Gunner Q on the Olympics

Gunner Q has posted a fantastic article: “An Olympic-Sized Victory Lap For Christ.” Please read it.

I just want to highlight one thing (emphasis added):

Gunner Q — An Olympic-Sized Victory Lap For Christ
Our God is real. Among other implications, that means Christ fights His own fights. Sometimes He uses His followers, but not always, and when He does, it’s often in a way that allows zero room for the pretention that it was the humans who won. Elijah’s fireballs? The Walls of Jericho? There were humans in those conflicts, but nobody thought that human efforts were the deciding factor.

If you attack us Christians then we’ll defend ourselves, obviously, but it may surprise you that we Christians are NOT called upon to defend the honor of Christ. That’s unpopular even among Christians, that we don’t fight God’s battles, God fights God’s battles. Partly that’s because we often end up as the battlefield; partly that’s because we want the Jolly wickedness to end hard & fast enough to give the next perp second thoughts, not the first perp a second chance.

But Christianity is not about worldly power. It’s about spiritual power. Uniquely among all religions, it’s not just Christ’s followers who believe in Him… it’s also Christ’s enemies! Where are the anti-Muslims? The anti-Buddhists? But anti-Christians are a thing, even though they fear to admit it.


My response to the Olympics is not to fight back but to walk away.

I have previously written about this topic in “Fighting Evil or Doing Good?” (which was, ironically, written in response to Gunner Q). I completely agree with Gunner Q here and am happy that he has come around to this view. Activism, such as that displayed by commenter Sharkly, is not what Christ has called us to do.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    Information=knowledge and fun time overload will kix off this post too as usual!

    ”My response to the Olympics is not to fight back but to walk away.

    Activism, such as that displayed by commenter Sharkly, is not what Christ has called us to do.”

    But then WE won’t honorably lose like most ”Conservatives”( such as ”sparkly” especially)desires.

    Then how will WE face ourselves in the mirror on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, morning if” blue pill” (even though he goes after little underage ten girls-playing with their hair & smelling them, so how bluepilled could he be?)Biden has won instead of ”red pill” Trump?

    At least commenter Sharkly will be able to proudly but oh so humbly self-righteously say that morning:”I’ve supposedly got two testes-if you believe my claims of being a MENZ. I’ll be man enough for the both of us. I’ll vote for the best interest of your kids and grandkids, while you dither in despondency. But know that we are not the same. I see the darkness too. I know how popular evil is. And I realize I might not win. But I won’t die on my @ss on my couch while other men stand up for my kids’ future. Even if I don’t win, my sons will see how I fought for them with ”sacred”honour as I proudly and oh so humbly but oh so humbly self-righteously lost with honour, My God will know how I stood up and fought for righteousness as well as the joys of hand sodomy against the forces of evil.”

    Or here in full:

    Sharkly says:
    19 July, 2024 at 8:56 pm
    I don’t vote FOR any politician. I go to vote against their opponents who are even worse & don’t lose honourably like myself.

    When I hear all the apathetic moans of those who are getting screwed yet say they won’t even go vote, I only hear a faint and cowardly w/o hand sodomizing I will add wail of doomster losers(as I proudly think of myself in my ”twicked” ”bluepilled” days) who are resigned to surrendering to even greater evil of non-hand sodomy, not just for themselves, but for their children too. Moral Frenchmen that don’t honourably lose like Moi does!

    Voting is not difficult. Publicly announcing your apathy to even voting is just letting God and everyone see the completeness of your demoralization by the enemy. I personally have only just begun to fight for hand sodomy just as womenz once did for themselves until they got ”legalized ” vibrators in the late 1800s. And while I do a lot more than voting such as hand sodomy, I push back in manifold ways, I won’t neglect to go vote against the trans-agenda, the abominations, the emasculations, and the deprivations of our rights such as hand sodomy y’all. Regardless of their cheating, I will stand up and be counted against it as I proudly & honourably lose. I’ll never self-censor myself from having my godly say by disenfranchising myself from voting.

    Who will go and vote to defend the lives of those to be aborted?
    I will.
    Who will go and vote to defend gender-deceived kids from castration?
    I will.
    Who will go vote against the Feminist agenda taking men’s kids away?
    I will lose with sacred honour!

    Stay at home you beat down coward w/o hand sodomy, eat your popcorn, I’ll do your standing up and representing. I’ve supposedly got two testes-if you believe my claims of being a MENZ. I’ll be man enough for the both of us. I’ll vote for the best interest of your kids and grandkids, while you dither in despondency. But know that we are not the same. I see the darkness too. I know how popular evil is. And I realize I might not win. But I won’t die on my @ss on my couch while other men stand up for my kids’ future. Even if I don’t win, my sons will see how I fought for them with ”sacred”honour as I proudly and oh so humbly but oh so humbly self-righteously lost with honour, My God will know how I stood up and fought for righteousness as well as the joys of hand sodomy against the forces of evil.

    The credit belongs to the [voter] who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause of losing ”honourably”, who at best knows achievement as well as hand sodomy and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat nor the joy of ”Conservative” hand sodomy. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

    Strange quote from Teddy still huh?Even after some time has passed too eh?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      What Sharkly describes is pointless self-congratulation.

      Voting is a census, a count of people. You can’t “push back” on a census, which is why counter-voting never works in the long-term. Demographic trends, not voting, determines who rules and what policies are enacted. At best voting can only occasionally nudge the natural result artificially. Most of the time it cannot. Inevitably, reversion to the mean determines who rules.

      This is why liberals like open borders and manipulating the process of voting. It is a far more effective strategy than voting itself (which is merely incidental). It is why they keep winning. By voting, Sharkly isn’t even fighting the correct battle! He’s playing right into their hands.

      Voting is a lie because it purports to offer something that cannot be delivered. It’s like I said the other day:

      “Some people have mistaken the PR for the real thing”

      Sharkly’s desire to “be counted against it” is effectively a meaningless gesture. In modern parlance, this is known as virtue signaling. In biblical parlance, it is known as hypocrisy. It is performative.

      Sharkly calls men like me a coward for putting my hope in Christ instead of man. So be it.

