmed your belief. Rather, you simply disagree with me. I’m just pointing out where you are wrong, but you don’t have to agree with me. That’s okay.

          1. Jesse Albrecht

            I believe you’re reading into my comments in ways that align with your preconceived notions, rather than engaging with the actual content of my statements.

            To address your points:

            Genetics and Crime:

            Your claim: “Roughly 80% of the likelihood to commit crimes is explained by genetics.”

            Rebuttal: This is an oversimplification and a misinterpretation of genetic studies. While genetics can play a role in various behaviors, it is not accurate to state that genetics alone or even mostly explain crime rates. Environmental factors, socioeconomic status, and cultural influences are significant contributors and cannot be dismissed. The figure of 80% is highly contentious and not supported by a consensus in the scientific community.

            IQ and Crime:

            Your claim: “IQ is a better predictor of crime than race is.”

            Rebuttal: IQ is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, and its correlation with crime is complex. It is important to consider that correlation does not imply causation. The relationship between IQ and crime can be mediated by various environmental factors, such as education, poverty, and exposure to violence. Reducing this relationship to genetics alone is an oversimplification that disregards the multifaceted nature of human behavior.

            Environment and Selection Bias:

            Your claim: “What you think of as ‘environment’ is actually a type of selection bias.”

            Rebuttal: This argument undermines the significant impact that environmental factors have on behavior and outcomes. Socioeconomic conditions, educational opportunities, community support, and access to resources all play critical roles in shaping individuals’ lives. Dismissing these factors as mere selection bias ignores the evidence that improving these conditions can lead to better outcomes for individuals and communities.

            Parenting and Crime:

            Your claim: “Major outcomes (such as crime rates) are mostly unaffected by parenting.”

            Rebuttal: Parenting has been shown to influence various aspects of children’s development, including behavior and decision-making. While it is true that genetics and environment interact in complex ways, claiming that parenting is mostly irrelevant to outcomes like crime is misleading. Positive parenting practices, along with supportive environments, can mitigate risk factors and promote resilience.

            Cultural vs. Racial Factors:

            Your claim: “The racial distribution of crime among different groups is found in every culture where those groups exist.”

            Rebuttal: This statement fails to account for the diverse and context-specific factors that influence crime rates. Cultural, historical, and structural factors play significant roles in shaping behaviors and opportunities for different groups. Simply attributing crime rates to genetic differences without considering these factors promotes a deterministic and reductionist view that is not supported by comprehensive social science research.

          2. Derek L. Ramsey


            This is an oversimplification and a misinterpretation of genetic studies

            This is an unsubstantiated claim. On this blog, I ask people to substantiate their claims.

            The figure of 80% is highly contentious and not supported by a consensus in the scientific community.

            I did misspeak somewhat. IQ is 80% heritable. Criminality is still highly heritable, but not quite as high as IQ. Perhaps it is 60%. I stand corrected. Regardless, it is still highly correlated and heritable.

            These observations are contentious for reasons of politics, not because it is controversial as a matter of objective fact. Within intelligence research, these claims are not contentious at all, as I indicate here.

            I’ve spent years posting the evidence of this on my blog and on Twitter. I can only conclude that you are ignorant of this subject matter.

            It absolutely is the scientific consensus that IQ is 80% heritable. Some say higher, some say lower, but the peak of the normal distribution is around that point. You could find individual studies that adjust this number somewhat. Perhaps it is 60%, 70%, 75%, or 85%. Close enough.

            Race—by definition—is a matter of genetics. When we look at published crime-by-race statistics, they tightly correlate to racial IQ distributions.

            None of this is a secret, but it’s considered racist by the progressive left and is thus shunned. Many race researchers have been censored for their “problematic” research. Notably, the objections are ideological, not objective.

            Given the ideological hostility towards intelligence research, it is rather astounding that the consensus is as strong as it is, given the ideological opposition to reality. If anything, ideological and political influences may be causing the heritability of crime to be understated.

            The relationship between IQ and crime can be mediated by various environmental factors, such as education, poverty, and exposure to violence.

            This is also unsubstantiated.

            If you want to be taken seriously here, you are going to have to do more than simply make empty statements.

            People believe that SAT prep is effective because of the blankslatist view that environmental factors are highly effective, but it is well known that SAT prep has only a marginal impact of a few points at best: the impact of environment is already close to optimal. As for education, we’ve spent many decades in this country proving that money and environment can’t move the needle on academic disparities with regards to racial (that is, more accurately, IQ) differences.

            It is important to consider that correlation does not imply causation.

            That is true, however, a lack of correlation disproves causation, because causation implies correlation. Thus the lack of correlation between criminality and environmental influences is a bigger problem. I need not assume that criminality is directly caused by genetics (and I’ve never said that it is). In fact, heritability pertains to groups, not individuals.

            “Parenting has been shown to influence various aspects of children’s development, including behavior and decision-making.”

            I don’t take seriously unsubstantiated rebuttals. I mentioned twin studies that show this this statement is false. You can’t rebut that example by just claiming that parenting is highly effective.

            You have not accounted for the fact that biological parentage is more predictive of criminality than all environmental benefits that accrue from being adopted into a better environment.

            If you want more information, read this thread that argues that parenting is largely irrelevant (along with this rebuttal). The point, of course, is that there is a meaningful debate as to whether parenting matters at all, let alone establishing that parenting is critical to criminality (a political talking point).

            “Cultural, historical, and structural factors play significant roles in shaping behaviors and opportunities for different groups. Simply attributing crime rates to genetic differences without considering these factors promotes a deterministic and reductionist view that is not supported by comprehensive social science research.”

            And yet, comprehensive social science research states that criminality is largely heritable without being deterministic and reductionist.

            If you believe that cultural, historical, and structural factors are so significant, how do you explain that altering these things has had no significant role in altering behaviors and opportunities for different groups?

            As I noted above, the objections are ideological, not objective. You didn’t object to the objectivity of what I said, but because you have an ideological objection to determinism and reductionism, a fallacious argument from consequences. In this, you’ve inadvertantly fallen victim to the blankslatist’s error:

            “It is a dangerous mistake to premise the moral equality of human beings on biological similarity because dissimilarity, once revealed, then becomes an argument for moral inequality.” — A.W.F. Edwards, Lewontin’s Fallacy, 2003

            But I do not make this premise, and so do not associate biological differences with moral inequality.


          3. Derek L. Ramsey

            Let’s see. Let’s do some very quick search to see what others are saying and to substantiate the claims even further:

            Studies put the narrow-sense heritability of IQ at 0.66 and the broad-sense heritability of IQ at 0.80. That latter is precisely where I said it was. At the very least, the heritability is arguably around 60% to 80%. Here is another similar result:

            …and here…

            Read more here

            (Interestingly, when people are asked to guess what the heritability is, they say 60%)

            We don’t have to get hung up on the specific numbers. Let’s talk qualitatively: IQ is almost as heritable as physical traits like height:

            Notably, by age 12, the heritability of IQ is as high as 88%! By the time most crimes are committed, early disparate environmental factors (such as parenting) have lost their significance. More information here.

            Here is another study that agrees and puts the figure at 86%:

            Selective breeding increases the heritability of IQ to as high as 90%:

            Here are some more at 80% or higher:

            And, for what its worth, the racial gap in test scores is strongly correlated with IQ:

            This is a good example of the state of the “debate” with blankslatists:

            Let’s talk about the distribution of IQ estimates:

            In short, the floor for IQ heritability is 50% and the ceiling is in the low 90% range. Setting the peak of the normal distribution at 80% is quite reasonable, though I wouldn’t object if you chose 75%.

            Regardless of where you stand on the issue of heritability, genetics, and crime…

            …who your biological parents were is a better predictor of whether you will commit a crime than who raised you, and that’s despite the confounding fact that adoptive parents tend to be wealthier and in better social environments than parents that give up their children for adoption.

            There are no exceptions to the racial distribution of criminality, ever:

          4. Derek L. Ramsey

            Also, it is important to note that heritability is not a measure of how much a trait is defined by genetics. Rather, it measures the proportion of variance of a trait within a population that is attributable to genetic differences. Thus, if the environment changes, the population variable explained by genetics—the heritability—can change as well.

            “Heritability” tells you how much variation in—not the base amount of—a trait is due to genetic differences. Heritability explains how much differences are explained by genetics, not whether or not the trait itself is “genetic,” something that is of less concern.

            Take height, for example. In places where nutrition is poor, a larger proportion of the variation will be due to environmental factors so the heritability of height will be lower. But where nutrition is better, the variation in a population’s height will be mostly due to genetics.

            For intelligence in the United States, most of the differences in intelligence are due to genetics because, like height, the environment has been optimized for the development of intelligence. Only a relatively small proportion of the variation is due to environmental causes.

            The point is that we don’t need to know how much a trait is genetic in an absolute sense. We never need to say “IQ is genetic” and so we never need to worry about determinism or reductionism in an absolute sense. All we have to say is that the proportion of the differences we do observe are mostly due to genetic differences.

            For criminality, we can say something like this: the racial differences in crime rates in America are 50% or more explained by genetics. This fact makes people very uncomfortable (see, the fallacious argument from consequences). But the fact remains is that if you were able to hold the environment constant, but change the genetics of the population, the crime rate could fall dramatically without any change to the environment. Whether you consider that to be determinism or not—a non-scientific metaphysical judgment—the fact remains that this is what heritability means.

            Now, take the case of a heritability is 80%. Environmental changes can only narrow the gap by at most 20% even in the most optimal scenario (which may not actually be possible in reality). So let’s say that the order-of-magnitude difference in criminality between Asians and Blacks is 60% heritable. 60% of the crime rate is due to genetics, which 40% may be due to environmental factors that can’t realistically be changed. What difference, from the perspective of “determinism” is there between fixed genetic and fixed environmental impacts?

            As you can see, it’s just as easy for blankslatistists to blame unchanging (and poorly identified) “structural racism” for disparate impacts and to use those supposed fixed environmental impacts to release certain parties from culpability for their actions. This is why most people pushing for determinism are blankslatists rather than hereditarians.

            In other words, heritability is orthogonal to determinism, just as my A.W.F. Edwards quote suggests.

            Lastly, consider that while ChatGPT says that “group differences in IQ” being “genetically based [..] is not supported by scientific consensus” it also says that “IQ has a moderate to high heritability (~50-80%).” Despite being heavily biased against the heritability of IQ, it still agrees with what I’ve written here (and contradicts its own statement).

