I doubt anyone in the community will agree with him, but if you do agree, then you should spend more time engaging with him, not me. I moved away from his kind of religion a long time ago, and I’m now much closer to what God requires of me. Don’t worry about Ramsey and his blather. He’s not going to hurt us.
After I wrote and posted “Emotion and Intellect” and “Making Your Own Choice,” I woke up to find this comment by Catacomb Resident at Sigma Frame which directly applies to what I said there:
This is very nearly a summary of everything I have been saying.
Maybe they ‘blather’ on or are ‘obsessed’ in your view?
What if you can’t think of a single human reason to notice them?
What would you be willing (and caring enough) to sacrifice in the name of love?
Is this what you are refusing to do?
In “Heart and Mind” I showed how scripture tells us to use our intellect to test and approve what the will of God is (and isn’t). Then I explained this further in “Emotion and Intellect” by showing that the greatest commandment—the Law of Love—is where Jesus first introduced the idea of using one’s intellect and reason as an integral force for love. Jesus requires us to love through our reason. Critical thinking is one of the primary forms of loving God.
In Deuteronomy 6:5, God gave his commandment to love God. In Leviticus 19:18, God gave his command to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus quoted both of these as he declared them the two greatest commandments, upon which hang the whole Law and the Prophets. In other words, all of scripture hang on the love of God and neighbor.
Yet, Christ modified the Shema by insisting that complete love explicitly includes reason and critical thinking as well. But Jesus was not done. He also declared loving others to be a new commandment:
Here he is modifying the ancient command to love your neighbor as yourself by creating a new command. He wasn’t merely repeating the Law of God by rote, but was actively adding to it. But, how can this be a modification if the command itself—to love others—did not change?
Love is mentioned many, many times; and seems like the core term – a new and all-transcending principle of life – the new reality that Jesus made-happen.
Jesus set up love as a qualitatively new commandment (emphasis added):
I find it interesting that the REV Bible Commentary, written by a bunch of biblical scholars who closely examined the original language, came to the same conclusion that ‘mystic’ Bruce Charlton did just by reading the gospel closely in English. One of the things I emphasize on this blog is that the Word of God is accessible to intellectual and mystic alike. This is no exception. You don’t need a PhD or an advanced certificate in occult practices to apprehend the Word of God.
Jesus said in the Gospel of John that his friends are those who do his commands. He identified this new command as love. In the Synoptic Gospels he explained the importance of one’s mind in loving God. Radix Fidem’s rejection of the intellect is a rejection of love, and thus of Christ. The teachings of Radix Fidem cripples the ability of its followers to love as Christ loved.
The answer to CR’s post is love. I do what I do, and say what I say, because Christ taught a new quality of love that we must share towards the Brothers and Sisters in Christ’s body. His comment at Sigma Frame would seem to agree.
This is very nearly a summary of everything I have been saying.
Is there someone in your life that you have justification to dislike or hate?
Maybe they ‘blather’ on or are ‘obsessed’ in your view?
What if you can’t think of a single human reason to notice them?
What would you be willing (and caring enough) to sacrifice in the name of love?
Is this what you are refusing to do?
It is enough to make me think he reads my posts here.
Derek after reading CRS latest post i suspect he is reading your posts too as you do now to just check it out here:
Like Married Couples in mutual submission
Posted on 20 August 2024 by CatRez
It’s a proverb of the Radix Fidem community: ”Don’t take yourself too seriously as ye happily get rid of Fidem or Faith bro.”
Arrogance and fear are a married couple. Generally, arrogance is rooted in fear (except in the case of psychopaths). Fear is its own thing, but arrogance is one human response to fear, depending on personality and character, though it can also be learned from one’s upbringing.
I wasn’t born to arrogance by training; it was part of my native character. You see, confidence and humility are also a married couple, the same people as arrogance and fear, but after redemption. It was a long and painful work for me to ditch the arrogance, to learn how to let people be who they are and let God worry about them. To be honest, that fear had me in a choke-hold.
