The Loss of Monogamy

Monogamy on the Rocks Monogamy has long been a staple of stable societies, especially those based on Judeo-Christian values. A recent opinion article* by Lucia O’Sullivan notes the following… “Monogamy is difficult to maintain…studies show that most people have in fact engaged in some type of infidelity in the past or have experienced …

What Constitutes Biblical Marriage?

I took part in a lively discussion (PDF) at the Dalrock blog discussing what signifies the start of a biblical marriage. The traditional Christian viewpoint is that it begins with a marriage ceremony. Historically this was marriage by a member of the clergy, although civil marriage is given equal weight by most. …

Pro-Life Hypocrisy?

While browsing Twitter, I stumbled upon an interesting set of questions by @mxrgee.  The conversation was, for Twitter standards, civil and constructive. Nevertheless, it is a difficult place to make a well-reasoned defense of the pro-life movement. So here is a summary of some of the key questions and a …

Christianity and Divorce

Christians have long maintained that its proponents should have a much lower risk of divorce due a combination of factors. These include the perceived superiority of Judeo-Christian morality and ethics and the explicit teachings of Jesus against divorce. Two pertinent studies were performed to test the issue: a 1999 Barna …