            What’s interesting about IQ differences is that when we’ve found environmental ways to improve IQ in the population, they’ve tended to favor the groups that are already disparately higher in IQ. This has led to the uncomfortable situation where we’ve reduced effective environmental interventions in order to not favor or disfavor certain racial groups. Just look at how California has eliminated gifted education and reduced advanced course offerings for the higher functioning students.

  5. Lastmod

    Years ago when I lived in Fresno…..there was going to be a “community / local theater” production of “Othello” by Shakespeare in the one park downtown. The Internet and local papers mentioned the tryout and encouraged anyone who liked Shakespeare or just wanted to try out for a part to come down, sign up and audition. The production would curtain up in August. It was February.

    I signed up and arrived. My acting resume was nothing spectacular. “Charlie Brown” in a high school musical production of “Snoopy” in conjunction with the local girls school.

    College I was in two plays “Tartuffe” by Moliere and “A Lie of the Mind” by Sam Shepard, and I had a leading role in that one. Sam Shepard was a friend of the director / theater dept Chair at my college. He came to two of the performances and loved it. I got to meet him!

    So I arrive at the tryouts in Fresno. hardly local. Every striving actor between San Francisco and LA showed up. Young men and women with “acting / theater” degrees. Guys and gals with resumes of roles, bit parts in TV commercials, acting and theater companies they worked for or were involved in.

    Myself and another local guy who just wanted to be in a “community” play struck up a convo “so much for this being local, and representing the greater downtown Fresno neighborhood” We both were very intimidated by all the skills, posturing and quasi-professional or seasoned actors around us.

    In the end, all the roles in the play were filled with people who didnt even LIVE in Fresno. All the supporting action (wardrobe, set design and construction were done by serious professionals…..many of which did not live in Fresno….looking for skills to build their professional acting / support resumes). The locals who did audition and didnt get anything were offered the “most important job” to hand out programs at the performances, ushers, and run the concession stand during the “intermission” and before and after the performance.

    I ushered. At the end of everything, when the set was “striked” and all the non-locals went back home…..we LOCALS who volunteered were FORCED to sign paperwork stating and PROVING this was a LOCAL production (meaning, the city dept who funded this and put the production on) needed the signatures to submit to get funding and stay in complaince with their funding.

    It was a sham. It was a great production, but it wasnt LOCAL and even in the arts…..as much as they claim “anyone can do this” and “blankslatisim” it turned out not to be true. It was a sham and lie, and still all the local press made it out like it was a “local” thing.

    1. Lastmod

      Post Script: I later found out all the acting positions were PAID positions and even the grant that put this on paid for all the actors hotel lodging and were given a stipend for meals. Also, because it was from a “federal equity in arts” grant to Fresno, the actors guide and the like advertised it on their own pages and newsletters, hence all of the people from out of town. Then having the audacity to call it a “local” production was an insult to the people of Fresno. Especially that neighborhood

    2. Derek L. Ramsey

      “we LOCALS who volunteered were FORCED to sign paperwork stating and PROVING this was a LOCAL production”

      Yours is an excellent example to add to my examples of the rampant dishonesty that infects everything. In particular, it is very similar to this one:

      “in the UK, in order to receive a government research grant, you must claim that your research will be beneficial, something you cannot possibly honestly claim to know. You must be dishonest just to get paid. This means every scientific researcher is a liar”

      Mere participation in life often obligates people to be dishonest just to function as an active participant, whether for work or play. There are too many battles to fight, and it isn’t possible to win most of them anyway.

  6. Liz

    I’m a little skeptical that 98-99 percent of the population doesn’t believe genetics play any factor in outcomes.
    I married Mike in good part because he was smart (and his parents were smart)…hence, hoping our children would be smart. I really doubt that was a one in 100 decision. Doesn’t everyone think about stuff like that?

    1. Lastmod

      In todays world…..for awhile now….its just plainly assumed that if you are “good looking” (physically attractive) you are smart, you are good, you are more ….and studies do show this. “good looking” people on a cultural standard are assumed to be “smart” or “right” and even in a work environment, their opinions carry “stronger weight” for this.

      Im not saying its right, but its just assumed.

    2. Hey, Liz! (sure hope I don’t live to regret engaging with you publicly).

      I have taught my girls that they need to consider the intelligence of the man they consider for marriage. They don’t want to marry a dumb, hot jock. A smart jock maybe? But no amount of hotness will override a man short on wisdom and vision. I point out to them their female relatives who have done such and how those women live. I must admit that It was not a consideration of mine when I got married. I just got *lucky* I guess.

      Although I was always considered smart, gifted, whatever you want to call it, my husband and I got together almost solely based on physical attraction and his personality. He was smart (far more accomplished and forward thinking than any 19-yar-old I’ve met before or sense, besides the ones he raised), but I was far too foolish to think about that in the moment. Thank God one of us was thinking.

      There was one thing I did notice very early on, and it was that all of his mother’s 9 siblings (at that time) were married to their first spouses in long term marriages. It was striking to me because I had been raised around almost all divorcees and single mothers in my family of origin. I desperately wanted kids to be raised in that kind of a legacy.

      I am not a blank slatist, for the record, but I also believe that an over dependence on bell curves without considering individual merit may have left us without the Thomas Sowell’s, Ben Carson’s, Glenn Loury’s and SAM’s of the world.

      1. Derek L. Ramsey

        “I am not a blank slatist, for the record, but I also believe that an over dependence on bell curves without considering individual merit may have left us without the Thomas Sowell’s, Ben Carson’s, Glenn Loury’s and SAM’s of the world.”

        These two—merit and population differences as illustrated by a bell curve—are not opposed to each other. Rather than an “over dependence”, the bell curves predict and explain what you describe. Indeed, individual differences—which vary in a population—are the primary basis for merit.

        This is why Thomas Sowell is well-respected among intelligence researchers , but is downright hated by blankslatists (at least those who know who he is!).

      2. Liz

        Hey Elspeth!
        “I just got *lucky* I guess.”

        I very much doubt it was just luck.
        I believe it would have been off putting for you if Sam was not smart.
        It’s not necessarily something that needs to be verified on paper, one can tell by conversation (and intelligence shows in the eyes).
        I’ve told the anecdote before about Mike’s mom teaching his dad algebra.
        He built a car from junk yard parts and a book. It took about 2 years (IIRC).
        Every week he’d bring the money he saved from delivering food on his bicycle to the junk yard and buy another part until he had a running car.
        He told her, “I’m not good at math”…and she’d like “um, we’re in a car that you built…I’m pretty sure you can do algebra”. That’s how his future as an aerospace engineer started.

          1. Liz

            Great writeup (and example), Derek.
            Mike spent his teen years fixing cars with his dad, he learned a lot.
            It was unfortunate we moved around too much to do the same with our boys.

          2. Lastmod

            Now Liz, we know the ‘sphere’s answer to this:

            “Mike should have told his bosses ‘I stay where I am, or I walk. My kids are more important than a career’ or he could have moved the family to a Christian community and he could have easily gotten work as a pig farmer, worked real hard and made millions. Its simple. Its easy. He just didnt want to put the work and effort in”

            The sphere is full of “should have done” and “you are lazy” comments. This would never be levied on Mike I know but its just typical.

            I was never a “motor” guy but dad did make sure I knew how to change the oil in my car in high school and college. Rotate tires and the basics. Which I did do. I can to this day tell if a Chrsyler 318 isnt running right by the sound of it. I may not know what is wrong…..but I can tell “somethings not right here”

          3. Liz

            “I was never a “motor” guy but dad did make sure I knew how to change the oil in my car in high school and college. Rotate tires and the basics.”

            You’re about 1,000 percent ahead of most people there, Jason.
            I had to change a tire in driver’s ed but I don’t think they even do that anymore.
            (and I’m sure you are right about the sphere. Of course, Mike and I shouldn’t be together because we were friends and actually knew a great deal about each other before we started dating…unlike the latest scenario at Jack’s where a working girl runs away with a complete stranger, which is always the recipe for success….perhaps a werewolf or vampire will make his way into the sequel)

  7. professorGBFMtm

    MOD ,

    You still producing videos on yt?

    i especially liked your ” friday night striped shirt and baby gorilla in chicago in ’99/’00 & MGTOW” video you did back in i think early 2022?

    i liked all your videos and when you were on the price is right game show in Dec ’21 (and as even my brother in CHRIST (who turned on me as wolves in sheep clothing usually do-after i left his & jack’s sites) said at Spawnys before about a year+ ago , you do write GREAT posts and as far as i’m concerned comments too @Boxers and your own blog( and now comments here also) i would read them a lot in 2019-which was a ”turning point” year for myself.

    Your posts and comments always gave me hope that the ‘sphere at it’s core would eventually see where it went wrong in regards to most MEN(which now like yourself , i doubt will ever happen as the mainstream ‘sphere knows even more ”it’s holy , right & correct” as it fails even more )

    ”Of course, Mike and I shouldn’t be together because we were friends and actually knew a great deal about each other before we started dating”

    In this ‘sphere as i’am told you can never be anything like pleasant friends with the opposite sex , even as they seem to preach in marriage as husband and wife either-just ask dudes like jack and Deti.

    1. Lastmod


      No, I dont make videos right now. Perhaps in the future. The most views any of them got were maybe five to ten. No loss to the “youtube” world

      I still laugh about being on that show. Such a staple from childhood in the 1970’s, to those days staying home from school as a teen if I was sick, to in between classes at college…….we would pile into the TV lounge to catch a game, and roast contestants. “Idiot! You lost, those prizes should be mine!” lol

      It was fun and I had a great time. Drew Carey was great. Still a fan of the show despite in some ways how “stupid” it is. Its just an hour long commercial if you really think about it.

      I did sign up with an agency if they need “background” people for a movie or TV show. Most are filmed out here still. You usually get paid 50 bux or they provide lunch for you on the set. Got a call last month but I couldnt meet the time (it was an all day shoot)

      Had a tour of the big, huge NBC complex in Burbank last year. I enjoyed that. Where they tape Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Also, countless shows / sitcoms from the 1960’s thru today.

      If I do videos again, I want to focus on how to speak to and at Incels. I want to let them know “no, life isnt that great…..but it does go on” and how to convey to them “after 35, you’re still stuck, its over and the best way to accept this is ripping the bandage off fast, and quick. It will be painful….but better then at 40, or 45”

      Just found out that actor John Cusak has never been married and has no children. Now, mind you….he has quite a stellar dating history in Hollywood, but interesting that he isnt a dad and doesnt have a few tabloid inducing divorces. Interesting.


