Anonymity and Plagiarism

In my last post, “Deti on Personal Hypocrisy,” I responded to the claim that withholding private information is antithetical to opposing pseudonymity. In that post I repeated the following claims, which I have long held: I have been careful to note that not all anonymity or privacy is wrong: For …

Deti on Personal Hypocrisy

Or, why censorship is harmful   This is a follow-up to my last post, “Sectarianism,” where I first discussed the censorship that I reference below. As is my common practice when a comment of mine is censored and/or deleted, I respond here. It’s always a bit of extra special irony …


This is a quick review of “Sectarianism.” To the extent that I’m a remnant or branch of the manosphere—a questionable proposition—my disagreement is based solely on the ideas it presents and nothing else. I am not influenced by the government or society. They do not threaten me nor dictate what …

Everyone’s a Genius

On the internet—and perhaps in meatspace too—everyone is a genius. Consider this non-Christian’s claim (with almost a million views): Had this one taken about 15 seconds to Google check his own claim, he might have found the “Five Suns” creation myth of the Aztecs: Bloodthirsty? Brutal? It turns out that …

Michael Foster

I’ve casually followed Michael Foster for some time on Twitter. Some of you may know of him from the “It’s Good To Be A Man” blog, which is shared with Dominic Bnonn Tennant. Readers here might have read Sharkly’s critical piece on the pair (from 2019) called “Bnonnas Foster: A …


There is a great—and revealing—discussion of patriarchy happening over at Sigma Frame. Let’s take a short break from the ongoing series on justification to discuss it. Over the last few months, I pointed out to Sharkly—time and time and again—that Christian patriarchy, by excusing male responsibility, doesn’t respect a man’s authority within his domain. If …

Justification By Faith

The series on faith is a collection of separated, but related, essays. Here is the index: Prelude #1: The Eucharist Prelude #2: The Living Voice Prelude #3: Changing Language Part 1: The Primacy of Love Part 2: What is Faith? What are works? Part 3: Faith and Works (Belief/Obedience; Unbelief/Disobedience) …

GunnerQ and The Beast’s Mark

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism. See this index. In my recent posts, I’ve been discussing the theme of the noble Berean approach: verifying and validating the claims of the New Testament and later church tradition by comparing them against the Old Testament. Over at GunnerQ’s Substack, …

Putting Words In My Mouth

Under my article “On Suffering“, Jack made this comment where he kindly asked me where to put my words. So I responded that he was trying to put words into my mouth by telling me what to do, a thing that he does often. Over on his blog, Jack had summarized… …and …