They Can’t Understand the Word, Part 4

In Part 3, I gave a quote by Bruce Charlton where he noted that what “Trad” Christians desire most is not something that has ever been found in Christianity. The hierarchical and patriarchal societies that they so deeply want are only found in other religions and cultures. Those who seek these ends will inevitably have to give them up or else abandon Christianity altogether.

Adam Piggott writes:


Over at Sigma Frame there is a discussion on whether the onus should be on women to control themselves and police each other as regards to matters of fornication. This was prompted by a twitter exchange between a man and a woman where the man ended his response with the following bolded line:

That’s interesting. What is that following line?

And men, it should be clear by now that women aren’t going to suddenly start restraining themselves, so it has to start with us.

Jack wrote that the response to this is female moral agency: “the onus is on women.” Adam took issue, writing (emphasis added):

If the onus is on women then you are experiencing societal collapse. No nation or kingdom in the history of mankind has survived women having sexual moral agency.

Women cannot, do not, and have never in the history of mankind policed themselves in this matter. To be impolite, you are fucking deluded if you think that women would ever show leadership and police themselves in this regard.

The onus is and always has been on men to keep their women under control and to protect them from their own bad instincts. Frankly, our western societies are so far gone in this regard that I doubt they will survive the awful mistake of female emancipation. If they are to be saved then it will have to happen with the coming generations.

You treat your daughters as property that must be protected and you make damn well sure that her future husband will be up to the job of protecting her.

This is how societies behave that expect to survive. Your modernist ears might rebel against this message, but it’s not my fault that you’ve been drenched with modernist communist propaganda your entire lives. There is and never has been anything known as a “critical mass of queen bees”. On the other hand, there is and always have been societies that are patriarchal. Just why do you think modernists made that word to be both anathema and an ad hominem attack?

You want the red pill on women? This is the ultimate red pill on women.

Adam followed up with another post, writing:


In any society there are good people and bad people. Good people usually function from a position of good intent in their actions, and bad people tend to do the opposite. But people’s actions are always framed within the society in which they live.

In an evil society, good people will habitually do bad things. That is the greatest tragedy of such a malformed society.

In a well ordered society, good people will adhere to the just and right laws and traditions on which the society is based. In the case of treating their women as property, they will do so not out of a desire for power but from an act of love. Patriarchy, true patriarchy, is love.

The best examples of such societies throughout history have been Catholic.

There is so much to unpack here!

First, one of the things we’ve highlighted in our recent posts is that the distinction between so-called good people and so-called bad people is not so simple. It is rather obvious, in fact, that Bad People operate from the premise of good intentions. Very rarely can you find someone that is truly unambiguously evil, for evil takes what is good and corrupts it by mixing it with what is bad. The vast majority of evil is “good” people doing evil things in the name of good intentions.

I wonder, did Adam’s bishop take to the streets in protest when Catholic churches closed down in response to government mandated Covid demands? As he is promoting Catholicism here, and Catholicism hasn’t repented for closing their doors, should I assume that he too is a Bad Person?

Habitually doing bad things makes you an evil person. It is why scripture says:

Romans 3:9-10
What then? Are we Jews any better off? Certainly not! For we have already brought the charge that both Jews and Greeks are all under the power of sin, as it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one.

When it comes to sin, there are no Good People and Bad People.

But, there are people who “do” the will of God and people who don’t.

A profession of faith in God is not sufficient proof that one has abandoned hostility towards God. Not even possessing great supernatural powers, including prophesying in Christ’s name and successfully casting out demons, is proof.

Christ used a different standard.  He said that only those who do the will of the Father will receive the Kingdom. He called the great spiritual works that remained “works of lawlessness,” regardless of how real and validating those works seemed to be to the practitioners who did mighty works in Christ’s very own name.

So the key question we should all be asking is this:

How does scripture say that one knows the will of the Father?

The answer is simple: by the application of the renewed mind, intellect, reason, and critical thinking in relation to Christ.

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice—living, holy, and pleasing to God—which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the pattern of this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [Greek: nous; mind, intellect], so that you can test and approve what the will of God is—what is good and pleasing and perfect.