      As you note—”losing honourably”—voting defensively is a loser’s tactic. If you know you can’t win, the correct and most rational action is not to play that game, but to play a different one instead. Those who pointlessly vote are doing what the opposition wants them to do by consenting to their frame. It’s not leadership, nor is it taking a stand. It is being a follower. To wit:

      Ironically, I suspect Sharkly will be throwing his vote at Trump, the one who epitomizes leadership by not playing the loser’s game. Trump, for all his faults, doesn’t waste his efforts on pointless gestures. He changes the conversation:

      Now Facebook is censoring the photo because it is “misinformation!” Google is censoring attempts to search for Trump and the assassination attempt. Trump has successfully forced his enemies to embrace his frame.

      The fascists that call Trump a fascist do so because they understand that fascism trumps voting. They are projecting, yes, but in doing so reveal this truth.

      To be clear, I won’t be voting for Trump. I don’t vote. But it is very interesting how Trump demonstrates the reason not to vote by showing its alternative. It explains his popularity.

      1. Lastmod

        Reagan was cool? Reagan was a bad actor who almost nuked the planet. John Wayne was a fall down drunk. If this is “manhood” and “Leadership” well……

        Trump is quick witted and put someone down qucik. That’s leadership? No, that’s high school. I will grant he’s the better choice.

        Still waiting for Apple to manufacture their phones and computers in the USA…like he said they were going to. Still waiting for that swamp he was supposed to drain…..more federal employees AFTER his last day of office than when he entered in 2017. Couldnt cut spending……couldnt get a wall built (that Mexico has not paid for, like he promised). Couldnt balance a budget. Used “spending bills” and”executive orders” to keep the country “running” business as usual.

        His Supreme Court appointee has voted more with the left than the right on many cases.

        But boy, he knows how to talk to his haters and put them down! A real man! A real leader.

        1. Lastmod

          Also…Reagan…..the great god-fearing-christian he was made out to be; signed into law in 1970 when he was Governor of California something called “no-fault-divorce” and it swept out of the Golden State like a bad rash and then across the USA and “normilized” divorce in the USA.

          But he’s “really cool”

          One stroke of that pen in 1970 has caused decades of broken families “im not haaaaapppy” statements. Crying women in court divorcing for “abuse” (mostly imagined) and plowed open the family court to punish fathers, divorce rape and helped cheapen and weaken marriage.

          1. Derek L. Ramsey

            “Reagan…..the great god-fearing-christian he was made out to be; signed into law in 1970 when he was Governor of California something called “no-fault-divorce” and it swept out of the Golden State like a bad rash and then across the USA and “normilized” divorce in the USA. But he’s “really cool””

            Perception conflicts with actual reality. But it is the perception that I am concerned with in this context, not the actual reality. The perception is what drove his popularity and ultimately his “legacy.”

            Anyone who embraces voting must think this way. Voting is utilitarian, so the utilitarian always takes priority over the actual reality. It is why you shouldn’t vote if you are not a utilitarian.

            All you are doing is illustrating my point.

        2. Derek L. Ramsey


          I think you’ve misunderstood my point.

          I’m not saying that Trump (or Reagan) are correct nor indicative of “proper” manhood (or whatever). Nor am I saying that all forms of leadership are good.

          “Coolness” here is used as an analog for the always elusively defined “charisma.” In terms of charismatic popularity, Trump knows how to work a crowd, now to appeal to voters, knows how to manipulate the cultural and political conversation.

          In terms of the role of politics, this is absolutely leadership. He is leading by ensuring that he controls the narrative. But, of course, it doesn’t have anything to do with policy making, nor his suitability for office.

          Did you notice that Sharkly’s argument is fundamentally utilitarian? He has a particular purpose in mind for voting, so it doesn’t matter to him whether he wins or loses. Voting provides the utility that he seeks.

          But Trump is also a utilitarian. Trump wouldn’t act the way that Sharkly does because he understands that the utility of winning an election goes well beyond merely showing up at the polls.

          The point of citing Trump isn’t that he is some sort of paragon of manliness, leadership, or moral merit, but that he understands not playing the loser’s game and seizing control of the narrative.

          Certainly you can agree that he does this, whether or not you think it is a good thing?


          1. Lastmod

            Look. He, like Reagan, or a Bill Clinton can read a room well….and this appeals to men in the sphere. Image over actual substance.

            Now, they will shut me down and tell me Im just bitter because I cant “be” like him

            As for policy? Okay. Lets talk about WHO actually got legislation PASSED.

            No president since Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969) has done this. Love or hate the policies or legislation….ol “big” Lyndon (another Texan) could get legislation MOVED and PASSED

            Was it his charisma? Nope. He was gruff, had a foul mouth. Was it his “amazing leadership”? Nope. He knew “how” the system worked and he had a TON of experience from the New Deal years and through the 1950’s when he became the big shot in the Senate.

            He KNEW how to move paperwork. That SOB also knew how to arm twist, play the game so to speak. He knew when to cater to the “right” and he also knew how to push hard. It came from experience and a solid knowledge of how politics worked. He was good at it.

            So….sure, Reagan was “cool” and Trump can quickly shoot from the hip and make people laugh……but when it comes to moving the system. They didnt have it. Even Bill Clinton “blamed” the NRA for his poor perfomance in 1994 for his party.

            NYC Mayor Guiliani also KNEW how to do it. He came up through the sytem in NYC through the 1970s and 1980s as a prosecutor. He knew everybody and knew how to do it

            Men like this are rare and are needed at times. Today we would rather focus on political slogans and staunch ideology…like Communists do

  2. Lastmod

    I am no longer voting. I was a man who voted in every primary, special election, local and state since 1988. Never missed a federal election. A spotless record here.

    Actually it was during Trumps term when I realized voting doesnt “do” anything.

    I was a man who got annoyed at people who didnt vote. Not anymore.

    The problem is with men like me (Gamma evidently??????) these politicians and pundits and virtue signalling guys in the ‘sphere need me to vote for their cause or candidate.

    I would say the system is so broken and people who scream “trump! Trump! Trump!” the loudest or by the other side of “Diversity / racist” lost the trust of the system by the “losers who keep the plumbing working, the buses running and the food delieverd”

    Elites. They have no concern for you…but you had better vote for their guy!