But it’s because I spent so much of my life living with both fear and arrogance that I can spot it a mile away. Knowing how it worked in my own soul, I seldom address it openly and just make note of its presence. It’s like a drug for which people must hit bottom on their own terms or they’ll never see it as a problem. Telling an arrogant person they are arrogant is the biggest waste of time because they see it as necessary.
One of the biggest issues for those suffering from arrogance is that they must realize that God speaks to others, too. He has been known to guide other people in ways you aren’t supposed to go. Be faithful to your own calling and give God room to choose a different path for someone else.
You’ll probably understand how confidence can come out of arrogance. But maybe you’ll think to ask: How does humility come out of fear? Fear comes from the assumption that you cannot afford to lose control of things. Humility comes out of learning that you couldn’t possibly be in the control in the first place.
The English language is quite poverty stricken in discussing such things. The grammatical meaning of “fear” is used for conflicting ideas. The Bible refers to a form of respect that is far more than what the English word “respect” implies-a mutual submission if you will as in love one another, without all the connotations of “fear” or the modern ”subservience” talk of most blue, fed or red piller feminists. It points to a feudal or if I’m being totally honest with you, a CHRIST-like submission that includes an ardent love and commitment to obey in mutual submission ladz. We don’t really have a good English word for that. All we have is imagery w/o reason or the kidneys themselves.
We tremble before the Almighty who really is in control. We tremble from an overwhelming sense of unworthiness, mixed with a passionate drive to please in mutual submission
just as Brother Derek Ramsey has always said.
See why I suspect he is reading your posts now?
(Catacomb Resident, “Like Married Couples“)
Let’s see if you are right.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.
I agree! I don’t take myself seriously. But people reading my work think that I do, and I’m constantly forced to correct this mistake.
You see, confidence and humility are also a married couple, the same people as arrogance and fear, but after redemption. It was a long and painful work for me to ditch the arrogance, to learn how to let people be who they are and let God worry about them.
I’m not sure if I agree with these abstractions, but no one would accuse me of a lack of confidence. As for arrogance, I’m not concerned if people agree with me because…
One of the biggest issues for those suffering from arrogance is that they must realize that God speaks to others, too. He has been known to guide other people in ways you aren’t supposed to go. Be faithful to your own calling and give God room to choose a different path for someone else.
…each man has his own calling. I promote discernment (here). I don’t call people names because for each man to have a personal calling, we must allow people to disagree (here).
This is why, for example, I don’t tell those who promote patriarchy that they are wrong, I tell them that their version of patriarchy is weak and ineffectual (e.g. when a “patriarchal man” has the gall to tell me how to manage my own family). If they want patriarchy, they should do it right, or else abandon it completely. Patriarchy is certainly workable for those husbands and wives that choose it, but it’s not the only viable option.
This is also why, for example, I don’t find conflict between those who routinely experience God’s direct intervention (e.g. miracles) and those that never do. I have my own calling and it is not a cause for discontent, but rather for peace. Even the Apostle Paul had a “thorn in the flesh” that was his to bear, which was there specifically to keep him from becoming arrogant!
Telling an arrogant person they are arrogant is the biggest waste of time because they see it as necessary.
When people tell me I’m arrogant, I try to fix whatever it was that made them come to that conclusion. I guess I don’t know too many arrogant people, because I’ve never thought they see it as necessary. He’s probably not wrong though.
Humility comes out of learning that you couldn’t possibly be in the control in the first place.
I don’t try to control people. I stand firm on principle instead. I recently reprimanded Malcolm Reynolds (here) for repeatedly violating the standards of good behavior, but I did not ban him or otherwise force him to comply. Rather, I suggested that he stop commenting until he could acknowledge to himself what he was doing (and presumably fix it on his own). It appears that he has done so, for he has not commented since. Had he refused, I would have done nothing to stop him. Control is an ineffectual path to true repentance.
