Is Matthew 5 Hyperbole?

In my review of Sharkly’s latest article “Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?” we wrestled with the question of whether or not Jesus’ commands were hyperbole. Sharkly concluded that this was hyperbole intended to use exaggeration to emphasize a forgiving attitude. In the presence of the perfectly valid law …

Mutual Submission, Part 10

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. In “Habitually Being Wrong,” it was revealed that the folk at Sigma Frame had discussed “Mutual Submission, Part 1” without engaging with me (and if they discussed any other part of the series, they didn’t let …

Mutual Submission, Part 9

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. On December 1, 2013, Dalrock posted this classic article. This was long before I even knew who Dalrock was. He wasn’t even on my radar. Yet, so typical is this of the Manosphere in the following …

Mutual Submission, Part 6

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. There are two primary, but related, issues at the root of the biblical grammatical argument on submission. The first issue is whether or not the Greek middle voice is equivalent to the English active voice. The second issue is whether or not …

Mutual Submission, Part 5

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. There are two primary, but related, issues at the root of the biblical grammatical argument on submission. The first issue is whether or not the Greek middle voice is equivalent to the English active voice. The second issue is whether …

Mutual Submission, Part 2

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. NOTE: For a much longer version of this post, see Part 1. There is a certain type of critic who thinks that long-form writing—what I do on this blog—is not legitimate. It is too long to …

Mutual Submission, Part 1

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. NOTE: For a much shorter version of this post, see part 2. In “Everyone’s a Genius,” I engaged in a metaphysicial discussion of Full Metal Patriarch’s epistemology that he demonstrated in his article “A Dalrock Update.” Commenter …

The Disadvantage of Authority

In “It’s a Military Term,” I had noted that the word translated “helper” in Genesis 2:18 is used in the Old Testament as a military term that refers to that of an ally, rather than that of a subordinate, with no connotation of an implied difference in power or authority. …

On Suffering

The Manosphere is Feminine If the manosphere could be summarized in one long sentence it would be this: Suffering men—mostly divorcees and married and unmarried incels—who have been burnt by women assemble together to talk—and complain—about how naturally evil and essentially broken women are and how they need men to …

Sigma Frame on 1 Peter

Sigma Frame has on 1 Peter many times. The full list is here. Sigma Frame is largely concerned with the instructions to spouses found in 1 Peter 3, mostly focusing on the instructions to wives. This has become an increasing focus over time. Sigma Frame discussed Peter’s instructions on suffering …