Heart and Mind

Throughout the last few series of posts, I’ve been discussing so-called “Christian” mysticism and its relation to prophecy. True Christian mysticism is when God directly deposits knowledge via the Holy Spirit into the hearts and minds of his followers, often through the reading of scripture. There are various ways that this might occur, but it doesn’t involve any of the various occult practices, including meditative, contemplative, or wordless ‘prayerful’ states.

What really gets my hackles up is when the heart and mind are treated separately, where the former is elevated and the latter is depressed. Occult mysticism is an inherently irrational, so its participants generally attack the mind. But this is not only not biblical, but it is the opposite of what scripture teaches.

God Hates Occult Practices

First we must look at Deuteronomy 18. This is a very important part of scripture dealing with the occult and prophecy. The Bible deals with these together, and so should we. It’s a long passage, so I won’t quote it here, but I encourage you to read the whole thing.

Before Israel entered into its inheritance in the promised land, God warned the people not to incorporate the occult practices of the people it would be displacing. God completely condemned child sacrifice, divination, fortune telling, interpretation of omens, sorcery, spellcasting, necromancy, and speaking to or with the dead. These practices were not to be copied. Indeed, these practices were why the current inhabitants had forfeited their ancestral lands.

Having established a stance against gathering knowledge through occult, mystical practices, God then promised to send a prophet to teach the people what they needed to hear. In order to eliminate the possibility of impostors, he set the standard for prophecy at 100% accuracy, on pain of death.

No matter how you wiggle and squirm, slice and dice, hem and haw, protection and covering aside, no prophet who engages in mystical occult practices can be a prophet of God, and any prophet that gets something wrong is a false prophet who deserves death. That’s the biblical standard.

This is harsh. If you—as a collective—engage in occult practices, God is justified in taking away your land, country, and nation. If you—as an individual—are a false prophet, God is justified in sentencing you to death. It is supposed to be harsh.

Hearts and Kidneys

Now let’s talk about the heart and mind:

Jeremiah 17:9-10 (REV)
The heart is deceitful above all things, and is incurable; who can know it?  “I, Yahweh, search the heart, I test the kidneys, in order to give to each one according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.”

Wait, why is Jeremiah talking about hearts and kidneys? Where is the heart and mind?! Is this some weird quirk of Hebrew?

Revelation 2:23 (REV)
And I will kill her children with death, and all the congregations will know that I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to each one of you according to your works.

No, apparently it is in the Greek too. It turns out that the Bible speaks of the heart and kidneys in many other locations: Psalm 7:9, 16:7-9, 26:2, 73:21 and Jeremiah 11:20, 17:10. Remember that verse that says this:

Psalm 139:13 (NIV)
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Try this on for size:

Psalm 139:13
For you created my kidneys; you knit me together in my mother’s belly.

Yes, it’s the same word.

In your English Bible, these words are all “mistranslated.” This is why this may be the first time that you’ve heard of this. Even among the “literal” translations, the word kidney is usually translated as heart. So much for a literal translation! To see how truly bad this is, let’s look at the literal translation:

Jeremiah 17:9-10
I, Yahweh search the heart and test the kidneys, to give to every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his deeds.

Got that? He searches the heart and tests the kidneys. Let’s look at two typical English translations. First:

Jeremiah 17:10 (NIV)
“I the LORD search the heart [לֵ֖ב; heart] and examine the mind [כְּלָי֑וֹת: kidneys], to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”

For the Hebrew, the kidneys were the seat of emotions (what we call ‘heart’ in English). For the Hebrew, the heart was the seat of the mind. But when this is translated into English in the NIV, the ‘heart’—which means the mind in Hebrew—becomes the seat of emotions and the kidneys—which are the seat of emotions in Hebrew—becomes the mind. It’s reversed!

There is actually a way to translate the original Hebrew into the English that more closely captures the original sense of “kidneys” without reversing the meanings:

Jeremiah 17:10
“I the LORD search the brain [Hebrew: לֵ֖ב; heart] and examine the gut [Hebrew: כְּלָי֑וֹת: kidneys], to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”

In English if we want to speak of our feelings and emotions, we say that we feel it in our gut (e.g. “I have a gut feeling about this”). The ancient Hebrews would feel it in their kidneys or bowels/belly (intestines). It’s the same thing.

But that’s not quite fully what the Bible means when it talks about “searching” and “examining.” If you’re wondering why anyone in the Ancient Near East would examine the heart or kidneys (or belly; bowels; intestines) to figure out what is contained in the emotions or mind of a person, the answer is found in the mystical practice of divination known as haruspex. You, the reader, might think that the ancients believed in strictly abstract, even spiritual, concepts of the seat of emotions and mind (or intellect), but you’d be wrong. The physical and the spiritual were inextricably linked together: access to the one provided access to the other.

The purpose of this reference is plain. When fallen man wants to divine what is in the heart and mind of another person or of God, he uses occult mysticism. But God looks directly into the person. Prophecy deals with the acquisition and dissemination of sacred knowledge and occult practices are meant to facilitate this. But God does not use occult practices and he has forbidden us from using them. When God divines or provides knowledge he does so directly without intermediary or special practices.

This is why Deuteronomy 18 treats the occult practices and prophecy as the same topic.

Now look at this English translation, paying special attention to the original Greek words and their meanings:

Revelation 2:23
I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts [Greek: nephrous; kidney] and minds [Greek: kardias; heart], and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

The meanings have been “reversed” in this translation too!

