Take the Pill

Here is a comment by someone. Let’s see if we agree. Sure, no problem. Seems reasonable, if perhaps a bit trite and obvious. I doubt anyone would object to having these things. Absolutely. If there is one thing that I’ve been saying a lot lately, it is that men of …

Nothing Works Anymore

The Death Cult I’ve been writing about bureaucracy for years. I have an index of this in “The Decline of Society.” Indeed, in December, 2019, I wrote this: The point of this comment is that the institutions—all of them—are not there to help us, but that inherent evil that is …

A Decree to Rebuild

Over at Radix Fidem, Ed Hurst has begun a series on Eschatology, and he started with Daniel 9, specifically this part about the Seventy Weeks: Hurst made some very curious assertions that I’d like to point out, but ultimately find his conclusion to be utterly fascinating. Please hold your judgments …


I’ve written a lot about dishonesty in the Manosphere, including (and especially) from those who call others liars. This includes: “Absolutely Mystified” “Habitually Being Wrong” “It’s Always Someone Else’s Problem” “Anonymity and Plagiarism” “Deti on Hypocrisy” “Sectarianism” “Everyone’s a Genius” “The Living Voice” “Ambiguity in the Bible” “1 Corinthians 14:34-35” …

Is it Finished?

A few days ago I wrote “A Spirit of Confusion” where I described the confusion and division in the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, I discussed the possibility of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano being excommunicated. On July 4, Vigano was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. He has not yet been …

Absolutely Mystified

This post is the follow-up to “Sectarianism.” This article snippet was recently brought to my attention (emphasis added): I’m not sure that anyone reading this should consider it to be useful or trustworthy. I never thought anyone would call Bruce Charlton “Ecclesiastical,” but this list somehow manages it. I also have …

A Spirit of Confusion

If all you possessed was a Bible and an unlimited amount of time, you would never be able to understand what this means. If all you possessed was a Bible and an unlimited amount of time, you would never be able to understand what this direct reply means. I had …

The Nature of Faith

In my “Review: The Path is Very Long” I made some claims about Radix Fidem that some of my readers might question whether or not they are accurate portrayals. Fortunately, Catacomb Resident published “Academic Faith” only a few hours after I published that review. Perhaps it was even a response …