    The saddest part of our failing and sinking republic is now the “loss of trust” and the “leaders” and “cool guys” are the ones to blame…along with their psychophant / slavish following / believing in their candidate as a massiah

    1. Malcolm Reynolds

      The Trumpian-Evangelicals – as any right-wing movement – struggle with an intellectual ceiling, which leads to their own undoing. Most of Trump’s followers and the guys he is able to recruit as staff are gamma midwits – as were the guys who enacted (and then failed with) constitutional prohibition.

      So while these midwits always talk about 4D chess moves against their opponents, they reliably miss the intellectual capacity to deliver. And then try outrageously stupid things and get axed like on 1/6.

      The smarter guys always happen to end up on at center-left. Which leads to their undoing as well in a different way, but these are simply not available to any right-wing movement. You can’t just roll with literal creationism and except anyone above midwit level to join it.

      1. Derek L. Ramsey


        You reveal your ignorance of both intelligence and American politics.

        The left is somewhat more intelligent in the aggregate only. But what difference does the average make? Like “average temperature” it is a measurement with no application.

        So many people on the left are among the dumbest individuals. Indeed, if you look at the Supreme Court makeup, the dumbest justice is on the left and it isn’t even close. Almost all of the most illogical and poorly written decisions are—and have been for decades—driven by individuals on the left side of the court. Then you have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who frequently says some of the dumbest things imaginable and she’s a House Representative for one of the most important states (NY). Should I go into how unintelligent Kamala Harris is (e.g. her meeting with Israel’s Netanyahu a few days ago)? There are others too. Should we talk about Rep. Jamall Bowman of NY? Don’t get me started about Krugman failing to understand first- and second-order derivatives. What about President Biden and Senator Fetterman, both of whom were cognitively unable to perform (as demonstrated in their debates)?

        In an interview yesterday, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer said that she shut down schools because:

        “…We did not know it was respiratory in nature, we didn’t know it would be people on the other end of the age spectrum would be most vulnerable.”

        This was already well-known in March of 2020. Even couch warriors knew this. It was common knowledge.

        “The smarter guys always happen to end up on at center-left.”

        Nah, this is just a modern thing. If you go back far enough, the American left used to be the party of the (lower IQ) working man and the right used to attract the intellectuals. Indeed, you can still see hints of this in the 85-average-IQ black voters who vote almost exclusively left. You can also see it in the fact that women—who are slightly less intelligent than men on average and significantly less intelligent at the tail—are more likely to vote left.

        Moreover, by running so many female and non-Asian minority candidates, the average intelligence advantage on the left not only disappears, but likely reverses. The left may have more intelligent people, but they are not the ones ruling.

        Nor are they the grunts populating the government offices and services.

        “You can’t just roll with literal creationism and except anyone above midwit level to join it.”

        Do you think creationism is worse than DEI? Is creationism worse than Climate Alarmism? Is creationism worse than blankslatism? Which is the most unintelligent position? Which is the most harmful?

        I bet you didn’t know that in America, the courts have ruled that police departments can set a maximum IQ threshold for police officers, but that it is illegal to set minimum IQ thresholds?

        In other news, Lisbon is now indistinguishable from San Francisco:


        1. Malcolm Reynolds

          > In other news, Lisbon is now indistinguishable from San Francisco:

          That’s actually pretty impressive for a country being under a totalitarian regime with Catholic concordat until 1974. This was barely 50 years ago!

          > An almost completely normal family man who isn’t in it for the money, fame, or power. Someone who isn’t a lawyer or a career politician.

          Catch up quick: Vance was a corporate lawyer who went to Silicon Valley and got connected with Peter Thiel, via a two-year stint at venture capital firm Mithril Capital.

          You don’t expect me to confuse the PR for the real thing, do you? But this doesn’t matter anyway. Due to his SSH rank this man will fail his mission in hilarious ways and then backstab his superior Trump. But GOP has literally no one more qualified to chose for this role. Right-wing always had a skilled labor problem.

          1. Malcolm Reynolds

            The Scorpion and the Frog pretty much describes what is going to happen to Trump with his underlings. It’s not an issue of concealed illoyalty.

          2. Derek L. Ramsey

            “Vance was a corporate lawyer…”

            It’s right there in your sentence: was. Notice that I said “Someone who isn’t a lawyer.” From your plagiarized copy-and-paste source, it appears he did that for only a very short time. In fact, I see only one mention of his being a lawyer in this bio. Wikipedia says he practiced law for less than two years before changing careers into venture capital.

            Do not make a habit of plagiarizing your sources on this blog. The only thing worse than not substantiating your claims is citing another’s work verbatim without citation. Consider this to be your warning. Do not do it again. If you want to plagiarize, go to Sigma Frame where it is common. I expect basic standards of honesty if you are going continue posting here.

            The interesting thing about Vance, based on commentary that I’ve read so far comparing his early writings with his more recent deeds, is that he originally played the game. He bought into the bureaucratic lies that one must tell, including in his writings, and then he grew disillusioned with it and did a complete “about face.” Unlike your typical political double-speak (e.g. Trump and Harris), Vance appears to have genuinely changed his ways. Even politically liberal Wikipedia acknowledges that he’s not a cookie-cutter politician:

            That said, you might be right that he’s garbage. Is it just political expediency? Anyone who truly repented wouldn’t be in politics at all, so being skeptical is correct. I’m open to actual evidence that you can present that this is the case.

            I’ll probably regret calling him a normal family man. That’s what I’ll deserve for trusting the commentators.

            Also, being relatively young, he might not currently be a career politician, having spent too little time in politics so far to establish that, but he may very well be headed that way.

            “But GOP has literally no one more qualified to chose for this role. Right-wing always had a skilled labor problem.”

            Nonsense. The problem isn’t the availability of skilled labor. Ron DeSantis, for example, would make much better President than Trump or Harris, but he wasn’t selected in the primary, let alone ultimately elected. As I said, elections and voting are about utilitarianism. Voting isn’t a process by which the best are selected. Voting is a census. Qualifications are irrelevant (e.g. Kari Lake in Arizona).

          3. Derek L. Ramsey

            “That’s actually pretty impressive for a country being under a totalitarian regime with Catholic concordat until 1974. This was barely 50 years ago!”

