Mutual Submission, Part 2

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. NOTE: For a much longer version of this post, see Part 1. There is a certain type of critic who thinks that long-form writing—what I do on this blog—is not legitimate. It is too long to …

Mutual Submission, Part 1

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. NOTE: For a much shorter version of this post, see part 2. In “Everyone’s a Genius,” I engaged in a metaphysicial discussion of Full Metal Patriarch’s epistemology that he demonstrated in his article “A Dalrock Update.” Commenter …

Justification By Faith, Part 6

Perseverance and Salvation The word sōzesthe (σῴζεσθε) can be translated either as “you are saved” or “you are being saved.” Regardless of which one is chosen, Paul does not describe a works-based salvation, as if 1 Corinthians 15:2 said “you are saved as long as you live the gospel.” Paul doesn’t say “unless …


There is a great—and revealing—discussion of patriarchy happening over at Sigma Frame. Let’s take a short break from the ongoing series on justification to discuss it. Over the last few months, I pointed out to Sharkly—time and time and again—that Christian patriarchy, by excusing male responsibility, doesn’t respect a man’s authority within his domain. If …

Justification By Faith, Part 4

Faith and Works Are we saved by faith alone? Are there other prerequisites? Many verses explicitly state that salvation requires belief—faith. Some explicitly state that works do not save. Some are directly out of the mouth of Jesus. Let’s imagine that faith is required, but not sufficient, for salvation. Then, every scripture that …

Justification By Faith, Part 3

After we defined what faith was (and wasn’t) in Part 2, we then openly wondered about the interplay between living faith and bad (or no) works. Does the presence of bad works—disobedience—indicate that one did not have faith or salvation? Next, we noted that, while Jesus in the second gospel …

The Disadvantage of Authority

In “It’s a Military Term,” I had noted that the word translated “helper” in Genesis 2:18 is used in the Old Testament as a military term that refers to that of an ally, rather than that of a subordinate, with no connotation of an implied difference in power or authority. …

On Suffering

The Manosphere is Feminine If the manosphere could be summarized in one long sentence it would be this: Suffering men—mostly divorcees and married and unmarried incels—who have been burnt by women assemble together to talk—and complain—about how naturally evil and essentially broken women are and how they need men to …

“It’s a Military Term”

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. See also this index on Sharkly posts. Among proponents of Christian patriarchy, this passage is one of the four most cited (along with “be silent“, “don’t teach“, and “cover“): Wives are to submit to their own husbands as to the …