A Flag Of Truce

I usually don’t post on a Saturday. But, last week I wrote “A Flag of Truce,” offering the olive branch to Ed Hurst. I didn’t hear from him, but for this Saturday, I thought I’d do the same for Catacomb Resident as well.

In “A New Commandment,” I responded to Catacomb Resident’s post…

Catacomb Resident

Some of you have asked me in particular about one that links back to a fellow named Derek Ramsey. On the one hand, I can’t comprehend why he bothers. It’s almost like a weird obsession with us. It’s painfully obvious that he doesn’t like our beliefs, and he spends a lot of time talking bad about them.

I doubt anyone in the community will agree with him, but if you do agree, then you should spend more time engaging with him, not me. I moved away from his kind of religion a long time ago, and I’m now much closer to what God requires of me. Don’t worry about Ramsey and his blather. He’s not going to hurt us.

…by citing his own comment in response:

comment by Catacomb Resident @ Sigma Frame
Christ proclaimed the law of His Kingdom: Love each other as He does. It’s about crossing human boundaries to commune with each other in His Spirit. We are required to love people for whom we have no human reason to notice, and maybe a lot of human justification to hate. You might not have any talent for diplomacy, but you must care enough to make sacrifices. [..] It’s rather dishonest to ignore Christ’s command and claim to follow Him.

To be clear, I’m not saying that Catacomb Resident is failing to love others, I’m saying that he is failing to recognize when others are acting in a loving way towards him. He knows what it is to love as Christ loved. He preaches, correctly, that we must show love and sacrifice. But, he doesn’t recognize it in others when he sees it.

Catacomb Resident wonders why I am interacting with people that I have no human reason to notice. He supplied his own answer.

Catacomb Resident wonders why I am interacting with people that I might have justification to hate (because of the personal attacks and ad hominem). He supplied the answer.

Why would Catacomb Resident want to bother with me, crossing boundaries to commune? That answer, too, he has supplied.

What would Catacomb Resident want to be tolerant of—and sacrificial towards—those with poor diplomacy skills? So also, he has supplied the answer.

All I can say is that Catacomb Resident’s lack of comprehension is self-inflicted. If he thought I was loving and doing what I do because of obedience to Christ, he wouldn’t have made that post, let alone engage in ad hominem by calling my ideas “blather.”

Is this is way of trying to be loving? I have no idea. You’ll have to ask him that. What I do know is that he is certainly not identifying my motivation as love. Indeed, he is actively distancing himself…

I moved away from his kind of religion a long time ago

…and does not read anything I write anyway:

If you feel like reading his stuff, do so. I don’t

Rather than wondering if I am accusing Catacomb Resident of failing to show love—which I am not doing—ask instead if he is accusing me of failing to show love. Does he—and other members of Radix Fidem—believe that I truly have hate in my heart? Does he believe that this religion he speaks of opposes the love of Christ?

The answers will reveal the heart of the matter and demonstrate if any sort of relationship is possible.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Is this is way of trying to be loving? I have no idea. You’ll have to ask him that. What I do know is that he is certainly not identifying my motivation as love. Indeed, he is actively distancing himself…

    ”Female” tradcon Solipsism : Misplaced Loyalties
    Posted on 2024-09-13 by Jack
    Understanding the failurous tradcon Hive Mentality.

    Readership: All
    Theme: Transactions
    Length: 1,100 words(see where ”jack” has taken his own advice of ”don’t be a (verbose)long screed writer d@mnit ”jack”!”
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    In Sigma Game: The Benefits of Female Solipsism (2024/2/7), Vox Day covered a ”female ”(more than likely just a another tradconnic shy but heavily t@rded cad ”dad”)correspondent’s description of The Wheel Model — an insightful analogy of feminine herd behavior and how ”female”tradcon social groups function.

    After a lengthy description of the Wheel model, the essay turns to the topic of solipsism towards the end. The corresponding author argued that solipsism serves a positive function of signaling loyalty to the larger female tradcon social group and that it has nothing to do with tradcon ”men” or REAL MEN AKA non tradcon men.

    The Wheel model is quite intriguing, but her statements about solipsism are where my BS / Deflection Detector started pinging. So I’ll dive into this here.

    The Role of Female Solipsism
    The corresponding author describes the function of female solipsism as thus.

    “[In the context of a 1950s wannabe tradcon ”female” clique / group / Wheel], ”women’s” solipsism serves to advertise adherence to the Wheel’s values and the Hub’s vision. The Hub sets the values, so she will talk about things in relation to herself to show what she places value on. And the Beads will talk about themselves to show how they fit within that vision, or, when gossiping, to out-group women who don’t. The Wheel is part of the identity for the Hub and to varying degrees the Beads, so showing that you consider how all external events relate to the group’s wellbeing is an important part of demonstrating group loyalty — that you are willing to be active in harnessing resources from men, other women, and the rest of the wannabe 1950s tradcons community, and that you are willing to protect the group(unlike the ”men” in it who are all about comfort, massages & tummy tucks for their failurous ”dad”bods) from threats (primarily the antics of lower value women). So here, solipsism in conversation signals loyalty to the other women in your in-group.”

