Society Decline, Part 2 – Does Marriage Keep Society Afloat?

Pyramid Japan 1950

This is part of a series on feminism and the decline of society. See this index.

Having introduced the idea of a social decline in part 1, let’s discuss the important role that marriage plays in the success of society. Then we will discuss intelligence and dysgenics in part 3.

Here is an anonymous statement worthy of explications:

“My interest in the topic is entirely pragmatic. Without marriage, the surplus labor in a society disappears, industry declines, and the standards-of-living crash. Those of us who live without a wife owe a great debt to the men who are keeping society afloat, and it is in everyone’s interest that the institution of marriage reproduce itself across time.”

To understand why this is true, let’s examine the population pyramid. In a healthy society there are always greater number of younger persons than older persons. Combined with low mortality rates, the population will steadily climb as the large base marries and produces children. Each generation produces more total children than the previous generation so the pattern holds.

Economically, the pyramid shape leads to ever increasing productivity and growth. Consider the population pyramid for 1950 Japan shown above. Those 0 to 9 year old children became the prime economic producers in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s leading to an economic boom:


Unfortunately, the sexual revolution taught the world to separate reproduction from sex and people stopped having children. Reproduction rates in many countries (including the United States) have since fallen below replacement. The result is the decline of society, industry, and high standards-of-living.

Pyramid Japan 1950 and 2017

This graph overlays the 2017 population pyramid on top of the 1950 pyramid. Japan’s population pyramid has now inverted. The base is much smaller than the top. The bulk of Japan’s working population is about to hit retirement and there are not enough children to pay for their retirement expenses. China, after having experienced a similar economic boom, is now facing a similar population problem. Both countries are about to experience a major economic squeeze due to underpopulation.

Pyramid US 1950 and 2017

Compared to Japan’s and China’s inverted pyramid, the United States is relatively much better off. Its pyramid reflects reduced reproduction rates, but from 1950 to 2017, the changes have not been quite so dramatic. However, the failure to reproduce since the 60’s is going to be increasingly felt in tightening standards of living.


(modified from this source)

As a result of the sexual revolution and feminism, pregnancy, birth, and marriage rates have fallen to historic lows while abortion continues to be the hidden leading cause of death in America. So why has the U.S. not declined as fast as other countries? Immigration. The United States imports millions of working-age adults and children.

Immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, are initially a large economic drain. It takes until the second generation before the investment starts paying off. First- and second-generation immigrants are projected to make up 93% of the workforce growth by 2050. To maintain economic prosperity we are replacing native births with immigrants, for better or worse. (Citation: Pew Research Center)

It’s still not enough to stem the tide. Despite a flood of immigrants, the birth rate continues to decline. The only alternative to societal decay and economic collapse is for married families to have more children. We do owe a debt to those 24 million families with children that are holding us up, be they immigrant or native, but we need more.

The above was written in 2019. As noted in part 1, Nikolai Vladivostok has written on managing the decline. Vladivostok has three suggestions:

  1. Stabilize birth rates
  2. Manage immigration
  3. Sort out the pension

Birth rates are not going to stabilize until it is far too late. By this point the population pyramid inversion will have already done its damage and society will have more-or-less completed its decline. Since social decline puts  increasing economic pressure on the population, the pressure to have fewer children subsequently increases.

Immigration is a mixed bag, not without its costs. I can’t predict how that one will turn out, but it won’t be enough to stem the tide of world-wide birth rate declines. Importing Africans and South/Central Americans is not going to solve the world’s decline.

Lastly, pensions are screwed. There is no saving them. They are pyramid schemes that rely on the pyramid to sustain them. Invert the pyramid, and the math doesn’t work. Robots are not going to fix the problem.

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  1. Pingback: Society Decline, Part 6 - Beyond Nature vs Nurture

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