Making Your Own Choice

After I had starting writing the other post for today, “Emotion and Intellect,” I saw that Catacomb Resident had a new post up: “Background Noise.” I’ve been a reader of his for a long time, but I was surprised this time to be the subject of his post! And to be clear, he wasn’t talking about my ongoing topical discussion, he was talking about me specifically. So I wanted to respond here in tandem with my main post.

Catacomb Resident — Background Noise
Some of you have asked me in particular about one that links back to a fellow named Derek Ramsey. On the one hand, I can’t comprehend why he bothers. It’s almost like a weird obsession with us. It’s painfully obvious that he doesn’t like our beliefs, and he spends a lot of time talking bad about them.

I can imagine why he doesn’t comprehend it. He’s never asked! This is an open forum here. Beyond using initial moderation for each person’s first comment (for spam management), I’ve never censored anyone. Had he asked—or emailed—I would have answered.

Is it true that I don’t like their beliefs? I am actually very attracted to Radix Fidem and have been for years. It has a perspective that is sorely missing from the modern church, and I see many elements of the early church displayed within it. The modern church is completely lost and an alternative is badly needed.

But some of what Radix Fidem teaches goes directly against the words of scripture, critically so (please read today’s other post here). I sometimes focus on those things, because they are critically important. That’s why I said in the comments under “Heart and Mind:”

The particular issue described in the OP is a correctable issue. Were Radix Fidem to fix this error, it would not have to dismantle the community it already has, not would it invalidate everything it teaches. They could still focus on the Ancient Near East practices of the Hebrews and placing Christ as their Feudal Lord in a Covenant relationship. What I raise are not insurmountable problems.

But, it cannot succeed by rejecting the Word of God, specifically the words of Christ himself as contained in the greatest commandment (his Law of Love). In its current configuration it is completely lost, for it teaches a false messiah and a false gospel (as in 1 Corinthians 11:3-4). Its prophets are deceived, having mistaken the doctrine of demons for the doctrine of Christ.

As for my “weird obsession,” that is easily explained. I’ve been reading Sigma Frame for many years. I invested a lot of time there, into the community. Moreover, it was Ed Hurst’s comments there and our interaction that led me to Radix Fidem. Then, I watched as Sigma Frame changed. My “obsession” is explained as nothing more than the concern that a family member—who has been rejected and cast out by his family—might still have for his family.

I’m not so hard of heart that the plight of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ does not affect me. If this qualifies as obsession, then I stand guilty as charged. CR thinks it is a weird obsession because he doesn’t view me as a Brother in Christ in Covenant relationship with Christ and his Church. I’m just an outsider.

As Ed Hurst explained, the relationship of Radix Fidem members with outsider Christians is, at best, neutral. No obligation is owed. If CR thought otherwise, or was a bit less tribal in the earthly sense, he wouldn’t call it an obsession, but recognize it for what it actually is. As one who emphasizes unity, as did Christ, I don’t view the Covenant Body of Christ in the same highly restricted tribal sense that they do. The love of Christ extends beyond natural tribal boundaries.

Catacomb Resident — Background Noise
I doubt anyone in the community will agree with him, but if you do agree, then you should spend more time engaging with him, not me. I moved away from his kind of religion a long time ago, and I’m now much closer to what God requires of me. Don’t worry about Ramsey and his blather. He’s not going to hurt us.

CR raises an interesting point that is worth emphasizing. While the Bible makes perfectly clear what the role of the mind is in one’s Covenant with Christ, once one abandons it for mysticism, it is incredibly hard to return to faith in Christ. CR has moved away from the kind of religion that Christ described, and he’s now much closer to what he seeks. Piling on more of that old religion isn’t likely to cause a change. We can both agree on that.

Those who get trapped in the New Age movement—for that is what this is contrary to its “Ancient Near East” conceit—may eventually receive the pull of Christ to come out. This often occurs in a moment of direct one-to-one mystical contact with the real Christ. Perhaps on that day the words of Christ will break through. These may even be the words shared today in “Emotion and Intellect” in the greatest commandment, the Law of Love.

Why do I say what I say? Because it’s what Christ taught. That’s the only reason necessary.