      Yes, I saw that story. Evidently the whole message to men is “shoot your shot! the worst she can say is no! Be a man who has PSALMS, LAMPS, Game, Frame, a great career….drive a BMV and just ask women out, and if she says “no” she passed up on a great opportunity to be married to you without even knowing her! Easy!”

      In real life………none of the men of that side of the sphere would ever do such a thing, but its okay for you “Mr. Loser, nobody, go make a fool of yourself at our expense so we can critique you after you fail”

      1. Bardelys the Magnificent

        Glad I wasn’t the only one who was how ridiculous that story was. It’s an indictment of what’s left of the mandropshere that it was taken seriously at all.

  8. Lastmod

    Well, its on the Internet forever………at least it wasnt something embarrassing. After taxes, I dumped it on my new car, removed over 2 1/2 years of payments. I paid the car off in October 2023. I have a car with under 20k miles. I take excellent care of it and got it financed at 1.9%

    Dave Ramsey I know would still call me stupid for buying a new, fuel efficient car under 30K. I should have bought a 1992 Ford Taurus with 200k on it for $600.00 cash and so I could have it in the shop every week.


  9. Lastmod

    Higher education. Going to undergrad in New England…..I met many folks at parties or while skiing who went to Ivies or higher end colleges / universities.

    *Its hard to get IN at these places, once you are IN, most programs are not any more difficult than any other state college or university. Sure, you *might* study under some famous professor but you probably wont meet him. He’ll give a lecture. No questions. His TA and the like will handle most of the grading, questions.

    *Yes, some of these Ivies DO have a strong programs in medicine, or engineering, or math, or nursing……but sorry, someone with a BA in English from Harvard, or Dartmouth probably isnt any “smarter” than someone who got the same degree from West Arkansas State University. The guy who went to West Arkansas State just didnt have the connections, money or perfect SAT score…..which isnt a measure of intelligence or common sense.

    *The Ivies give you massive CONNECTIONS to the right people in many circumstances. It doesnt mean you are a genius, or smart…..or you deserve a high paying job because of the degree from these places. There are two powerful law firms here in LA that will not hire you unless you are a Harvard or Stanford graduate. Period.

    *The Ivies, like “science” have ruined their reputations in many areas that previous generations worked so hard for them to achieve.

    *There was a joke when I was in college about Dartmouth (which was a 45 minute drive from our campus). “If you like to dress in womens clothing, come from money, and have an entitled attitude, you may want to consider a Dartmouth education”

    *Worked at IBM with people from Stanford and Berkely and they didnt seem any more “ready” for work or “prepared” than me in many areas. They had the “pedigree” that gave them a very serious advantage that said “Stanford” or “Berkeley” on the diploma.

    *My doctor at Kaiser (health plan / HMO) earned his MD at UCLA. Undrgrad at Pepperdine. Published. He has the personality of a doorknob. He cant speak in full sentences, has a terrible bedside manner, doesnt seem too concerned about his patients…….and well, frankly….I get better advice from the RN nurse on the phone than from him. But…..he probably had a great SAT score and his parents are proud of him because he’s a doctor. Yes, he’s east Asian.

    *Great, bring back testing…but the damage is done and even with the testing….they will choose the woman, or person-with-color over anyone else if the score match. Also remember….the Ivies save a good 10% of their slots every year for who?????????????????

    Alumni in GOOD standing with their regular donations to the college / university

    1. Liz

      I don’t think the Ivy League “brand” has ever been less impressive than it is now (for many reasons…as you’ve mentioned). Even so, I think going back to a modicum of standard is a positive step.
      Just read that my own alma mater now has one administrator for every 4 students. That is nuts. Explains a lot about the rising cost of education.
      Most undergrads aren’t even allowed to attend classes, they have to take them online (and even when they take them in person, as you note it is usually a TA). Often the professors are only interested in research, and are dismissive and condescending to the students.
      My experience with large universities hasn’t impressed me to say the least.

      1. Lastmod


        Let me tell you the very sad story of my undergraduate…..Green Mountain College. Poultney, Vermont.

        A proud institution founded in 1834 by the Methodist church. Always a small college. At its peak, it had 715 students in the 1970-1971 academic year. A beautiful residential campus with buildings in the georgian style dating from the Victorian era until 1970 (the then new library)

        It was a classic liberal arts college. Students studied art, english, elementary and special education, psychology, thraputic rec, and leisure facilities management, accounting, and retail management. Yes, and the fillers of sociology, history, theater, and other related arts and letters.

        Classes of course were always small. By my sophmore year you were usually in a class of three to five other students with a doctorate level professor. Sometimes you would be in class…sometimes you would meet in a professors office….. an applewood fire crackling in the fireplace during cold winters.

        You had to live on campus. This is how the college met its expenses of its operational plant and campus.

        It was the first college in Vermont to grant degrees to women (1837). Its small size also impacted it to economics VERY quickly. World War II? No men? It became a womens college until 1975.

        Sometime in the mid 1990’s the college….just after I left…..adopted a “progressive environmentalist” focus. It was going to become a niche college and its focus here would make it a “leader” in this new religion. Environmentalism.

        With that came the trappings of woke, extreme PC, and everything else. The college slowly sank in enrollment while the costs went up. The focus was lost, and it collapsed on itself in 2019 under the weight of its own making.

        I cried when I heard the news of its closing. My college years were some of the happiest times of my life.

        I served on the Board of Trsutees from 1999-2002 (the youngest Trustee of the college in its history). I was shocked at what was being done. I figued “okay” be an “environmental” college but for the love of God……………………BALANCE THE BOOKS!

        I was expelled from the alumni association after I wrote a scathing letter about the exact goings on to older alumni/ae. I even notified the Methodist Church to the goings on with teh Board and the College proper. Yawn. No replies. You would think them still supoorting the college in affiliation to the tune of 2.5 million a year…they MIGHT be concerned.

        It got so bad in the Woke dept….the college adopted a philosophy in 2014 or so “Our tution is 39K a year with room and board…..but only pay what you *feel* like paying.

        The people who destroyed this place left unscathed…….no reputations damaged. No shame. No future employment damaged.

        I could go on. It was very heartbreaking.

        1. Liz

          Ah, that sucks Jason. 🙁
          It is nice that you have pleasant memories of the school back in the day, though, in spite of what it turned in to.
          That term “you can never go home” comes to mind.
          It would’ve been awesome to go to a small school like that. For me, being in a crowd always made me feel the most lonely.
          We went to UF.
          My only good memories are after I met Mike.
          Looking back, things might have turned out differently if I hadn’t gone to a school where I felt like a number. And I’m glad about how my life turned out so I am glad it was awful for a bit. Sometimes bad things lead to good things, heh.

          1. Liz

            One of the things I learned from Mike, very early on, was the deception of “the crowd”. Everyone wants to pretend they are smarter, more popular, more successful than they are. After every test that seemed impossible to me, when I asked someone “how did you do?” they always said “pretty good!” It was seldom true.
            That had the impact of making me feel stupid.
            Mike told me to notice how many people say they did great and then drop out.
            He’d observed that again and again….
            I finally, rather than feeling badly about myself, looked up and took notice.
            He was right.

          2. Lastmod


            I was never “big man on campus” nor was I “popular” but just the memories of those times. Beofer cell-phones…well, there were cell-phones but YOU didnt have one.

            There were not enough phone numbers in the local county, so we didnt have telephones in our dorm rooms (New England Telephone). There were payhones / phone booths on every floor. If the phone rang……pick it up, and go get the person who the call was for.

            Since it was a Methodist college, youhad birthday dinners once a month. The whole campus would have a better than average sit down meal in the dining room. Faculty, staff, professors. EVeryone’s birthday that month would be celebrated.

            Everyone at my college was a skiier. At least once a year…….the chimes of the clock tower would play a tune around 7AM which meant “no class today…..shuttle buses arriving…..get your skis! College is having a full day for you at Killington!” Miss that

            Most of the college professors lived right in the village of Poultney…….and sometimes you would have dinner at their home with them. The Deans (Academics / Students) were always available to meet and talk with you.

            Green Mountain was the only college in the USA that offered Welsh classes, and had a choir known for its Welsh singing. The area had a huge Welsh-American community and heritage in the area (slate mining)

            Even when I was astudent, I was already feeling homesick for it because I knew that “someday, this experience will end” and it did, very quickly.

            The New England model of the small, private, liberal arts residential college is dying. It had a good run……over 200 years for the most part…………todays students just want the grade, the core classes. They dont want this model. Unless the college is VERY endowed, most of these colleges under 1000 students WILL be gone in the next ten years.

            The student might be studying accounting……but they dont want a “core liberal arts class” of musical theory, or sociology, or french. They want the core major and the degree, and of course the A grade they “deserve”

          3. Liz

            It sounds like a dream experience, Jason.
            I think we’re losing a lot with the death of community building institutions, like your alma mater.
            Also think we’ve lost something valuable with those formerly relevant country churches that are also in the process of dying.
            As with your former college, whack job postmodernist priests and administrators have erased those franchises. To society’s detriment.

          4. Lastmod

            Thanks for at least seeing this experience for what it was Liz.

            Heck, after dinner was served (5-6 PM) the dining room then stayed open for “social” until 8PM. Coffee / tea services bussed to tables. Some desserts. At that time smoking was then allowed in the dining room during this time. Can you imagine that today?

            Launching bottle rockets up the chimneys of the dormintory common lounge. That night the power went out on campus……..walking back from studying in the library on a cool fall night…..mist in the trees, the smell of fall leaves and rain in the air. Welcoming lights from the dormitory windows. Cheering our soccer team or lacrosse teams to victory.

            Every semester you had to take a PE requirement (1/2 credit, so 4 credits your entire degree track). Can you imagine a college today saying “yes, you must take a PE class once per semester” I usuall did swimming, our college had the first indoor / inground pool in Vermont. We would get out of the pool, rinse off, change….go outside and the ice-chunks forming in your hair because of the freezing cold temps!

            So many memories. I sometimes think its me that these things happen…….everything I get involved with turns to mud. My college…gone. The Boy Scouts…..ruined. IDK, I get more angry by the week over these people who ruined everything I was a part of. And Im powerless to do anything about it.

            I look to “leadership” in the ‘sphere or church or people “better than me” and they have the answers but dont seem to care. As long as they are getting an IOI, or able to swipe at my lower abilities.

            I cant put a finger on it

  10. professorGBFMtm

    Y’all have heard that the Dal rock blog is private now?

