The Red Pill is Utilitarian

Fundamentally, the Red Pill is Utilitarian, not Christian. Its goals are primarily centered around quality of life improvements. It fits firmly in the “Self-Help” genre. This was recently illustrated by cameron232 and Deti:

Comment by thedeti
That’s not what I’m seeing deti. My sis isn’t having kids but is really into her marriage.


I suppose I could be wrong. Perhaps it’s different with younger childless women. Without getting too terribly “personal”, I note your sister is “into her marriage”, but you didn’t say she’s into her husband. She’s into the lifestyle he helps provide her. I’ll leave aside my more… crude observations, though I would bet they’re accurate. I’d only ask how long they’ve been married.

My experience with childless women breaks them out into two different groups: Childless by choice women; and childless by force women. The first group is much, much smaller than the second.

My experience with childless by choice women: They are almost always on the spectrum and masculine brained. They lack “maternal instinct”. They have trouble forming and sustaining relationships. They have unresolved childhood trauma or issues usually involving their own mothers. They had crappy mothers, and don’t want to repeat their mothers’ mistakes.

My experience with childless by force women: They never married and/or had fertility issues. Their childlessness is devastatingly traumatic and excruciatingly painful to them. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to these women. They never get over it – it’s like experiencing the death of a close loved one every day, forever. It absolutely destroys their lives, until they figure out a way to integrate it into their lives and accept it.

That’s just my experience.

Fertility rates are so low that the population (minus immigration) is now shrinking in most places outside of Africa. Yet, married women are perfectly happy having just one or two children. When it comes to quality-of-life, they are generally happy with this outcome.

There are not hordes of older women (or their husbands) complaining that they only have one or two children.  In fact, as Boomers have retired, they’ve increasingly screwed over their children by being the first generation to spend their generational wealth primarily on themselves (rather than giving it as an inheritance). Older women (and their husbands) are largely happy with their small families and tidy nest eggs.

There are, however, a lot of red pill men saying that women are suffering for only having one or two children.

Cameron232’s sister is doing just fine in her marriage. She’s got no kids and she’s happy. Like most married people with a child or two (if any), they self report significantly higher life satisfaction than the unmarried. What the means is that they are happier than the average unmarried and/or divorced Red Pill man.

The Red Pill is focused on improving the quality of life of men. This is utilitarianism. It’s core tenets are designed to maximize utility—typically physical pleasure—of men. After all, if a woman is satisfied with her marriage…

Comment by thedeti

Also, my experience with childless by choice women is that they almost universally are married to men they’re not sexually attracted to.

Of course, today, most women are married to men they’re not sexually attracted to, so there’s that.

…she’s still doing something wrong.

How can I put this delicately? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Deti promote adoption as the solution to “cold” childless marriages. I also don’t think the Red Pill genuinely cares about the number of children, or else it would be advocating large families and appointing men with large families to be their leaders. Children as just seen as proof of something else.

The problem is that the Red Pill is really bad at improving outcomes.

Christian sexual ethics are not popular. They don’t provide utility. Large families do not provide satisfaction. They make one stand out as weird. Society isn’t structured around having lots of kids.

For example, given a constant income, a family of four will be able to do more things as a family (e.g. trips, amusement parks, etc.) than a family of six can with the same amount of money. From a utilitarian perspective, a smaller family provides more utility, thus more satisfaction.

The idea that people can’t afford larger families is nonsense. As Cameron232 points out, his sister could afford children, but this would impact her preferred quality of life. So she chooses to have no children. From the perspective of Utilitarianism, she’s maximized her quality-of-life.

But this is exactly what The Red Pill does. It has a different utility function, but it’s simply trying to maximize quality-of-life for men. But it does so in a way that lowers the quality-of-life for women! This makes The Red Pill relationships inherently antagonistic. And, boy, are Red Pill relations antagonistic! Don’t you wish you could have an angst-filled Red Pill marriage?

In short, The Red Pill is an attempt to replace a woman’s default utility function with a different one that favors men.

This almost never works.

The Christian approaches this whole issue from a completely different perspective, by rejecting all utilitarian approaches.

Bye, bye, Red Pill. Hello, glory in the age to come.