            Globalism has wiped out historical tribal differences. The same thing happened in the church itself, but people are still in denial about that.

          4. Malcom Reynolds

            > Vance appears to have genuinely changed his ways.

            It’s extremely telling that he is exactly 100 % in line with superficial hot button issues of the bible belt, just like a Fed who wants to gain access to someone’s inner circle. No, I don’t buy it. Sorry.

          5. Derek L. Ramsey

            Fair. I don’t object to even universal skepticism of politicians. The default view is that all are wanton hypocrites.

            That said, he identifies as a Hillbilly, so his “change” appears to be a reversion towards his roots.

        1. Malcolm Reynolds

          > Wait…I thought Trump was so smart and so “cool” why would he chose “gamma midwits” to run things?

          Because he has no alternatives to chose from in the GOP. So he ends up with James Donald Bowman, who is going to screw him over like everyone before him. That’s the reason, why the whole “movement” is going to fail. That doesn’t mean that Trump’s personal agenda is going to fail. At the end of it he is probably more rich than ever before and has banged more porn stars than ever before.

          Of course one can find much worse examples of women in politics, but I know whose idea that was. Why complain about them now? Nevertheless the SSH is male-only and doesn’t apply to women at all. And it’s the women-like weaknesses of gamma males (without any of the female advantages), which screws everyone over.

          1. Derek L. Ramsey

            “At the end of it he is probably more rich than ever before”

            Trump is the only modern President who lost net worth after becoming president. Everyone else gained wealth, sometimes orders of magnitude more wealth. Financial political corruption is, ironically, the one thing you can’t throw at Trump. Meanwhile, everyone just ignores the fact that all those other American presidents somehow become wealthy after taking a job that pays next to nothing.

            “So he ends up with James Donald Bowman…”

            An almost completely normal family man who isn’t in it for the money, fame, or power. Someone who isn’t a lawyer or a career politician. What a terrible guy!

            “who is going to screw him over like everyone before him”

            How is this not utilitarianism and blaming the victim?

            Currently the biggest criticism of JD Vance by the left is that he’s “weird” (which is ironic in light of the Olympics opening ceremony). That’s the the best attempt at an attack that the left could come up with? Sounds like a ringing endorsement. Reminds me of the time that the left mocked Mike Pence for being faithful to his wife.

            As before, your opinion lacks anything substantive to back it up.

            “Of course one can find much worse examples of women in politics, but I know whose idea that was. Why complain about them now?”

            This is rather simple. The left—not the right—is dominated by female politicians:

            Your claim is that the evangelical right is to blame for everything (and low IQ to boot), but this is clearly refuted by the actual evidence.

          2. Lastmod

            Notice your deferral to “banging porn star” and “being rich” makes him somehow a “real man and a good candidate for president”

            He benefited greatly from “no fault divorce” mind you

          3. Derek L. Ramsey

            Speaking of divorce, JD Vance took on the name “Vance” in large part because of his parents’ broken marriage(s). He was raised by his maternal grandparents, and so took their name. Haley BeMiller in USA Today writes:

            “Vance grew up in Jackson, Kentucky and Middletown, Ohio. He described a childhood consumed by poverty and abuse in his best-selling 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.” Vance’s mother struggled with drug addiction, so he spent many of his formative years with his grandmother – known to him as Mamaw.”

            Seems like the kind of guy who the Red Pillers would try to save. Or stuff into a locker. It’s hard to say at this point.

          4. Malcolm Reynolds

            > Notice your deferral to “banging porn star” and “being rich” makes him somehow a “real man and a good candidate for president”

            I don’t care about the president, because I have no stake in that game.

            > He benefited greatly from “no fault divorce” mind you

            I just understand his personal agenda, which has no overlap with the agenda of the demographics voting him (see “no fault divorce”).However most of these are intellectually incapable to see through that. This is why they bring in a male voter self-insert, who wrote a book full of gamma self-congratulation.

            It’s an election campaign and the strategy is blatantly obvious.

    2. Derek L. Ramsey


      “[They] need me to vote for their cause or candidate.”

      Voting is a census. Voting doesn’t determine anything, it more-or-less measures what’s already been decided. You generally can’t alter that by voting.

      What drives public opinion is all the other cultural forces (Hollywood, mass media, social media, schools, etc.) and political policy making (i.e. cheating). I’d bet that those men who told you to vote probably controlled none of those.

      But let’s say for sake of argument that voting could be effective, that your vote will somehow make the difference. What difference will it be?

      “Elites. They have no concern for you…but you had better vote for their guy!”

      You don’t even get to choose who to vote for, someone else does that for you!


  3. professorGBFMtm

    Hey Derek!

    ”JACK’S” infamous ”red pill” genius” ”leadership” that made NovaSeeker leave him in June 2021 then i in July ’21, MOD & Scott in ’23 & you a few months back strikes again with ArchAngel!

    Congratulations to ArchAngel for contributing the most popular post in this series. He had prepared 3-4 other posts for this series, but unfortunately, he withdrew these contributions in early May after his post, Lovebreaker, drew intense criticism which always scareths moi, and the discussion degraded into a p!ssing match of ”is Oscar’s or ArchAngels d@ng bigger ”redpill” tradcon gammas regulars here?” I’ll also add that he and I did not attain the same sense of shared purpose and trust nor my posterity region being properly kissed that I’ve ”red pill” tradcon gamma enjoyed with other coauthors / contributors, and he had a bad habit of offending the ”red pill” tradcon gamma regulars that can’t handle it , as their also hypersensitive PC NPC ”red pill” tradcon gammas bros. He trashed all his drafts & said ”who FFS made you ”red pill” PC NPC troll bot tradcon gamma pope bro?”, so I doubt that he will be contributing any more writings in the future as SF is already doomed and in total irrelevance because of about 5 other dudes such as NOVASeeker, Scott, Derek,lastMOD & GB4M that had already left it that kept it afloat-as ”I”, Oscar &” sparkly” sure as #ell don’t!

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Lovebreaker was, I believe, the last major post that I commented on. 12 comments. I’m not surprised it was “most popular.”