Two men can perform, side-by-side, the same exact work, but only one is justified: only one of their works is found to be true. To fully believe is to hear the Word of God, to believe in it, and to understand it. It requires both faith—intellectual assent—and knowledge. The parable shows that faith is more than merely receiving, reciting, or possessing facts. That is not true belief.

True belief is not a matter of being a good person or a bad person. It’s not a matter of performing good works. It’s a matter of doing the will of the Father.

Second, the reason Adam wants you to distinguish between Good People and Bad People is because he believes there is such a thing as a Good Society and an Evil Society. But, like people, there are just societies. And, as Charlton noted…

Bruce G. Charlton

For other Trads; their most viscerally compelling wish is for a particular, hierarchical and patriarchal, relationship between men and women; here-and-now – in this mortal life and world.

This is a thing that some Trad Christians apparently desire more than anything else in the world (considering that they Never Stop writing about it).

Yet it is a situation that has never been implemented by Christianity as strongly or as thoroughly as by an already-existing and expanding other religion.

How long will it be before before the Trads abandon Christianity altogether; and join the existing major and growing world religion that already and unambiguously provides almost-exactly what they really most-want?

…there are no Christian societies that have ever done this better than the non-Christian societies. Adam is effectively calling for deconversion from Christianity (though he, of course, won’t see it that way).

Adam’s error is seeking a solution in historical parallels.

Bruce G. Charlton

I am dismayed by the many people who currently seek guidance for present action and strategy from historical parallels. Including in the case of our Christian religion.

When Ecclesiastes said “there is nothing new under the sun”, he may have been right for his time and place, but he is dead wrong about here-and-now. Cherry picked, distorted and partial historical parallels are misleading.

There has never been anything like the world now – this eight billion industrialized globalized totalitarian world – with its strategically evil, demon-affiliated multi-national rulers and their fingertip-ready capacity for military, economic, financial, legal, religious, environmental and other destructions – and their command of a colossal and coordinated mass media to which the masses are willingly addicted and from which they derive ideological and everyday guidance.

The world is different, and people are different.

There have never been such human beings as there are now. Anyone who knows history should be able to see that people have desires and exhibit behaviours, respond (and fail to respond) in ways that even four generations ago would have been regarded as alien and insane.

But argument is futile. If you don’t see such huge differences between here-and-now and anywhere-else at any time, then nothing I can say will persuade you.

This difference is why – no matter how genuinely well-meaning you are (by which I mean how genuinely Christian are your aspirations); to sift through the past for traditional guidance of what to do from where we are, is doomed to failure – and likely to do harm.

Before we can do anything good, we must first understand who we are and where we stand. 

There is no past society by which we can find parallels that will help us resolve our current difficulties. As Charlton notes, attempts to do so are likely to do harm. Consider this observation:

comment by Oscar
Yeah, no thanks. I’ve been to places that treat women like property. They’re not even remotely good. That correlation exists for a reason.

I’d change it to say that in a good society everyone belongs. My wife belongs to me. I belong to my wife. My children belong to me. I belong to my children. My church belongs to me. I belong to my church. My community belongs to me. I belong to my community.

All that belonging imposes obligations on each individual, but also on the organizations (family, church, community, etc.). The flip side of those obligations is rights and privileges. Those obligations, rights, and privileges are best enforced socially, but obviously some have to be enforced legally.

But treating people like property? No thanks. I’ve been to those places. Anyone who wants that is free to move there.

Adam’s view of idealized patriarchy is an ahistorical fiction, a fairy tale. Oscar has seen the way that society-wide women-as-property patriarchy is actually implemented. He is right to reject it.

The very nature of people has fundamentally changed. The old ways of society and the old ways of organized religion are failing (or have already failed). There is no going back to them. A Christian hierarchical patriarchy is a pipe dream.

Third, the best societies were not Roman Catholic. Roman Catholicism is responsible for the greatest number, by far, of deaths and persecutions in the name of Christ. They were responsible for the deaths of many of my Anabaptist kin, and before that were responsible for martyring many of the Saints. Even ignoring that it is no longer possible for a Roman Catholic Magisterial state, a return to such a state would be disastrous for everyone.