What? You don’t want glory in the age to come? Yes, I know.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Update from the Saint Deti and GBFMS old friend(& fellow Streets of Rage video game series aficionado) CAM

    thedeti says:
    4 October, 2024 at 6:10 pm
    It’s about how she feels about the nail. But no one else is allowed to have any feelings about the nail, or help her with it. Or even acknowledge it’s there.

    More seriously – what do you do with a nail that can’t be removed?

    cameron232 says:
    4 October, 2024 at 6:48 pm
    Deti my sis has been married for 14 years and with the same guy for 20 years. She is a decade younger than me so a millenial

    It’s hard to say if she’s more into him vs. into the marriage. Couples now are open about their desire for other people if the people they’re into are unobtainable. E.g. the husband is into the hot female news anchor, the wife is into the lead singer of this or that band.


    cameron232 says:
    4 October, 2024 at 6:51 pm
    Well they HAVE to know their husband’s emotional state since according to their Facebook pages they’re all “empaths.”

    But this is exactly what The Red Pill does. It has a different utility function, but it’s simply trying to maximize quality-of-life for men. But it does so in a way that lowers the quality-of-life for women! This makes The Red Pill relationships inherently antagonistic. And, boy, are Red Pill relations antagonistic! Don’t you wish you could have an angst-filled Red Pill marriage?

    The ”redpillers” simply forget but relly intentionally overlook that the red pill is based on PUAGame mainly in the ‘sphere from the undisputed King of it known as ROISSY=Heartiste NOT the Scriptures nor JESUS himself it is based on things like this from PUA coach Kenny(who was a disciple of ROISSY=Heartiste spreading the word of @rse-s*x) :

    PUA-Manosphere Lifestyle…From Simp(this was around the time it started popping up in common usage) To Pimp

    From Simp to Pimp…Presented by Coach K

    June 1, 2016
    If She Rejects You: Bang Her Friend! Kenny PUA’s Twisted Ring Of Seduction Field Report Part.2

    Shortly after the situation had unfolded between both cousins and me (which I wrote about in part 1), we let it go to the ethos and went our separate ways on amicable terms (the younger cousin and I that is).

    I got what I wanted (sweet retribution and sex). She got what she wanted: a brief-s*xual escapade with a cool guy.

    About a week later (and this little over a month ago), this girl whom I’d been hooking up with- on and off- for about 5 months, replies to a text of mines about hooking up.

    As I explained to you in part 1: there is no such thing as a girl being single. If she neglects to tell you about her boyfriend, she likely has a secret boyfriend but decides to hide that fact in order to save face and not look slutty for hooking up with a guy on the side.

    That was the case with this girl in a nutshell: she had a secret boyfriend of whom she never told me about [not that I gave a shit anyway].

    In any case, feeling slutty about our 5 months fling, she decides to chide me out because of the content of my message, as though I had Beta herb p@ssy written on my forehead.

    I don’t take light to such opportunistic bullshit from women!

    I demand a certain level of respect from the women I hook up with.

    Blatant disregard forces me to act out of character.

    Fresh off the heels of the previous success where I had banged the cousin of a girl who rejected me; I was again entertaining the idea of a possible encore to such a mammoth and evil feat. 😈

    “Can I actually replicate this shite”, I pondered.

    The girl and I- let’s just call her Jenny for sake of reading facilitation of the article- were Facebook friends during our 5 month fling.

    I don’t know what it is about girls whom I hook up with, adding me on Facebook shortly afterwards.

    Perhaps a way for them to keep tabs on me and to see whom else I was possibly screwing ❓ …though that’s none of their business.

    Be as it may, I embarked on the mission to teach Jenny a little lesson in “screw me, and I’ll screw you back big time”.

    I scrolled through her friend list in search of a girl who’s hotter than she is.

    She didn’t necessarily have to be a relative of hers as was the case with the girl in the previous article. Just as long as the other girl was hotter and a friend of hers outside of Facebook also.

    How was I to determine whether this girl was a friend of hers outside of Facebook?

    Through photos. 🙂

    With that, instead of continuing to browse through her profile for a hotter girl to seduce, I decided to flip through her photo albums in search of a girl (tagged in her photos) whom I knew for certain was someone who Jenny hung out with.

    However, I didn’t quite want to gun for a bestie as a subject in this game.

    Why not?

    A BFF of hers is likely to have known about Jenny and me, since girls tell their besties everything. So this other girl had to be someone who was close enough that they hung out or partied together: but not that close that Jenny would confide in her.

