Mutual Submission, Part 9

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index.

Mutual submission can seen in the following observation: it is good for husbands and wives to be humble, respectful, courteous, kind, loving, deferential, honoring, and understanding towards each other, aiming towards unity. Any marriage in which either husband or wife fails at this is not one characterized by a submissive attitude. It isn’t about authority or roles, whether equal or not.

On December 1, 2013, Dalrock posted this classic article. This was long before I even knew who Dalrock was. He wasn’t even on my radar. Yet, so typical is this of the Manosphere in the following decade, that I think everyone would benefit from reading it. Because I don’t care about the length of my articles, I’m just going to quote the whole thing here so you can read the unabridged version before I make any further comments:

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable.  There is for example a cottage industry to explain away headship and submission in Ephesians 5:22-27.  This cottage industry has built a veritable tower of babel consisting of mutually exclusive rationalizations for why the Apostle Paul can’t possibly have meant what he very clearly wrote.

This basic pattern of rationalizing away biblical instruction which doesn’t jibe with feminism is pervasive, but one verse in particular which troubles modern Christians is the Apostle Peter’s instruction to wives in 1 Pet 3:1-6.  In fairness, the instructions in that verse not only go entirely against our modern sensibility of moxie-as-virtue, it also asks a great deal of Christian wives.  Wives are instructed to respond to failing husbands with more submission, so that they might win their husband over without a word.  This is the verse which blows Ephesians 5 rationalizers out of the water with their “wives only have to submit if their husband is loving them like Christ loves the Church” because it calls on wives to submit even to husbands who don’t believe/obey the word.  While husbands are instructed in Ephesians 5 to actively lead their wives by washing them with the water of the word, wives are instructed 1 Pet 3 to let their silent submission and purity win over their wayward husband’s hearts.

But why exactly are modern Christians so uncomfortable with the instruction in 1 Pet 3:1-6?  Is it because they lack faith that God’s instruction to wives is good and wise, or is it the shockingly anti moxie part of the message offending their feminist sensibilities?  Clearly the answer is both, but there is a twist.  We can see this by changing the instruction to wives in 1 Pet 3 into instruction to husbands and see how modern Christians respond.  Imagine if Peter’s words were instead instructing husbands to:

  • Submit to their wives as Sarah submitted to Abraham (calling him her lord).
  • Focus on winning their wayward wives without a word, through their untiring demonstration of purity and submission.

With just this small modification to 1 Pet 3:1-6, we suddenly have Scripture the ladies in your church and perhaps even your pastor can eagerly get behind.  This is the kind of teaching modern Christians are thirsty for.  All it took was a little twist, and these out of fashion words from the Bible are suddenly transformed from (modern Christian) turd-in-the-punchbowl to divinely inspired philosophy;  unlike the distressing original, it is a message modern Christians never tire of sharing with both Christians and non Christians alike, especially whenever speaking to a husband who is experiencing marital difficulty.

Not only are modern Christians thoroughly enamored with this new improved version of Scripture, practically no one seems to have noticed the slight twisting required to make Christian marriage something to gush over.  Don’t take my word for it;  ask the men and women on any Christian online forum what they think about Fireproof, and the Love Dare and see what I mean.

They hated the Book, but they loved the movie.

I’ve read lots of people commenting on Ephesians 5:22-27 and 1 Peter 3:1-6, but to my knowledge none have successfully condensed and expressed this view quite so well as Dalrock did here. Having read the whole thing, we can now proceed to commenting on it.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Nearly all of the instruction to husbands and wives in the New Testament tends to make modern Christians very uncomfortable.  There is for example a cottage industry to explain away headship and submission in Ephesians 5:22-27. This cottage industry has built a veritable tower of babel consisting of mutually exclusive rationalizations for why the Apostle Paul can’t possibly have meant what he very clearly wrote.

We begin with the religious fundamentalist’s mantra of interpretation:

“What I believe is obviously right, and what you believe is twisting away from what is plain.”

This is can be applied quite remarkably to all manner of fundamentalism, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, or political persuasion. It is found in fanatics everywhere.

We are careful to note that this is not an ad hominem. It is logically possible that Dalrock might be the ultra-lucky one who just happened to be right this time around. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

So we must start with this simple claim…

There is for example a cottage industry to explain away headship and submission in Ephesians 5:22-27.