    As in ”Private Site
    This site is currently private. If you would like to request access, we’ll send your username to the site owner for approval. ”

    i first told certain in the ‘sphere about that on Monday night on the 19th.

    i had been reading old posts on it earlier that day.

    At first i thought he may come back then i thought how depressed even more the entire ‘sphere is now and how he would more than likely fare even less successful than he did between ’16 and ’19.

    But i’m starting to think he’s not coming back as by early 2019,you could tell he was not that interested in continuing to blog as he was more about doing interviews and especially after Roissy=Heartiste got banned by wp in April ’19 too.

    But as Deti (after that archangel guy mentioned it on the 21st there) said at sf”That means something’s happened. Someone’s trying to dox him. Either that, or someone found him. ”-
    it gives the ‘sphere something to ”unite”(like jack has been yelling for months now-in vieled attempt i thought to lure most of us here back to sf and give’em in their minds a victory they can not acheive otherwise) around.

    1. Liz

      Why would someone dox Dalrock now?
      I don’t know, but it doesn’t really follow…seems like if someone were to do that it would have happened a while back, when he was still blogging.

    2. Lastmod

      If he is as “bold” as people say, and his work will someday be “connonized” he could….and would…care less if he was doxxed.

      Now, todays bold n biblical “christian” will say “he has to protect himeself annd his family” and thats being a “real man”

      “To be absent in the flesh is to be present in the lord” and “what can mere MERE do to me?”

      Those are the words of Paul who evidently we are supposed to emulate. Oh, but wait I am sure the translation I am using is “wrong”

      William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army on the filthy, crime ridden streets of east London once said “Go for the sinner, and the WORST of the lot, the cause for Christ wil be with you”

      The Sally Army hasnt behaved like that in 100 years

      In the end, its Dal’s work. It doesnt belong to ANY of us. He can do what he pleases with it. The last year he was posting he behaved worse than the “cucks” he moaned about. Back and forth with all these “churchians” hairsplitting over every word and wouldnt even “debate” them face to face or on a podcast. Dumped it all on his slavish followers for them to fight the battle for him.

      It was time to end it. Good for him. ALso, and I am actually DEFENDING Dal here:

      Dalrock was smart enough to KNOW that what needed to be said had been said over and over, and over and over again for years. It was all there.

      Some of his posts were actually good. Many okay, and some were full on “turds in the punchbowl” but his slavish followers called anything he said “genius” and “brilliant”

      Remember people (the comment section at Dal’s) vote, get to sit on your Jury and also actually think they are exceptional.

      1. Liz

        Well…I think there are some good reasons for anonymity, sometimes.
        I know I disagree with other on this….but when Scott’s site was up, I did mention it was a bad idea to not be anonymous.
        And now he probably wishes he had done things differently. In his case, he has the benefit all his friends are deleting material for him.

    3. professorGBFMtm

      ”I look to “leadership” in the ‘sphere or church or people “better than me” and they have the answers but dont seem to care. As long as they are getting an IOI, or able to swipe at my lower abilities.

      I cant put a finger on it”

      After Roosh (who was starting to go down the path that he completed in ’19)wrote this:”Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman
      March 31, 2014 ”

      GBFM wondered why dalrock wasn’t reaching out to him.Then he realized on April 3rd 2014 ”Roosh is a Greater Christian than Dalrock. But Dalrockasz Has all DA SOLUTIONZ!! BE A CLOWNZ FOR DA MODERNZ WOMENZ AND PLEASE HER EVERY TINZGLZZOOZOZ!

      While Dalrockasz da Churchian teaches and preaches that men must learn game so as to become clowns for womenz serving every butt and gina tinzgzlzlzozo, Roosh (who would be kicked out of da dalorkcian chruchz) is catching on.

      “Men Are Nothing More Than Clowns To The Modern Woman

      When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall. Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat? Either she makes the impulsive decision to buy the skirt or not, because odds are she won’t come back for it. There are so many stores with so many skirts that she will soon forget it, forever. We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.

      We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns. With our tight game we have to be entertainers who create drama and excitement in a girl’s life, just long enough so that she spreads her legs and makes sexy noises, and even though she did commit such an intimate act with us, she will soon lose interest or simply get bored, and then move on to the next shiny cock that catches her eye. ”


      need to reclaim da home, schools, churches, court systemz, culture, hollywoodz, and soul of the nation, and exalt the GREAT BOOKS FOR MENZ an dMOSEZ and JESUSZ.

      for dalrock KNOWSZ full well that were he ever to suggest this, he woul dnever, ever, ever receieveie another instalancha againz from a man whose wife refused to take his last mname, and den wrote a book for menz (as part of the controlled oppositionz) which never mentioned Moses, nor JEsus, nor Homer, nor Socrates, nor Aristotelzozozozzlzozozol nor any of da GBFMs. zlzozozo

      And so Dalrockaz continues his long, loyal march through da insisttiuitionz of Christianity, exalting Game, Butt, and Gina tinzgzlzlzozozo over JEsus and Moses, as all his faithfless faux fanboy flcok flock of frankfaratioatazn clap their hands and quote MArcuse and teahc, like Boxer, thet Freud is the true ftaher of JEsuz lzozozlzlzolz ''

      Classic times from nearly a decade ago , yes MOD?
      Boxer and GBFM were actually friends as well as sparring partners and Boxer actually said he ''loved GBFMS work and unique voice.''

      A lot of Young MEN were looking at dalrock as a father figure mainly since ''he was a happily married father'' back then and all he offered them was game.

      Same with too many ''leaders'' in the 'sphere today.

      1. Lastmod

        I have no reason to doubt that Dal does have a happy marriage.

        Now, will he post the pics to “prove” it? No, and I don’t think he has to. Yet, the consensus in the christian sphere is “your wife has to have a visceral look of ‘i want to f*ck your brains out’, or your marriage will fail”

        Women evidently cannot fake that. They can fake everything else. Everything…but this? No. Impossible!

        I have mentioned that Scott when he gets a new patient that has marriage problems in the home, he never says and has not ever said to the patient “Bring your wedding pics, and pics of when you are dating …if she doesnt have a visceral look your marriage was doomed. You should divorce her. She never loved you!”

        Nor does he bring out his pics and say “See, she has to look like this, my wife…..your wife doesnt have that. There is nothing else I can do. She has that carnal look from the second you meet her, or you might as well kick her to the curb….you’re a christian? Jesus will understand bc this verse and that verse actually mean a man can divorce for reason like this”

        Its all theater. When Rollo’s wife asks him to take out the garbage, he doesnt go into a tirade about male dominance and structures and theories in marriage. He gets up and takes out the garbage. Scott does too.

  11. professorGBFMtm

    ”Why would someone dox Dalrock now?
    I don’t know, but it doesn’t really follow…seems like if someone were to do that it would have happened a while back, when he was still blogging.”

    DEREK & i essentially believe it must be where dalrock’s payments haven’t been coming to wp.

    But the ‘sphere wants sensationalism.

    ”their after us”

    Yet the only ‘sphere sites that have been banned by wp are a whopping three as far as i know.

    1.GREATBOOKSFORMEN in mid November ’14.

    2.THE CHEATEAU AKA Roissy=Heartiste in mid April ’19.

    3.GunnerQ first blog in mid-May ’22.

    If the ‘sphere loves dal rock so much and believes ” their after him”too why don’t they hold a ”free saint dalrock and his most sainted and blessed blog that ever was people!” web telethon for multiple days with rotating guest hosts such as myself ,DEREK ,LastMOD , ArtisinialTOAD(i don’t believe he died in 2019) ,doug wilson , shelia gregoire and tim bayly?😉

    It could put the spotlight back on the whole sphere!

    1. Ram-Man

      “If the ‘sphere loves dal rock so much”

      They don’t. Dalrock was a minor player. I know this is hard to accept, but Dalrock’s reach was very narrow. I wrote about this on Boxer’s blog back in 2019. You can read what I wrote here.

  12. Liz

    On the topic (mostly).
    What causes “learning inversion”?
    Fake realities.
    Back when MTV had the first “reality show” entitled “The Real World” I thought it was so stupid no one could possibly want to watch that. A contrived “reality” where the participants are selected people who proceed to drum up drama and intrigue to entertain a viewership.
    It was a puzzlement….why and how are folks entertained by this?
    Kind of reminded me of the Roman arena where viewers were entertained by the horrible things going on there. I was wrong about reality shows…the internet brought far more to our door for the viewing pleasure of the masses.
    After limitless porn and blue haired crazies started to lose their luster, we get the trad-con LARPers. Young women (usually childless) putting on a “conservative” show for clicks.
    Videos from overseas of “docile women” hit the same spot.
    “Hey LuLu, you sweet dopey girl you, here is a sanitary napkin for your snatch! In case you forget your cycle is coming”. Who does this? No one. It is as fake as the gold digger videos and “I demand my boyfriend sell his house to get me a diamond ring” videos. And society is not better for any of it.
    (h/t last video on Jack’s latest thread).

    1. Liz

      For the internet’s next trick:
      “Follow this pilot on his chemtrail journey spraying chemicals on the population! We’ll visit his family and ask them what they think…”
      Trigger warning:
      Chem trails are not real. But there are an unbelievable number of people who think they are…so there is money to be made in clicks for a show like that, most certainly.

    2. Lastmod

      Also, rubbing your gf’s leg / ankle / leg / thigh is a “chinese / buddhist” thing now meaning, I want you now. And its subtle, classy and elegant evidently as compared to “the West”

      And mind you, this girl is having “premarital sex” and if you’re a Buddhist, thats okay. As long as you are cute, adorable and your boyfriend “games” you. Such a reserved culture, and done on a YouTube video for all the world to see 🙂

      As for her “boyfriend; well in the West, he would be told he could do “way better” if he “just hit the gym” and didnt look like a cuck. The flip side to this is “See, see! Average soy-boy looking dudes can get an adorbale girl from Singapore! They just want to be a helper, and Buddhism has got it right here, whey are cucks and soyboys ruining it here in the West????”

      If you are such an inspiration, a real man, caring for women, and such a devout “leader” in the Christian faith……the cucks and soy boys here in the West would be inspired to follow you or look up to you. They’re not because they have a simon-pure arrogance about who and what they are.

      “All Buddhists are going to hell. they dont accept Jesus!” / “She’s so adorable, Buddhist / east Asian women are so perfect, and cute! They want to be helpers and understand their role.