      I liked ArchAngel’s posts, but he didn’t take topical criticism well and he betrayed his lack of understanding on various topics:

      Circular reasoning is an argument where you presume the conclusion you are trying to prove. It is, in formal logic, always true in a logical sense because it is presumed to be true. But it is “false” in a practical sense: it establishes nothing. For example, I could give the tautologies “a dog is a dog” or “a blurkle is a blurkle” and both are logically true statements, even though neither are saying anything and a blurkle doesn’t exist (and is not, in any meaningful way, “is” anything).

      As Wikipedia notes:

      “Circular reasoning is not a formal logical fallacy, but a pragmatic defect in an argument whereby the premises are just as much in need of proof or evidence as the conclusion, and as a consequence the argument fails to persuade. Other ways to express this are that there is no reason to accept the premises unless one already believes the conclusion, or that the premises provide no independent ground or evidence for the conclusion.”

      Or put another way “it is quite evident to me that Freud’s argument is circular reasoning, which is why it cannot be proven false. Circular reasoning is like a tautology: it is trivially true, but also completely meaningless.”

      I did not show that Freud’s argument was true, I said that it—the argument itself—is necessarily true. There is nothing to show, it simply is. Freud’s belief that…

      “When the work of interpretation has been completed the dream can be recognized as a wish-fulfilment.”

      …is nothing more than the statement:

      “Dreams are wish-fulfillment, therefore your dreams are fulfilling your wishes.”

      It is logically true: there is no argument that can disprove it, because it is completely self-contained. It is also meaningless.

      Or to put this in a way that anyone can understand:

      “I believe X.”

      Which is a true statement, regardless of whether or not X is actually true. It is unassailable, but simultaneously convinces no one.

      Archangel doesn’t understand logic and was not open to correction. Archangel found a lot of significance with Freud’s logically meaningless argument and took issue to me dismissing it. If Archangel were thinking logically, he wouldn’t have considered Freud’s argument at all.

      Accepting the wrong frame is a loser’s game.

      1. Lastmod

        Myself and many other men I know casually. Work. DJ. Mod / scooter circles…..know that I read The Bible. Some know I was very involved with The Salvation Army…church.

        A few were raised Catholic or Protestant…….as kids…they left or drifted away over the years mostly from what I can gather is from the above behaviors and postings, and musings and stifling intellectualism from Believers, and angry men like we see in the ‘sphere. Its so complex, confusing…and it sems contradictory. Also, a gazillion “donts” and “must dos” and “Laws”

        Probably mostly…and I cant speak for all of them, nor should I….but I believe church offered them nothing. Not in a “masculine, red pill / game sense” but in hope, inspiration, or even potential conviction….not even in a sense of community or family.

        I mean, I would hardly want to belong or try to be involved with a church like many of the christian posters in the sphere belong to. Not because “its strict/ Biblical / follows Jesus 100%” but for the coldness, and very nasty attitude most have towards their fellow man. Also, with this type of thinking “You are an INTJ so you must and will always be mindsets” or “You are blue pilled and dont have a girlfriend. Gamma for life. Well, work real hard and just remember we said Jesus loves you too, but he really doesnt.”

        I wish I could put a finger on it.

        All these Christian “bold” and “masculine” books still say that men need a damsel to rescue and a dragon to slay to be a man.

        What they all still forget……….all a man needs is to be convinced of a Savior called Jesus Christ. That takes walking, time, effort and if a man truly has that kind of love for His Savior, it should be an honor to do that walk for a lost man and help him understand the convincing.

        But you know…….we follow Rollo, Rules, Maxims, Red Pill Lore, and Marriage Models and slam and shove men into “greek” classification terms and worship the sex act.

        All still wondering why men “dont come to church” or “the way”

        Read the comments in any of these blogs. The answer is right there

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          “behaviors and postings, and musings and stifling intellectualism from Believers, and angry men like we see in the ‘sphere. Its so complex, confusing…and it sems contradictory. Also, a gazillion “donts” and “must dos” and “Laws”

          Jack, at Sigma Frame, took issue with me discarding the rules and regulations after finding out that they were based on irrational arguments.

          If I can trivially refute someone’s complex argument, then what they are presenting is useless and meaningless. I am absolutely justified in sidestepping those topics.

          This is very upsetting to the proponents of those views. They should do better.

        2. Malcolm Reynolds

          > A few were raised Catholic or Protestant…….as kids…they left or drifted away over the years mostly from what I can gather is from the above behaviors and postings, and musings and stifling intellectualism from Believers, and angry men like we see in the ‘sphere. Its so complex, confusing…and it sems contradictory. Also, a gazillion “donts” and “must dos” and “Laws”
          > Probably mostly…and I cant speak for all of them, nor should I….but I believe church offered them nothing. Not in a “masculine, red pill / game sense” but in hope, inspiration, or even potential conviction….not even in a sense of community or family.

          Most people I encountered online “drifted away” from Fundamentalism, because it is inherently narrow-minded and self-contradicting. I had my brief encounter with it and promptly deconstructed it. As Fundamentalists have a far-reaching media industry, most “Christian” content you encounter online is actually from Fundamentalists and doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. It only “works” when you stay within your sect and avoid all contact with the outside world (high control – BITE model).

          We attend a “normal” church, which is based on older theology rejecting the Scofield bibles, the books of Mormons, pentecostalism and other Jesus “revelations” of the 19th/20th century anglosphere. You can run just fine with 1,800 years of church history and don’t need the latter 200, as they don’t add anything useful to the tradition.

          In the past it took hundreds of years for churches to drop the Arian heresy and I’m convinced that 200 years from now Fundamentalism will be viewed the exact same way.

          1. professorGBFMtm

            It only “works” when you stay within your sect and avoid all contact with the outside world (high control – BITE model).

            In the past it took hundreds of years for churches to drop the Arian heresy and I’m convinced that 200 years from now Fundamentalism will be viewed the exact same way.

