
This is a quick review of “Sectarianism.”

However, this panoply of personalities and purposes leads to wildly variant sectarianism — one of the main downsides of the Manosphere. It is this sectarianism that has made the Manosphere Enemy Numero Uno of the Gubmint and showciety, and it is also this sectarianism that has splintered the Manosphere into many branches and remnants.

To the extent that I’m a remnant or branch of the manosphere—a questionable proposition—my disagreement is based solely on the ideas it presents and nothing else. I am not influenced by the government or society. They do not threaten me nor dictate what write. I self-host, and so I am not subject to the WordPress Terms of Service either. Unlike many others, I don’t have to censor myself.

Others should take note.

The epic rise of The Red Pill ca. 2008…

I started blogging in 2016. I wasn’t involved in the early Red Pill and know practically nothing about it.

…introduced a huge socio-ideological schism that upended Western society and the SMP.

I’m not buying that. The impact of the Red Pill on society has been minimal at best and completely non-existent at worst. I follow a number of adjacent-to-the-Red-Pill movements (e.g. HBD—human biodiversity) and though they know about the Manosphere and the Red Pill, they rarely talk about it. As I’ve noted on a number of occasions, whenever someone talks about the Manosphere on Twitter, it is most commonly negative, to mockingly dismiss it (recent examples here, here, and here) or else to refute it. To wit, here and here:

I’ve never met anyone in meatspace who knew what it was. The kids are all talking about “Sigma” at school, because they heard it on YouTube and TikTok, but it’s a bastardized reference. None of the kids using that term associate it with the manosphere or Red Pill.

There is no schism. A few months ago Jack said this:

There are over 300 million people in the United States. I have at most two regular and half a dozen infrequent commenters. At most, maybe a dozen people read my blog, but if you told me that no one actually reads my articles completely, I’d believe you. Nobody knows who I or the Professor are. We are utterly insignificant.

The Red Pill was never involved in the cultural war. Censorship—of social media, search engines, and others—is of a general nature and applies more to right-wing political topics. To the extent that the Red Pill touches on political topics, it gets censored simply by existing.

For more than a decade you used to be able to Google search my name and all the top hits would refer to me, but then a years or two ago Google changed its algorithm (what Jack thinks is blatant censorship of the Red Pill sites) and that has no longer been the case. Even as I’ve written on this blog more than ever before, the number of articles indexed by Google has actually declined. It is extremely unlikely that anyone is actively censoring me. Nobody is being paid to sabotage my site so one fewer person per year comments on an article. If so, they are idiots.

Rather than the FBI infiltrating the manosphere, it is far more likely that a famous blogger in the ‘sphere is or was actually a woman. Very few of those who bill themselves as “patriarchs” are even provably male. Shouldn’t we be most concerned with that “threat?”

The Manosphere isn’t the subject of a direct coordinated attack. That’s a delusional proposition. The Manosphere is irrelevant.

These groups insist that The Red Pill is a misogynistic patriarchal ideology while Red Pill adherents plainly state that it is simply an observation of the truths about human nature.

To be clear, many Red Pill adherents are quite explicit that they are advocating patriarchy. Indeed, the overriding assertion is that the truths about human nature lead invariably to patriarchy. It’s not clear to me why Jack is playing coy with this. If you know why, let me know in the comments.

In any case, the whole point of the Red Pill is to divide those who believe in its conception of “real men and women” against other ideologies: feminism, egalitarianism, complementarianism, etc. The very existence of the Red Pill implies sectarianism.

Red Pillers revel in being divisive against outsiders, sitting in judgment over their lessers. The only way to crush sectarianism is to crush the Red Pill. Or, I suppose, it could just be hypocritical and only allow dissent that doesn’t go too far from Red Pill orthodoxy while crushing the rest. That’s how it works now.

Consensus, especially a forced or orchestrated consensus, may indeed pose a roadblock to one’s personal discovery of the truth.  However, the lack of consensus invariably leads to schism, by definition. 

That’s what I said. Opposing schism is a waste of time and effort.

The problem here is that the Christian Manosphere needs a shameless Devil’s advocate (e.g. Roissy, Rollo, et al.) to keep the convo rolling, but these voices are quickly dismissed — for being a Devil’s advocate. It is ironic and self-defeating that in an age when bad boys are celebrated, no Christian man wants to play the part of a bad boy.

What do they think I do here? Have tea and crumpets?

Here, readers are invited to speculate about the major takeaways before I address them in future posts.  If there are specific conflicts that readers believe may be pivotal, please write a detailed eulogy below.

For those who don’t know, I’ve been censored at Sigma Frame…

…having been personally addressed and reprimanded in a comment on a page that I had not even visited, let alone  read or commented on.

The jokes write themselves…

Since the end of May, I have no longer read nor commented there (I had to be told about this post). As everyone has seen from the woke mob, the favored leftist solution to sectarianism is censorship. Perhaps the Manosphere should try not being leftist? Ah, it’s probably too big of an ask.