  1. Pingback: Emotion and Intellect

  2. professorGBFMtm

    doubt anyone in the ”getting rid of Faith” community will agree with him, but if you do agree, then you should spend more time engaging with him, not moi. I moved away from his kind of religion a long time ago, and I’m now much closer to what God requires of me
    Don’t worry about Ramsey and his blather. He’s not going to hurt us only perhaps Pope ”jack” will, as he did with SF’s 2021 success which mostly Scott, NOVASeeker, MOSES, JESUS, and GB4M bought him in ”20/’21 with that MASSIVE epic -faure ”life &lessons on Matthew 10: with lots of gay butthexting empowerment thanx to ”jack” post that time in September 2021.

    That does sound sort of reasonable though yes?

    i noticed months ago that ED Hurst was engaging very little with SF/”jack” & CR was heavily engaging with SF so ED must be feeling an encroachment from Jack while CR will ”go along to get along” with whoever claims they are the ”leader” of Radix{you know i just realized late last night why i kept spelling it the other day as ‘Ridex’?(as in getting rid of TRUE Faith or Fidem)which as CR said ”he moved away from long ago.” CR was being chummy with sharkly recently which shows he is either ”moving away from the religion he moved away from long ago” or is another believer in ”non-investigation investigations” like most supposedly high-info voters and blue, fed, and red pillers in general.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Some of you have asked me in particular about one that links back to a fellow named Derek Ramsey. On the one hand, I can’t comprehend why he bothers. It’s almost like a weird obsession with us. It’s painfully obvious that he doesn’t like our beliefs, and he spends a lot of time talking bad about them.

    I can imagine why he doesn’t comprehend it. He’s never asked!

    I’m not so hard of heart that the plight of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ does not affect me. If this qualifies as obsession, then I stand guilty as charged. CR thinks it is a weird obsession because he doesn’t view me as a Brother in Christ in Covenant relationship with Christ and his Church. I’m just an outsider.

    As Ed Hurst explained, the relationship of Radix Fidem members with outsider Christians is, at best, neutral. No obligation is owed. If CR thought otherwise, or was a bit less tribal in the earthly sense, he wouldn’t call it an obsession, but recognize it for what it actually is. As one who emphasizes unity, as did Christ, I don’t view the Covenant Body of Christ in the same highly restricted tribal sense that they do. The love of Christ extends beyond natural tribal boundaries.

    Those who get trapped in the New Age movement—for that is what this is contrary to its “Ancient Near East” conceit—may eventually receive the pull of Christ to come out. This often occurs in a moment of direct one-to-one mystical contact with the real Christ. Perhaps on that day the words of Christ will break through. These may even be the words shared today in “Emotion and Intellect” in the greatest commandment, the Law of Love.

    Why do I say what I say? Because it’s what Christ taught. That’s the only reason necessary.

    Derek CR as Tomb refugee NOT only comprehends he also agrees with thee,

    Tomb Refugee says:
    2024-08-19 at 9:47 am
    Christ proclaimed the law of His Kingdom: Love each other as He does. It’s about crossing human boundaries to commune with each other in His Spirit. We are required to love people for whom we have no human reason to notice, and maybe a lot of human justification to hate. You might not have any talent for diplomacy, but you must care enough to make sacrifices. This is what we see Vox refusing to do. It’s rather dishonest to ignore Christ’s command and claim to follow Him.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      That’s one of the most astonishing things I’ve seen. When I read it, I was genuinely flabbergasted. I still am.

      His comment is essentially a summary of what I wrote in today’s two articles (which I had already mostly written a couple days ago before he made his comment). It’s as if we had coordinated to say the same thing!

      There is massive irony here. If only he had followed his own advice.

      Perhaps I do have justification to hate Radix Fidem, but I have no hate, because Jesus told me to love. Perhaps I do have no human reason to notice them, but Jesus told me to love them. Few have ever accused me of being good at diplomacy, but I sacrifice my time to benefit those who are captured, because Jesus told me to love them. I “obsess” about my lost Brothers and Sisters in Christ because Jesus told me to love them. And I spend my time analyzing their errors with the mind and intellect that God gave me because Christ told me that loving God includes using my critical thinking. Perhaps I’m no leader, but I won’t refuse to lead. I can’t claim to follow Christ and then refuse to love.

