Bnonn Tennant on the Trinity

Note: This is part of a series on the Trinity from a rational, non-mystical perspective. See the index here. In “Polytheists on the Trinity,” I noted how belief in polytheism (and mysticism) naturally leads to a softening on the doctrine of the Trinity. But this is not always the case. …

Axioms of Faith

This is part of a collection of rebuttals, responses, and replies. See the index. Analyzing the axioms of sola scriptura and sola ecclesia. This post in a response to Jack at Sigma Frame. For context, see the comments at “Are Common-Law Marriages the most Biblical?” Axioms The quotations Sola scriptura is the …

Cathodoxy’s Axiom

This is a quick response to this comment. The RCC and Orthodox positions on matrimony do vary to a degree that matters. Although they do have the same 7 sacraments and agreed upon apostolic succession… [..] The last true ecumenical council occurred in 787 AD, 267 years before the great …

On the Importance of Expertise

Earlier this year, I asked “Are Arguments from Authority Fallacious?” The answer to the question is practically always—but not absolutely—“Yes.” I engage in many different hot-button online debates, such as Roman Catholicism vs Protestantism, Evolution, Global Climate Change, and SARS-CoV-2. Almost inevitably someone will cite their favorite set of expert …