They Can’t Understand the Word, Part 3

NOTE: I’m pretty sure that the subtext of the comment below is Sigma Frame’s “The Stronghold of the Beta Factory” (or else the general meta-discussion happening on related blogs).


Per Charlton (here):

Bruce G. Charlton
How long before “Trad” Christians realize that they have picked the wrong religion?

For other Trads; their most viscerally compelling wish is for a particular, hierarchical and patriarchal, relationship between men and women; here-and-now – in this mortal life and world.

This is a thing that some Trad Christians apparently desire more than anything else in the world (considering that they Never Stop writing about it).

Yet it is a situation that has never been implemented by Christianity as strongly or as thoroughly as by an already-existing and expanding other religion.

How long will it be before before the Trads abandon Christianity altogether; and join the existing major and growing world religion that already and unambiguously provides almost-exactly what they really most-want?


As an aside, what we’ve been discussing (e.g. in “Postivism“) matches what Charlton says:

comment by Bruce Charlton
At any rate, the deep and insoluble metaphysical problems/ incoherences of classical Christian theology; are of essentially of the same nature for self-identified Protestants, as they are for Eastern and Western Catholics – and indeed for most of the newer (mostly American) Christian churches.

Any treatment of the West versus the East is fundamentally pointless if it doesn’t address the underlying metaphysical problems.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Any treatment of the West versus the East is fundamentally pointless if it doesn’t address the underlying metaphysical problems nor why tradcons suxeth & stinketh so much.

    YES, it is the same with right liberals vs left tradcon liberals as ”jack” alludes to today here:

    Herd Behavior in trendy grifty parasitey tradcons who will become Jesus-claiming Islamists sooner rather than later: Cosmetics that meant to f@ol you blackpillers mainly

    ”jack” like others think that i don’t remember a caller telling Elrushbo how bad it was in America back in ’04, before the presidential election nor how Limbo said ”h#cks bells if it’s as bad as you say then WE should be sending out new Susan Constants, Godspeeds & Discoverys to find a new land to rebuild America in”-
    BUT WE NEED NOT WORRY IF THAT WAS TODAY as supposedly ”red pill” ”genius” ”Jack” would be able to convince limbo & NOT be called a leftwing kook(who should KEEP OUR OWN KIDZ SAFE) as he is ”redpilled” & gets special messages from ”God”.

    How long before one of those ”messages” is ”Pull a MENZ-hating PUA ”coach” Andrew Tate & stop being a grifty parasitey MENZ-hating ”Christian” ”red pill” tradcon become instead a JESUS-sprouting grifty parasitey Muslim MENZ -hating ”red pill” tradcon brah!!”

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      At least our friend Oscar rejects real-world patriarchy:

      Maybe soon he’ll be teaching “Unity in Marriage” and mutual submission? Yeah, probably not.

      More in the post tomorrow…

  2. professorGBFMtm

    So i’m NOT wrong on someone blaming their parents, Church, very unwise mentor” Jack”(who was too Chicxcken$#itted to tell him to knock off the executing talk years earlier), and government for their well-known social t@rdism & coddling?

    Sharkly says:
    9 September, 2024 at 9:21 pm
    Most folks don’t need a psychologist, they just needed stricter and wiser parenting. And even now they don’t need a psychologist, they just need a very wise mentor who truly wants to see them succeed and isn’t afraid to offend them. Now some folks do have truly baffling disorders that may require some specialized knowledge to be properly dealt with, but most folks just need wise advisors who are willing to offend the chicken$#it out of them(like I desperately need to this very day & hour y’all) if that’s what it takes. And they probably needed better-directed discipline when they were little tykes instead of 50yo+ social t@rds that have been coddled all their life by playing advanced D&D in the basement & at college), and their personality was most malleable & herdable like MOI was. The reason why you have to offend them so badly now, is because all along they’ve been coddled by right-wing (read my words, 20-30 years behind the times rear guard liberal f@ols like myself especially on s*x) liberal tradcons and nobody wanted to correct(offend) them, even a tiny bit, when they should have back during their formative years of playing D & D in the basement(”advanced” or otherwise) instead of just watching the rad kind of cool toon on CBS Saturday mornings in the ’80s like MOSES, JESUS & GBFM did.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Sharkly is not wrong to say that men largely don’t need a therapist. But, like most high IQ men, Sharkly thinks that the correct approach is constant regardless of the intelligence of the recipient.

      Most men live in a bubble, surrounding themselves with people who are within 1 standard deviation of whatever their intelligence is. That means Sharkly, who claims to have a genius level intelligence, is living in a massive bubble. It is very difficult to acknowledge that what might work for you won’t work for another because what works for you requires a high prerequisite intelligence.

      His stricter, wiser, mentoring, or advisory approach would not work for many with much smaller IQs than he is used to dealing with.

      This is, incidentally, why no society has ever successfully rehabilitated its worst (i.e. usually lowest IQ) violent criminals. Crime is a Pareto distribution. Everyone wants to rehabilitate criminals, but ultimately the only methods that actually work are imprisonment, castration, execution, or banishment. There is no known method of rehabilitation. Moreover, prevention efforts that work on higher IQ men do not work on low IQ men.

      I suspect that Sharkly is still a blankslatist, despite having taken the Red Pill.

      This is going to be a problem for Sharkly, because his viewpoint is very much “man vs woman” and his worldview doesn’t consider that IQ differences are far, far more important to most of the issues that he cares about.

  3. Pingback: They Can’t Understand the Word, Part 4

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