But, more importantly, Roman Catholicism is actively apostatizing before our very eyes. As the covid-19 “refiner’s fire” proved, it is already lost. It is only the fool who thinks it can be redeemed.

Fourth, it is not love to treat women as property. The love that God commands of husbands to their wives is agape, which is divine love. Jesus no more treats his bride as his property than we should treat our own. The purpose of marriage is oneness and unity, and it has been so since the beginning of time. Oscar’s description above is a much better depiction.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Fourth, it is not love to treat women as property. The love that God commands of husbands to their wives is agape, which is divine love. Jesus no more treats his bride as his property than we should treat our own. The purpose of marriage is oneness and unity, and it has been so since the beginning of time. Oscar’s description above is a much better depiction.

    Guess who was telling SIMILAR to ”Christian” – ” redpillers”{supposedly knowers of supposed ”hidden” knowledge} that years ago to no avail?

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    You write, “But while we are waiting for the church to get its act together, what do we offer men like Some Guy in the meantime? He isn’t just looking to get laid, he is trying to stave off full force rebellion to save his children. This is deadly serious, and from where I sit it may well be decades before the church decides something is off.”

    So this is “deadly serious” and the church is ignoring a life-and-death issue?

    Do you ever bring this up at church? Or do you just join in the ignoring, and tell men that they need to learn and study game so as to handle their buttcoked wives?

    Who is the “church that decides something is off?”

    Did Christ wait for decades for the Scribes and Pharisees? Or did he take action?

    Did Christ strive to teach men how to handle buttcocked, desouled owmen with manipulative game, or did He strive to teach the world to avoid buttcocking and desoulment?

    Dalrock–why do you side with the modern church and gamers against Christ and his teachings?

    Dalrock says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Dalrock–why do you side with the modern church and gamers against Christ and his teachings?

    I think you already know my secret. I do it for the fiat dollars.

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:39 pm

    Were you an atheist gamer, it would be easy. 🙂

    But as a Christian, it must chafe your soul to the very degree you are a Christian.

    Even Judas did not accept fiat dollarzlzlozlz, but he was paid in silverlzozlzlzo.

    But why are you seeking to tell men to not follow Christ and Moses, instead of trying to get the church to follow Christ and Moses?

    Have you given up?

    Keoni Galt says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:43 pm
    GBFM, why do you tell men to read Shakespeare and the Iliad? You should be telling them to only read the Bible!

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:53 pm
    “As we advance in life, they all fall off, one by one, until we are left with Virgil and Homer, and perhaps Homer alone.” –Thomas Jefferson

    Homer, Shakespeare, the Bible, Virgil

    All are united against Keoni Galt’s will to manipulate and deceive–to game–so as to get his cockkass wetz zlozlzlzlzlzlzlzz

    Keoni Galt says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:58 pm
    So I suppose Shakespeare’s tale of Taming the Shrew is not referring to the same concepts “Gamers” speak of, eh? It’s all about butthexting the Shrew…lozlzolzol

    evilalpha says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:03 pm

    And good Lord, your correction of Elspeth addressed her _not at all_.
    Oh so you like some many others can’t see the pedestal either? Of course you can’t!

    On PUA’s “They don’t view women as human”
    Now is this a quote from GKCherston or a quote from a feminist slut?

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:34 pm
    “There has been only one Christian. They caught him and crucified him–early. They did this so that the “Christians” could follow the tenets of game so as to moisten the vaginal walls of their buttcocked wive’s ginas, instead of following Christ’s and Moses’s tenets.” –Mark Twain lzozlzozo