      Why are you able to read what I wrote and read what CR wrote and see that we are saying the same thing? Why is it that you can see this, but CR cannot? What’s the difference?

      There is massive irony here. The very command of Christ to love—the greatest commandment—is the selfsame one that refutes their religion’s stance on the intellect and reason!


  4. professorGBFMtm

    That’s one of the most astonishing things I’ve seen. When I read it, I was genuinely flabbergasted.

    There is massive irony here.

    More of the same today from Oscar and Saint Deti!

    Oscar says:
    2024-08-20 at 5:04 am
    I’ve always thought that state or city governments should have a marital butthexting job placement bureau that is dedicated to helping the unemployed butthexters find young MENZ to butthext, help young onlyfanz turned trad wife butthexters with no working experience
    at maritalz butthexting to get started, and to help everyone match up with the jobs that best fit their education, skills, and aptitude. This would surely keep unemployment down below 5%. But unfortunately, I think this would never be implemented in the U.S., because it’s just more bureaucracy that smells too much like buttstink socialism.

    The town where I work already has this. It’s called the ”Unemployment Office for tradconnic ”red pill” trad wife butthexters ”, and they’re all over as I do my own part here pushing them on MGTOWS who in turn tell I ”GO SIT ON IT ”OLD BOOKZ RULEZ”DUDE”. They don’t do much good TBH like I & SF while SMH. I have no idea why you’d think that “more bureaucracy that smells too much like buttstink socialism” would turn off the average American politician. It’s what they live for like us ”red pill” goddess worshippers TBH.

    thedeti says:
    2024-08-20 at 5:35 am
    There’s not much point to getting a master’s degree or a terminal degree (the Ph.D. or its equivalent) unless you’re going into academia or very, very high-level STEM BUT only now for butthextual purposes I’m afraid to say TBH while SMH. Most high school teachers have ”Happily butthexed in fiat economics” master’s degrees like DALrock(who promoted tradcon butthexting under the ”Christian” tradcon ”red pill” banner but failing terribly w/o MOSES, JESUS & GBFM helping him) & MRS. DALrock(who was a substitute teacher at ”Christian” schools where Da girlz couldn’t believe she had been married to the same guy for 15 years TBH while SMH) did. There will always be a need for these butthexting degrees(especially in fiat economics) my ladz.

    Academia (post-secondary education, higher education) is not a good field to go into right now, especially in the butthextual arts, humanities, or the soft p@rn(peeps, especially of the female persuation like h@rdc@re p@rn ladz)social sciences. People with PhDs in these broad disciplines cannot get jobs w/o massive amounts of butthextual context. They can’t get hired because there are no jobs again w/o massive amounts of butthextual context it’s sad to say. Academia is shrinking as fewer MENZ are going to college for butthext ”experience”. Now, a PhD in a hardc@re p@rn science can be a good idea if ye like to yank and crank like too many blue, fed, and red pillers do. An engineering PhD in hard c@re p@rn can be lucrative.

    Health care is a good field to go into. RN/BS or BSN programs are always good. A registered nurse will always have a job and the pay is good but the working conditions are god-awful. ANPs (advanced nurse practitioners) do even better. If you go to medical school for an MD or a DO (Doctor of Osteopathy), plan on school until you’re about 30 because it’s 4 years of college in a h@rdc@re p@rn science; 4 years of med school, a 1 year internship and then a ”LETS JUST BE FRIENDZ” residency of at least 3-4 years, maybe longer if you’re going into a super difficult discipline like neurosurgery or cardiothoracic while butthexting surgery-which can be very tricky ladz. But the money is there especially for surgeons who are experts at butthexting while performing surgery. It has to be, because you’ll be paying off your school loans until you’re at least 50 and you will be working hardc@re p@rn on onlyh@rdc@orefanz ’til you can’t yank your own crank anymore sad to say I’ve seen happen once too many times to good MENZ & woMENZ, g-d@mnit.!Oh, my Lawd dudes will you be working hardc@re p@rn long into your sunset years(I’m talkin’ when peepz call you Methuselah and you tell them ”excuse me my hearing is NOT so GREAT anymore, you talking about the drug or the guy who lived 969 years and was ENOCHS son & NOAHS grandFather brah?”)