I have only one takeaway.

Sectarianism doesn’t have to be a problem. It is an opportunity for reasoned discussion and debate. But absent such rational discourse, division serves no purpose. Sectarianism doesn’t have to be a problem… but it will be because disagreement and debate is viewed as a demerit.

Some historical context:


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”I’ve never met anyone in meatspace who knew what it was. The kids are all talking about “Sigma” at school, because they heard it on YouTube and TikTok, but it’s a bastardized reference. None of the kids using that term associate it with the manosphere or Red Pill.”

    Many(for years) think Vox=Ted came up with Sigma just for himself in 2011 since Alpha was so associated with Roissy=Heartiste.

    ”There are over 300 million people in the United States. I have at most two regular and half a dozen infrequent commenters. At most, maybe a dozen people read my blog, but if you told me that no one actually reads my articles completely, I ’d believe you. Nobody knows who I or the Professor are. We are utterly insignificant.”

    That’s what I was trying to say in the last post, Dalrock-Roissy=Heartiste and GBFM- the trinity=triad of the most famous=renowned and distinctive=unique(Rollo, Roosh, and a few others are pretty renowned but not anywhere as unique as the Manosphere trinity mentioned) Manosphere personalities at the height of the ‘spheres popularity in 2013-when ABCS 2020 did an unaired(it only exists as a promo with AVFMS Paul Elam) segment-were not famous outside the ‘sphere. Actually that unaired 2020 segment was not going to mention them as far as I know,it was going to be mainly about how absurd the notion was that women ”win” in divorce which you can glean from the promo -which is on YouTube in various versions re-edited and ”official”.

  2. professorGBFMtm


    Alpha Fuxs/Beta Buxs(see? GBFM was always keeping the Roissyosphere=Manosphere safe for kids to read? -even though it was never intended for anyone that wasn’t at least a teenager) original context as far as its ”official creator” the legendary most distinctive dude ever in the Manosphere or on the net GBFM is concerned was in clubs where the foolish gullible nice guy ”betas” buy drinks for the bored delicate hoes while the ”Alpha’s” have sex with the bored hoes for free -usually in the Men’s roomzlolozozolzzzz(even though that’s ”lawlessness” and most likely not ”sanctified” women being in the Menz bathroom-which is not proper)

  3. professorGBFMtm

    One other thing could Surf Dumb give me his analysis with a morally critical Christian red pill LENZtm of this Saint the Deti comment from over a year ago, please(for background on this comment from i-one time at spawnys SD thought I said I wasn’t Christian in a comment there)?

    ”thedeti says:
    2023-04-30 at 10:19 pm
    I can’t believe I’m going to writ this, but here goes.

    Scripture says that fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But what if this refers to people who make fornication a focus of their lives? People who “worship” fornication? People for whom fornication is an end in itself, and not a means to an end?

    What if it doesn’t apply to those for whom fornication is a phase or a means to an end? What if it doesn’t apply to men who fornicate because they want relationships, girlfriends, or wives?

    What if these boys’ and young men’s hearts are in the right place? What if EoS’ heart was in the right place? What if mine was? What if Elspeth’s was (and she fornicated with SAM and we all know how that turned out – a bigger lottery jackpot has never been won)?

    Fornication isn’t one of the Big Ten No-No’s. Adultery is. But fornication isn’t. The Big Ten says “thou shalt not commit adultery”. It does not say “thou shalt not fornicate”.

    Maybe the issue is “don’t fornicate after you committed to someone else”

    Maybe there is some play in the joints here. Some room for forgiveness. Some flexibility. Some accommodation. Especially for men, because God knows of men’s particular flaw/weakness in this area (p_ssy makes men stupid).

    Could be just male hamstering – but the fact remains that young people fornicate, now more than ever. The fact remains that men’s fornication doesn’t damage them the way it damages women. A lot of men come here and talk about how their premarital sex was ultimately borne of an effort to connect with another human being in the most ultimate and profound of ways. EoS has talked of this eloquently. My own experience is the same.

    Maybe it’s about the condition of the male heart.”

    Is that Christian SurfDumb(or not)?-even with a morally critical Christian red pill LENZtm from one who was just made a Saint(a ”Christian” one I would suppose) recently too?

  4. professorGBFMtm

    Here’s my morally critical Christian red pill LENZtm analysis on that third Twitter account link:

    ”🇮🇱 עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
    You don’t need some manosphere nonsense to get laid, you just need to talk to women and take women on dates, and flirt when you’re on dates, and let her invite you in for more if she wants. It’s never that difficult, you’re just up in your own head about it.”

    They forgot to add ”be nicez, be yourselfz, and with only a little elbow grease and a shower-the world of butthextzlolzzlolz can be yours too dudez!”

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