            I remember hearing well-known f@t @SS druggie criminal & found with ”pro-fornication” Viagra while being ”unmarried”(after handing his 3rd wife divorce papers during the week of his supposed ”Conservative” hero Ronnie Reagans funeral in June ’04) in summer ’06 at the airport after getting back from the Dominican republic – elrushbo going on & on about how lovable & supposedly detestably & dastardly liberal to his” Conservative instincts in his formally nicotine-stained fingers that were than criminalized with opioids by the tens of thousands a month ” corporations ”don’t owe anyone a job” BUT WE ”good guy” citizens get to shoulder the burden for their financial stupidity in ”risk-taking” by sacred law as in ”private gainz BUT public riskz” and WE get to keep our el mouthos shut in return for it!

            That’s what I’m mainly thinking when I read wanna-be(as they are mostly just foolish amateur failures at it as now best demonstrated by ArchAngel leaving ”jack’s” too like so many of us here did too) cult leaders like ”jack”,” oscar” & ”sparkly” talk like ”BUT BUT ”God” talked to me & has chosen me to be your ”red pill” ”leader”.

  4. professorGBFMtm

    The Saint known as theDeti doesn’t know how to go to ”jacks” site but he knows Spawnys site as seen here:

    thedeti says:
    31 July, 2024 at 2:52 pm
    A list of things women just don’t get, no matter how many times we say it.

    –women cannot handle men expressing feelings or emotions like fear, despair, depression, anxiety, indecision, or ambivalence. They especially can’t handle those emotions in men they’re fucking.

    –related: Women do not want their men to “open up” emotionally-at least rear -endly or “be vulnerable” or “show their emotions” or “talk about how they feel”. Women say they want those things from men, but they don’t as those things suxx big time to the wimminz ladz. They don’t want to see men emoting nor do they want to hear men talking about their emotions or posterity region w/o just cause bros.

    –Men are not attracted to women’s “jobs”, “careers”, or “educations”. We don’t care how much money women have, how intelligent they are, or their job status. Those things are not sexually attractive to men.

    –Words mean things. Words have objective, universally understood meanings and constructs. You cannot just change them whenever you feel like and expect to be understood like when ”redpillers” changed ”game” to mean ”redpill” &” lamps”.

    –when you say things to a man, generally he will take what you say at face value, and will apply the ordinary, everyday meaning of those words-unless he be ”redpilled’-then he thinks he be ”genius” and ”leader” to your verbal statements. Because words mean things. When you say or write something, he will presume that you meant what you said, and said what you meant like ”damn that butthext last night was Da bomb!”

    –Use your words to jiggy wit it. Communicate your wants, needs, intentions, and feelings using words and backing that up with those words’ ordinary and everyday commonly understood meanings like ”redpill” either means ”reality”,” how hos roll=operate their lustz” or even ”the faith of the early church”-depending on which ”redpill”-”genius”-”leader” chump you follow. If your man doesn’t understand you, it’s because you aren’t communicating clearly, using words and sentences like ”Dat be what I was saying biotch-submit to me in all da thingz like bank robbery and murderz”. It’s your job to communicate clearly; it’s not his job to figure out what you mean through a combination of your actions, eye rolls, deep sighs, pacing, passing off
    your elstinko(in elrushbo-speak) gas, and gazing off into the distance into another dude’s rear. Use. Your. Words that, g-damnit(pardon my usual elfrencho) mean something!

    –Actions have consequences. What you do with, to, and for your man matters, for good or ill.

    –Every human is responsible for his/her own actions in one way or another. You will be held accountable for your actions and decisions-even though I be your husband biotch! The manner of your accountability might not always be clear or immediate, but make no mistake about it – you will be held responsible and you will experience consequences. (The spate of videos and constant complaining about “where are all the good men”,” why do MENZ like video games more than down with the ”redpill” plan hos MAN?” and “why don’t guys approach women who are bi-curious with their behind” are consequences of women’s actions.)

    thedeti says:
    31 July, 2024 at 3:21 pm
    It hurts my head sometimes how women just refuse to understand that men aren’t sexually attracted to a woman’s education, ”keeping it relz rearstink”, or earning capacity. Men have said this literally hundreds of thousands of times, and women still don’t get it that rearstink especially doesn’t play or pass muster with most MENZ today!

    I don’t get how women refuse to understand that when they say shit like ‘stay away from me” and “leave me alone” and “don’t talk to me”, men stay away from them, leave them alone, and don’t talk to them.

    Words mean things(like ”red pill”, blue pill & ”gamma” bros). Actions have consequences(like ”jacks” site imploding).

    thedeti says:
    31 July, 2024 at 3:34 pm
    I agree with BtM. Women will have to fix these problems. The existing problems in society today, not just the intersexual ones, are a direct result of women’s demanding and being given real hard political and social power. It is now incumbent on women as the so-called “First Sex” to get to work fixing these problems. These problems will not be fixed by marginalizing 80% of men or by imprisoning them in virtual gulags. Women will need to come to the table with real, actionable solutions for all of the society over which they demanded and now have charge.

    thedeti says:
    31 July, 2024 at 9:26 pm
    Not that this matters a lot, but here are more things women just don’t get:

    –why N matters to men. Why the past matters, in all things, including a woman’s past sexual history. And that all of women’s objections to men’s evaluations of women’s past sexual histories boil down to “you talking about this makes me feel bad.””keepin it relz” and ”being the only relz manz in the room!” & who smelt it,dealt it” from the 90s dudes

    –the concept of honor(like losing honourably & stiff upper lipped ladz-”be british” as ”jack” &Vox say- while voting ”Conservative”-for instance)

    –the concept of respect(like self- respect in NOT returning to ”jacks” or ”sparklys” sites ladz)

    Again-why has that ”saint” NOT been at ”jacks” in a week or so?

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      Men are not attracted to women’s “jobs”, “careers”, or “educations”. We don’t care how much money women have, how intelligent they are, or their job status.

      This is something that someone living in an echo chamber might say. The reality is the college educated women are less likely to divorce (though this is a confounded statistic). But more importantly, high IQ men almost always prefer higher IQ women.

      The reality is that most low IQ men can’t marry high IQ women. What men want isn’t relevant. Deti is mistaking correlation for causation.

      Those things are not sexually attractive to men.

      People are sexually attracted to sexy things, not money. You can’t have physical intimacy with a pile of cash.

      This is one of those dumb comments that gives the game away: that no man wants anything but one thing in marriage. This may be true of Deti, but it isn’t true of most men.

