Sacraments are the Reason for the Priesthood

This is part of a series on the Roman Catholic sacraments. See the index. In my previous post, “Why is the Sacrament of Marriage Important?” I explained the reasoning behind the Roman Catholic idea of grace. Today, in response to this comment, I will explain how the Roman Catholic understanding of …

Why is the Sacrament of Marriage Important?

This is part of a series on the Roman Catholic sacraments. See the index. Over at Sigma Frame, Jack asks an important question about the Roman Catholic sacrament of marriage: After all this study and writing, I’m still confused about why the sacrament of marriage is so important to Catholics …

Choosing one or the other

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. What’s the difference between Headship Submission and Unity? In discussing the Headship Submission Model and the Peaceful Unity Model, commentator Trey Magnus asked a simple question: Why does it have to be one or the other? I …

Hate the sin, not the sinner

This is the first part of a series on civility in online discussions. See this index. By default, ideas should be separated from the person. Personal beliefs are—at best—tangential to arguments. Attacking ideas means that no one is required to be involved in a discussion, even if the idea originated …

Axioms of Faith

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. Analyzing the axioms of sola scriptura and sola ecclesia. This post in a response to Jack at Sigma Frame. For context, see the comments at “Are Common-Law Marriages the most Biblical?” Axioms The quotations Sola scriptura is the …