Links of Interest

Lately voting has been a popular topic of discussion, both here and elsewhere. John C. Wright—a former lawyer—summarizes the allegations of voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Vote Fraud 2020

Bruce Charlton wrote an article with a self-explanatory title:

Voluntarily to participate in voting; is to invite evil into one’s heart.”

Feeriker illustrates how broken voting is in:

Just Enough Of The VOTING Population Is Stupid Enough To Take This Seriously.”

One of Feeriker’s commenters, Sharkly, had this to say about voting a couple weeks ago:

Comment By Sharkly
Refusing to vote is a demoralized and defeatist mindset. If you can’t even get the people on your side to go vote for your side of the conflict during peace time, they’re not going to heed your command to show up to fight when artillery fire is incoming. Defeatists don’t fight, they just wallow in their demoralized state, waiting for a victory to appear.

Over at Sigma Frame they are having a discussion about Free Speech. Oscar wrote a (mostly) great comment here. He summarizes his excellent analysis by saying…

comment by Oscar
Anyway, this goes back to our discussion of how people need strong local bonds to be able to resist tyranny. That starts with families and churches…

…only to conclude…

…but it goes right up through local and state governments. Here in the States, conservatives need to put a lot more emphasis on local and state elections for those reasons.

Over at Spawny’s Space, Bardelys the Magnificent writes succinctly:

comment by Bardelys the Magnificent
Repeal the 19th

My analysis:

Over the last two decades in many Christian denominations, a minority of voters (or delegates, representatives, etc.) wanted ordination of gay pastors and bishops. These groups were extremely vocal and would not yield even when the majority voted not to debate the issue or even ruled against them. In the case of the United Methodist Church, they simply ignored the rulings of the Judicial Council. In every case that I followed (e.g. UMC; Mennonite) the pro-gay group ultimately won, despite being in the minority. Other denominations (e.g. Roman Catholic; Mormon) are still in the process, with the pro-gay groups using the same tactics and processes that worked so successfully in the other denominations. The outcomes appear to be foregone.

This mirrors what happened in the Federal Government of the United States. Voters and their representatives successfully passed laws and state constitutional amendments (e.g. various iterations of DOMA). But the Supreme Court pushed through the minority viewpoint anyway.

These results have occurred regardless of whether or not the majority desired it. In mainstream Protestant churches, the majority carried the day. In conservative Protestant church, the minority carried the day. The result was the same. The reason? The winners didn’t rely on voting. They accepted voting when it worked in their favor and subverted it when it didn’t.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    U.K. Law update!:

    Sharkly says:
    21 August, 2024 at 7:46 am
    Well, I’ve now reported myself to the London Metropolitan Police Service, for online thought crimes, and they’re going to launch an investigation. I gave them no details, but plenty of guff. Their confirmation email promises:
    We’ll investigate your report based on the information you’ve provided and get back to you within 48 hours, either with a crime reference number or, if we can’t take action, an explanation as to why and further advice.

    For those of you who don’t live in the UK you can report all your friends and neighbors too. And give Mark Rowley another jibe.
    I also filled out their survey.
    Good Times!

    i wonder if this mild-mannered Law-abiding ”good Guy” turned himself over to the U.S. Justice system once he knew(through various DAL posts)under their rules of Duluth that he was an ”abuser”(technically or otherwise it matters NOT as long as ”good guy” politicians win points and everyone ”feelz good”)-

    The Power and Control Wheel was developed in the 1980’s by the American Domestic Abuse Intervention Project and, as an early example of trauma-informed practice, used focus groups of female victims/survivors to compile a list of the types of abuse most commonly used against them. Nobody understands the reality of being abused by an intimate partner and the tactics abusers can use better than someone who has lived through it, so the wheel represents the lived experiences of women in a relationship with an abusive male partner.

    The wheel only addresses cases of male to female violence and does not attempt to give an understanding of all types of domestic abuse.

    -(forget that his wife was also technically an abuser, just as his heroes in Government would have to)?


    Over the last two decades in many Christian denominations, a minority of voters (or delegates, representatives, etc.) wanted ordination of gay pastors and bishops. These groups were extremely vocal and would not yield even when the majority voted not to debate the issue or even ruled against them. In the case of the United Methodist Church, they simply ignored the rulings of the Judicial Council. In every case that I followed (e.g. UMC; Mennonite) the pro-gay group ultimately won, despite being in the minority. Other denominations (e.g. Roman Catholic; Mormon) are still in the process, with the pro-gay groups using the same tactics and processes that worked so successfully in the other denominations. The outcomes appear to be foregone.”

    NovaSeeker had been saying for years at DAL & SF ”that once gays personalized gay rights as everyone’s beloved relatives, the fight was already won and over” BUT of course the ”good guys” of the sphere can’t handle that ”redpill”!

  2. The result was the same. The reason? The winners didn’t rely on voting. They accepted voting when it worked in their favor and subverted it when it didn’t.