    It is interesting to read a woman’s views on loyalty. I’ll say more on this at the end.

    I get the distinct impression that she is NOT talking about solipsism as it is understood within Red Pill lore, but is merely using the word ‘solipsism’ as a placeholder for some other concept, maybe group-think or communistic BUT definitely NOT Patriachical(as that would be non-Goverment approved-which is something WE must have even though WE supposedly believe” WE ought to obey God, rather than Man”Acts 5:29 except when it comes to death vaxxs which then WE are ”lawless” on as WE supposedly believe ”God-approved Patriarchy” too!) collective purpose or shared values circa the 1950s including heavy valium use among the womenfolk too I might add.

    Men(even tradcon ”men” who barely qualify) are an Out-Group
    This next part is where she divulges the feminine secret (in bold).

    “In this regard, what men think of women’s solipsism is irrelevant, as it serves an in-grouping and out-grouping purpose that men are permanently out-grouped from. Except as the husbands [sic] of an individual woman and random men who might help a pretty girl out in a pinch, the men themselves are irrelevant to the women’s social Wheel.”

    Ahhh, there it is. The hen house is the epicenter of her microcosm. Men are just a beneficial (and disposable as does ”top” tradcon ”men” see most MEN too could it be true WE are effeminated-minded like some say?) accessory.

    “There is no need for women to dispense with solipsism and its in-group / out-grouping function, in order to gain respect from men for the purpose of female social hierarchies. Having the respect of men has nothing to do with what resources they are willing to provide a particular woman; to the contrary, being seen as “a strong independent woman” may lead them to deny resources. For the purposes of bringing resources into female social groups and securing standing within them, women would do better to focus on earning men’s love and compassion (and the resource provisioning associated with them) than to change their communication style to earn respect from men.”

    I suppose the reason why she introduces the idea of women being respected by men as (NOT) important is because female solipsism is frequently cited as a reason why men cannot respect women. But here she is assuming that men believe they must be IN the women’s in-group and/or understand women in terms of a social hierarchy in order to ‘respect’ them. This is not true at all.

    Men Don’t Matter
    Regardless of these false estimations of men’s interest, the overall sentiment she is conveying couldn’t be any more clear.

    “We DGAF what you think of us! We wimminz is gonna spin our Hot Wheels in the mud and do our own thang, whether you approve of it or like it or not!” Chicks before D!cks. “We don’t need no man! as WE are our own MENZ like tradconnic ”men” biotch!!“ But she also adds, “But in case the $$$ spigot runs as dry as our thatch, we’re willing to feign love and compassion to string you along and keep the gravy train running into 1950s tradcon Ville paradise that y’all h8 to watch on tv of the avalanche of goodness, civility & marital tranquillity that y’all supposedly want in such as ” leave it to beaver”,” Lassie” & ”the adventures of Ozzie & Harriet” as ye prefer the violence(blood & gore), murder & rape onslaught(as does ye wives) of such non-1950s tradconnic tv shows like the walking dead, game of thrones & deadwood instead .”

    “Women only need to dispense with solipsism when they enter into co-ed or primarily male social systems and/or work environments (which has to do with a woman’s own temperament, interests, and goals), but there is no need to dispense with it to maintain good standing within female social systems. Indeed, solipsism (but not narcissism) is critical to success within female social systems, and men’s lack of respect for it is irrelevant.”

    Again, it sounds like she is arrogantly using the word ‘solipsism’ to refer to conformity, group think, and/or the peculiar and predictable habit women have of lying to each other in order to maintain each others feeelz,buttstink smells like Da flowers girl and stroke each other’s egos. But … being considerate of the Wheel’s and the Hub’s / Queen Bee’s feeelz and buttstink that hella doesn’t smell like flowers ladz &lasses, interests, purposes, and non1950s values is NOT solipsism by definition. Not sure if this misconception is due to a false notion, a misunderstanding, or poor communication. But either way, the message is clear. Men are the ones who don’t receive any consideration. Women prioritize their cliques / peer clusters / Wheels/tradconnic h8 groups over men. Men(even tradconnic ”men!”) are an out-group.

    All I can say is that Catacomb Resident’s lack of comprehension like Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne was is self-inflicted. If he thought I was loving and doing what I do because of obedience to Christ, he wouldn’t have made that post, let alone engage in ad hominem by calling my ideas “blather.”

    Why would Catacomb Resident want to bother with me, crossing boundaries to commune? That answer, too, he has supplied.

