Moral Monsters

Every once in a while there is a discussion on morality and ethics that leads to a crystal clear outcome. One of my favorites is the essay by Free Northerner entitled “Abortion, Tomlinson, and Moral Midgets.” Another began when Matt Walsh posed a fairly standard-sounding moral dilemma on Twitter: This …

Anabaptism and Passivism

My previous post, “Anabaptism: Non-Violent Resistance“, highlighted how Christians must eschew violence, including any advocacy of violence. Anabaptism radically accepts the Bible’s commands to live in peace while always resisting evil. Is this a contradiction? How can this be done practically? The answer lies in Passivism (not pacifism): “Passivism is building …

Anabaptism: Non-Violent Resistance

Recently Christian apologist Wintery Knight deleted my comments, banned me, and then passively accused me of some combination of supporting anti-war, pacifism, appeasement, and/or isolationism as well as being historically ignorant and governed by feelings. I wrote about this experience at “Is Wintery Knight a Snowflake?” and also specifically addressed …

Is Wintery Knight a Snowflake?

I often discuss censorship on Twitter and blogs (see here). A Christian following Jesus’ example lives in peace. A Christian following Paul’s example uses reason and evidence. A Christian fully prepared to defend his faith has no use for ideological censorship.[1] You might expect that—as a Christian who frequents the blogs …

What Mass Shooters Believe (Illustrated)

In the article What Do Mass Shooters Believe?, writer Isaac analyzed the ideology of the mass shooters with 10 or more victims. The results are interesting and are worth delving into further. The Data The following graph shows the ideologies of the shooters: Of the 18 mass shooters with 10 or …

Twitter Math

This post is a rebuttal to a Twitter debate with Scott Leishman. My response is too long to post on Twitter, so here it is. This is where the thread left off: We're almost to the crux. I'm going to stop posting now, go make dinner, and come back and …