…by noting that Dalrock has committed his first serious error. He has split Ephesians 5:18-21 from Ephesians 5:22, slicing the sentence into a sentence fragment just as he asserts the theology that he derives from it: “headship and submission.”

For someone who is concerned with rationalizations, it is rather curious that he is starting the discussion by relying on a sentence fragment. As I pointed out in Part 7

That an entire doctrine is derived from a sentence fragment—and there is rarely, if ever, any hint of sober reflection on this fact—is truly one of the most remarkable things I’ve witnessed.

…we are not surprised to see that Dalrock is not taking a tone of sober reflection on this one. You’ve read what he wrote, would you describe him as soberly, meekly, humbly, or graciously approaching the possibilities of what might or might not be?

Now, as Dalrock failed to do but I have done repeatedly for years now, I will now cite what Paul actually said.

And do not get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled with the spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks for all things to our God and Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ, wives to their own husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the Savior of the body.

I have now untwisted the sentence. Now let’s sample one of the clauses of the sentence:

Ephesians 5:18-33
submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ, wives to their own husbands as to the Lord…

What, do you think Paul very clearly wrote? I think he wrote “submitting yourselves to one another in fear of Christ, wives to their own husbands as to the Lord.” And so, without any twisting at all, I see that husbands and wives are to submit themselves to each other and that wives are to submit to their husbands. I see that the latter is an example of what he was saying in the former portion of the same sentence. As far as Paul is clear about anything, this seems like a rather clear and straightforward explanation without any twisting required.

And, to be clear, you can, if you choose, cite the entire chapter of Ephesians 5, or the entire book of Ephesians as context, and the above statements would remain true. The context of what Paul wrote doesn’t challenge this clarity. Do you know what I consider twisting? This:

Wives to their own husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, being himself the Savior of the body.

Because without including v21—as I did above—the sentence fragment is nonsensical: it lacks the verb. Dalrock is claiming that others are twisting scriptures, but when you see precisely what Dalrock has done, you see quite plainly that he is obviously twisting scripture. This is only hidden because Dalrock is using English translations that have been pre-twisted in a variety of ways to hide the original Greek.

You might pause here to give Dalrock the benefit of the doubt: maybe he didn’t know. But in the years that I’ve been pointing this out to others, I have had hardly anyone engage with me on this issue. Most just continue to say precisely what Dalrock has claimed while ignoring this argument (most recently here). If Dalrock really explored this topic well enough to conclude…

There is for example a cottage industry to explain away headship and submission in Ephesians 5:22-27.

…then he must have, by pure necessity, been aware of this argument.

A completely reasonable counter to what Dalrock has claimed is that Dalrock’s citation of a sentence fragment twists what Paul clearly said in order to rationalize away his teaching on mutual submission.

This may sound like a “he said, she said” argument, except for one key difference: mutual submission is a logical consequence of citing the whole sentence, while headship is a logical consequence of citing a sentence fragment. You decide which is more in keeping with looking at the full context.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
This basic pattern of rationalizing away biblical instruction which doesn’t jibe with feminism is pervasive…

Dalrock is implicitly claiming that the “mutual submission” doctrine is a fallacious Appeal to Consequences. The idea is that the motivation behind the doctrine of mutual submission is because they don’t like how the headship doctrine opposes feminism. Here are the problems with that:

First, as shown above, the view that Paul teaches mutual submission is derived from the actual words of Paul that he wrote in Greek, not from a manipulated English translation. An Appeal to Consequences is simply not required.

Second, Dalrock does not provide any evidence to back up his claim. He simply accuses feminists of fallacious reasoning without proving it.

Third, Dalrock engages in the False Dilemma fallacy. There are people who are not feminists who read what Paul wrote in Greek and conclude the same thing I do. As many readers are aware, commenter Sharkly has also made this claim on many occasions. Even if you discredited every feminist who ever existed as an intellectual fraud, their would still be non-feminists who—having no feminist motivations—believed that Paul taught mutual submission.