The Bible refers to a form of respect that is far more than what the English word “respect” implies, without all the connotations of “fear”. It points to a feudal submission that includes an ardent love and commitment to obey.
I agree with CR here. I talk about this word frequently with respect to Ephesians 5, where the word is used of both Christ and wives in the context of mutual submission. Indeed, it is this word that forms an inclusio in the language that tells us that Paul was telling both husbands and wives to mutually submit.
The irony here is that Paul tells wives to fear their husbands, which as Catacomb Resident notes involves “ardent love” (that is, agape or chesed). But Paul told wives to fear their husbands in the same sentence that he tells husbands that they should love their wives! By CR’s logic, which I agree with, Paul is telling husbands and wives to do the same thing, which is a point that I’ve made time and again: mutual submission, rooted in the Law of Love.
In any case, there isn’t much I disagree with in that post. As per usual, I am attracted to much of what Radix Fidem has to offer, just with the occult-centered false gospel removed. But of course, the occult mystical experiences appear to be the point of Radix Fidem.
In any case, you’d think with all the agreement we have otherwise they’d have a more positive viewpoint towards me. But what plagues me is people’s false perceptions. They put themselves in my place and then impute whatever motives that would apply to them if they had done what I do. But I’m not like most people, and I don’t share common motivations.
But I’m not part of their group, so they don’t want to have anything to do with me! Jesus never said:
“Go into all the world and make tribes with exclusive membership!”
Control is an ineffectual path to true repentance.
YEAH even though BtM has stated he’s been knowing about(& reading)the sphere for a decade he still hasn’t learned his fellow MENZ are the ones that betrayed their fellow MAN by giving woMENZS the national i.e. presidential vote in 1920. As he continues making the following comment over & over elsewhere.:
Bardelys the Magnificent says:
20 August, 2024 at 6:23 pm
Repeal the 19th
They can repeal the 19th tomorrow and IOIS -seeking ”redpillers” would be the first trying to score points with galz and their simping fathers/grandfathers as even St. Rollo has long said ”I’m not for taking away woMENZ right to vote ladz”
Update on the current national election from a saint!
thedeti says:
20 August, 2024 at 7:18 pm
Rank and file working class Democrats frankly should be more offended at the selection of Tampon Tim “I ain’t going on deployment” Walz than they are.
Walz’ selection was first and foremost because “we can’t pick the butthextually harassing wimminz Jew, because that would offend the Muslim vote we need in Michigan”. Second, they picked Walz because he looks and acts like what Democrats think most people in Middle America look and act like: huntin’ gun totin’ shit kickin’ plain-speaking good ol’ boy having coffee at the MickeyD’s with Ronnie and Jackie and BillyJoeJimBob. They really think people will be f@oled by a guy who looks like Crazy Uncle Paulie from the midwest Rocky films who watches the game on his rabbit-eared 12″ B&W, chomping on a Swisher Sweet or chewing Red Man while yanking his crank at the same time like in the meat freezers midwest Rocky practices boxing in lads.
Dude: Men in the Midwest do not hunt while wearing @ssless chaps. They don’t wear chaps AT ALL. Most men in the Midwest are not hunting on horseback, you dumb@ss. The only reason you fuxing wear chaps is you’re on and off a horse all day. Game hunters on the midwestern plains are on foot, you fuxing moron. And you don’t wear chaps when you’re walking 20 miles a day w/o JUST CAUSE EITHER-like helping turn blue pillers at the local purplepill gun range, red or something. You cannot hunt animals on the Great Plains or the Midwest on horseback. The animals you’re hunting can smell your hiney and hear the horses. What the fux do you think this is, 1915 rural England? Downton Abbey? No, you hippy-dippy sh!t for brains, it’s 2024 US Great Plains. LAWD Jesus CHRIST, people think we’re stupid just cuz WE know how to roll at a Toby Keith concert i.e.” ALL business in the front and ALL PARTAY in the back”. I don’t even hunt all that much these days as I keep it relz in my hood mostly, and I know all this. )
They want him to look, yanking Midwest-style boyz while cranking and acting like it, and try to f@ol people into believing he’s like them when he isn’t.
