Mutual Submission, Part 10

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. In “Habitually Being Wrong,” it was revealed that the folk at Sigma Frame had discussed “Mutual Submission, Part 1” without engaging with me (and if they discussed any other part of the series, they didn’t let …

Habitually Being Wrong

Back on June 5, I published the first in a nine part series on mutual submission that I had begun drafting on May 31: I started the series for two reasons. First, I was responding to this comment by info (May 29) which I happened to notice and commented on under “Everyone’s a Genius.” …

A Comment from History, Reviewed

In “A Comment from History,” I shared an old comment thread that shed light on more recent discussions. I didn’t discuss the bulk of the content, because an inductive argument cannot meaningfully be used in place of—or to overturn—a deductive argument. Lately, it has been pointed out that I often …

A Comment From History

Sometimes a review of history is useful to shed light on—and provide context for—what followed in more recent times. Frequent readers here will be familiar with that to which I refer. Those who are not may still benefit from this look back into the past. On February 19, 2019, I …

Mutual Submission, Part 9

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. On December 1, 2013, Dalrock posted this classic article. This was long before I even knew who Dalrock was. He wasn’t even on my radar. Yet, so typical is this of the Manosphere in the following …

Mutual Submission, Part 8

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Throughout this series, we had focused on Wayne Grudem’s position on mutual submission. We’ve largely focused on his understanding of the Koine Greek word hypotassø often translated as “to submit” or “to subject” with the sense of …

Anonymity and Plagiarism

In my last post, “Deti on Personal Hypocrisy,” I responded to the claim that withholding private information is antithetical to opposing pseudonymity. In that post I repeated the following claims, which I have long held: I have been careful to note that not all anonymity or privacy is wrong: For …

Deti on Personal Hypocrisy

Or, why censorship is harmful   This is a follow-up to my last post, “Sectarianism,” where I first discussed the censorship that I reference below. As is my common practice when a comment of mine is censored and/or deleted, I respond here. It’s always a bit of extra special irony …


This is a quick review of “Sectarianism.” To the extent that I’m a remnant or branch of the manosphere—a questionable proposition—my disagreement is based solely on the ideas it presents and nothing else. I am not influenced by the government or society. They do not threaten me nor dictate what …