Now this is really important. In a number of verses (given above), the English heart and mind (Hebrew and Greek kidneys and heart, respectively) are used together, so switching them around in the English has no possible impact on the meaning of the translation. But the Bible often uses the word ‘heart’—which means mind—by itself. Except, in the English translation, this is typically simply translated as-is as ‘heart’—which means the seat of emotion. This effectively changes a verse from talking about the mind and the intellect to talking about wordless non-intellectual emotion.

Here is one prime example:

Matthew 22:36-38
“Teacher, which commandment is the greatest one in the law?” And he said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart [Greek: kardia; heart], and with all your soul, and with all your mind [Greek: dianoia; mind]. This is the greatest and most important commandment.

Here the Greek word ‘heart’ is translated directly into the English ‘heart’, but as we saw in Revelation 2:23, the Hebrews still used the old “heart” (Greek: “kidney”) and “mind” (Greek: “heart”) figurative language. This is an incredibly inconsistent method of interpretation.

It is as if translators treat the heart and mind as synonyms.

As we will see, this observation is key.

Heart and Mind

The fact of the matter is that most of the time, the heart and mind—the kidneys and the heart—are effectively interchangeable. To the Hebrew, there were no clean distinctions between one’s mind and one’s heart (to use the English parlance), nor even between the physical and the spiritual (i.e. body and soul). Whether intellect or emotion, all came from one whole. They could be spoken of separately as abstract concepts, but they could not be actually separated. To speak of one was to necessarily include the whole. In general, when speaking of the whole, one spoke of the mind, the center or core of one’s being.

This is why the Psalmist could write the following:

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Whether the word ‘kidney’ or ‘heart’ was used in Hebrew or Greek, it generally referred to one’s entire being (as I previously described in “Traditions of Men“). This is why Jesus could swap out words of the Shema without altering its meaning or be accused of misquoting scripture. This is also why Psalm 139:13 is not actually a mistranslation in English: the translator can use “my inmost being” instead of “kidney” with no change in meaning.

But this has a very important consequence on theology nonetheless. In English and Greek philosophy, the terms ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ are not equivalent. This leads men like Ed Hurst to read scripture and conclude that Christians are to be heart-led: “heart-led” in the English sense. But in biblical parlance, being heart-led would mean being led by the mind and intellect (because the mind and intellect are represented by the heart in Hebrew thought) or, properly, one’s entire being (because heart also means one’s whole being).

The error is not in scripture, it is in the assumptions that Ed Hurst—and Radix Fidem—have added to scripture. Here is one very recent example (emphasis added):

Ed Hurst — Moral Talents
The heart-led way is the path of moral excellence, for the heart is the seat of human moral awareness.

So innured are most people to mysticism that they don’t even see the problem with this. It sounds like something any pastor might say (and, sadly, that might actually be the case). But from a biblical, Ancient Near East perspective, this is equivalent to…

The brain-led way is the path of moral excellence, for the brain is the seat of human moral awareness.


The person-led way is the path of moral excellence, for the person’s being is the seat of human moral awareness.

But even though all three of these are equivalent according to biblical principles, the altered ones expose the doctrinal lie—the false gospel—of Radix Fidem contained in the first. For the path to moral excellence lies not in the human heart or brain, nor in the human mind or emotional center, nor in a person’s being (or essence), nor in vague concepts of human moral awareness, but in one’s faith in Christ: “by your words you will be justified.”

To be heart-led in the English sense is to be led by your feelings, emotions, and instincts. It is inherently subjective. This is, of course, why any attempts at objectivity—such as applying the authority of scripture or the application of logical consistency—are rejected by so many mystics.

This is also why, through this series, I’ve noted that whether you look at the occultists, the Roman Catholics, or the proponents of Radix Fidem, there is nothing objective with which to distinguish their approaches to truth. All are equally valid in the sense that their own participants believe their own version is true, because on the whole their epistemologies are equivalent: subjective modes of “truthseeking.” This doesn’t matter to the participant, because they have already made their subjective choice. But to those outside looking in, there is nothing to distinguish them one from the other.

Judging Others

Subjectivity is one reason why moral relativists—like political leftists—are so hostile towards judging others. Here ‘judging others’ means rationally evaluating truth claims and coming to conclusions. This form of judgment is distinct from condemning someone, which is incredibly popular.

Put another way, one can judge the truth or falsehood of something or one can judge the rightness or wrongness of something. These are not equivalent.

For example, reader Sharkly frequently engages in the latter form of judgment while I engage in the former (by sticking to judging ideas). We are not concerned with the merits or demerits of Sharkly’s approach here (which the Bible regulates), we are only concerned with the merits and demerits of judging ideas (for their truth-value) and the interplay between these two forms of judgment.

A hostility towards judgment of truth-claims (the first form) will make a person wishy-washy. This may manifest in a condemnation of intolerance (a typical behavior found in classical liberals). Or it might produce unstable viewpoints that can change on a whim (a typical behavior found among voters). Or it could result in a refusal to engage in debate with others. It often results in calls for inclusivity, such as that found in a comment policy that condemns “Vehemently attacking religious faiths, of any variety.” One common result is the emphasis on personal anecdotes, such as validating the “lived experiences” of others. When you see calls to self-discovery and self-actualization, you’re seeing this on display.

Additionally, it often results in an emphasis on feelings and how mean it is to judge the ideas others. Notice how this uses Sharkly-style judging (the second form) to obstruct Derek-style judging (the first form). This imbalance naturally leads to cult-thinking and censorship.

Understanding these behaviors explains why mystics are often polite and non-confrontational (putatively ‘humble’ and ‘loving’) while non-mystics are often considered to be harsh, mean, and hateful. This is a natural consequence of the refusal to make objective truth claims, as seen in the modern ‘cult of nice.’

The differences are easy to illustrate.