    A tricky proposition. But I proceeded nevertheless.

    I came across numerous photos which appeared to be “girls night out” oriented.


    There were 4 girls in this particular photo.

    By the caption, it didn’t appear that any of these girls was her BFF, but mere girls who she would hang out and party with.

    Each girl was relatively sexy, but none of them was smoking hot.

    Fuck it! I had to settle for a lukewarm chick. This was no problem by the way since a girl’s ego is liable to get crushed even more, knowing that the other girl isn’t as hot as she is.

    For example; if a guy were to cheat on her girlfriend with a girl who’s hotter, the girl who was cheated on, can justify to herself that her boyfriend cheated on her with a girl who’s hotter than she is. So this makes for a more palatable and digestible situation.

    However, if the other girl with whom the boyfriend cheated, was not as hot as the girlfriend, she (the girlfriend) is liable to feel a bigger sense of betrayal and blow to her value, to know that her boyfriend cheated on her with a girl who wasn’t hotter than she is.

    She has nothing in which to use in order to plausibly justify to herself as to why her boyfriend cheated with that particular girl since she’s not as hot.

    With that being said, I felt comforted in pursuing a target who wasn’t as hot as Jenny, knowing that such a move would shatter her reality even more. 👿

    Just as the script read in the previous post with the girl from a few weeks earlier, I friend requested a friend of Jenny’s.

    Being that she would’ve seen that we have a mutual friend in common [Jenny], it made it much more likely for her to accept the random friend request…and she did.

    Upon acceptance of my friend request, I immediately un-friended Jenny. 🙂 😈

    How come?

    I didn’t want to risk my cover being blown if Jenny were to ask her girlfriend if she knew me personally, etc. So it was the most prudent strategy to delete Jenny in order to cover my tracks.

    Subsequently, I ran my usual-deadly Facebook PUA game and got her phone number [Jenny’s friend] within the first round of inbox messages.

    Let’s call Jenny’s friend, Jessica.

    As usual, I never just get a girl’s phone number for the hell of it. I close the deal (as far as the # goes) upon making note that we would meet up soon for drinks or snacks.

    Within a matter of days, we were slated to meet up, grab a bite then head back to my place for Netflix and Chill. 😉

    Remind you; all this was happening under the nose of Jenny, the girl whom I was hooking up with for 5 or so months, who decided to rudely chastise me for a text message I sent her about wanting to @rse-fux her.

    Anyway, Jessica, the new girl, who’s a friend of Jenny, had no clue that Jenny and I were hooking up (or used to). I doubted that she even know that we knew each other outside of Facebook.

    Be as it may, I didn’t exactly want news to break of this…at least not prematurely.

    I wanted everything to go down according to plan: my plan, which was to bang Jenny’s friend [Jessica] without Jenny’s knowledge. Then somehow after we would’ve hooked up, rub it in Jenny’s face that I was now @rse -banging 1 of her girlfriend. 😯

    That was the plan.

    Let’s see if it would stay the course.

    Days later- and remind you- this was all during the early days of May, 2016, so literally the other day, Jessica (the new girl) hits me up via Whatsapp on a Thursday evening wanting to hang out.

    Since I was free that evening, I agreed to meet up, anticipating the lay earlier than I’d projected.

    She texted me the details of where to meet her.

    During the text conversation while working out the locational logistics, she mentions, “I’m at a friend’s house”.

    Me: “Okay. A girlfriend of yours I’m guessing”.

    Jessica: “Yea. Her name’s Jenny”.

    I almost caught a heart attack(let alone ”a moment)when I seen the name Jenny. 😯

    Surely I didn’t want Jenny to find out this early that I was to see Jessica, and am possibly hooking up with Jessica.

    Guess what though: Jessica did tell Jenny that a guy name Kenny is to pick her up in a few minutes.


    Hope she didn’t specify to Jenny which Kenny he was. 😯

    She did! 😦

    She told her it’s this guy name Kenny from so and so, last name so and so…and so on.

    The jig is up [I hope not]!

    I then responded with, “Okay…so what did your friend Jenny tell you, does she know of such a Kenny”?

    Jessica: “Yea. She was shocked when I mentioned you. She didn’t know that we knew each other”.