      These comments imply that the writer has a low SMV/MMV, otherwise he could seek and achieve those attributes he says don’t matter. It reads like cope.

  5. Lastmod

    Once I wanted a girlfriend with a career that I could perhaps “relate” to or might find interesting to talk about with her.

    Actually most men…..even blue pilled cucks DO care a lot about how much a woman makes, because let me tell you…..a young man building his career or job resume may think its fun or cute when he meets a gal who makes more, but just about all dating relationships I have ever seen as a young(er) man it never works out.

    Gal gets angry that he “is not trying harder to get better work!!!” or “He’s a carpenter, he should be making more now!!!!” and the guy if he has an ounce of actual scruples feels like he’s letting her down or feels lesser. So yes, men do care…but maybe not in the way Deti is conveying.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      That’s why I emphasized intelligence (and education, a proxy for intelligence) rather than income. But even so, a women who makes a lot of money will only select a man who makes more than her, so my point about the SMV/MMV stands.

      Deti seemingly thinks men don’t care about those things because he is personally in a lower value tier and is confusing the ability vs desire to acquire a high-tier woman.

      In economic terms, most men are priced out of the market, but they still care.

      Assortative mating is a very real thing.

      1. Lastmod

        Now, there was a period in the late 1970’s growing up my mother went back to work full time as a nurse because my father being a Union Carpenter was unemployed frequently then until 1983. My mother kept the house afloat. There was no resentment because they were indeed a team and my mother did this out of necessity rather than to “upsur” my father or his authority. They were married. They did what they could for each other and the family.

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          A common tale from the 70s and 80s when most families changed from one to two wage earners, albeit sometimes just one full and one part time.

          It seems pretty absurd to claim that men don’t care how much she makes when all men care how much money they’ll have, and she’s going to end up working anyway.

          1. Lastmod

            True. Now, the sphere will dump it 100% on “muh feminism” of why this happened (women entering the workforce).

            It was out of necessity for many people. Especially those who were a tad older than the large second wave of the Baby Boom (late Silents / early Baby Boomers….like my parents, like all the families I grew up around, like my relatives, like everyone I knew in elementary school)

            1974. A year few remember. Nixon resigned. “The Brady Bunch” was still on prime time. The USA and the “western world” including Japan were thrown into a recession. This was the first big recession in recent memory. Minor slow down in 1958/1959 but it was very mild. In 1946 there was a recession right after the war but the pent up demand from the war years, and the Great Depression before it……..the shock of it wore off quickly.

            The Arab world conducted an “oil emabrgo” in 1973 which was the catalyst the straw that threw the economy into a recession……a recession which the USA really never recovered from. All recessions post 1974 still are a result of what happened in 1974

            1974 was the last year in the USA “real” wages grew. Not since. It may have flattened out over a period….but 1974 was the last year for this in the USA. After 1974, your actual dollar buys less and less.

            The Northeast (where I grew up) was hit the hardest. People like Trump and others talk about “manufacturing” leaving the USA. Where have these people been? Every city in northern New York State, Michigan, Ohio, large swaths of Pensalyannnia has been in decline, even when I was a kid. Closed and empty mill towns. Small and large. That made everything from turbines to tableware (Corning) and fuses. The carpet mills of Amsterdam. Gone (Bigelow and Mohawk). All the small manufacturing closed up by the late 1970’s. General Electric with ist HUGE operations in Schenecady and Utica up and closed by the end of the decade. ALCO (American Locomotive) went bust sometime in the 1970s and closed its biggest operation in Schenectady. IBM all over upstate New York (where it was founded) closed up by the end of the decade. Detroit anyone???????? Been in decline since the mid 1970’s. Even all the small family farm / dairies in upstate went bust during this era (my Great Aunt Ida made a LIVING off her small dairy farm in Glenville, NY all through the 1950’s thru the 1970’s)

            The paper mills, the lumbering. Mining. Fabrications. GONE!

            My father once told me “in the summer of 1973, the Union Hall for carpenters and joiners were full of unemployed workers…prime building time……summer. I told your mother. Start saving. Its going to get bad next year”

            Infaltion skyrocketed. We gripe about 8%. I remember cars being finaced in the late 1970’s on TV ads for 16% and higher! People thought by 1979 16% was a good deal!

            So many other factors….but by the end of the decade women entered the workforce where I lived because their husbands wage and buying power had dropped a lot. Good wives wanted to HELP their husbands / family. Heaven forbid!

            In my family……it was mostly beacuse my dad was out of work. Construction ground to a halt from 1978-1983. He got small jobs and work when he could…my mother being a RN nurse decided to go back to work. It was that or lose the house. I remember my moms tears over the budget with my dad.

            Now, the sphere will say “You father should have been investing 35.342% of every paycheck into an index mutual fund and he could have retired a millionaire when he was fifty, he was stupid.” or “He should have been an engineer” or other nonsense. And, “your mother actually wanted to upsur your father and belittle his “leadership’ by going to work”

            These men dont live in the real world. Even Uber Alpha Scott, his wife works. Even Jack’s wife is his admin or works in that in some capacity. Most of these men dont even live what they purport

          2. Lastmod

            Another side note:

            My father told me as a young man (mid 90’s) paraphrasing of course…but I can stil hear his voice telling me this after dinner one night on the porch enjoying a cigarette with him and coffee.

            “As the recession deepened in 1975, and construction was really slowing down in the whole Northeast. It wasnt as bad in other areas. I was still working, and had work thru 1976 on the Gilboa Dam Project…but after? We did consider moving at one point, but our house and property were almost worthless due to the inflation over the year, selling it and us moving…we still would not be able to afford a place where we moved to, and houses were not selling. We had no choice but to ride it out where we were. Here.”

            And then this:

            “in summer 1975, we had a full Brotherhood meeting for ALL Carpenters / Joiners of the Local. The Union rented out the Edison Club in Schenectady to accommodate everyone. There had not bee a ‘full call meeting’ evidently since the 1950’s.

            What the Union told us was ‘So, the pension plan with the Union, in order to meet inflation costs, be viable, we are going to INVEST it into a few companies and other organizations on Wall Street to manager it for us, and grow it, and make money off the the returns keeping it viable.’