For a first example, depending on which form of judgment you are using, you may consider the condemnation of homosexuality to be the most loving thing you can do or you might consider it to be the deepest hatred of others.

For a second example, consider how Christianity—despite its peaceful leader who preached unity—is widely viewed by default as judgmental, violent, and hateful, while the Eastern meditative religions are considered to be peaceful, innocuous, and harmonious. Even active personal prayer (“i’ll pray for you”) is considered aggressive these days, while silent meditation—including passive fake prayer “moment of silence”—is widely praised. Mysticism emphasizes the latter over the former.

For a third example, consider the example of Mother Teresa. She had a reputation for goodness, openness, and saintliness, but her theology was utter garbage.

Renew your Mind

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice—living, holy, and pleasing to God—which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the pattern of this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [Greek: nous; mind, intellect], so that you can test and approve what the will of God is—what is good and pleasing and perfect.

When Paul wanted to talk about how the Christian is transformed by Christ out of the worldly nature, he described a renewal of the mind:

Usage: the mind, the reason, the reasoning faculty, intellect.

Paul specifically stated that the way that we avoid being conformed to the worldly ways was to use our minds to test and approve what the will of God is. Why would Paul tell us to use our intellect and reason—which was renewed through Christ—to test and approve what the will of God is?

Say that again: to use the renewed intellect to test and approve what the Will of God is.

Test, test, and test again.

So deeply anti-Christ are the teachings of Radix Fidem (and now Sigma Frame), that I’m finding it a challenge to express this using hyperbole. Their teachings stand in direct contradiction to the Word of God.

Satan does not want you to follow the Word of God in scripture. He does not want you to believe that the Will of God has been already made known to us through scripture. He does not want you to use your intellect and your reason to test what that will of God is. He does not want you to throw out creative innovations that are not found in scripture. Rather, Satan wants you to open yourself up to his influence by being discontent with the word of God by means of the use of occult practices to gain a supposed greater understanding that goes beyond words.

In short, Satan is a Christian mystic and prophet.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    But even though all three of these are equivalent according to biblical principles, the altered ones expose the doctrinal lie—the false gospel—of Radix Fidem contained in the first. For the path to moral excellence lies not in the human heart or brain, nor in the human mind or emotional center, nor in a person’s being (or essence), nor in vague concepts of human moral awareness, but in one’s faith in Christ: “by your words you will be justified.”

    Do you think that is the reason why the latest convert to EDS sectarian but according to its newest convert ”non-sectarian sectarian” group is so worried about free speech & wording now? As seen here today?:

    ”We need to watch our wording carefully because any unclear context, wrong words, confusing presumptions, or lack of generosity in interpreting another’s words, will affect our credibility, impact, fellowship, legacy, and reputation. I believe we’ll all get better results and more spiritual blessings and protection this way.”

    Why am I thinking he would apply that to anything he deemed in the least to be ”long (verbose) screeds ”if given the chance again?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey


      Wrong words? Unclear context? Confusing presumptions? Is he talking about this:

      Radix Fidem and Catacomb Resident are not even close to ambiguous on these issues. They’ve published dozens of articles espousing Jack’s exact position, and Jack is not shy that he embraces Radix Fidem.

      I’ve been talking about this for while now. I first wrote about it on this blog here on April 14, 2023. I’ve hardly been quiet about it either. I’ve made 23+ posts mentioning Radix Fidem or Ed Hurst and 11 posts mentioning Catacomb Resident.

      There has been plenty of time for them to update their positions if they were being misunderstood by me and/or communicated improperly. But the message has remained strong. This lack of a change is one reason that my focus on it has gotten more intense, especially in light of Sigma Frame’s recent apostasy made explicit.

      The problem isn’t that my analysis is wrong, it’s that it is right. I wish I was wrong, but scripture is ridiculously clear on this issue. Even so, it took me a while before I wrote that first critical post last year, because I wasn’t sure my individual analysis was correct. I didn’t want to believe it, and so I delayed posting anything about it for a while.

      In any case, now I think I know why Jack thought I was actively persecuting him. Due to his (mostly) hidden conversion, I didn’t realize quite how threatening my position was over the previous year and how it was going to be moving forward. All those posts I made against Radix Fidem’s teachings were—unbeknownst to me—attacks against his new religion.

      But I will say this again. The particular issue described in the OP is a correctable issue. Were Radix Fidem to fix this error, it would not have to dismantle the community it already has, not would it invalidate everything it teaches. They could still focus on the Ancient Near East practices of the Hebrews and placing Christ as their Feudal Lord in a Covenant relationship. What I raise are not insurmountable problems.

      But I think it more likely that they will double down on non-Christian mysticism and prophecy. Time will tell.

      “Why am I thinking he would apply that to anything he deemed in the least to be ”long (verbose) screeds ”if given the chance again?”

      Who knows. Jack chose to censor me. Nobody made him do it. He can’t blame it on unclear context, wrong words, or confusing presumptions. If you don’t want to harm your credibility and reputation, don’t engage in censorship. It’s not that complicated.

      Had he not censored me, I’d probably still be commenting there and there is a not unreasonable probability that this series would have never been written, that I wouldn’t have concluded that Sigma Frame Has Fallen. But he did and I have.

      In retrospect, it’s probably a good thing how many people have been kicked off his site (or got the message to leave). They won’t be deceived.


      1. Lastmod

        I dont understand any of it to be honest.

        All the “prophecy” in the Bible I saw was of Divine Inspiration through a “vision” (Peter when told to to kill and eat the supposed ‘unclean’ foods) or through the likes of Daniel, John, and others through dreams (Jacob’s ladder) and the “the Lord saith” when David was confronted by a prophet.

        I guess I am seeing, though it may not be intended this way through Ed and others….