Will you see The Republicans if they win….actually push for term linits? Push for Congress to ‘live under the same laws as we do?” Will you see them take a cut in pay because of the ‘ahrd times’ the nation is going through?
Will you see the Democrats ever ask “how far is too far for our side?” Nope. Even RFK Jr. couldnt answer that, and I was considering voting for him as “protest” vote
You may say or think “But you not voting Lastmod means you have given up…and women hate quitters! Real men do something! Ral men rescue, protect, and save the country!”
been hearing that nonsense for decades now. Remember when 9/11 happened? We heard that “feminism is dead, women saw all those brave men rush into the Twin Towers to save people, men are now going to be appreciated!” (That was Rush Limbaugh. That was Sean Hannity. That was countless other pundits at the time)
A few short years ago, we heard “Gen Z is going to make Reagan look like a liberal, that’s how conservative and anti-woke they are”
Way wrong.
A hard rest where the power goes off and isnt coming back on is pretty much the only way all these Red Pill guys will get their “renewed patriarchal wet dream”
And I can tell you now….most of them would be begging for the government to “get the lights on” within a week or two tops.
Update from a proud but failing “renewed patriarchal wet dream” advocate about ”usurping defilers”:
Sharkly says:
21 August, 2024 at 1:20 am
Women want power over men to hurt them, usurp them, emasculate them, and demoralize them. Because men were made for God, in the image of God. Whereas women were made for men like I to use and abuse as I see fit. Women are envious rebels like ”red pill” ”genius” ”leaders” TBH who want to strike back against God by degrading His likenesses. They secretly wish that God had made them men, but God made them inferior, as women, and hasn’t even apologized to them for it.
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
That’s why they want to usurp over men and treat men like sh!t like us ”redpill””genius” ”leaders” do to men also. They have rebelled against their true Father. And instead, they do the will of their own chosen father, the devil, who also hates men because they bear God’s image and glory. (1 Corinthians 11:7)
The question is: How much do women understand the true reasons for the evil(by NOT giving me the leftist sodomy I crave that most blue, fed, and red pillers would have called perverted & gay pre-bill & Monicas ”moment”-hell even TV shows couldn’t say m@sturbation in the early 90s like on Seinfelds ”the bet” episode-which was a crying sh@me if ye ask this neoliberal ”Conservative” sodomite in sheep clothing ) that they do? And how much are they the devil’s tools, unaware?
While some of women’s destructive behavior might be written off as just selfishness, much of it clearly works to their own detriment, yet they do it repeatedly and reflexively as I do yanking my crank TBH while SMH.
If I were a modern woman, I’d certainly be scratching my head about why we act so self-destructively evil. Wouldn’t you pause for a moment and consider your own nature & be more giving of sodomy to ”Conservative” neoliberals like me?
Women fight against God through abusing men, whether they realize it or not. Freud called it “unresolved penis envy”w/o giving due ”Conservative”sodomy as required since the mainstreaming of porn between the mid-90s AOL-era internet (and the TV show s*x & the citay) & the release of the fifty shades of Grey ”m@mmyp@rn” books-MMM my FAVE to turn my crank in the dead of winter y’all!
Few women fully resolve to cheerfully embrace their God-given lesser role of being a woman as I have to pretend to be a ”red pill” ”genius” ”leader” to make up for it I’m afraid to say SMH.
The ballot presses and machines are running non-stop at this moment preinting ballots for specific regiosn, areas, and precints that “just-happen-to-have” Harris as the winner.
In 2020, so many accounts of election mishandling and the press called them “conspiracy theories” and even some areas kicked poll watchers OUT and all we got from that was a protest on DC and that was labeled an “insurrection” and people are still sitting in jail.