    Me: “Ok cool. What else did she say”?

    Jessica: “She says you’re a dirty pervert and if I know better, I should stay away from you”.


    This is exactly what I didn’t want happening before having the chance to sleep with Jessica!

    If you recall what I mentioned in part 1 concerning this being a risky occurrence (girl telling the other girl about our happenings), you would’ve known why I was shaking in my boots once Jessica relayed the news to me that she’d told Jenny about our pending rendezvous of @rse-s*x.

    Ok, so here it is again: because Jessica and Jenny are friends, Jenny would’ve had way more sway and pull over Jessica than I did, as just some random Joe Smoe whom she had met about a week prior.

    Her loyalty lies with Jenny- her friend- and not with Kenny!

    With that, anything Jenny says has more credibility than anything I could ever say.

    Thus, once Jenny remarked that “Kenny’s a dirty pervert whom she should stay away from”, her words is likely to hold weight, and Jessica is likely to pull out, in hopes of preserving her friendship.

    At the core of it all was sheer jealousy on the part of Jenny, who did not think that I should be hooking up with her friend, after having been hooking up with her (Jenny) for nearly 6 whole months.

    Surprisingly, Jessica went full speed against the grain and decided to still meet up with me in spite of her girlfriend’s reservations and warnings.

    Such a move is unpresidented in the history of hooking up. Girls will rarely ever defy their girlfriends for a guy whom they barely know!

    For whatever reason; Jessica did just that and elected to still have me meet up with her that evening, in spite of the fact that Jenny told her I was a pervy scum.


    Minutes later, we met up at a designated location nearby Jenny’s place.

    We took a walk, grabbed a snack and headed to my pad to “hang out”. 😉

    We half-@rse hooked up and she hitched a cab about 3 hours later back to her place [reason I say ” half-@rse” is that I didn’t get to shoot my wad because she kept complaining that she hasn’t had s*x in a while, so she can’t bear much thrusting…so I gave up about 10 minutes in like a betaherb husband].

    This all went down about 2 weeks ago.

    Although I never got the chance to rub it in Jenny’s face, that I hooked up with 1 of her girlfriends (Jessica), it turned out to be just as good/bad anyway, since Jessica spilled the beans about our meet-up the night that we hooked up.

    The damage was still done.

    Jenny will have to live with the reality that I banged 1 of her friends just because she [Jenny] was being a total b!tch for no good reason, only because I texted her about fuxing her p@ssy.

    Days ago, Jessica and I were texting, and just for the fux of it, I brought up the situation [my texts in green].

    Now see why everyone in the ”Christian” ”rp” had to copy GBFM(who was the first one in the MENZ sphere to go heavy on quoting the Scriptures instead of bluepilled Men or feminists) with ”all that copy & paste ”(as one fellow said this past year) of Scriptures?

    It was to distance themselves from the TRUTH of Game(which would make them appear ”unChristian” to their fellow non-”rp” tradcons.

    Which they watered down to make it of no effect as they also do to the Scriptures & the Authority and the LORDship of JESUS to this very day.

    & then they wonder:”why would God spit us out of this land or his mouth-when he needs us l as WE are his offspring?”

    But JESUS has already answered that with:

    And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.-Matthew 3:9

  2. Lastmod

    Better Bachelor (Joker) just did a video about a study from fifteen / sixteen years ago….it stated the obvious what most men already knew back then. Who didnt know this? Our friends at the “Red Pill”

    Women will not date men who are not deemed “physically attractive”

    “You just have to be funny / I know ugly guys but they have a great outlook and a good job, are funny and date hot women / women dont view looks like men do they are not important to women”

    Men who espoused anything different from Rollo’s teachings, or Game, or PUA, were smeared “defeatest” and “black pilled” and “incel”

    Around 2021 or so, it “suddenly” became the answer of “looks matter to women, of course they do, we have been esposuing that for years! Red Pill teaches…….”

    Shifting goalposts per usual and throwing any previous stances about this down the “memory hole”

    In the end, the Incels and “black pillers” were right. Will there be an apology? A “hey we didnt consider this or that”

    Nope! It will be a Hillary Clinton / science answer: If we knew what we know now, we would have of course taken a different view, but the “science” and “experts” said differently, we stand by our previous statments, while still calling people blu -pilled or cucked.

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