      Taiwan has a or had a female Prime Minister……..so much for that

  13. Liz

    This might be off topic, or on depending on one’s perspective.
    Certainly there is a lot of “inversion learning” when it comes to financial information/advice today. Here goes…

    I’m going to talk about investments after reading some recent comments at Jack’s.
    I have absolutely nothing to gain from this, but it has been a series of months and the commentary from folks who have made absolutely catastrophically bad decisions makes me feel a bit compelled. Especially after some dipstick (self described “entrepreneur”- and btw everything about this particular poster screams fraud to me) without children has stated his intention is to rely on his progeny for a retirement plan.
    Good luck with that.

    It is likely no one who needs it will read this, but I’ll post anyway. Because I think I’m in a position to do so. It starts with living beneath your means, preferably as early as possible. We socked away about 25 percent every month for years, and we did have to tap into our savings when Mike had a career change and I was the breadwinner for a time. About 5 years out of 32, we didn’t save and had to tap our longterm money, fortunately that wasn’t a long period of time but it was fortunate we were saving when we could so we had something to tap in to. This meant shopping consignment and garage sales for the kids clothes and toys in our youth. Back when others were using credit. We didn’t accept bonus money when others did, because that would have sacrificed freedom (the bonus was contingent on longterm service commitment, and Mike wanted to keep his option to leave open as much as possible).

    Now I’ll tell a tale of two families.
    One, Mike’s parents. Another, my parents.
    My Dad never made above a middle class income in his life. He lived through the depression and was a saver (Mom was raised in post WWII Italy, on a farm…simillar perspective).
    He had 4 kids. And he made enough in life to be very generous toward his grandkids, and leave a wife with a very decent living.
    Mike’s parents had genius level IQs. His mom was a corporate executive making money hand over fist. His dad had numerous side jobs in addition to being a commercial pilot and software developer for Apple (and he invested when Apple was a penny stock).
    His parents made so much money it was crazy, from my perspective raised by the frugalest of parents…in their lifetimes, salary-wise his parents probably made at least 50 times what my parents made.

    Today, Mike’s mom’s home has a second mortgage on it (they owned the home outright, but his dad used those funds to invest right before the tech bubble burst). She lives independently, but is on a fixed income due to stupid investment decisions.
    This is why I am posting. It will be the only time I comment on investments, but I’ve seen this first hand. Look up Wade Cook (aka Wade the Crook).

    First, I recommend reading a book from the early 90s (if it’s possible to find it).
    The Great Reckoning by Davidson and Rees-Mogg.
    I recommend it only for context.
    Because at the time “contrarian investment” was “the thing”….over 30 years ago now. They were then making the same predictions for the market that everyone is still making now (catastrophe is just around the corner).
    I have no doubt “they” are right. Catastrophe can and eventually will come. It is inevitable. But if one had been preparing for the catastrophe (this book was written by very astute people, with very astute reasoning…and I was an astute and careful person with my money back then, and I can tell you this helped us as a family throughout life), one would have missed out.

    Our strategy now is to use “dimensional fund” investments. That is not a name brand, I think there are even dimensional ETFs.
    Instead of using the s and p which is weight allocated and smaller companies are less represented.
    Dimensional funds weigh them differently with more small caps over time does better than holding S and P only.
    It is incrementally better over time, and some years does not perform as well.
    If is typically equities to fixed income (bonds) 80/20
    more moderate 30-40 fixed
    stable 50 percent fixed income
    of course it depends very much on the bond market, and it’s not easy to time.
    This is what we do. If one owns farmland or a ranch or something that would probably be even better…but not everyone is in a position to do so.

    I’m not anti precious metals. But the fact is (see The Great Reckoning book) this song and dance has been going on a long while.
    That doesn’t mean it will never be right, but one can’t time the market. If the dollar evaporates to hyperinflation, we’re all screwed anyway.
    No one is going to be trading gold dust on scales at the local village.

    I AM anti crypto, just as I am anti gambling. It’s fine if limited to gambling only money.
    -nuff said and Liz out

    1. Lastmod


      My father came from nothing. Probably one step out of the trailer park next to the local county dump in anytown USA. All his sublings (14 of them) did okay in postwar America in a sense. By todays standards and by most on the other forum, they failed miserably.

      All of them. Postal worker. One career USAF, carpenter (my father), admin jobs, factory line workers at General Electric. They all landed a half decent job and stayed there their entire working careers. All of them owned newer homes. They by all means “made it” coming from nothing in Poland after the war.

      My mother came from working class in the UK. Grandpa worked in the slate mines as a foreman. My grandmother was a standard postwar British housewife. Tidy home. A freshly made, plain, but hearty meal on the table every night. Made a good enough living. They owned their home, had enough for a modest vacation every few years to Brighton, and even Normandy in France once in the late 1950’s.

      In the area I gew up, we were condidered upper middle class. If we were in the metro NYC or Boston areas….we would have been considered probably working class. Mom was a RN. Dad a carpenter and foreman. Vacations to Florida every few years. Not extravagant. I was sent to private high school and college. From 1979 thru 1982 the recession hit the Northeast very hard. My mother went back to work full time. Dad picked up any jonb he could. We almost lost everything in 1981. I remember the tears at the table by my mother, dad calmly trying to figure budget with her. My parents only had debt for: car loans…and they were modest Dodge / Plymouth vehicles….and the mortgage on their home. My parents had no credit cards as a boy and a teen. After I left in the 1990’s, they did each get one…..but it really wasnt used. My parents always saved. Both maxxed out their contributions to their pensions. In 1987, they began a mutual fund.

      My mother didnt get to enjoy retirement. She died before that happened. My father lived quite comfortably until his death. This is where I get annoyed with Dave Ramsey…..he wants you to eat out a dumpster, do nothing, save everything, no vacations, no cars….buy a clunker for 200.0 and “when you’re sixty five you’ll be a millionaire”

      Myself? Its very different today. I have a decent sized IRA from IBM days that I preserved. The money my father left me, and the sale of the family home I rolled into a mutual fund of sorts. I dont own a home. I cant retire now. And…calculating for inflation and taxes…….when / if I do retire it wont be enough. I’ll have to live in low income housing.

      Most Americans, their wealth is tied up in a home. When that really crashes, most are going to be in a very bad situation. It just cannot keep going up and up when most cannot even afford an entry level home now in many states. Including Trump loving ones. The next housing crash, its not going to “recover” in a few years.

      As much as I loved the family home I grew up in, it was not worth 300k when sold. My parents bought all the land (75 acres) and built the home in 1970 for 14K. This cannot be sustained.

      1. Liz

        I agree that property investment (in homes) isn’t a de facto great retirement plan.
        I lived in Las Vegas (where avarice is THE modus operandi) during the real estate boom of 2003(ish). Everyone in the squadrons were buying homes far beyond what they could reasonably afford, expecting them to double virtually overnight. And “if you don’t invest in real estate, you’re losing money!” was the mentality. There were bidding wars. Even the very smart (by IQ level, not wisdom obviously) fell into this “trap”. Some went together in rental properties as an investment. This did not end well…
        when the market inevitably collapsed and the landscape changed just about everyone we knew went into levels of debt they could not afford. It has been many years but I doubt they could have recovered for a long while. I’ve seen this song and dance many times in my life, in various forms.
        We did lose a lot on a property (our second home, we currently live in our third) once.
        At the time we bought a very nice home in a good school district (important to look for, not just for one’s own children but it matters to future buyers). We were told we’d live there at least 4 years, and Mike was pretty keen on leaving the military at that point so we figured it was a good place to set up some roots.
        8 months later we were moving again (Mike upset some generals and they wanted him gone). The market had crashed and it was a terrible time to sell. We hired a local lady to be our property manager and rented it out. That proceeded to be a money pit.
        Ten years later we celebrated selling it at 100k less than we paid (after losing far more than that during the rental nightmare). Yeah, not a fan of collecting properties…though it obviously works great for some.

        When I say a ranch or farm might be a good investment, I don’t mean to buy on loan and sell for a profit. It seems it might be a way to support a family, if times get tough. My dad was raised on a farm (like Mom, but in Mom’s case they didn’t own the property, they paid a portion of the production to the landlord, like serfs). His family survived the depression a bit better than the average city dweller. And they were able to deliver food to the local widow and her kids too. Of course, this wasn’t the dust bowl it was Tecumseh, Michigan.

      2. Liz

        Per Ramsey, I don’t know anything about him but I think one has to decide what matters in life.
        Experiences are important (like your trip to Egypt…that sounds extremely cool).
        A happy life is essentially a collection of happy memories, after all. Balance is important.
        At the moment we’re in a cabin (feels like a little hobbit hole, very nice) in the black hills area of S Dakota. Our oldest is deploying pretty soon and we wanted to spend some time with him and his wife.

      3. professorGBFMtm

        MOD ,

        You have heard how so many are losing their mind over that girls dancing at the gas station video on twitter/X with this title/info:

        ”Chase Austin • Girls, Confidence, Power
        “Why don’t men want western women?””

        i agree with that FreeMATT commenter/blogger yesterday on his site that it was not such a big deal as it seems that too many today have obviously never been out on a regular saturday night in the city and have seen such things as drunk girls vomiting out of car windows while driving/car moving(witnessed it multiple times in November ’02-in the capitol big city 0f Virginia AKA RVA) as WE have seen decades ago.

        So why are they making such a mountian out of a molehill?- was my first thought.

        But yeah the guys nearby at the gas station in the video were trying to pay it no attention-most likely for ”he looked/stared at me!”accusations or even those ”yes means yes” laws many like Cali fornia have been promoting since around 2014 reasons.

        1. Lastmod

          This happened back in the “good ol days” of the 1980’s as well. The problem was, there wasnt Tik Tok and there were no camera phones. The resulting logic?

          “Oh the 1980’s were so moral, conservative, everyone was a church-goer and we had freedoms protected by Reagan”

          Divorced spiked and spiked HARD in the 1980’s. Everyone seems to forget that. Abortion actually peaked in the 1980’s. Teen pregnancy “exploded” in the 1980’s. Crack epidemic, the mass de-industrialization of the USA really ramped up then. Reagan was a bad actor who nearly nuked the planet. The Soviets just happened to blink first. The national debt exploded faster than anytime in history at that time. The fashions were terrible. The music was terrible. I know, I know “alternative” and “punk rock” and all that stuff made the 1980’s great.

          That music for 99% of the nation wasnt on the radio. We were dealt with horrible top-forty and adult FM lite rock which basically was Bily Ocean, Whitney Houston, and Phil Collins on 24 hrs a day.

          And….DOnald Trump was considered a “hero” for junk bond investing. I was there. It was terrible. Maybe if I was having sex like the rest of the ‘sphere and dating I would have thought different.