        They seem to be reinventing the wheel. The metaphysical, big words, confusing language the “what Jesus really meant” types of stances. It also seems to be the “flavor” of the year. “Prophecy! And how you have it and your friends who think they do, actually do not!”

        If a man has prophecy or a vision, it has to be tested, and verified to see if it conforms to Scripture. I do not doubt people with this unique and very confusing gift (when I say confusing, it is of the spiritual realm(s) and that is very hard to verify……as it should be)

        After the last Book of the Old Testament, God was “silent” until the time of Jesus in these matters. Sure, common man in Israel and Judea probably did have “prophecy” but it was in matters concerning day to day living I would suppose.

        Even the “three wise men” who studied and pondered on the coming of the Savior just didnt read the writings of the Hebrews from when they were in exile there and say “clear as day, lets get the camels and go”

        It had to be studied. Prayed upon, looked it. Tested. When they were sure, they headed out. Even John the Baptist spoke of “the one who was to come after him” and this was verified not only by his faith, but humility and trust in God that “the one would come” (and He did). John just didnt one day wake up, walk out into the wilderness and began “preaching”

        This was a man who indeed was devout from an early start, and did not try to corner Gods word into his own making, or molding of “what God did indeed show and say”

        I still believe and know that God can use “anyone” in these matters. God used so many who were not of “the elect class” intellect, and stature or how women viewed them, or if they were deemed a “leader” in their respected home faith. Even Moses said to God “Who am I?”

        In the long process of it with people who God did indeed us in these matters, it was to demonstrate that one did not have to be “read / schooled in the deep ancient near east traditions” nor a man who was of the “priestly” class. In his way, it in the end showed

        All men will submit to the Cross, no matter their stature in this world and He can use whoever he chooses, Gods way is not mans way. It was and is an expression that Gods gifts of the spirit are a potential for all. Expressing His way in matters like this DO prove and show that “there is no favortism” in His kingdom, and that indeed it is a lesson to those with this Gift that they are no more “holy” or “set apart” than a fellow believer

        All still have sin. All still are a work in process and all need to strive for his way. Not ours.

        In closing, this “new, new” look at this gift of “prophecy” of late on many blogs seems…seems…to be causing more confusion, and it is making it into something it isnt.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          You mention visions and dreams, and I realized that I had a gap in my coverage of this topic!

          Like the speaking of tongues, visions and dreams are not useful in-and-of-themselves. They had to be interpreted, that is, converted into words, before they were valid forms of prophecy to be used. Often times an angel would be sent to explain what had been seen to the person receiving the vision or dream. Other times it would be a prophet (e.g. Daniel explaining the King’s dreams). In other cases, the prophet would merely describe in words without a further interpretation (e.g. John the Revelator).

          Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that.

          1. Lastmod

            There is a Salvation Army story from the late Victorian age…….

            It was A Sunday morning meeting, and the opening song was “When We All Get to Heaven” and after it was over, the Officer took the podium and asked joyfully “Who is excited as I am about when we get to heaven!”

            The crowd cheered, uniformed Soldiers yelled “fire a volley” (which means ‘say amen’).

            But there was one man, in a seat, arms folded. Not happy at all about this. The Officer noticed “Brother, why are you not excited about going to heaven, and to be in His Kingdom?”

            He cleared his throat and said “Not if I have to be in eternity with all of you. I have been coming for years here, and none of you know my name. None of you have ever been a friend to me. None of you dont even know my story.”

            Gasps from the congregation. Silence then fell upon the whole Corps.

            The Officer spoke “You are right! Indeed you are.”

            And the sermon was jettisoned, and instead, the Book of James was spoken about. The Holy Ghost moved that day, and the mercy seat (altar) by the end of the meeting was filled with tears, wails, cries begging for forgiveness and out of that came a better “family” and “community” of believers that had to watch and help and get to know who entered Gods House.

            How true is this? I dont know, but we can get caught up in our day to day thing of the faith and forget what the gathering is for.

            Did this man speak prophecy? ?????????????????

            In our modern Red Pill Chruch, he was sour grapes and was just jealous and probably “bitter” and and that’s not our problem. Its his!

          2. Derek L. Ramsey

            “Did this man speak prophecy?”

            Regardless of whether this story is mythical or not, I would say “yes.” He spoke this scripture. That’s what prophecy is: speaking the Word of God. Moreover, it led to both repentance and the edification of the church after being thoroughly tested.

            What more could you want from prophecy?

        2. Derek L. Ramsey

          “After the last Book of the Old Testament, God was “silent” until the time of Jesus in these matters”

          There is debate whether or not Christians can be mystics today. But this debate centers on whether or not God can reveal truth directly into a person’s mind irrespective of the words of scripture.

          This doesn’t mean that revelation is contrary to scripture, it just means that the revelation did not happen because someone was reading or mediating upon scripture. This is just the truth of God being revealed through mystical—or spiritual—means.

          This is not the same as occult mysticism, which involves the actions that people do. Occult mysticism is transactional: do these disciplines, put your mind in such-and-such order, obey God in this-or-that, and you will receive divine contact. That’s the occult. It is forbidden.

          In any case, what you describe is called “cessationism” and it basically says that the gift of prophecy has ceased, that revelation only occurs by way of scripture.

          Whichever way you end up on this question has no impact on the conclusions that I’ve made during this series. Personally, I believe in Christian mysticism, but I understand the perspective of those who do not. In any case, for a long time I was confusing Christian mysticism with occult mysticism. This was a bad error on my part.

          For what its worth, Roman Catholicism teaches that revelation has ceased, and yet it is deeply steeped in mystics and apparitions teaching new doctrines. Many of the mystical influences in the Protestant church come from Roman Catholicism. How is all of that for irony?