    What would Catacomb Resident want to be tolerant of—and sacrificial towards—those with poor diplomacy skills? So also, he has supplied the answer.

    The answers will reveal the heart of the matter and demonstrate if any sort of relationship is possible.

    As ”Jack” has improved{moving away from long (verbose) screeds & such} over the past few months I’m sure so will Catacomb Resident who most definitely does read Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne now much shorter &less verbose screeds yes?

  2. professorGBFMtm


    Do you have any thoughts on this latest FB post?

    Hypergamy On Steroids
    Posted on 14 September, 2024 by Farm Boy — 2 Comments
    1 Vote

    Let me state that I am not an expert on the Chinese culture, but what this lady says is very interesting. Please check it out.

    I will state that it all starts with the imbalance between the number of fellas and the number of gals. This is because boys were considered to be more valuable, and with a one child policy, somehow it all ended up with lots more boys than girls. When the demand outstrips the supply, and nothing can be done about either, then the supply gets to dictate. And apparently the gals do.

    The farm girls move to small cities. The small city girls move to bigger cities. The big city girls move to mega-cities. All of this is in search of the better man. Apparently any traditional Chinese culture is thrown out the window in this ruthless search. Then, if the woman find a prospective match, they demand huge 90s lingo- phat-@ss gifts from the potential husband’s family. Backbreaking gifts at that.

    Apparently lots of men have decided not to play, probably after evaluating the cost/benefit equation. The lady in the video frames this as a problem for the gals. The old guys get the short end of the stick, women suffer most schtick.

    I can only speculate that Chinese culture couldn’t take the huge influx of money, the new found mobility, the excess men, and the usual communist propaganda about equality. Apparently any restraints on hypergamy are long gone.

    I feel for the poor (even the non-tradconnic)farm men who are at the bottom of the totem-pole. But she never gives them a second thought.

    1. Lastmod

      Many Chinese men have gone to Thailand, Vietnam, North Korea and Mongolia to find a wife. Read that somewhere a few years back. Kind of a “passport bro” thing for Chinese guys. I’ll try to find it. Might have been “Global Times” (so I dont know how factual it is…Global Times is propogandist for the CCP in all matters)

      1. Derek L. Ramsey

        Given the imbalance (so many more males than females) the choice is either to go elsewhere or stay single or be gay. So I’m not surprised that they are going elsewhere to find wives. However, besides going abroad to find a wife, Chinese men are colonizing areas in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere. Chinese populations abroad are booming.

        1. Lastmod

          My Aunt is from Thailand, she mentioned a few years back “neighborhoods in Bangkok that were once Thai have either become all Chinese or neighborhoods for “pfalan” (white people / european) who live there.

          She also said “White people come to Thailand now to live. 40 to 50 year old man get 12 year old girl for sex. Why is that okay?! They be arrest in USA for that. Dirty men”

          1. Lastmod


            Was out last night for a bit watching a fellow DJ spin at a small lounge here in LA. Didnt stay out too late (I had to work in the morning)

            Met a younger guy. Probably about 30. He was telling me “Going to Ukraine next month for a few weeks to score some “clam” (yes, he actually said that) and hopefully find companionship and maybe get into a relationship.”

            I nodded in an active listening pose.

            He said to me “LA women are this and that……spoiled, ugly, real women in Easter Europe know how to treat men..” The usual PUA / Game / Bang (insert country) book series by Roosh.

            I told him to “be carfeful over there, there is a war going on”

            His reply did surprise me “Why do you think Im going? All the young men are fighting, or are wounded. Its easy pickings over there. The women are so beautiful, and are lonely for attention.”

            I smiled lightly, I was trying to see or remember what it was like to be younger. I remember if a gal in San Francisco in my “social circle” that I liked mentioned what party she would be at Friday night. Yeah, I made sure I was there, even if I didnt like the lounge, or music.

            I added “Mate, you know war is real right? People are dying. A full generation and a half of young Ukrainian guys are dead.”

            He cut me off “The future is for those men who show up. Im showing up…”

            “You could say the same about those Ukrainian soldiers who are defending their country..” I threw in

            “You dont get it Boomer, no offense, but you’re old (not a Boomer) men today need to take charge, get what they want out of this world and life. That’s what women want, and thats what Ukrainian women need right now.” He said

            I nodded “No offense taken about the Boomer comment, though I am not one. How come the women of LA dont respond to this stance of you defining and being a man?”

            “They cannot help their brainwashing, they’re too far gone.” He said.

            It was like I was talking to a Red Pill ‘adding machine”

            Whatever you say, out comes the same “red pill textbook answer” that is on every “help” and “advice” and “passport bro” page out there. There are so many (yet, the ‘manosphere’ is being hushed up and shut down, daily. Men cannot get information)

            I wished him luck, and told him to have safe sex. He laughed “Eastern European women dont have STDs”

            Yeah…..this one is doomed. He’ll be ranting and raving two years from now on Jack’s page about how his “Ukrainian wife” now is divorcing him or has taken him to court, or her friends Yuri and Boris beat him down hard for money.

