The Eucharist, Redux #2

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism and the eucharist. See this index. Throughout the 40-part series on the Eucharist, I often demonstrated, but did not define, what the early church meant by eucharist. In “Part 8: Interlude” I discussed the meaning in more detail. That provides a lot …

The Eucharist, Redux #1

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism and the eucharist. See this index. Copy-and-Paste Apologetics A while back I did a 40-part series on the Eucharist entitled “What the Earliest Christians Wrote About the Eucharist.” It was based on a post made by Roman Catholic apologist Fish Eaters. …

The Red Pill is Utilitarian

Fundamentally, the Red Pill is Utilitarian, not Christian. Its goals are primarily centered around quality of life improvements. It fits firmly in the “Self-Help” genre. This was recently illustrated by cameron232 and Deti: Fertility rates are so low that the population (minus immigration) is now shrinking in most places outside …

Infallibility 101

One of the core doctrines of Roman Catholicism is that of Infallibility. It is quite common for Catholics to tell Protestants that they do not understand Infallibility because they are not Catholics. This is the genetic fallacy. The reality is that Protestants understand infallibility better than Roman Catholics do. Yes, …

Jesus and Hyperbole, Part 2

At “Jesus and Hyperbole,” the professor writes: Yes, repeatedly throughout history God has condemned and destroyed nations. You owe society nothing beyond responding to evil with good. God’s job is vengeance. Ours is doing good. The fundamental fault with lex talionis is that it tends to assign to us what …

Jesus and Hyperbole

In “Review: Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?” I opened the series with a discussion on Sharkly’s take on Jesus’ teaching on violence in the Sermon on the Mount: Sharkly’s post is based in large part on the 21-page paper “A Methodology For Detecting and Mitigating Hyperbole …

John MacArthur on Contemplative Prayer

We’ve been discussing the occult in the mainstream church. “The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 1” “The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 2” “The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 3” “The Occult in the Mainstream Church, Part 4“ On this topic, here is an (imperfect) transcript of this …

The Path of the Heart

So, Dear Reader, can you explain what is wrong with this claim regarding the Assyrian Captivity (from 732BC) and the Second Temple Period (586BC to 70AD)? The answer is found in the prophesies contained in the Hebrew scriptures. The story of the fall of the Hebrews can be summarized with …

Heart and Mind, Redux

The most important passage in the entire Bible is the Shema Yisrael—the essence of Judaism. The portion of the Shema that we are concerned with is called the “V’ahavta.” It contains the command “You shall love…” Jesus and the teachers of the law agreed that the V’ahavta was the greatest commandment. The V’ahavta is recorded …