        3. Derek L. Ramsey

          “I still believe and know that God can use “anyone” in these matters. [..] it is a lesson to those with this Gift that they are no more “holy” or “set apart” than a fellow believer”

          Thus mutual submission.

  2. Pingback: Sigma Frame Has Fallen

  3. Pingback: The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 1

  4. Pingback: The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 2

  5. professorGBFMtm

    Notice that what ”Jack” says here about Vox is similar to what he says about Derek and his marriage?

    Denying the Role of Leadership is Abandoning One’s Disciples
    In response to Gammas – The Manosphere’s Untouchables (2024/7/26), Determined Omega wrote in defense of Vox’s style [emphasis mine].

    “As for VD’s ego, I think what people are actually picking up is extreme disagreeableness. He has said time and time again that he does not desire or try to cultivate a cult of personality and that the ideas are more important than he is. People often conflate confidence and low-warmth with self-conceit.”

    No matter how much Vox may want to emphasize that his ideas are greater than himself, or strive to avoid creating a “cult of personality” (a term that is disrespectful like I have always been to GB4M, MOD & Derek-which is why they left my site so long ago that it hurts ladz) when used to refer to a true authority and his followers, which Vox is and has, respectively}, Vox cannot deny his role of being a leader of men. The fact is that he is teaching ideas and setting an example that many other men are following, whether he likes this or wants this or not. Vox cannot escape The Law of Sowing and Reaping and The Law of Responsibility nor GB4MS law of Alphatude & ”that tradcon ”redpillers” suxeth!”

    Under the same post, Info left a tweet from Adam Lane Smith that said,

    “True leadership in a relationship is about guiding, not dictating”

    To which Determined Omega responded [emphasis mine],

    “This making of distinctions without differences and trying to soften the objectively harsh world of leadership is another example of how uncomfortable men have gotten with authority. Dictating is just another way of guiding. Sometimes people need to be told exactly what to do with no room for questions.”

    Seeing how Vox Day is hesitant to insert himself into his writings, apparently, he is also ‘uncomfortable’ with his authority like Derek in his marriage & his place in the ”Christian MANosphere” which oft he acts like he’s NOT part of at ALL as if he still part of the ROISSYosphere like MOSES, JESUS & GB4M.

    Concerning the ”Christian” blogosphere (of which Vox Day is a part ), I think it matters not so much that the commenters fall in line with the foundational beliefs and/or the spirit of the blog, but that the host demonstrates a good example of cultish dictates of ED hurst for other men to follow, and that the grace of God is demonstrated through the host’s cultish dictatorship like the RCCS ”pope”. This creates an environment that attracts like thinkers and sets the tone of cultish interaction. This is how blog hosts ‘guide’ / ‘dictate’ the atmosphere of their blogs. Ask me how I know as a wanna-be takeover cult ”leader” of EDS ”Radix Fidem” as I tried with DALS tradcon ”red pill” &” beat Your Ho” ”Patriarchy” of ”bgr=larry Solomon=matt Perkins” with my fellow troll bot ”sparkly” over the last 8 failurous years(which is why I will try my darndest to takeover EDS ”Ridex Fidem” cult quickly over the next 8 months ladz).

    Vox Day may very well be the most brilliant thinker in the ”Christian Manosphere”(NOT ROISSYosphere as WE ”good” MENZ of the ”MANosphere” are well-known attempted thieves of ROISSYS=Heartistes game, success, and popularity like Vox himself lads-BUT the young MENZ WE desire, know the TRUTH!-g-damnit!! (like the blessed saint Deti always says in French), but he is unwilling or unable to take responsibility for how his SSH is received and interpreted by men who are seeking community, ANE cult leaders / examples of ANE cult leadership, fellowship, and ‘meaning’. He’ll never go ‘meta’, and this is his greatest incompetency in the eyes of God.

    We can never escape ‘meaning’ NOR our ongoing attempts at stealing ROISSYS game, success, and popularity, as troublesome as it may be, and ‘meaning’ and ”stolen valor” are only found through ANE ”Radix Fidem” cult fellowship and purpose. IMPO, I think Vox won’t step up to that calling because he is unable to do so as he barely knows the ”penny ante”(as MOSES, JESUS &GB4M say & I reluctantly agree with while SMH) ED Hurst’s”Ridex Fidem” cult- which TBH is nowhere as popular nor successful as ROISSY=Heartiste/CHATEAU was in the late ’00s/early 2010s when Vox tried to steal his game, success early 2011 as WES luvs to LARP here to the younger MENZ.
    He’s good with stolen ideas as my own penny ante self is, but NOT with shepherding men nor fooling them that he’s NOT a typical ”stolen valour” ”red pill” tradcon LARP(and I’m being generous in this assessment of him TBH while SMH at him & myself TBH as I SMH multiples of times dudes). I’ve written this post in the hope that this might change as I as the new cult leader of ”Ridex Fidem” & Vox together with our stolen valour could fool all the younger MENZ out there!

    At least Jack is honest about wanting the cult of ED/”Ridex Fidem”(as he says) for himself!

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Regarding leadership…

      …here is what I’ve said recently on the subject:

      So when Jack says…

      “True leadership in a relationship is about guiding, not dictating”

      …I had already noted that:

      “But here I am on this blog. I’m providing actual leadership in a meaningful way. It’s not authority based on the strict hierarchical right of rule, but it is leadership nonetheless. In fact, it is the same kind of leadership that I have in meatspace.”

      And when Jack complains about a lack of leadership, he should probably take a class in economics. There are not enough leaders because the supply of followers is too small to create a demand for leaders.

