
See this index. *** WARNING *** This post includes language and themes that may not be appropriate for children (or adults). Reader discretion is advised. People often do not acknowledge how their personal experiences help shape their beliefs. Over the last few weeks, I’ve posted a number of articles and …

Racial Segregation

Race and Intelligence In my short series on intelligence and education, I discussed how blankslatists believe that intelligence is largely environmental and that everyone has equal potential. In “Utilitarian Racism“, I noted that blankslatists believe a person’s moral worth is tied to that particular concept of equality. Underlying blankslatism is a …

Abortion News

In abortion news, it turns out that if you ban abortion, the number of abortions will go down, but births will not go up proportionally. Only a (sometimes tiny) minority of births are due to foregone abortions. This is an astonishing finding! A huge percentage of abortions are driven entirely …

Sharkly on Women, Part 4

See this index. After I wrote “Why is Disproving Arguments So Hard?,” Sharkly challenged me to explain a dozen different biblical interpretations that show that the sexes are clearly not equal. He stated… “I may be wrong, but it seems like you believe that the sexes are roughly equal in …

Utilitarian Racism

This is part of a series on intelligence and the decline of society. See this index. One of my favorite articles ever was written by fellow blogger Free Northerner entitled “Abortion, Tomlinson, and Moral Midgets.” There he responded to the embryo trolley problem. It is well worth reading the latter and …

Intelligence, Education, and Covid: Part 2

This is part of a series on intelligence and the decline of society. See this index. In part 1 of the series, we discovered how falling intelligence results in an education system that cannot adequately educate kids. In this part, we will now look at the loss of learning that most kids …

Intelligence, Education, and Covid: Part 1

This is part of a series on intelligence and the decline of society. See this index. One of the topics that I write most about is intelligence, but I only rarely write about it on this blog. Other than, this series, which wasn’t originally published on this blog, I have hardly ever …

Hair Is A Covering

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. In the fourth point of “Paul Addressed Wives“, I took issue with those who argue that “The hair is not the only covering in 1 Corinthians 11“[1]: It is impossible for the covering that Paul is …

Tautology Club

Q: What is the first rule of Tautology Club? A: The first rule of Tautology club.   Q: What Tautology Club’s favorite aphorism? A: It is what it is.   Q: What is Tautology Club’s core religious belief? A: The axiom of sola scriptura