Fourth, Dalrock is committing an obvious ad hominem. Rather than addressing the idea, he is addressing personal motivations. Formally, this is the Genetic Fallacy. Even if feminists like one view and hate another, this is completely irrelevant. Dalrock errs in bringing it up. It is an unforced error.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
…but one verse in particular which troubles modern Christians is the Apostle Peter’s instruction to wives in 1 Pet 3:1-6.

This chapter, which I’ve written about many times, does not, in fact, trouble me at all—a ‘modern’ Christian who thinks Paul clearly wrote “submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.” This is just more of the same fallacious reason above. Dalrock is not well-served by his failure to stick to ideas.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
In fairness, the instructions in that verse not only go entirely against our modern sensibility of moxie-as-virtue, it also asks a great deal of Christian wives.

This is more fallacious reasoning. It wouldn’t matter even if what Paul said goes against modern sensibilities.

Did you notice how Dalrock loaded “modern sensibility” with the implication that his view is ancient while the view he hates is “modern?” That might be clever, except for one thing. The historical explanation goes against Dalrock. He’s the one who holds the anachronistic viewpoint. Let’s make that clearer:

In fairness, the instructions in that passage not only go entirely against Dalrock’s modern sensibility, it also asks a great deal of Christian husbands.

This would, in my opinion, be completely true. But it would also be irrelevant. In rejecting my version of this argument, you should also be rejecting Dalrock’s version. They are both equally invalid.

Dalrock quoted 1 Peter 3:1-6, but he left out the surrounding context. I wrote about this back in Part 1. Immediately after giving instructions to wives, Peter says this to the husbands:

…husbands in the same way dwelling with them according to the knowledge as with a weaker vessel with the female rendering honor as also join-heirs of the grace of life so as not to be hindered in your prayers.

Peter had just got done explaining that…

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Wives are instructed to respond to failing husbands with more submission, so that they might win their husband over without a word.

…only to say that husbands should in the same way dwell (or live) with their unbelieving wives. The word Peter uses is synoikountes, which refers to domestics cohabitation and sexual intercourse between a husband and wife. The alternative to domestic dwelling is divorce. Peter is telling husbands that if their unbelieving wife is abusive, cruel, etc. that he must remain married to her. Husbands are instructed to respond to failing wives with more of the same thing that wives offer to their failing husbands. Peter is telling both husbands and wives that they may not divorce. Rather, they must find a way to endure the situation. Peter’s instructions are aimed at that purpose.

The Christian patriarchy likes to talk about how wives should reverence (i.e. render honor) their husbands, but they rarely tell you that after Peter told wives to submit to their unbelieving, failing spouses, that Peter told husbands to, in the same way, render honor to their unbelieving, failing wives.

When you look at the Manosphere, particularly of the devotees of Dalrock, do you get the sense that those men are rendering honor to their failing wives? Why not? Peter, like Paul, was clear enough, wasn’t he?

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
This is the verse which blows Ephesians 5 rationalizers out of the water with their“wives only have to submit if their husband is loving them like Christ loves the Church” because it calls on wives to submit even to husbands who don’t believe/obey the word.

Dalrock—in speaking in more general terms than we are—appears to be making a point that is irrelevant to our discussion on mutual submission. But we want to take the opportunity to note that we agree with Dalrock’s general principle: husbands and wives should submit regardless of whether or not their spouse reciprocates.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
While husbands are instructed in Ephesians 5 to actively lead their wives by washing them with the water of the word…

In a discussion where Dalrock claims that his opponents are twisting the words of Paul, it is vital to note that Paul does not tell husbands to “lead their wives by washing them with the water of the word.” This is actually a very egregious misrepresentation. Here is what Paul says of Christ:

Ephesians 5:25-28
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her, so that he could make her holy, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he could present the church to himself as a glorious church, not having a spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but so that she would be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands are obligated to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself…

Paul only ever explicitly tells husbands to love their wives. All of the other actions are assigned to Christ. Dalrock is making an inference that Christ having love the church, gave himself up (in death) to her, making her holy, cleansing the church by the washing of water with the word, and presenting the church to himself as a glorious bride, is precisely and exactly what husband do with wives. But this is absurd at the start because husbands do not, in general, give themselves up in death for their wives.

Dalrock has to twist the acts of Christ to try to normalize them as actions commanded of husbands. But Paul doesn’t do this. He just tells husbands to love as Christ loved.