      Remember what happened next? After I wrote “A Decree to Rebuild” and said this…

      These men are, in a way, our leaders. But they do not—and are forbidden to—stand alone. In a sense, many (but not all) of these leaders are operating without being “under” proper leadership. All prophecy in the church (as opposed to individual revelation, one’s calling) must be validated by the other members of the church, including its teachers. That’s what I do here: I validate what the prophets speak on behalf of the non-prophets who may read what they write.

      …then Jack wrote an article pompous something something complaining about me showing leadership.



      The problem with people obsessed with wielding authority is not too few leaders, it’s too many. There isn’t enough room for all of them to rule.

      1. professorGBFMtm

        More on failurous (sexual)” leadership” from this AngloSaxon guy who loves & sees guys as ”good” ”leaders”” who steal,” pump and dump” as long as it’s ”other” Patriarchal MENS daughters who are as the following Scripture says:

        2 Timothy 3
        Berean Standard Bible
        Mucho Evil in the Last Days of the failing ”REDPILL”osphere

        1But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come to f@ols in the ”redpill”osphere. 2For men will be lovers of themselves(I’m talking obsessed with IOIS from both sexes like all get out), lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good, 4traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

        6They are the kind who worm their way into households and captivate vulnerable women who are weighed down with sins and led astray by various passions, 7who are always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

        AngloSaxon knows St.Paul is warning against these ”self-loving ”MEN”” & NOT telling him to make them his ”leaders” yes?

        He doesn’t seem to” get” that:

        AngloSaxon says:
        2024-08-20 at 1:33 am
        I don’t mean to be rude while being slightly nude( as I yank my d@ng’s crank as sparkly does) but “True leadership in a relationship is about guiding, not dictating” sounds like something one would put on a fridge magnet, or in a facebook post with ”jacks” typical long (verbose) screeds. It sounds really nice but if you think about it it’s gibberish nonsense from Jack as usual. Are we really claiming that someone who does a lot of dictating (or yank cranking), such as a King, a General or an Admiral, or a pope isn’t showing ‘true’ leadership because he gives out orders and issues decrees? Are we being serious as WE even yank & crank at the same time to further our Redpill goal-oriented mission?

        Men who control their wives sexually and in their wives more generally are definitely leaders, lots of people may find that icky but its the truth very much like a typical blue, fed or red piller ”I luves to yank & crank myself ladz.”

        Say it loud, say it proud my fellow fedpiller yank crankers!

  6. professorGBFMtm

    Oh yeah, i forgot to do commentary on the first part of ”Jacks” typical long(verbose) screed post.

    Free Speech – The Need for Leadership
    Posted on 2024-08-17 by Jack
    An exploration of how Vox Day could improve his ministry to men by teaming up with failing pope jack.

    Readership: All, especially Christians
    Theme: Community / Free Speech / Problems with The Red Pill / Infighting / Sectarianism / Metacognitions
    Length: 1,100 words
    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Leadership is Greatly Needed like self hand sodomizing
    One takeaway from our study of Problems with The tradcon Red Pill was the importance of leadership and that men are desperately needing leaders like Pope Jack who ruleth better than failing ED. (See sections “The Vacancy of Authority”, “A Failure of Imagination”, and “Infighting”.) The reasons for this were discussed in Vectors of Conflict (2024/6/17), and are here summarized as…

    To offer young Men gay porn butthexting through feminine but strong strapon options and opportunities for failing ”red pill” tradwives who will divorce their @ss in 5 years time

    To mediate conflict while starting it with MOSES, JESUS, GBFM & Derek TBH while SMH.
    To offer encouragement.
    To explain areas of confusion like why tradcons be they blue, fed, or red preach ””pre-marital s*x”(for supposed ”Conservative” tradcons WE speak like liberals yes?) is okay as long it was me,”eos” AKA SOUP SANDWICH AKA guy who cries with I about ”sectarianism” while WE gladly practice it or Saint Deti doing it with ”other” Patriarchical MEN’s daughters and granddaughters & NOT if it is thou with my daughter or grandaughter goddess bro .”

    To provoke greater self-awareness.
    To foster and guide critical thinking of sectarian but NOT non-sectarian sectarian groups like Ridex Fidex my latest denominational cult I’m trying to takeover.
    To illuminate the meaning and purpose of being a red pill tradcon while going along with the far left on oral,@nal & strapon s*x=sodomy being okay since WE say so and my special messages from DaLawd as well as Billy c. & Monica in ’97/’98 brah.

    To inspire introspection and self-analysis of ”why do I hand-sodomize myself so much at work?”
    To set a positive example of masculinity for other men to emulate and/or learn from like my old friend swinger ”Christian” mike Davis and his strapon goddess wife mrs. davis, & the blessed and typical tradconnic hypocritical ” beat your ho but not my daughter nor granddaughter goddess you evilz sinner sex fiend male I will call the cops on like a feminist wimminz” ”Patriarchy” of bgr=larry solomon=matt perkins.
    Case Study — Vox’s Sociosexual Hierarchy
    In response to Provoking a Perfunctory Parapet of Puppets (2024/8/7), Determined Omega wrote an excellent description of one such example of how and why men need guidance [ gay porn tradcon butthexting emphasis mine].

    “…there is however a problem with your overall analysis [of Vox’s ”red pill” tradconnic SSH]. A lot of the listed problems are not inherent or otherwise necessitated by the SSH itself. We can be critical of the SSH as a tool but the main question should always be “Is it accurately and usefully describing reality?” and nothing else. Every other question is a matter of how people interpret the model. It is meant for social strategy and tactics. The fact that people misconstrue or import meaning onto the SSH is a problem of cultural lenses, personal baggage, and how the SSH is explained in biased or loaded terms by others. If you approach the SSH like Vox would, in a dispassionate and Machiavellian way, all of these problems cease to exist.

