The Wisdom of the Masses

In the 2013-2014 football season, Philadelphia Eagles starting quarterback Michael Vick went down to an injury. Backup quarterback Nick Foles stepped up to lead the team. He had such great success that he won NFC Offensive Play of the Week, NFC Player of the Month, and set an NFL record as the first …

Christ’s Authority

See this index. In my previous post, “The Meaning of Hell,” I objected to the blasphemous claim that “The Cross did not buy our entrance into Eternity.” I cited 1 Corinthians 1:17-18, which says that cross of Christ is the power to save, the power of God himself. I cited …

The Meaning of Hell

In a previous post, I had described the Radix Fidem movement as an invention of “The Traditions of Men” that violates certain biblical precepts. Today I want to talk about “Hell” in the context of a post by Catacomb Resident, showing again that the movement is borrowing external Greek concepts …

On Sacrifice and Sanctification

This post is a response to the article “Brides are Subject to Vetting.” It is also a followup to the three-part series on the Roman Catholic sacraments and is part of the ongoing discussion on Headship Submission. On the Sacrament of Marriage In my three-part series on the sacraments—especially the sacrament of marriage—in …

Saved Through Childbearing

This is part of a series on partriarchy, headship, authority, and submission. See this index. Problems In “Sanctified Marriage: Part 7“, I wrote about Paul’s cryptic remarks regarding women being saved through childbearing: 1 Timothy 2:15 (REV) [Wives] will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in trust and love …

Sharkly on Women

See this index. For years I’ve avoided diving into Sharkly’s metaphorical decent into madness: the claim that women are not made in the image of God. After reading his post from September, 2023, I thought I should wade the water, just a bit. Here are some of his claims: First, there …

The Icons of Feminism, Part 2

One of the most curious facets of feminism is that many of its icons are fraudulently famous. It isn’t that women have never had major accomplishments, but that feminists usually promote the frauds over the genuine article. In part 1, we saw how Margaret Hamilton, an entry-level programmer, was groomed …

The Icons of Feminism, Part 1

One of the most curious facets of feminism is that many of its icons are fraudulently famous. It isn’t that women have never had major accomplishments, but that feminists usually promote the frauds over the genuine article. This only serves to perpetuate the stereotype that women are not concerned with …

The Shooting of Michael Brown

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year old Black American man died while being arrested by Derek Chauvin, a 44-year-old White police officer. A trial found Chauvin guilty of murder. The social impact of this case and its outcome has been broad and does not need further explanation. There …

Men Act; Women Acted Upon

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Agency in the Greek Language In my post, “On Divorce,” I briefly discussed how the biblical Greek language handles men and women differently when it came to certain moral actions. The cultural notions of agency are …