Saturday Misadventures

Lately a lot of regular commenters have been getting their comments thrown into the spam brig unnecessarily. Late yesterday I activated a script that will automatically remove messages from the spam bin within a minute of them being posted. If your comments do not show up after sending them, just …

A Matter of Trust

Ultimately, you have to trust someone, because no one can know everything they need to know. But, you can’t trust anyone on the internet. You really can’t. In meatspace you can form a relationship with a person and learn who they really are. You can tell if their words and …

Genesis 3:16 Revisted 3.0

Every so often I see a comment that is egregiously bad. But this time it isn’t just one comment, it is same one twice, both here and at Sigma Frame: I’ve seen some bad takes over the years, but this one is among the very worst. Let’s start by getting …

Saturday Misadventures

It’s Saturday, so we’re going to throw off precision and accuracy and just wildly speculate and completely make stuff up. You’ve been warned. After the Professor posted serious research indicating that opposites do not attract, I asked ChatGPT to summarize the research on marital relationships and introversion and extroversion. Here …

Purpose and Motivation

A recent commenter suggested that my posts have missed the mark, that they are not addressing the problems that real men are really facing in reality. And I agreed. Over the last few days I’ve repeated a single theme: Keep in mind that a couple months back, Bruce Charlton stated …

Genesis 3:16 Revisted Again

I’m not sure how long it will take until I resume my series, but in the meantime, I wanted to include a relevant comment that was posted after I published yesterday’s post, “Genesis 3:16 Revisited.” First, Jack has not responded to any of Pseudonymous Commenter Firefly’s arguments. He’s simply dodged …

Genesis 3:16 Revisted

Well, one of our old topical standbys is being discussed again. So we’re going to take a brief break from our series to discuss it. A Bit of History Back in 2020, Jack @ Sigma Frame discovered the ESV’s version of Genesis 3:16, which at the time read as follows: …

Saturday Misadventures

I asked OpenAI’s ChatGPT to generate a table for me without explaining why I wanted it: Now, guess what it said. It refused to do it. For ideological reasons. I’m actually thankful, because I could not have come up with a better real-life example of blankslatism if I had tried. …

Relationship Satisfaction

Here is the series so far: Part 1 — Hypergamy is a Myth Part 2 — Hypergamy Note Part 3 — Luck Part 4 — Reasons for Divorce Part 5 — A Case Study on Marriage (Intermission) Part 6 — What is Hypergamy? (Part 1) Part 7 — What is …