    All of that is to say that the real problem is people’s inability to properly utilize the SSH in a constructive but nonetheless failing loser tradcon way. Most people are not socially strategic,butthextually confident and are quite literally not capable of just picking it up and using it as intended without lots of practice like Conservatively self-hand sodomizing for instance. Like any skill, using the SSH takes time and effort. It is possible the ”Manosphere”(who failingly stole ROISSYS game but none of his nor GB4MS success nor popularity as its mostly loser, bitter & quite frankly ”red pill” tradcons at large simply is not yet ready to use it without abusing it.”

    All of that is to say that men need a mentor and/or are looking for a leader. We can never take our eyes off of that purpose — supporting and bullying the men within our domain of influence for those all-important IOIS from MEN & women alike. The problem is that Vox won’t touch that role even though he’s already wearing the mantle and has a very large following that I should have TBH while SMH, and has been for ~18 years(even though most didn’t know who he was until he started trying to steal ROISSYS game &success circa 2009-2011-when he gave us his version of ROISSYS sociosexual ranking list by promoting it to the new at the time LARPING ”red pill” tradcons like Athol Kay, DAL & the Spearhead’s Will F. Price.

    I proposed a standard of conduct for communications in the previous post.

    “While the Bible warns against getting entangled in futile arguments, it also encourages us to share the hope that lies within us with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Many verses in the Bible instruct us to always be prepared to give a defense for what we believe and why. It also says to deal with unbelievers with patience and grace (Colossians 4:5-6), and I think that also includes apologetics, debate, polemics, discussions on blogs, self-hand sodomizing, etc, etc etc.”

    “[Through our interactions] the stumbling stone may be transformed into a whetstone — and bear much fruit for the glory of God.”

    “Let your words be helpful for the edification of other Christian Men (Ephesians 4:29).”

    In my review of Vox’s Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, one of my chief criticisms was that Vox is NOT this way towards many of his commenters whom he calls ‘Gammas’ & NOT bullying them in a more traditional American tradcon way like WE do here.

  7. professorGBFMtm

    Heres one of those satirical posts that are oft at Spawnys:

    I have some acquaintances who seemingly build their life around getting in / maintaining connections with the local in-crowd. What defines such a crowd? It depends on the circumstances, but often it comes down to some combination of showy money, power and perceived prestige. It isn’t always the case, but very often I have found these groups to be either amoral or less than moral and rather vacuous. As you might guess, I navigate clear of them unless necessary. I much prefer people who do not have these properties. I would rather spend my time with more genuine people.

    So how about you? Do you want to spend lots of money/effort trying to impress people that you don’t even much like?

    & a comment by one of those I thought I was friends with:

    okrahead says:
    17 August, 2024 at 7:06 pm
    If hard times are coming, you need a support network. Now, if your network is facile and showy, they will likely be of little benefit. If your friends are like DEREK, MOD, MOSES, JESUS &GB4M you mostly need to make sure you are doing your part as well instead of being a typical ”redpill” tradcon troll bot like myself TBH. Ask yourself, will the members of my group have my back, or will they stab me in the back like I love to do to young MENZ & BOYZ. Hint: If they’ve stabbed others in the back they’ll do it to you as well. If they have already demonstrated loyalty in hard situations then you’re ahead of the game.

    INDEED as i ”officially” stopped being ”friends” with the above ”red pill” tradcon backstabber once he attacked MOD for supposedly doing ”gay -coded” drink situations at bars or some such tradcon ”red pill” troll bot nonsense gibberish he sprouted before MOD left ”jacks” over a year ago then, even more, I ”officially” stopped being ”friends” with him when ”jack” did that ”its all DEREKS, MOSES, JESUS & GB4MS fault I’m a MASSIVE failure in the ”Christian-MANosphere”!”

    -post back in January that he considered ”cool”,Butthextually ” ” fine” like Halle Berry’s behind=hiney in the nineties” and ”hip” yet, as usual, was failurous in the end as only ”red pill” tradcons can deliver failure upon failure as seen in politics for decades and the sphere for almost 9+ years.

  8. professorGBFMtm


    Some wisdom from today on how ”redpill” ”genius” ”leaders” are not so ”genius”

    Sharkly says:
    18 August, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”-Niccolo Machiavelli

    Monthly Reminder: “Sharkly has no fuxtarded friends like himself(other than ”jack” & ”bgr=larry solomon=matt perkins” that is )!”

    Again where was these ”geniuses” ”genius” at, when they were being supposedly ”twicked” by society, parents, women, governments & church?

    Hint? They went along to get along according to their lusts, the world, the flesh, and the devil & when that stopped working e.g. goddess wife divorced them?-they became ”bitter” & ”envious ” of better MEN like Roissy, MOSES, JESUS & GB4M as they say about ”other ” MEN- just as they do now as ”red pill” ”genius” ”leaders”too!

  9. professorGBFMtm

    No matter how you wiggle and squirm, slice and dice, hem and haw, protection and covering aside, no prophet who engages in mystical occult practices can be a prophet of God, and any prophet that gets something wrong is a false prophet who deserves death. That’s the biblical standard.

    This is harsh. If you—as a collective—engage in occult practices, God is justified in taking away your land, country, and nation. ”

    No No No if WE are more masculine for IOIS as a collective and vote harder ”good” Government will win the day just as it has for decades now just as this brilliant ”red pill” ”genius” ”leader” says again also from today.

