Religion of Death

Is this low quality of life? This is part of a series on feminism and the decline of society. See this index. America is governed by a religion of death. Moloch is god and abortion is the worship ritual. It is the primary religion of feminism.† For nearly 50 years Christians …

Society Decline, Part 6 – Beyond Nature vs Nurture

This is part of a series on feminism and the decline of society. See this index. This series portrays a bleak picture of societal decline—attributed to (1) declining general intelligence [part 3] (from fertility changes and high mutational load [part 1]), (2) bureaucracy [part 4], (3) feminism [part 5], and (4) cultural changes (e.g. anti-Christianity, anti-patriarchy, anti-excellence). These factors converged around …

Society Decline, Part 5 – Analyzing the Sexual Revolution

“Feminist in her natural habitat” This is part of a series on feminism and the decline of society. See this index. Part 3 showed that a secular decline in general intelligence g (“Nature”) started with the Industrial Revolution.[1] For a time, increasing IQ from environmental changes (“Nurture”) prevented many negative effects from the decline …

Society Decline, Part 4 – Bureacracy: A First-Order Evil

“Join the collective. Or else.” Part 3 showed that average IQs have made huge gains while general intelligence (g) has declined. Why worry about falling g? Physical and mental mutations are usually co-morbid.[1][2a] 84% of the human genome involves the brain[3], so a decrease in g means higher physical mutations (e.g. fewer alpha traits). Therefore, g predicts mutational load—something …

Society Decline, Part 1 – Mouse Utopia

This is part of a series on feminism and the decline of society. See this index. The purpose of this series is to examine the—potentially causal—role that feminism plays in society’s ills. Spurned on by the recent SovietMen post “Managed decline” at the People’s Blog, I’m reviving this mulit-part series that …

Towards a Definition of Marriage

The debate over “What Constitutes Biblical Marriage?” is very old. Does marriage require a ceremony and/or consumation? Is polygamy allowed? Can you divorce and remarry and does it matter why and who is at fault? Is marriage only between a man and a woman? In attempting to answer questions like …