When John Chrysostom wrote in the late 4th century, he failed to come to the same conclusion that Dalrock came to. See, Chrysostom said that the “washing of the word” referred to baptism into the church. There is no such corresponding ritual between a husband and wife. Chrysostom explicitly stated that husbands should not try to make their brides unblemished, but rather should focus on that within:

John Chrysostom
Let us wipe off the spot that is within, let us smooth the wrinkles that are within, let us do away the blemishes that are on the soul.

I cite Chrysostom because he solidly believed in patriarchy, in husbands having a higher authority than their wives. He was demonstrably not a feminist, yet he still concluded something that opposes Dalrock’s view of Paul being “clear.” Dalrock’s viewpoint falls afoul of both the ancient and modern viewpoints!

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
…wives are instructed 1 Pet 3 to let their silent submission and purity win over their wayward husband’s hearts.

I wonder, how else would Dalrock suggest that you win over an unbeliever? Does he prefer something other than simply living out one’s faith out faithfully for all to see? This is not the “gotcha!” moment that Dalrock seems to think it is. If a husband wishes to win his wife over to the faith, he better also let purity prevail!

In any case, what Dalrock is leaving out is the background to Sarah and Abraham. But, we’ll discuss that in a bit.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
But why exactly are modern Christians so uncomfortable with the instruction in 1 Pet 3:1-6?

There is nothing to be uncomfortable with regarding Peter’s instructions. But there is a lot to be uncomfortable with regarding the twisting and torturing of words required to come to the conclusion that mutual submission is not in view. Dalrock has mistaken discomfort with bad theology for discomfort with scripture. These are very different things.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Is it because they lack faith that God’s instruction to wives is good and wise, or is it the shockingly anti moxie part of the message offending their feminist sensibilities?


Dalrock has committed his worse instance of fallacious reasoning yet: begging-the-question. Dalrock takes the very thing under debate—the contested nature of Paul’s ‘clear’ instruction—and both presumes and concludes what it is. It is plainly circular.

Dalrock then takes his presumption and concludes that anyone who disagrees with him lacks faith in God.

This is not a rational position. But notice that there is no other rational response that one can give to such a claim as his besides the one that I just gave. He has attacked the core faith of his opponents by assuming that his viewpoint is true. He could not do so if he considered his viewpoint to be a matter of debate. All I can do is reject his fallacious claim outright without consideration.

Dalrock thinks he’s winning here, but he’s completely lost the argument. He’s done a grave disservice to anyone else who defends his position. And, sadly, too many of his gullible fans and devotees just cheer. But as I noted, a few bloggers called him out.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Clearly the answer is both, but there is a twist.  We can see this by changing the instruction to wives in 1 Pet 3 into instruction to husbands and see how modern Christians respond.

The answer is “None,” but I do like the strategy of reversing the subjects. I did that myself above to show the absurdity of Dalrock’s position, so I’m pleased to see him use the exact same strategy. It’s a good one. Let’s see if it works.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Imagine if Peter’s words were instead instructing husbands to:

  • Submit to their wives as Sarah submitted to Abraham (calling him her lord).
  • Focus on winning their wayward wives without a word, through their untiring demonstration of purity and submission.

With just this small modification to 1 Pet 3:1-6, we suddenly have Scripture the ladies in your church and perhaps even your pastor can eagerly get behind.

The problem with Dalrock’s claim should be fairly obvious. His statement is loaded. The implication is his alternative wording—switching “husband” and “wife” around—is that the two formulations are at odds with one another. The way Dalrock views submission, as a unidirectional hierarchical authoritarian arrangement, the two views are necessarily at odds with one another. In his mind, it’s not possible to have both true at the same time, and so he thinks to trap the feminist “churchian” into enthusiastically agreeing that men should be servile towards women while forcing them to implicitly deny that women should be servile towards men.

This is so obviously loaded with his assumptions that it’s hard to believe that anyone actually falls for this. Now let’s complete this word game by making it mutual:

Submit to your spouse as Sarah obeyed to Abraham—calling him her lord—and as Abraham obeyed Sarah in all things.


Focus on winning your wayward spouse without a word, through your untiring demonstration of purity and submission.

