Justification By Faith

The series on faith is a collection of separated, but related, essays. Here is the index: Prelude #1: The Eucharist Prelude #2: The Living Voice Prelude #3: Changing Language Part 1: The Primacy of Love Part 2: What is Faith? What are works? Part 3: Faith and Works (Belief/Obedience; Unbelief/Disobedience) …

Changing Language

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism. See this index. In “Living Voice,” I discussed the official Roman Catholic position on scripture and teased the upcoming series on justification by faith. But, before we delve into the new series, I want to continue setting up the background for …

The Living Voice

This is part of a series on Roman Catholicism. See this index. In my series on the Eucharist, I discussed a few Roman Catholic apologists: FishEaters, Church Fathers, and Joshua Charles. One of the issues I highlighted was what is known as “quote mining,” where a quote is taken out-of-context or …

The Eucharist, Part 40: Conclusion

Summary The chart above summarizes what we’ve found throughout this series. First, the ancient liturgy… Dismissal Eucharist Oblation Epiclesis Lord’s Supper …is strongly attested to. Sixteen out of seventeen writers that we examined in the first 300 years affirmatively assert an ancient, non-Roman liturgy. They don’t always discuss all aspects …

The Eucharist, Part 38: Didascalia Apostolorum

Didascalia Apostolorum What is the Didascalia Apostolorum? Let’s let the Catholic Encyclopedia explain: The Didascalia Apostolorum is a heretical forgery of questionable reliability. The document is not completely useless for our purposes, but it’s not particularly helpful either. There are, however, a few areas of interest. The offering described is …