Sigma Frame on 1 Peter

Sigma Frame has on 1 Peter many times. The full list is here. Sigma Frame is largely concerned with the instructions to spouses found in 1 Peter 3, mostly focusing on the instructions to wives. This has become an increasing focus over time. Sigma Frame discussed Peter’s instructions on suffering …

Headship Is Still Not Authority

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. Over at the Christianity and Masculinity blog, Deep Strength writes in “Headship is still authority in marriage Part 3:” Ho boy! I recently did a topical 10-part series on mutual submission, focusing specifically on Wayne Grudem’s word …

Fleeing Evil

Over on Twitter, some are disheartened that we have walked away from the Olympics: But the New Testament instructs us to flee evil: to have nothing to do with it. It is worth considering why the Christian athletes—our Brothers and Sisters—are not stepping away from the Olympics. As Christians we …

Is Matthew 5 Hyperbole?

In my review of Sharkly’s latest article “Do we “Resist the devil” or “Resist not evil”?” we wrestled with the question of whether or not Jesus’ commands were hyperbole. Sharkly concluded that this was hyperbole intended to use exaggeration to emphasize a forgiving attitude. In the presence of the perfectly valid law …

Nothing Works Anymore

The Death Cult I’ve been writing about bureaucracy for years. I have an index of this in “The Decline of Society.” Indeed, in December, 2019, I wrote this: The point of this comment is that the institutions—all of them—are not there to help us, but that inherent evil that is …

The Nature of Faith

In my “Review: The Path is Very Long” I made some claims about Radix Fidem that some of my readers might question whether or not they are accurate portrayals. Fortunately, Catacomb Resident published “Academic Faith” only a few hours after I published that review. Perhaps it was even a response …

Mutual Submission, Part 10

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. In “Habitually Being Wrong,” it was revealed that the folk at Sigma Frame had discussed “Mutual Submission, Part 1” without engaging with me (and if they discussed any other part of the series, they didn’t let …

Mutual Submission, Part 9

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. On December 1, 2013, Dalrock posted this classic article. This was long before I even knew who Dalrock was. He wasn’t even on my radar. Yet, so typical is this of the Manosphere in the following …

Mutual Submission, Part 6

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. There are two primary, but related, issues at the root of the biblical grammatical argument on submission. The first issue is whether or not the Greek middle voice is equivalent to the English active voice. The second issue is whether or not …

Mutual Submission, Part 5

This is part of a series on patriarchy, headship, and submission. See this index. There are two primary, but related, issues at the root of the biblical grammatical argument on submission. The first issue is whether or not the Greek middle voice is equivalent to the English active voice. The second issue is whether …