    Sharkly says:
    18 August, 2024 at 6:16 pm
    Ray sent me this link:
    Leftist UK Gov’t to Treat ‘Extreme Misogyny’ Like Terrorism: Report

    “Misogyny is going to be outlawed by people who can’t say what a woman is.”

    Yep! Misogyny will become whatever a judge or politician doesn’t approve of.
    It is tyranny to its core.

    “That work will underpin a new strategic approach to countering extremism from government, working closely with communities to build consensus and impetus for our plans.”

    Did you catch that? It isn’t “the will of the governed” nor “the votes of the people” that are the impetus for this thought-control plan. It is government’s own plan whereby they spend your tax dollars on forcing you to consent to their tyranny by silencing all dissent.

    Responding to the reported crackdown on “extreme misogyny,” Tate wrote on X that Home Secretary Yvette Cooper “pretends to care about the safety of women while allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants to arrive by boat.”

    “What is ‘extreme’ misogyny? Being masculine. They want to kill the spirit of any man who will resist enslavement,” Tate added.

    YEAH BUT CLEARLY GOD HAS DESIGNATED most of this world for his wrath for many decades now.

    & besides, this wisdom is from probably the most intelligent non-Christian MAN yet of a type of genuine faith nonetheless in the NT said here:

    Acts 5:39
    King James Version
    39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

    That part of the BOOK of ACTS is NOT usually brought up by Republican or Democrat factions with either the blue, fed, or red sectarian pillers is it?

    Also, could it also explain the massive failure of the ”MANosphere” over the last 9+ years?

  10. professorGBFMtm

    Need more proof of ”They went along to get along according to their lusts, the world, the flesh, and the devil ”?+ their ”pride of life?”


    Sharkly says:
    18 August, 2024 at 2:05 am
    Sharkly has no need of an “in crowd”. My preference is to be in the presence of greatness, … which I truly cannot escape. Sitting here, just God and I, it is hard to improve upon such fine fellowship. Even the finest of clothing is but rags upon me, cloaking the image and glory of God, for modesty’s sake. Having showy things in my house would only be a distraction from the main attraction. Nor is fine food required to fuel this magnificent man that I am. Such is the genius of my design.

    Socrates said, “I hold that to need nothing is divine, and the less a man needs the nearer does he approach divinity.”

    The fact that I now need so little (other than a quick yank on my d@ng’s crank every now and then), by way of exchange from others, bears testimony that my God-ordained dominion over my own realm is mostly self-sustaining. If there be any drawback to being such a fine specimen of the earthly apex-creature that I am, it is that there remain, so few avenues left for self-improvement. But I rarely tire of being magnanimous and helping others to follow in my footsteps, like Good King Wenceslas.

    … Page and monarch forth they went,
    Forth they went together,
    Through the rude wind’s wild lament
    And the bitter weather.

    ‘Sire, the night is darker now
    And the wind blows stronger;
    Fails my heart, I know not how,
    I can go no longer.’
    ‘Mark my footsteps, good my page,
    Tread thou in them boldly:
    Thou shalt find the winter’s rage
    Freeze thy blood less coldly.’

    In his master’s steps he trod,
    Where the snow lay dinted;
    Heat was in the very sod
    Which the Saint had printed.
    Therefore, Christian men, be sure
    Wealth or rank possessing,
    Ye who now will bless the poor
    Shall yourselves find blessing.

    See the above thought everything in this life is guaranteed like ALL the blue, fed & red tradcon lies they believe before and after supposedly ”taking the red pill”.

    Or as the NT says here:

    Berean Standard Bible

    James 4:13-15
    “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit” Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that””

    BUT they hear Matt Walsh or the ”GREAT” debater Ben Shapiro say something & God’s word is taken from them by Satan as the Scripture also says:

    Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
    (Matthew 12:46–50; Mark 3:31–35)

    19Then Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see Him, but they were unable to reach Him because of the crowd. 20He was told, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see You.”

    21But He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God and carry it out.”


    The Parable of the Sower
    (Matthew 13:1–23; Mark 4:1–20)

    4While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, He told them this parable: 5“A farmer went out to sow his seed. And as he was sowing, some seed fell along the path, where it was trampled, and the birds of the air devoured it.

    6Some fell on rocky ground, and when it came up, the seedlings withered because they had no moisture.

    7Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the seedlings.

    8Still other seed fell on good soil, where it sprang up and produced a crop—a hundredfold.”

    As Jesus said this, He called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

    9Then His disciples asked Him what this parable meant.

    10He replied, “The knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,

    ‘though seeing, they may not see;

    though hearing, they may not understand.’b

    11Now this is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12The seedsc along the path are those who hear, but the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.

    13The seeds on rocky ground are those who hear the word and receive it with joy, but they have no root. They believe for a season, but in the time of testing, they fall away.

    14The seeds that fell among the thorns are those who hear, but as they go on their way, they are choked by the worries, riches, and pleasures of this life, and their fruit does not mature.

    15But the seeds on good soil are those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, cling to it, and by persevering produce a crop.

    SEE & HEAR now how it works(even our very Faith or Fidem for the non-sectarian sectarians among us)?

  11. Pingback: Emotion and Intellect

  12. Pingback: Making Your Own Choice

  13. Pingback: A New Commandment

  14. Pingback: The Parable of the Four Soils

  15. Pingback: They Can't Understand the Word, Part 2

  16. Pingback: A Flag of Truce

  17. Pingback: The Parable of the WHAT?

  18. Pingback: The Path of the Heart

  19. Pingback: Reviewing "Hellenism Is From Hell" (Part 1)

  20. Pingback: Christian Mysticism and Reason - Derek L. Ramsey

  21. Pingback: Gnosticism - Derek L. Ramsey

  22. Pingback: Heart and Mind, Redux - Derek L. Ramsey

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