    If that’s not for you or you refuse to do lotz of butthext in front of others on onlyh@rdc@rep@rnfanz, then trade school/vocational school might be.

  5. Lastmod

    I went to a “liberal arts” college. I found it odd that all my fellow “elementary education” majors (99% women) would gripe, whine and mona about “having to take useless classes that dont matter to their major” and “the college is stiffing us for more moeny”

    I would gently point out, “you chose a college that has a core classical liberal arts belief, and you are attending a college that does have a tinge of “in loco parentis” (in place of a parent) attitude (was common in New England private college and universities until the 1970’s)

    If I was a hot, bangable guy like they all are over at the other forum(s), I am sure the panties would have been coming off. Since I wasnt, I was a “right wing” and “loser man” because I was an education major.

    liberal arts is needed in a society, the problem is liberal arts slowly became “Liberal / Progressive” in a political sense, and in that sense only.

    It was meant to provide a very “well rounded” individual aside from their core of study. Even when I was at IBM, during lunch break I mentioned something about the “1930’s” and several of my co-workers who went to polytechnics and “techinical schools” looked at me as if to say “whats that?”

    A college degree doesnt make one smart, or even well informed.

    In graduate school, the whole campus (I lived in grad student housing on campus) was 95% men. Of that 95% maybe 10% actaully had some social skills and even a smaller percent were actually deemed “good looking” by women (yes, we know….looks didnt matter to women back in 1992)

    No, I was not deemed good looking. The women at my graduate school were dating the hockey players or had a boyfriend at some other college / uni or they experimented with lesbianism down the hill at Russel Sage (college for women). Even then average women were suffering the delusion that they were a “10”

    Since I was always deemed “ugly” I saw this clearly. Men like Jack never did and never will undertand this.

    I do think a Liberal Arts backing of a degree is not a death sentence dooming you to working Starbucks, or being pajama boy from those commercials years ago. However, when everyone has a degree……then really, no one has a degree.

    The Dean of Academics at my beloved undergraduate I met with shortly before graduation. A wonderful, old school 1960’s Dean. Suit and tie. Been at the college since 1964. Columbia man. Tough teacher, but what a heart of gold.

    I asked him “Look, I came here to be a teacher, but im interested in many other things. Im going to graduate school but I dont have a lockstep choice of a career”

    He laughed and told me “And that is the true gift of a Liberal Arts education. You came witgh an idea or focus, and now….the world is opening up. Dont be frightented by it, consider yourself lucky. Few achieve this today” (this was May 1992)

  6. professorGBFMtm

    Even then average women were suffering the delusion that they were a “10”

    The ”good” MENZ of the sphere don’t like to talk about how the main ”simp”(they always hold in contempt & as if it’s some type of ”other” being from another world or alternate reality as in ”the matrix” that they still think the kids still like as if it is the year 2000 instead of 24 years later) in most women’s lives has always been their father or grandfather.

    How many ”silent”,” greatest” & ”boomer” fathers &grandfathers put all their and the multi-generational family’s money into their daughters and granddaughters while ”simping ” for them over the last 55 years especially while the same ”class” of ”MEN” are crying out to the Matt Walshs & Jordan Petersons of the world to beat up on young MEN and then tell MENZ to ”MAN up” for those same women now(after most of those women have squandered the wealth and the money they sold various parents &grandparents homes and lands for on themselves and expect to use any MANS money like that too?

    i have extended family female members who have done that and looking for saviors that don’t exist in reality i.e. mainly government.

    At least galz like Melanie King on YT here on ”This Is Why Some Women Think They Are A Perfect 10 & Average Men Are Beneath Them”video.

    – she also seems more fairhanded about the differences between the sexes than most ”red pill” ”leaders” in the sphere definitely act like and admit that 5’6” MEN today shouldn’t expect anything out of women unless they are rich.

  7. Pingback: A New Commandment

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