  14. professorGBFMtm

    ”This happened back in the “good ol days” of the 1980’s as well. The problem was, there wasnt Tik Tok and there were no camera phones. The resulting logic?

    “Oh the 1980’s were so moral, conservative, everyone was a church-goer and we had freedoms protected by Reagan”

    When i was a kid back then a same age girl who i was friends with told me how much she liked the x-rated film she saw on cable the night before-i told that before on sf with NovaSeeker.

    Decades later i’m suppose to be shocked(how could they shock me more than a young girl liking porn was my thinking) about the ”mommy porn” of fiffty shades of grey with dal rock ,russell moore and mark driscoll-with the latter two telling me ”nothing to see here bro!” as dalrock but mainly his flock told me when can have the ”good ‘ole days again with just a little game to feed womens lusts”

    It was like when parents groups and the big 3 networks found out about blood and gore video games with mortal kombat and doom ,when i had already played such games as the much lesser -known & low-profiled slaughter sport and splatterhouse a few years before them.

    All the stuff had been known before and no one cared until later.

  15. professorGBFMtm

    Guess who is still saying what dal rock was saying back in ’12/’13 but today @spawnys?

    thedeti says:
    7 March, 2024 at 8:21 pm
    Marriage rates are declining a little bit, but not much. All this change is happening at the margins.

    And I get it – men aren’t exactly marriage material either. For starters, they just aren’t sexually attractive. They’re overweight and out of shape. They don’t dress well. They don’t look good.

    Second, they put up with shit from people, especially women. Men’s acceptance of shitty treatment from women is the very thing women find most repulsive. If men would just stop putting up with shit from women, they’d solve a lot of their own problems.

    Men need to pull their shit together and stop putting up with bullshit from people, especially women. They need to walk away from other people’s shit. They need to tell women directly “I won’t accept your shit. Pussy’s not worth it. Your pussy’s not worth it.”

    ”Marriage rates are declining a little bit, but not much. All this change is happening at the margins. ”

    If that’s all true (like dal rock was dismissing the ”marriage strike” as a decade+ ago) then why all the ”MENS-UP=get married& GAME them gals” from redpill society or ”where have all the good MENS gone?” from ”blue pill” society?

    &why all the hate for incels=black pillers also that the remaining latter-day tradcon red pill ‘sphere keeps trying to court=recruit and confusing themselves with as the government has actually been going after the dastardly blackpillers , that they hate for not obeying their ”authority” in their imaginations as well as feminists NOT the remaining latter-day tradcon red pillers?

    ”For starters, they just aren’t sexually attractive. They’re overweight and out of shape. They don’t dress well. They don’t look good.”

    If they=red pillers would have been telling women to womens-up a decade+ ago instead of telling MEN to learn game.

    Mybe their dream of a super marriage crop would have been close to coming true today and tomorrow rather than more than likely never coming along now.

    1. Liz

      Well, professor….
      whatever you want him to say I can get him to say.
      All I have to do is state something and he will argue the opposite even if it is something he just stated with conviction.
      It’s an interesting study in human psych, but typically accompanied with such personal and caustic insults I grew weary.

      1. Lastmod

        For a long time, Dal, Red Pill, PUA, and many, many others dismissed mens’ physical appearance overall.

        “Women want a leader, Frame, Game, cocky-funny, women dont put as much importance on looks”

        When I was in a PUA bootcamp in the year 2000 (David DeAngelo….the ‘double your dating guy’). Over and over again telling us “cucks” and “simps” that women really dont care about looks. Then, with slight of hand and mind……..”change your fashion / haircut / join a gym / move to a better apartment” and combined again with “women thinks its hot / cute / awesome when a guy looks good”

        Again, assuming all women were ready to date and be a wife, mother and a girlfriend. We men were “messing it up” not only for women….but men like him! Oh goodness….men like me were making dating “hard” for him, and he had to spend all his time with us “losers” while he could be getting IOI’s from “nines and tens” because he “cared” so much for us.

        Sometime in 2019? 2020? I began to notice the shify “Oh, of course looks matter to women, we have been saying that since day one”

        They reminded me of characters from “1984” and “Animal Farm” with statements like that.

        They keep saying PSALMS isnt for women, its for men! Going to the gym isnt for women, its for you to be better……………………………while then talking about how women give them IOI’s “all the time at the gym” and how “women thinks its hot when_____” statements.

        But its not about that. Nope. Not at all! Its about being stronger and never, never for female attraction!

        Remember in the 1980’s Televangelists? The (cough) Moral Majority? I do. They talked about sex, and sex, and and teen sex, and more sex…….and how “sinful” it was if you are not married. Who got caught in porn cases, sex scandals, sexual harassment of staff? Infidelity? A good many of them did.

        These men spend just about all their time talking about sex. How many, how much, who would have sex with them…if they were not married of course…….how many opportunities they “passed” up. All ht women mind you.

        They basea potential wife on how *hot* she is in the end. Visceral looks (that cannot, ever, ever be faked….but everything else about women can, including orgasm).

        Its such a muddled message and still, in the end….their raison d’ etre is “Im better than you because I have sex”

        You dont want men like this as friends…and you dont take RELATIONSHIP advice or “how-women-work” advice from men especially who are divorced.

        LA beat poet / writer / curmudgeon Charles Bukowski once mentioned about being a writer “You want to be a writer? Get at your typewriter and write. It takes time, practice, work, effort and you dont need a creative writing class, nor a college degree, nor a book on how to be one. You have to be very, very well read with literature and you just have to write”

  16. professorGBFMtm

    ”When I was in a PUA bootcamp in the year 2000 (David DeAngelo….the ‘double your dating guy’). Over and over again telling us “cucks” and “simps” that women really dont care about looks. Then, with slight of hand and mind……..”change your fashion / haircut / join a gym / move to a better apartment” and combined again with “women thinks its hot / cute / awesome when a guy looks good””

    Yep i remember Scott agreeing with you that the ”mainstream” ‘sphere downplayed looks for years ,the only PUAS i know that didn’t was Arron sleazy & alex novy both from england who disagreed with most of the ‘sphere (except mainly the” strict” MEN’s rights activists) and even the rest of PUA on and offline .

    i first really looked into david deangelo’s stuff when one of his countless ads came on my computer screen one day in early Summer 2010,i thought ”who doesn’t know most mainstream advice on dating is garbage?”

    ”You dont want men like this as friends…and you dont take RELATIONSHIP advice or “how-women-work” advice from men especially who are divorced.”

    ”They basea potential wife on how *hot* she is in the end.”

    Which makes me zlolzzlolz almost as much as women being told by the same to ”look for millionaires and then marry them”-which is the same advice that the”bluepill” gives and i would expect better from jack @sf-but after the way he treated you,LIZ,Elspeth ,DEREK and i @spawnys-he would show up and talk crap about i like troll sharkly-while both keep all my ”offensive” comments up at their sites-without mentioning it @spawnys nor how popular their sites were when i was at them as the evidence clearly shows jacks was at #7500 comments before my first comment and 16k +by my last comment,he also had about 330k page hits at the begining of my tenure and 630+ by the end.

    You think he would speak up in my defense at what sharkly did to i at spawnys but since he didn’t that tells me he is just as much of a tradcon troll as sharkly.

    1. Lastmod

      True. And Scott to his credit did mention in one of his videos (paraphrasing)

      “there comes a point in a mans life, and if he is off on a trajectory with women. No amount of ‘going to the gym’ or ‘game’ is really going to help him. I dont have the answer and it breaks my heart”

      This message mind you wasnt for a 23 year old. I remember Scott being called by Rollo at the time as “blackpill”

      It was for men usually older than 30, probably 35. Sure, at that age if you are batting 600 with women…….you could meet someone. It may happen. Probably not. If you do, its probably the type of women RP men would scoff at. They would say she is a garden tool, too many red flags. They would smear the man as “blue pilled” and “he should have statements” and “”desperate-thirsty chump / cuck” statements.

      RP Christian men, of all men…should eb the ones who actually believe “with God, nothing is impossible” in their world, once a garden tool, always a garden tool. If she isnt “adorable” / “hot” / “sexy” and not married by 24…….she’s on the carousel, and is no good. Older guys should only be looking for an 18-22 year old to marry.

      Except THEIR daughter of course. That’s “creepy”

      Do we now “believe” women who have repented of their past? No. The Word says we are to watch, observe and see the “fruits” of this repentance. Do we just assume everyone divorced woman is evil? Or every single mom deserves to sit in shame forever? If these men truly believe The Word, and the Savior they purport that died for them……they would know that yes….indeed….behold! That yes, people can be reclaimed.

      If we use the current RP mindset, I would have been left to the dogs. Death from drugs. Suicide. Another casualty from San Francisco “he DESERVED it”

      Hence why more men in general dont like the churchmen like this. Its not only from “blue pilled pastorbators” (and they are a problem).

      I have said over and over that men need to be convinced of Christ. Not just “accepting” it.

      Over the years, I have been getting stronger. Not in Jesus per say but in my humility, acceptance of my fate. The consequences of my sin. Things that Christ himself embodied. Humility (that is weakness in the sphere). Acceptance (that is Blackpill and giving up according to them) and Consequences of my sin (Jesus did not sin, however he understood it FULLY but RP Christians use sin cheaply like the women they bemoan “I would not be the person I am today without this or that sin” basically justifying theirs…damning yours)

      1. Lastmod

        ANd…postscript here:

        I have seen several men in this sphere get meaner, angrier and actually ruder in Red Pill over the years. They are just like a bad cocaine habit. It does the same to people.

        Red Pill is to make you more confident, sexy, a leader, focused, with a rock solid frame and irresistible to women because just about all men (according to them) are not attractive to women. Except them.

        Their religion is only about “women” and what makes them like you / want to be with you.

        Its like homosexuality….your whole identity is based on your sexual preference. That is always doomed to fail. All the Red Pill advice in the end, is about getting sex. Lots of it. Your identity as a man in that world is only that. Yet they claim it isnt. Go right now to ANY red pill page. Secular or sacred. 99% is about sex. Getting it. What to do if you like a girl. What you HAVE to do. What to do to get her to notice you.

        PUA 2.0

        Too many of these men who have been there for years are pretty downright MEAN to to their cores now for following a “foolproof” way of thinking.

        I saw Nathaniel Bradshaw speak at my college in 1988. He was an Ayn Rand / Objectivism follower and mainstay in her philosophy. I am a huge Ayn Rand fan, but after hearing him speak….I did understand how this “way” can make men very, very depressed because they cannot live up to this ideal and Rand made it sound rational and simple.