And that, dearest readers, is mutual submission. Having removed Dalrock’s trap, there is now nothing about his claim that is offensive. Or rather, there is enough to offend the Christian patriarch, the feminist, and the mainstream “churchian” alike. Consider how that must be and you’ll begin to understand mutual submission.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
This is the kind of teaching modern Christians are thirsty for.  All it took was a little twist, and these out of fashion words from the Bible are suddenly transformed from (modern Christian) turd-in-the-punchbowl to divinely inspired philosophy; unlike the distressing original…

This is just meaningless posturing. Lots of impressively sounding prose that doesn’t accomplish anything. No argument is made nor anything submitted as evidence. It’s just a bunch of assertions.

Dalrock seems to be taking a victory lap after losing the race.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
…it is a message modern Christians never tire of sharing with both Christians and non Christians alike, especially whenever speaking to a husband who is experiencing marital difficulty.

Dalrock may be right that therapists, pastors, and other leaders tell husbands to submit to their wives while refusing  to tell wives to submit to their husbands. In my limited experience, pastors rarely talk about submission at all, so I have no evidence one way or the other, and Dalrock doesn’t provide any. He’s just making an assertion that may or may not match reality. If anyone has anything to add, please use the comment section. Please try to avoid anecdotes, especially those that cannot be validated.

Twisted Scripture @ Dalrock
Not only are modern Christians thoroughly enamored with this new improved version of Scripture, practically no one seems to have noticed the slight twisting required to make Christian marriage something to gush over.  Don’t take my word for it;  ask the men and women on any Christian online forum what they think about Fireproof, and the Love Dare and see what I mean.

They hated the Book, but they loved the movie.

I have not read or seen either, so I have no idea if Dalrock’s criticism is accurate or not. If you have, let me know in in the comments.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”When John Chrysostom wrote in the late 4th century, he failed to come to the same conclusion that Dalrock came to. See, Chrysostom said that the “washing of the word” referred to baptism into the church. There is no such corresponding ritual between a husband and wife. Chrysostom explicitly stated that husbands should not try to make their brides unblemished, but rather should focus on that within:

    John Chrysostom
    ”Let us wipe off the spot that is within, let us smooth the wrinkles that are within, let us do away the blemishes that are on the soul.

    I cite Chrysostom because he solidly believed in patriarchy, in husbands having a higher authority than their wives. He was demonstrably not a feminist, yet he still concluded something that opposes Dalrock’s view of Paul being “clear.””

    On December 1, 2013, Dalrock posted this classic article. This was long before I even knew who Dalrock was. He wasn’t even on my radar.

    YES! A very shy ”traditional”(meaning holier than any ”I should be able to execute my wife and kids anytime I want” perverted by gay porn, sodomy with their hand & other perversions they delight in by so-called ”Patriarchists” who are sent by the fed to discredit patriarchy) Patriarchist(the ”original” one in the Roissyosphere=Manosphere as so-called latter ones corrupted & perverted his teachings as they did also with Roissys=Heartististes{who NEVER taught marriage nor ”sanctification”, MOSES &JESUS teachings also} that was at Dalrock who had known of Dal’ for some time was there that very day!

    Great Books For Men GreatBooksForMen GBFM (TM) GB4M (TM) GR8BOOKS4MEN (TM) lzozozozozlzo (TM) says:
    December 1, 2013 at 9:40 am
    Dear Dalrock,

    What has happened is that the Frankfurt School has infiltrated our Churches and Universities and conquered the West and enslaved men to debt and servitude, while stripping them of their Natural Rights.

    The remarkable thing is how many Churchians/Boxerboyz/etc. believe they are teaching of Christ and the Great Books for Men when they are teaching the very opposite.

    The Frankfurtersz are to be commended for their supreme victory. In the end, the Boxerboyz/Churchianz proved no match, as they were so easily desouled and bernankified.

    Ye shall know them by their fruits, and out of their mouths comes no praise for Christ nor the Great Books for Men, but only for the Frankfurters, as their government grows, their culture collapses, their families dissipate and 50,000,000 more are aborted and families are blown up, all the while Boxerboy focuses on the hairs on Freud’s bunghole, splitting them and then proclaiming He is doing the Work of the Lord, as he preaches, “For truly the Frankfurters fathered Christ himself.”

    lzozozoz ”

    ”Let us wipe off the spot that is within, let us smooth the wrinkles that are within, let us do away the blemishes that are on the soul.”