            If the answer is too simple and too fooolproof and too good to be true.

            It is. Even with women.

          2. Lastmod

            Otherwise, a quiet evening. My fellow DJ was spinning seamlessly rare groove, chill out downbeat 1990’s rnd mixed with class 1970’s soul.

            The lounge was small, just off Sunset in Hollywood. Not too crowded, mostly his DJ-ing was made as ambient / background music. Mixed crowd of younger and older. I loosened my tie, under the dim light when this song from 1973 slipped on after ambient beats. A good night out.


  3. Lastmod

    I cant follow anything they purport anymore.

    It seems the same, but different…..and always with “new” terms and “new” models that fit exactly to “what they have always stated” as if trying to prove a point or verify their stances.

    If they worked and are so “foolproof” then they dont even need to invoke God or The Bible because its “just nature” they have to bring God and “red pill lore” (whatever that means this week) into the picture so their sins or their shortcomings can / will be justified

    While telling men “God owes you nothing”

    Or some other piece of scripture that somehow means that you didnt have “enough” faith or you didnt join their church…..and of course if God didnt make you as smart, creative, gifted, attractive, or whatever as they were made

    Sucks to be you. Did you know in heaven there is no marriage??????

    If any of these men were in my shoes from age thirteen thru my early forties…..they would have lasted a week, or would have doubled down on “well, because women” statements…..which they do already.

    There was a bumper sticker that mocked that christian group called “Focus On the family”

    and it said: Focus on your own family

    One of the best pieces of bumper sticker evangelism I have ever seen.

    These men have the gall to lecture lower / lesser men and have the audacity to claim “we understand you”

    They dislike most people and are pretty miserable and knit picky on most things. They behave like smug California Liberals. Upset, annoyed, stuck on some ideology “but, but if only we could make women behave”

    Like their Liberal counterparts in California, stuck on “isms” and “phobes” and “being equal, wouldnt it be great if we could just make those other conform to our ideas!”

  4. professorGBFMtm

    Derek take a guess who this Proud but foolish tradcon @ssClown in his/her/its wife’s own home commenter really is!?

    Proud but foolish tradcon @ssClown in his/her/its wife’s own home says:
    15 September, 2024 at 4:18 am
    At 3:50, of the video in the OP, Lei says, “Urban Chinese women are unwilling to date poorer rural men. Chinese women with good education or high-paying jobs are the biggest victims in this population mismatch.”

    LOL These women refuse to value men for each man’s own intrinsic worth, but seemingly only value the resources and lifestyle those men might provide them. So, despite being highly sought after, these women’s own excessive selfishness drives them towards singleness. The insurmountable problem for poor marriage-minded men gets ignored, while those exacerbating the problem get portrayed as its victims. Feminism is ruining the whole world!

    However, selfish women seemingly cannot be made to care until it ruins something for them. They may pretend to care for others(like Proud but foolish tradcon @ssClown in his/her/its wife’s own home do) , but there are almost no women with enough virtue to appreciate abstract concepts like impartial justice and a human being’s great intrinsic worth. It’s always, “Me me me!” Women want the power to kill men’s innocent children in utero, but then they create their own problems through choosing sex-selective abortions, thinking that sons will support them with more money during their later years. And then they ignore their sex’s heinous murder of the innocent, and their materialistic reduction of men to being their personal wage-slaves, and still complain that they are the biggest victims like a Proud but foolish tradcon @ssClown in his own home TBH while SMH.

    Allowing women a “choice” is what has cost millions of lives and is squandering the lives of so many others. Arranging partnerships for young women was never a problem for the patriarchy. Giving women choices is just giving those defilers an opportunity to rebel and to act out their nuttiness, ingratitude, and the devaluing of human life to mere monetary worth or to whatever best suits their own convenience or desired lifestyle.

    BUT Spawny/Cheque d’Out had the right answer to this video

    Cheque d’Out says:
    15 September, 2024 at 10:16 am
    The Chinese prefer male children because as men they are expected to support their parents. Women are not. So, if you want to secure a better old age while bumming it like ‘ole Elrushbo, you have boys rather than girls.”Modern” Tradcons be proud but foolish tradcon @ssClown in his/her/its wife’s own home for future generations as they said so eloquently further up and always failurously do to their own detriment TBH while SMOH!

    Sons are destined to be financial slaves to their parents, unborn tradconnic daughters hardest hit.

    It’s important to know more than the wail of ‘female modern tradcon babies more likely to be aborted’. Always remember the additional factoids ‘male babies more likely to be raised as an investment slave’ and ‘tradcons always murderous traitors and filth!’

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