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:35 pm
    i luvs you allls o ye of little faith

    to all the spinsters with cats
    who teh fed tricked into spinsterhood/serving debt lxolllozlzl
    to all the fanboys in ther single mom’s basements
    whose dads they never knew because the fed tookawy fatehrhood lzozlzl
    to all the broken familes
    who were split up by the need to make two salaries to feed the kids
    to all aging necon womenz celeberating secretive tapings of butthex without teh girlths conthent lzozllzlzozlzl they tircked you too
    to all the spinster chix again i am sorry they sdesouled you
    in asscokcing sessins drugged you up on prozac
    told you to abort your kids no wonder your’re d[pressed and all fucjked up no lozlzlzlzling here
    my heart goes out to you while tucker max & goldman sax laugh zlzolzlzl
    too all the aborted fetushes we ask for forgiveness we deserve not and to all those tricked into aborting the gift of life lzozllzllzl we forgive u too and pray for teh fethuses, but not in school as prayer is illegal in school lozlzllzlz
    to all those inthe rising genertaion who will have to pay off their parents cultural and monetary debts lzozlz war isn’t fun but it’s part of teh fed’s fiat bubble cycle lzozlzllz so like after th e country goes bust the war starts in the ultimate pump and udmp scheme you thought enron/worldcom/fannae mae was bad lolzozlzlz just you wait lzozlzlll i hope not and ai pray for peace lozlzlz maybe we can all learn to live and get along but i think we would have to start with truth and nobility and honor and ocurage and virtue and not with fiat debt and butthex lozlzlzl that’s just nmy gues from reading heroduts and the great boooks and classis in greek and latin zlzolzllzlzl

    and the bible too about sodom and gomorroah did yuknow taht sodomycame form sodom and gonnoreah came from gommroah? lzozllz kidding about that second one i doubt it did but maybe who knows i have never had eitehr sodomy nor gonorreah and i ahve never been to sodom nor gomoorrah

    sodom must;ve been a funny place lzolzlozolllzzll and a crazy party or two and the editor in chiefstress priscilla painton at simon and schuster would have fit right in publishing tucker max’s books yah i betin gmorrah they had a tower of babel with the ofices of simon and schuster at the top across the hall form the fed lzozlzlzllzlzlzlzllzlzlz

    sometimes i wonder if poets and prophets can still change the world?

    or have they trainde too, too many women to hate, and dumbed down and drugged up too many menz? have they destoryed too many fathers and killed to many families? have the y deocnstructed tyoo many books and spilled too much blood and aborted too many fetuthes as one is one too many. have they prescribed ritalin to too many cretaive sols in chool in prozac to too many who need to be depressed and face it when they abort fetuses as god gave us feelings and makes us not pay attention to boring stae corproate teachers as all creativity comes from not paying attention to the state lzozlzzll and now it is diagnoses as a diseas lzozlzlz.


    well juust wanted to say i luv u all and nice 2 know ya and welcomes abords lzozlzl

    and 2 asnwer my own above questions
    let me jsut say
    teh great books
    wouldn’t be great
    if they weren’t immortal
    and they offer us redemption
    the moment we start living by tehir ideasl
    and epic higher stories
    so put down your hate and your secretive butthex tape
    and pick up a cross
    and come follow me
    and let me shoulderyour burden
    for my yoke is light
    dante wrote la vita nuova–the new life
    and it is time 4 u to find your new life
    for to loseth one’s old way is to fuind the new path
    so do not fear
    lozlzlzlzlzlz omg wtf am i saying lzozlzlz
    i almost blew my cover here as teh messiah lzozlzllll i hide it beind all my lzozlzllzlzlzlzlzlzlles but a couple of you ahve caught on lzozlzlzlzllzlzl

    Keoni Galt says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:49 pm
    Now I’m curious? What is GBFM’s story?

    lozlzozlzol…for that, you’d have to go and read ROISSY. GBFM has written 1000000000 lozlzolzls at the Chateau Heartiste going back 2-3 years – which is what makes this current debate so amusing. Apparently GBFM finds merit in the writings of the most prominent “gamer” on teh interwebz…

    Some of his recent contributions here at Dalrock’s the first known sightings of lucid, grammatically clear prose.

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:55 pm
    lzozzloz I have vast respect for heartiste!!! in many ways heartistes is more chirtsian dan dlarock dalrock, as hearitses speaks da turth and does not try to transofrm chirtsisianity into game and gaminzuznagz lzozoz

    there were two sons once
    one said “i am going to the wedding feast.” (dalrock)
    the otehr said “i am not going to the wedding feast.” (heartiste)

    when dat final day came of da feast, heartsite went, and dalrock did not go lzozlzllzozo

    for it is the truth which sets us free
    not da corruption of christ’s christianity


    furiousferret says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:10 pm
    Isn’t Game pretty much a discovery though of social interactions that lead to a certain outcome?