        Its not.

        Kinda like Red Pill today.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “I have seen several men in this sphere get meaner, angrier and actually ruder in Red Pill over the years. They are just like a bad cocaine habit. It does the same to people.”

          Angry, mean, and rude are what you expect in a forum that allows personal attacks. It is not what you expect in a forum that focuses on ideas.

          You can run a forum that is based on mutual debate where all opinions are wanted. Or you can run a forum where only curated views are allowed. The former described Boxer’s blog. The latter described Dalrock and it increasingly describes Sigma Frame, as most of the dissenters have been chased away.

          Echo chambers lead to mean, angry, and rude behavior.

          We often note how female groups use social stigmatization and ostracizing to suppress dissent and form echo chambers. Ironically, the ‘sphere is too feminine to be effective.

          1. Liz

            “Angry, mean, and rude are what you expect in a forum that allows personal attacks. It is not what you expect in a forum that focuses on ideas.”

            When I was a moderator of a debate forum, the worst thing a moderator could do is enforce rules in and arbitrary and capricious manner. It would have killed the forum quickly, as even people who agree (with the “in” crowd) tire of it. It undermines trust and forces confirmation bias. Which is not only dishonest, it is boring.
            The forum leadership felt strongly enough they tried to have an equal number of moderators from each said of the political spectrum (selected from those they perceived to be the most reasonable participants, after reading their contributions for a while). They also didn’t allow moderators to police threads they were actively debating in. A set of rules were in place to avoid confusion on what was expected (communication can be very subjective, but the policing of a forum that claims to value ideas should never appear to be arbitrary/capricious).
            It’s the same dynamic for all types of leadership because it undermines trust.
            The current political spectrum is a great example with politically motivated prosecutions of laws that are obviously arbitrarily enforced.

            After over a decade as a moderator, you start to recognize patterns.
            I agree a good portion of the contributors in the sphere seem to have most if not all of the characteristics of the worst women on which they base their claims.

        2. professorGBFMtm

          ”I have seen several men in this sphere get meaner, angrier and actually ruder in Red Pill over the years. They are just like a bad cocaine habit. It does the same to people.”

          ”Too many of these men who have been there for years are pretty downright MEAN to to their cores now for following a “foolproof” way of thinking.”

          Which makes i think of the following words…

          “I learned the lesson that great men cultivate love, and that only little men cherish a spirit of hatred.”
          ― Booker T. Washington

      2. Derek L. Ramsey

        “there comes a point in a mans life, and if he is off on a trajectory with women. No amount of ‘going to the gym’ or ‘game’ is really going to help him. I dont have the answer and it breaks my heart”

        The youth pastor at my church was recently told by his doctor that he was too old to be maxing out his workout routine. It simply isn’t healthy to try to maintain that highly muscled physique. His body just can’t take that kind of abuse any longer without suffering damage. To his credit, he understands that this is the case.

        There is no answer to these problems.

        Men like Jack and Deti read 1 Peter and see it commanding wives to submit to husbands and men to wield authority. But what Peter is saying is that there is no earthly solution to suffering, except to endure it and take joy in the promise of the glory that comes after death.

        Most men in the ‘sphere are not interested in what comes after death, they are only interested in what comes here and now. They don’t see the afterlife as a solution to the problems of today.

        What Christ offers just isn’t that appealing. It is as Jack once said:

        “Couldn’t you find a more efficient way to shut down the discussion? And to cap it all off, there’s nothing like a good old Jonathan Edwards sermon! Meanwhile, we do have some readers here who are going through literal hell at this exact moment. Do you have any good word for these men?”

        Or, paraphrasing,


    1. professorGBFMtm


      You do know who the PUA ”coach” Paul Janka is yes?

      He is=was that has super model looks and is 6′ 2”( he’s now in his late ’40’s)

      And his ”success”-rate back in ’06-’10 at cold approaching girls for their actual phone numbers in NYC during his ”day-game” was by his own admission no more than 10%.

      If a male super model -esque guy has such a low ”success ” rate , how much would a non- male super model like guy have?

      That’s the main ” secular” reason i never put much stock into PUA .

      1. Lastmod

        Yes. He also said “how easy” it is.

        Also, even the dumbest Incel knows approaching girls on the street really isnt a good idea. PUA and Game make it out, if she “finds you attractive” she is going to drop everything to blow you immediatley. Most women during the day…out in the streets of LA, San Francisco, heck….even small cities Albany, Scarnton, Racine, Schenectady or Endicott are busy….have a have job, are picking up kids…..on their way to get their hair done. Paying a bill while downtown. They are not walking around waiting for me or Paul Janka, or Scott, or Jack, or Sharkly to “chat them up” and behave like that fictional story Jack had a few weeks back about a guy just approaching the girl

        These fools actually TOLD men to do this, and made it worse for everyone. It made men more creepy overall, and put women further on a defensive.

        But yet….even today, Rollo in his podcast talks still about “Day Game”

        They are like Communists / Marxists. They cannot accept their “philosophy” doesnt work and keep saying “Well, you have to do this as well / guy didnt try hard enough / he didnt give Game a chance to work / he gave up too soon / next time it will be better”

        Admitting fault or saying “you know…some of this was totally bunk, yeah sorry about that”
        will never be done.

        WHen Neil Strauss (author of The Game) came out and said “most of it was a bad idea, and if I hirt people along the way…..women by using them, and not telling many men a truth that maybe you cant get that one, or this one. Im sorry”

        He was ERASED from the Man O Sphere. No one talks about him, despite he actually had a two volumne bookset that sold MILLIONS of copies. He’s a seelout and “wasnt a real GAME / PUA / Red Pill” man.

        The nerve of some of these “leaders” today in the sphere.

        1. professorGBFMtm

          ”They are like Communists / Marxists. They cannot accept their “philosophy” doesnt work and keep saying “Well, you have to do this as well / guy didnt try hard enough / he didnt give Game a chance to work / he gave up too soon / next time it will be better”

          Which is why jack asking DEREK to tell him his ”MAN-magic” secrets to a successful marriage was laughable.

          They would just say he is following their advice anyway that .

          Just like if i told them why i was the X-factor to their success in ’21 as they smeared me after i left their sites to make sure i didn’t help other sites i.e. Spawnys and a few others with that ”secret”.
          ”Honor everyone. Keep on loving the community of believers, fearing God, and honoring the king. … Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” 1st peter 2:17

          That has more to do with my success and DEREKS ”MAN-magic” than what they say game and the red pill is.

          As jack said“Couldn’t you find a more efficient way to shut down the discussion? And to cap it all off, there’s nothing like a good old Jonathan Edwards sermon! Meanwhile, we do have some readers here who are going through literal hell at this exact moment. Do you have any good word for these men?”

          Why was jack ”discrediting the ”Christian-MANosphere” in troll sharklys words?

          ” we do have some readers here who are going through literal hell at this exact moment.”

          How is that even possible with game & the redpill that they all know?

          1. Lastmod

            In the end, many in the sphere just got too “intellectual” for most men. Average man working a job at 27, makes 40K a year. Rents, has a roommate trying to save a bit…..cant get a date. Isnt ugly. He stumbles on “real-man-red-pill” stuff and has to read tomes the size of the Bible, watch videos, podcasts, read a ton of information. Be told he is “blinded by blue pill thining”

            He has to workout non-stop. A lot of videos now with advice for men are always shown a gym now. He has to have an MS in order get “basic” concepts and all the psych-bable of terms, pills, words, meanings……like he is preparing for a doctoral thesis. He has to know the Bible inside and out. Have “cool” hobbies that involve cars, going to the gym, burping and farting and being a “guys guy” while taking “Financial Peace University” and practicing all this massive backlog of advice and “finding” what works for him while trying to get promoted, or save…….

            Then he gets told “just move to Idaho and become a lineman, in six months you will make this, then this…you’ll be a millionaire by 37”

            He has to have a higher than average IQ. He has to master “Frame” whatever the f*ck that means. He has to master all “secret communications / cues / IOIs” and at the same time be funny…practically be a stand-up comedian (he can do that in spare time, he’s only working 40 hours a week, and going to the gym……you can sleep when youre dead)

            All to “maybe” get “dates” with “virginal, hot church girls who are between the ages of 18-22” because if you marry a woman older than that, she might have kissed a boy…and of course, that is a “red flag”

            It goes on and on……

            This is why “red pill” is watered down. This is why many men dont “like it” and many men find these bo-bos delusional. Trapping them into some sort of Red Pill 12-step-program that they can never graduate from.

            And IF you actually DO meet a woman and marry or want to marry……all these same voices will tell you “No! No! Paul says in Corinthians 7 to not get married right now!”

            Its an intellectual “man cave” club, like the LTL and Temperance movements a century before. A bunch of old biddy ladies, sour-pussed sitting in a parlour discussing how to end alcohol and closing the saloons, and making those drinkers repent!

          2. Ram-Man

            “In the end, many in the sphere just got too “intellectual” for most men. “

            This is why my blog isn’t part of the manosphere. I’ve always geared this blog (and my writings on Boxer’s blog) to be intellectual in nature. I’m not here to help men, because what, really, do I have to offer? I’m no expert. I’m not a role model. I’d like to help, but I don’t really know how. I’ve never had many answers.

            I’ve really been enjoying the last few months of comments here. It’s like thievery. I think I get much more out of this than I’m giving.

            “He has to have a higher than average IQ.”

            One of the great things about having children across the entire IQ spectrum is that I can appreciate individual differences. I can love them for who they actually are without ranking them on some moral scale based on their intelligence… or height… or number of body parts they were missing when they were born.

  17. Pingback: "It's a Military Term"

  18. Liz

    Now that the UK has banned puberty blockers and transitions for the so called “gender confused” it is looking more and more like things are moving in the right direction on that specific subject of inverted values/truth.

    in similar but different news, due to a FOIA, the CDC was forced to release their 148 page study on heart inflamation after covid vaccine. Did anybody read it? It is a much quicker read than I expected as every single page is completely redacted. They are just messing with us now.