    It’s actually rather surprising that the non-denominational conservative evangelical churches adopted this tactic, as it is usually one practiced exclusively by the Alinsky-influenced Left. It is actually to the evangelicals’ credit that they did so; unlike most “conservatives” today, they appear to realize that they are at war (spiritually) with Satan’s Leftist armies and are beginning to adapt their tactics accordingly.

    Realizing that “the enemy does NOT ‘play by the rules’ and will do anything and everything necessary to win” and fighting accordingly is a significant first step in being able to win at spiritual warfare. So sad that most of the rest of the reaction doesn’t realize this.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    i didn’t know Derek, true tradcon Vox Day and a saint was on r/JordanPeterson 2 months ago where someone was ”begging the question”( as Derek, MOSES, JESUS, and GBFM always say) about ”, is it cowardice to abstain from marriage because the consequences of divorce through government involvement is worse than the benefits of government involvement?”

    Go to JordanPeterson

    2 mo. ago
    CHiggins1235 AKA st.Deti

    I consider myself a blue/red e.g. purplish pill Tradcon like Matt Walsh, Aaron Renn,Ben Shapiro and Kevin Knowles but I live in the real world and I can definitively say to all men don’t get married in the US until the child support and alimony laws change
    This is absolutely my advice to young men or middle age men or old men. Doesn’t matter. Marriage no longer benefits men and without drastic changes in the family courts and laws there is zero purpose in marriage.

    Unlike these other traditional ”conservatives” I would never advise men to get into a marriage contract that the other party is incentivized to break.

    I never got married myself and I never will. If I want to give away 50% of my wealth I would rather give to charity where it can really help people.

    u/Vox Day avatar
    Vox Day

    2mo ago
    True but gammaized nonetheless tradcon is knowing marriage is a covenant between a man a woman and god and does whatever it takes to put his family first and make his marriage work. If you marry a women not capable of holding up her end of the marriage or you’re a bad husband and drive her to leave or cheat that’s on you. The idea you abstain from marriage because you’re scared of divorce is the definition of cowardice and non red pill gammaiziation. You’ve lost the battle before you even started it. Marriage is like starting a life long project but if your divorces you,you could as I often nonchalantly suggest murder your wife & the judge brah. Imagine building a house but you’ll never be done. There’s always something else that needs gone back and redone or another room to finish. A man who has never been married cannot truly grasp the depth of a fulfilling marriage and the breadth of trust and love it provides especially if you’re born rich like I & Elrushbo bro.
    Take it as capital T Truth from a born rich dude chilling in my posh as ALL get out but modest Manor in Switzerland.

    15( mostly ”red pill” tradcons &Voxites)



    Derek Ramsey

    2mo ago
    There is one problem with this which you inadvertently said but didn’t realize. True marriage is a covenant between a man, woman, and God, not man, woman, God, and government. Unfortunately, as far as I’m aware, the church doesn’t do weddings unless the couple has already gotten the state approval. And the state consequences of dissolving a marriage are very much against the male. So that begs the question, is it cowardice to abstain from marriage because the consequences of divorce through government involvement is worse than the benefits of government involvement?

    I don’t know unless mutual submission is agreed upon from the start by all parties. I won’t say yes because O.G.=Original Gangster marriage didn’t have this level of government involvement nor did they ”nonchalantly suggest murder your wife & the judge brah” while” chilling in my posh as ALL get out but modest Manor in Switzerland”. I won’t say no though because if that is the only reason you aren’t marrying her you are kind of making excuses that could be Gamma or secret King-related. Maybe it isn’t cowardice because the fear is valid and this is the best option to combat it pacifistively bro. I will say if there was an option to get married but fux(pardon my French) the government’s hand in it I would be all for that instead.

    1 million+(mostly MGTOWS & Blackpillers)


    Vox Day A.K.A. Gamma Secret King (now you know where (8)Boxer got it from huh?)

    2mo ago
    In OG marriage a women as well as judges could be k!lled for cheating. Just because the stakes are high doesn’t mean you don’t play the game when the alternative is a life of miserable sin as I’m a non-sinner like most Pharisees. There’s a reason we are supposed to share our life in a union with a women and it’s not because it’s as safe and easy as I am as I chill in my posh as ALL get out but modest Manor in Switzerland.

    1(one word tradcon)



    Derek Ramsey

    2mo ago
    Never said it was Gamma’s secret king brother. And guys should lose something if divorce happens and women should not gain all things a man provides if divorce happens especially in cases of surprise or Banzai butthex TBH while SMH. Divorce should be a card no one wants to play but it’s better than the alternative. As it stands that’s not the case for women who don’t mutually submit to the dude who took their virginity f@ol as MOSES, JESUS & GBFM have always said too bro.




    Again I’m very surprised neither Derek, Vox nor CHiggins1235 AKA St. Deti mentioned that r/JordanPeterson post and exchange two months ago ladz.😉

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      ”begging the question”( as Derek, MOSES, JESUS, and GBFM always say)”

      Jesus, Moses, GBFM, and Derek walk into a bar. Derek says “that’s begging the question.”

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