    Or more gently put in the instance of supposed non-fed ”leaders ” or perverted by gay porn and hand sodomy so-called ”Patriarchists” in the ‘sphere who are all about discrediting and destroying it, ” In the end, the Boxerboyz/Churchianz proved no match, as they were so easily desouled and bernankified.”

  2. professorGBFMtm

    Also from that same Dalrock post an old-time MRA (who had counseled suicidal husbands for free for a decade before he left America for good in the mid-90s) has wise words for latter-day ”redpillers” ”leader chumps” or ”destroyers” as he calls them:

    Anonymous age 71 says:
    December 3, 2013 at 11:18 am
    Over the years of the men’s movement, there has been a steady supply of men coming into an established function, that is, an established successful function, and shouting, “You are doing it wrong! You are doing it wrong!”

    And, of course, these men never actually do anything themselves. We called them Destroyers.

    Just so those who tell Dalrock he MUST do something different from what he is doing, are essentially saying, “You are doing it wrong! You are doing it wrong!”

    I don’t even need to keep an eye on them. With 35 years of experience I already know they never do anything but criticize.

    Thinking about this reminded me of the time a man came up to me. I was writing an extremely militant op-ed to the local newspaper, 90 of them over a 15 year period. He tells me, “It’s not what you write. It’s how you write it.”

    So, I asked him, “So, how should I write it?

    He says, “Well, I don’t know, but you need to write it differently.”:

    And, of course, he was wrong, I was doing a great job of getting the word out Everyone knew who I was, and what I stood for. It doesn’t get any better for an activist. And, a couple times a year, I’d get a letter from a woman congratulating me on speaking out.

    ”So, I asked him, “So, how should I write it?

    He says, “Well, I don’t know, but you need to write it differently.”:”

    Some ”leader chumps” started telling me how to write to after I left their puny nothing sites (that even their biggest idol-worshippers don’t like) I had built up before they destroyed them with their gay porn luv and ”I should be able to execute my wife and kids anytime I want” gibberish and nonsense-yet they knew better huh?

    “You are doing it wrong! You are doing it wrong!”, it has been almost 3 years since I left the gay porn luv site and it will be 3 years on November 30th, 2024 since I left ”I should be able to execute my wife and kids anytime I want and grab my f@n st@ck for sodomy anytime too” gibberish and nonsense-” and their page views would have been at 1,002,289 and 107,452 non-respectively two years ago at least if I hadn’t left like others did too.
    It truly is as the scripture says:
    ” Matthew 23:37

    O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling!”

    Most ”leader chumps” in the sphere would gladly hand over the children for the promise of a little poon or hand sodomy-hence why their house is left desolate.

    Anonymous age 71 says:
    December 3, 2013 at 11:21 am
    My point is, don’t tell anyone he needs to do something different. SHOW HIM, by doing it the way you think it should be done. As Mark Twain said, you will be learning things very fast, things you will never forget, like the man who carries a cat home by the tail.”

    Does the non-holy ”leaders” in the sphere do that or whine and complain ”my wife won’t give me no p@on, even though I falsely state constantly I’m built like Arnie S. in the 1970s and hung like a porn star and I’m a good, so good boy too”

  3. professorGBFMtm

    For the uninitiated in ”red pill” lands and their ”leaders” who don’t do anything but blame others for their lack of success:

    ”Also from that same Dalrock post an old-time MRA (who had counseled suicidal husbands for free for a decade before he left America for good in the mid-90s)has wise words for latter-day ”redpillers” ”leader chumps” or ”destroyers” as he calls them:”

    That part ties in with this part:

    ”Does the non-holy ”leaders” in the sphere do that or whine and complain ”my wife won’t give me no p@on, even though I falsely state constantly I’m built like Arnie S. in the 1970s and hung like a porn star and I’m a good, so good boy too””

    See why these other ”leaders” shouldn’t be cheered or applauded as some do like a certain guy that comes here complaining about ”bickering” but cheered it on and applauded it elsewhere.

    -That is what I forgot to mention as I was doing fast writing and thinking earlier at the same time.

  4. Pingback: Mutual Submission, Part 10

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