Hobbies and Experiences

I only occasionally write about my personal interests, and even when I do it is usually made applicable to something more profound (or pretentiously profound). But since I have nothing else to write about while the blog is on auto-pilot, I thought I’d talk about this. Recently, over a course of …

Eschatology Notes

This is the follow up to “A Decree to Rebuild.” In case it wasn’t clear enough at the time, I found Ed Hurst’s viewpoint to be quite interesting. I disagreed on parts of it, but was surprised to find that I largely agreed with his eschatological conclusions. My response was …

Is Matthew 5 Hyperbole?

In my review of Sharkly’s latest article “Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?” we wrestled with the question of whether or not Jesus’ commands were hyperbole. Sharkly concluded that this was hyperbole intended to use exaggeration to emphasize a forgiving attitude. In the presence of the perfectly valid law …

Elegance or Simplicity?

I want to illustrate something with some comments that you might have seen. The first set is here from Jack @ Sigma Frame (emphasis added): The second is from Sharkly here on this blog (emphasis added): Both of these are answered in this comment: Simple and elegant. Irony.

Eschatology Q&A

This is the follow up to “A Decree to Rebuild.” I read a lot of Bruce Charlton’s writings and frequently quote his work. He’s very good at getting at the root of problems, rather than dealing with the surface-level distractions. I apologize in advance for this lengthy quote, but it …

Nothing Works Anymore

The Death Cult I’ve been writing about bureaucracy for years. I have an index of this in “The Decline of Society.” Indeed, in December, 2019, I wrote this: The point of this comment is that the institutions—all of them—are not there to help us, but that inherent evil that is …

A Decree to Rebuild

Over at Radix Fidem, Ed Hurst has begun a series on Eschatology, and he started with Daniel 9, specifically this part about the Seventy Weeks: Hurst made some very curious assertions that I’d like to point out, but ultimately find his conclusion to be utterly fascinating. Please hold your judgments …


I’ve written a lot about dishonesty in the Manosphere, including (and especially) from those who call others liars. This includes: “Absolutely Mystified” “Habitually Being Wrong” “It’s Always Someone Else’s Problem” “Anonymity and Plagiarism” “Deti on Hypocrisy” “Sectarianism” “Everyone’s a Genius” “The Living Voice” “Ambiguity in the Bible” “1 Corinthians 14:34-35” …