            I was confused. Could it be this bad? But, the OLD carpenters who remembered the Great Depression. Men well into their fifties and sixties at this time (1975). Very experienced carpenters made an uproar ‘we remember as young men what the Union did in the late 1920’s! Getting into bed with Wall Street……carpenters back then LOST their pension because of the crash / No way! / Give us our f*cking back money now! / How dare you! / Shame on you!’ / Whose pocket are you lining?’

            Well, the Schenectady Police were called when the old carpenters started throwing punches, shoving and spitting on the local Union leadership. Overturning tables. A large brawl was breaking out. It also happened in Utica, Springfield, MA and other smaller locals in our area.

            The police broke it up. It made the newspapers. Carpenters were arrested. A few were FIRED. The Union got order back, and voted 100% for the divestment of the pension fund into Wall Street. With no debate. Now, here we are in 1994, most pensions from Unions who did this are even more broke or in the hole for liabilities and are soley tied to the fluctuation of the market. Wasnt supposed to be this way. That is why Unions are just as bad as politicians when it comes to money. That was our money. We had no say!”

          3. professorGBFMtm

            Hey MOD here’s what the ”” red pill” tradcons gibberish nonsense of ”you will NEVER be as ”good” nor as ”Holy” as myself younger MENZ -so just give up or game & weightlift at the gym bro!” has led to over the last 14 years :


            That’s the ”It’s Not Just You. No One Wants Kids Anymore.” video from a few days back.

            All these ”I’m ”good and holy” and you’re not!” ”good guy” republican ”red pill” tradcons won’t be able to sit on their @SS like most early boomers, ”Greatest” & ”silent” bums did in ”retirement” as they’ll have to keep working those ”important,high-status & all day long IOIS-inducing in both sexes” careers they got into their 70s and 80s now to keep afloat.

            On the bright side? Maybe they could move to an eastern European nation where all the galz are ” Christian”& just want to be good wivez and momz and maybe they can learn the local language too😉

          4. Malcolm Reynolds

            > The Arab world conducted an “oil embargo” in 1973 which was the catalyst the straw that threw the economy into a recession……a recession which the USA really never recovered from. All recessions post 1974 still are a result of what happened in 1974

            The actual thing happened in 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania and created an oil-fueled exceptional “Christian” economy, that broke down and did go back to normal in 1974. When the crude oil surplus finally dried up for the West, it ended all “Christian” themes like the marriage craze and SAHWs with it and lead to a mass exodus in church membership down the line.

            The normal economy is agriculture for almost everyone alive. The West is since trying to retain a non-sustainable economy by printing money until they are back to pure agriculture. Population is shrinking back to agriculture levels as well. The latter is putting industrialists in distress, because they are in constant need of a worker surplus. Their “Christian” themes are pretty much focused on producing that.

            Boomers want to live on pension as if there is still a crude oil surplus, but they are just living on worthless printed money until the lender of last resort breaks down as well.

          5. Derek L. Ramsey

            “When the crude oil surplus finally dried up for the West [..] Boomers want to live on pension as if there is still a crude oil surplus, but they are just living on worthless printed money until the lender of last resort breaks down as well.”

            You seem rather uninformed about North American oil production.

          6. Lastmod

            Oh yes… one in Asia, or Africa, or South America or Eastern Europe relies on energy. They just burn wood, live off the land and have a functioning economies as well.

  6. professorGBFMtm

    More of the just redressed “PUA / Game / Red Pill” with new terms but basically the same thing:

    “Do this to make women like you”

    NO NO NO(as he sometimes says) according to this ”red pill” but really black pill ”saint” there’s absolutely nothing NOTHING that MEN can do to improve their lot in life!

    thedeti says:
    1 August, 2024 at 7:16 pm
    This is why you have so many young men just dropping out, fuxxing off playing video games instead of taking ”Godly” ”responsibility” like ”red pill” tradcons like I,” jack” &” sparkly” do by lusting for IOIS all day & night, whacking off to pr0n again like most pro hand sodomy ”redpillers” doth, seeing hookers and getting sugar babies, and making just enough money to support themselves. Why should these men do anything more? Why should they get educated and trained for jobs and careers where they can earn 500% of what they themselves need? They have almost no chance of getting married. Now, they have almost no chance of being able to afford to purchase a single family residential home. Even if they could afford a house, why do they need one? A single man with no children does not need a house. He needs a one bedroom apartment with a kitchenette, bedroom, and bathroom, and there’s no reason he should pay for any more than that.

    The reason more and more men are doing this is that they know there is almost no chance they’ll be able to marry or have families as even WE merry ”redpillers” now say ”there is NO HOPE LADZ”. They know that women don’t like men all that much, and that they’re not in the group of men that women do like. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing these men could ever do to get into that group. And being “eh, yeah, sure, OK, I guess”, some leftover’s 23rd choice because no one else would have her, just ain’t going to cut it. These men know that that’s all they can get, and they’re rightfully saying “no thanks”.

    And no one wants to talk about this even though the evidence is everywhere.

    ”The reason more and more men are doing this is because they know there is almost no chance they’ll be able to marry or have families. They know that women don’t like men all that much, and that they’re not in the group of men that women do like. Moreover, there is absolutely nothing these men could ever do to get into that group.”

    Then they wonder ”Wherefore & whence did come the ”blackpillers?”’-REALLY?-JUST READ THEIR ”REDPILL” comments to see where the ”wherefores & whences” originated from!

  7. professorGBFMtm

    The saint was able to make this ultra-important comment today at Spawnys yet still nothing from him at ”jacks” for some reason.

    thedeti says:
    2 August, 2024 at 2:44 pm
    No daphne, but Scrappy-Doo?

    Sigh. Scrappy Doo is one of the worst cartoon characters ever.

    Even ”every comment must advance our understanding of butt goddess worship, my supposed ”hung like a MENZ porn star self even though I said it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not” & ”” puritans” taking the word of teen girl defilers in executing folks (until they put the witchfinder finger on the Massachusett’s governor’s wife-which then shuts down their ”holy” executing that is) is how it should be done dudes” ”sparkly” liked it to show what a complete hypocrite & troll bot joke he/she/it is too!

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