    In the vein, I must dispute some forms of anti-jab material.
    Anything that uses “live blood analysis” is simply false. I would give that the type of credit I’d give to flat earth studies. If anyone has a question I will explain exactly why (but I doubt anyone will, so I’ll save my time….honestly, I’d love to go further on that, just don’t want to waste energy so feel free to ask). Next, anything that asserts there are “white clots”. I have heard no legitimate evidence for this either. Clotting factors in the blood, coupled with platelets are the mechanism for coagulation in the blood. If a clot is white I want to know what makes them think it isn’t some type of connective tissue. I have never received a knowledgable response to that question….only the same type of reasoning Slick Eddy would use to point me to his new investment strategy.
    (I say the above because “bad advocates”, as we see in some parts of the sphere, can be worse than an enemy….indeed, they might be the enemy as that is the tactic the smarter ones use. See the Hillary death list with hundreds of entries that are simply squid ink to detract from the really suspect cases).

    1. Lastmod

      Never got the jab, and for some reason now…..nobody “got it” because “they didnt trust it from day one”

      I was going to get it, but the UK lifted restrictions in March 2022. If they didnt, I was probably going to get it

      I didnt get it right away because I found it odd that they spent a few trillion on AIDS from the 1980’s til recently and couldnt find a “vaccine” or “cure” (they still dont have a cure, really). But after this hit, they had a vaccine in a few months. Just odd to me. I was just laying low, and my employer didnt force us to get it.

      Most people have had the jab….though now……no one evidently got it. Posers.

      1. Ram-Man

        I got a single dose of the J&J viral vector vaccine. I refused to get the mRNA and wouldn’t let wife and kids get it either. I’ve gotten covid the same number of times as my fully vaccinated peers. IMO, I’m completely vindicated for the choice to avoid the mRNA vaccines.

        I spent a lot of time analyzing covid statistics (cases and deaths, vaccinated vs non-vaccinated, age-stratified effects, etc.), so I’m well aware of the efficacy (or lack thereof). But the largest factor was the fact that everyone with any kind of power was lying about very nearly the entire pandemic. When the lying dominates the information presented, you’d be a fool to trust them to put something untested into your body. Whatever meager respect I still had for authority and expertise died in 2020 and 2021.

        1. Liz

          I did not think the vaccine would be effective (for the same reasons flu vaccines are not effective, and sometimes worse than ineffective), but I thought about getting it because our oldest son had to for military service. They did not offer any exemptions or accommodations then.
          My rationale was, if there is a genetic component to adverse effects, I would at least test it first. Folks at Spawny’s advised against this, and I am glad they did. Our son doesn’t seem to have been adversely impacted (thank you God).

      2. Liz

        There was an “official” explanation for the speed of the delivery of the vaccine…
        “Hey this wasn’t rushed, we’ve been studying this technology for a decade”.
        Which is a half truth.
        They had indeed been studying mRNA “vaccination” for years, but approval was never given (even for afflictions far more deadly than covid…for example, cancer) as the side effects were determined to be “non trivial”.

        1. Lastmod

          Yes of course…they were working on it for “years”

          They knew exactly what they were going to do, and IF it was an accidental release (which I am leaning towards…China is known for its shoddy practices in these matters), they were already planning to have the vaccine per military and the like.

          I had a physical in 2020. I had massive kidney stones removed in August during the “lockdowns” and I didnt have to wait btw…..the news made it out the hospitals were overflowing with bodies…..Kaiser Medical Center in Fresno was quiet……so my physical BEFORE this operation, my doctor says “When did you have Covid?”

          “I didn’t” I replied.

          “all your blood work shows you had it”

          All I could think was in June? May? I had a very bad, splitting headache that would not go away for a few days. I attributed it to stress, and I recall just feeling “very tired” for maybe a week. So, perhaps I did get it, but had a milder case than most. Also, a French study showed that cigarette smokers (which I am) seemed to get milder cases of it.

          Who knows?

          The elites blew their shot on this, and in the future if something else comes up….another virus, they are going to have a VERY hard time to convince a “lockdown” and it will probably have to be forced with potential violence by their respected police and military (and American police forces and our military will have ZERO problem with firing on their own citizens). There were so many lives during this past pandemic, their trust is ruined.

      3. professorGBFMtm

        ”I didnt get it right away because I found it odd that they spent a few trillion on AIDS from the 1980’s til recently and couldnt find a “vaccine” or “cure” (they still dont have a cure, really). But after this hit, they had a vaccine in a few months. Just odd to me.”

        Remember when dissident(whom most ”dissidents” today was calling a kook for not supporting w.bush nor rush limbaugh back then but now claim the same things that ”kook” said?i.e. illegals are bad for America) radio host Michael Savage said back in the 00’s he would never get a AIDS vaccine?

        i have only ever gotten two (2) flu shots the whole time i’ve been an adult so why would i get any other shots because government said i should?

        i’m not one of the red pillers who were a good ”blue piller” back in da day , who later yelled government , parents ,churches and women along with their penis ”tricked” me.

        Hence why so many of them become ”ex-red pillers” knowing how foolish it was to blame
        government , parents ,churches and women along with their penis instead of their materialistic attitudes &outlook on life.

  19. Liz

    More on topic:
    That global warming sure is hitting us big now.
    Snowed over 3 feet overnight. Trying to dig the generator out of the snow now (it is covered, but this much snow overnight has covered even the cover).
    Or I guess it’s not global warming now. It’s the impending ice age…
    oh, wait, that was the 1970s.
    Well, “climate change” should cover everything.
    Send more money to these geniuses please.

    1. Lastmod

      As a boy in 1977 Upstate New York had one of the coldest and most dreadful winters on record, or in a very long memory.

      The power was off frequently as I remember. Days at a time. Temperatures dropped well below zero for weeks at a time The snow just continued to fall. No school. Some days, my father even had to stay home from work. It was just too cold out with the strong winds and snow. My mother being a nurse, was switched to 12 hour shifts at the hospital. A few times, even had to spend the night there because the road conditions and weather was so bad.

      Fireplace constantly burning in the living room, wood stove in the basement heating the home as well with our oil furnace (dad built a wood stove into the central heating as well and linked it with the oil furnace. The old guy was smart)

      Parents reading aloud to my brother and myself over candle-light and oil lamps or the trusty Coleman lantern. The radio on and tuned to WGY Schenectady (then a 70,000 watt AM station, covering the entire region, even up into Canada, and one of the first radio stations in the USA). Call in shows, about the storm. News.

      Some of the calls were saying “Its the Russian using the technology of Tesla, several of the Great Lakes were frozen over (and that had not happened since colonial times). Others just thought is was a colder and worse winter than usual. People checking in, giving advice about staying warm…..or which roads were open…..which city had power back on….

      A few months after this, I recall seeing and hearing on TV, and my parents discussing it. The “it” was evidently, all the science, which was “proven” and can-not-be-refuted was that the Earth was going into a “new ice” age.

      All the TV shows like “In Search Of” at that time were telling us that by 1985, there would be world wars over food, we were all doomed, and the only hope we had was:

      To stop pollution. That’s it. We would have to live in the dark, eat bugs, stop driving, switch to solar, and wind power in order to avert this horrible disaster that was upon us.

      Sound familiar??????????????????????????????

      1. Liz

        “Sound familiar?”
        I grew up in south Florida, so we didn’t discuss the impending ice age…
        I actually learned that from (wait for it) the school books.
        Second grade. They were trying to scare children even back then.
        When we lived in Italy it was a really hot summer and almost no one had air conditioning (early 2000s) so of course global warming was going to fry us all.

        We went on a road trip recently listening to the audiobook Boys In the Boat.
        Talks about the heat wave during the Great Depression (and a lot of other things Depression era related). This ought to be required reading in high school. It is unbelievable what those depression era folks went through. Inspirational biography as well.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “Talks about the heat wave during the Great Depression (and a lot of other things Depression era related). “

          When the media talks about how this was the hottest year on record—based on a model of temperatures, not actual temperatures—they are simply erasing history. Very few people alive can comprehend how bad it was in 1936:

          I’ve never experienced any extended weather in my life that comes remotely close to how hot it was then. Even if temperatures occasionally hit those maximums from time-to-time, they do so with much, much lower frequency.

          Most of what is known as “global warming” is an artifact of higher nighttime temperatures.

        2. Lastmod

          I remember the “ozone layer” crisis as well (1989-1991?) evidently, we were all going to be dead by the late 1990’s / early 200’s or the usual “food wars” and “massive starvation” because the crops would be killed by ultra-violet light. Skin cancers were going to be crisis levels. Plagues, and this would feed into the whole “global warming” crisis that the world ( meaning, the USA) caused

          Part of the “cooler” temps worldwide would be in in some areas the massive amount of irrigation worldwide. I lived in the the agricultural part of California that feeds the world with fresh fruits and vegetables……..the average temps were WAY higher before the massive flood control, irrigation and farming of the region post 1920…..and it was still hot enough in the summer. Nothing like a Fresno summer!

      2. Derek L. Ramsey

        “As a boy in 1977 Upstate New York had one of the coldest and most dreadful winters on record, or in a very long memory.”

        Your perception is remarkably accurate! The late 70s was the local minima in the data:

        I also remember those very cold winters in the 80s and 90s shown on that graph. My children lament that they don’t see as much snow now as I did when I was their age. But if you go back from 1880 to 1918, winters were very cold then, much colder indeed.

        On the other hand, the warmest temperatures the U.S. has ever seen were in the 1920s through 1940s. For this reason, NASA and company altered the data to elminate this:

        If you subtract the real temperatures from the fake ones, you get the following “adjustments”:

        The reality is that since 1880—when the temperature record begins—there has been a slight cooling trend—punctuated by cycles of higher temperatures—in the actual temperature readings:

        When you see cherry-picked graphs from Climate Alarmists, they often start around 1975 to make it seem like temperature has done nothing but go up dramatically. But the reality is that this is just cheating to hide the (smallish) decline.

        Here are the adjustments to the temperature record plotted.

        Notice that it is a curve. That is not by chance. It is manufactured to match the change in atmospheric CO2 over time:

        The correlation between CO2 rise and the adjustments is nearly perfect (~93%). This is dramatically stronger correlation than even the heritability of intelligence (~70-80%).

        But, in the raw data, the correlation between CO2 rise and temperature is negative.

        We live in a 1984-style world where history has been erased and replaced with propaganda and fraud.

          1. Liz

            Thinking further, all this talk regarding correlations and cherry picked data makes me want to put the WHO in charge of everything health related.
            What could possibly go wrong?
            They’ve been brilliant so far, with no agenda at all.
            This topic is extensive.

            Okay, going back to shoveling.
            So I can eventually, God willing, use the snow blower. A plow isn’t going to be useful in this, just pushes the show into a big pile and it’s already too high.
            Something one learns after living in this environment for a few years.
            Must give kudos to Musk for Starlink though, I still have internet!
            Hope you all have a great day.

  20. Pingback: On Suffering

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