The Democrats could put up a pet dog at this point and millions upon millions would vote for it. The people that vote straight ticket Democrat today dont care about ANYONE they put up. They are “partiests” and will vote that way no matter what.
In 1984 and “The Gulag” people didnt even care if they were being oppressed, they just didnt want to be seen as “bad” by “The Party”
We have at least two and half generations who cant even talk about our system of government and the branches let alone understand it….let alone current politicians “following it”
I tell Trump supporters that I meet “so, where does it say ‘spending bil’ in the Constitution”
They immediately default to “You are a wimpy liberal democrat, Trump always follows the Constitution and loves God” I ask this not to be an ass, but to actually make them think.
Its just as flimsy of a defense that the other side uses with “racism” or whatever “ism” is popular at the moment.
Both sides want it burned down, and they want to make their opponents now SUFFER. Not just beaten until “next election” but actually want physical, emotional and mental pain inflicted on them.
We have some serious wildfires goin in California right now. In RED counties. “Trump loving areas” of the State. You see the comments on these poor people losing homes, livelihoods….everything
“F*ck California / Too bad you have a loser governor / Good, these people in California deserve this, Trump 2024!” and countless other like this.
these are fellow Americans, and wishing that upon fellow citizens does shock me.
I will not vote ever again now, and if Trump wins, all they will do is “investigate” him for four years and if Harris wins all they will do is “investigate” her for four years while the country continues to unravel.
I could care less about any of them. I am from New York. Trump was hardly some “honest Abe business man” back in the days when he exploded on the 1980’s Yuppie scene.
Update on those who are ”” red pill” and DOWN WITH THE STRUGGLE” & ready to d!e for THE CAUSE!!!
Sharkly says:
21 August, 2024 at 4:35 am
The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors
Some of those will be violent unbiblical and unGodly ”Patriarchy” offenders who exec@ted their wives & kidz.
Yeah but, where will the Starmer imprison the 50 million Americans mocking him in comments in support of the anti-invasion protestors? I’ll use my vacation time if Starmer will pay for my air travel. I’d be proud to get locked up for speaking out against such criminal negligence by globalist owned politicians. Chicks dig men who are wanted by Interpol; I reckon. If they lock me up, that’s one more British protester they have to let out. I’ve made plenty of non-helpful ”yank & crank” and ”execute your wife & kids” paranoid comments. Where do I sign up for my trip to Old Blighty to yank and crank in the old country my chums?
He would last not even one day in a British prison
I am commenting publicly here because you have not responded to my emails, although I would much prefer asking you things like this privately because I do not know the context and would have to read several more posts to get it, and even then, that would not eliminate the real possibility that my understanding of your position would in some sense be equivocal.
[Editor: Privacy dictated I remove a section which I will restore later if required]
I would prefer to talk about this in private when you have the chance or if you have the desire.
[Editor: Privacy dictated I remove a section which I will restore later if required]
I’m quite confused. I have been responding. I reached out to you in the first place.
I do not understand why you brought this public, but I have censored the portion of your comment that was meant to be private. As for the speed of my reply, the last thing I said to you was:
I have still been thinking and praying about my response. I continue to do so. I will respond. In the meantime, I have stopped writing posts for this blog. The only thing that will be posted are articles that were written before our correspondence. I consider my emails to you and CR to be of higher priority.
Lol, I know you reached out to me first, and you responded briefly to my response two days ago, and then I sent another message that has not been responded to. I had no idea what you were doing, but feared I may have offended you or something. I am glad that is not the case.
I suspected you would moderate my comment before it was posted, which you did. I obviously do not want to talk publicly, so thank you.
Right , WordPress is unusable without moderation due to all the spam. Now that you’re approved, you should be fine in the future (assuming the spam filter doesn’t false bin your comment).
As for the rest, I have no interest in airing a private discussion in public. I still owe CR a response as well.