    It’s ammoral in that you categorize certain actions in an interpersonal context and view statiscal results.

    Why wouldn’t everybody want to have more knowledge than less about social interactions and the results they achieve?

    Maybe it’s just that ignorance is bliss?

    GregC says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:16 pm
    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. – John 10:10
    The thief? (Satan, feminism, feminist ideologies)
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. – Ephesians 6:12
    This, spirit of feminism, is a well orchestrated attack by the accuser (Satan). And this stronghold on the world is only getting worse. How can we possibly overcome it?
    For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have devine power to demolish strongholds. – 2 Corinthians 10:3,4
    GAMING? Some morally sound gaming may need to be used to penetrate or infiltrate the enemy (feminism).

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:17 pm
    ok all my little lambs
    who god did not grace with reason
    nor perception nor coginition exaltd cognition nor sense
    my poor little lambs

    do you see any difference between these teachings:

    and the teachings of jesus?

    dalrock says that the church needs lest christ and more of sixteen commandments of poon, as dalrock has given up on christ women, and the church.

    i say that women, the church, and christians need more christ and moses, not more wet ginas responding to teh sixteen commandemnts of ppooonzoz lzllozzlzzloz


    Keoni Galt says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:21 pm
    dalrock says that the church needs lest christ and more of sixteen commandments of poon, as dalrock has given up on christ women, and the church.

    Where’s he ever said that?

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:28 pm
    dats EXACTLY waht dalrock says!

    dalrock write a whole post titled “Why Christians need game.”



    Please Jesus Help Me!

    For they have eyes but do not see!
    The have ears but do not hear!
    (Unless it helps them get a gina wet or make an anuth tingle, then they see & hear!) lzozozlzo

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:54 pm
    Hey Dalrock,

    Instead of tryng to replace the bible with the sixteen commandments of poon in your “church,” why don’t you just teach genesis?

    13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
    14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
    15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
    16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
    17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

    remember, jesus came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it.

    i’m going to have to side with moses & jesus on this one.
    you and your “church” can have fun teahing your “men” how to serve their “wive’s” butt & gina tinglzozlzozozlzozlzo

    ray says:
    August 7, 2012 at 4:32 pm
    really good GBFM, you sure gotta lotta patience, musta worked in a sewage treatment plant once

    they want their God Game, they want their page-hits, they want their audience, they want their link-love, they want they want they want anything and everything but Christ

    like to see yr reading list more like — BIBLE, THEN homeboy homer and the other guys

    might be a couple actual Christians here (maybe) . . . the rest are sewage treatment plant donors — regular attendees!

    Anonymouse Reader: you are just full of unanswerable accusations aintcha? you should get a job with Prosecutor Collard, little davie’s wifey and bosslady, youd give pilate a run for his money

    Deacon Dalrock proclaims that “Christians need Game” tho Christ, the prophets, and the apostles failed to understand its crucial necessity — they predicted with tremendous accuracy what’d happen in the last days (our days) but somehow failed to anticipate that Christians would need Rossy, Dalrock, Mysterioso, and Game

    vanity, petty spite, and stubborn, stubborn pride


    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    August 7, 2012 at 4:34 pm
    amen ray,

    jesus’s approval would have been quite ample, but glad you showed up too!


    gbfm 🙂

    GKChesterton says:
    August 7, 2012 at 5:03 pm
    I also want to make one thing clear. I think GB4M postings (possibly due to his atrocious format) is coming off way too hard on Dalrock. Principles _in_ Game I think can be Christianized even if I think Dalrock is approaching it from the wrong direction. However, that, given our fallen natures, isn’t exactly an offense that we should get too hot headed about.

    My differences with him tend to be in flavor (for example my insistence on being much harsher on PUA’s). I think the “Sixteen Commandments” are a good place to start and that (was it Van upstream or Cane?) an analysis of _which_ ones could be with some modification Christianized is useful. The best lies are often mostly truth and I think the “Sixteen” are a great example of that. Maybe this could be a multi-post discussion as we dive into them one by one?

    SEE how right liberal ”Christian” tradcons think everything can be ”Christianized ”?Where is that at in the NT?:
    Perhaps here:
    [1] We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.
    [2] (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
    [3] Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed:
    [4] But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses,
    [5] In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings;
    [6] By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,
    [7] By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
    [8] By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
    [9] As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;
    [10] As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
    [11] O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged.
    [12] Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels.
    [13] Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.
    [14] Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    [15] And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
    [16] And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
    [17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
    [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

    I wonder why the West has fallen(as it is supposedly some BIG mystery that has to be called ”redpill” that was first mentioned in films created by two bluepilled transexuals).

  2. Lastmod

    Throw a “jesus” stamp on it, and now its “we invented this / God actually had a plan and invented it / we’re just doing His will and clearly and easily explaining what God really meant and how its supposed to be”

    (concerning Game)

    They just want their lusts, sins and past “justified”

    “I would not be the man I am today without lots of sex or lust” So did God want you to be a fornicator so you could exalt His grace and forgiveness? Did he want me to become an “addict” so I then could show how awesome He is?

    This Hillary Clinton logic is senseless “Well, I supported NAFTA, but knowing what I know now, I would not have supported it”

    No kidding. Give her a pass (rolls eyes)

    The Bible in its instructions and way of life doesnt want you to sin to begin with. This is just a club now where scripture is turned inside out and everything is Red Pill / Game

    They can have it.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    The Bible in its instructions and way of life doesnt want you to sin to begin with. This is just a club now where scripture is turned inside out and everything is Red Pill / Game

    They can have it.

    Tomb Refugee says:
    2024-09-11 at 4:36 am
    My beloved is a treasure; she has never been a part of any female herd. She always solicits my input on her clothing, etc. and does what I suggest. I am most fortunate even though y’all & the tradcon redpill were just still saying recently that MENZ like I are deceiver believers when it was really you tradcon tradwife deceiver believers hypocrites like my MAN Oscar bros .

    Liked by 1 tradcon tradwife deceiver believer

    Oscar says:
    2024-09-11 at 7:21 am
    I am most fortunate even though y’all & the tradcon redpill were just still saying recently that MENZ like I are deceiver believers when it was really you tradcon tradwife deceiver believer hypocrites like my MAN Oscar bros .


    That explains how unattractive trends like the “flapper” style – short, bob haircuts, rectangular dresses that hid women’s figures – became popular.

    I still agree with the late Rush Limbaugh when he said that feminism is ugly women eliminating the competition. In the 1920s it was flapper style. In the 2020s it’s obesity, shaved heads, facial piercings, and hairy armpits.

    I sat next to a young woman like that in an airplane just last weekend as I was having none of it(y’all know how I do it to it!)!

    By the way, notice that men’s styles from the 1920s still look good today as I still do myself by proudly styling & profiling unto this very day & hour brahs while my wife does it sundress style(BOYZ) besides I!

  4. @DLR – Just to let you know that I appreciate your engagement with my stuff. Even though I don’t comment here, I do read through your posts periodically. I’m pleased that you have found stimulus to your own – rather differently rooted, but perhaps not-so-differently motivated! – Christian analysis and clarification in some of my “notions”.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      Thank you for your comments. I’ve been a reader for a long time, and I read most of your posts and own a physical copy of “Not Even Trying” (which both of my boys have read). Your writings have been influential in the way I approach a number of topics.

      I’ve found over the years that while I don’t agree with the substance of everything you write we seem to be… metaphysically aligned… for lack of a more precise way of putting it. Perhaps your word “motivation” captures it better.

      We do differ on some key areas, like Mormonism and scriptural inspiration, but nobody agrees on everything. I find value in your work nonetheless.

      I don’t moderate posts past the first comment, so feel free to drop a comment here and there if you are ever so inclined, especially if I inadvertently misrepresent your positions. That is easy to do.


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