Reason Is A Tool

John C. Wright

The observation that reality is real that only symbols reflecting realty can be true or false is accurate. However, this do not address the central argument: why any thought reflects reality?

The human faculty of reason either a tool with an aim (to truthfully reflect reality) or not. If not, reason is aimless, hence untrustworthy. If aimless, reason does not “fail” when irrational, nor “succeed” when rational. Failure and success only apply to tools working or not

If human reason is aimless, it is untrustworthy for any and all reasoning, including this.

But if human reason is a tool with an innate aim, then the including the faculty of reason in human nature is deliberate. A tool implies a toolmaker. An aim implies an aimer. If our nature is of deliberate design, man was created by an intelligent creator: ergo God.


One commenter makes an actual Haiku that says something similar:

Comment by Stephen J.

If Reason knows Truth,
then Truth is Reason’s Purpose–
If Purpose, then God.

This echoes Paul, who said:

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

God created reason for a purpose. To reject reason is to reject the tool that God has given us for a specific purpose. If we reject the tool, this implies a rejection of that purpose and of the toolmaker himself.


  1. Pingback: The Parable of the WHAT?

  2. professorGBFMtm


    Remember where so many supposed ”Traditionalists” in the sphere say ”masturbation and p@rn might NOT be prohibited by DaLawd(just the RCC)?”

    Then how do they explain Ezekiel 16?

    BUT mainly 16:17-which Dan McClellan the theologian and scripture translator says the literal meaning of “phallic images,” he states that it is also very likely to interpret this literally e.g. dildos made out of gold & silver.

    17You also took the fine jewelry of gold and silver I had given you, and you made male idols with which to prostitute yourself.

    Berean Standard Bible
    Jerusalem’s Unfaithfulness

    1Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, confront Jerusalem with her abominations 3and tell her that this is what the Lord GOD says to Jerusalem: Your origin and your birth were in the land of the Canaanites. Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite. 4On the day of your birth your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing. You were not rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. 5No one cared enough for you to do even one of these things out of compassion for you. Instead, you were thrown out into the open field, because you were despised on the day of your birth.

    6Then I passed by and saw you wallowing in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, ‘Live!’ There I said to you, ‘Live!’ 7I made you thrive like a plant of the field. You grew up and matured and became very beautiful. Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, but you were naked and bare.

    8Then I passed by and saw you, and you were indeed old enough for love. So I spread My cloak over you and covered your nakedness. I pledged Myself to you, entered into a covenant with you, and you became Mine, declares the Lord GOD. 9Then I bathed you with water, rinsed off your blood, and anointed you with oil. 10I clothed you in embroidered cloth and gave you sandals of fine leather. I wrapped you in fine linen and covered you with silk. 11I adorned you with jewelry, and I put bracelets on your wrists and a chain around your neck. 12I put a ring in your nose, earrings on your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.

    13So you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was made of fine linen, silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. You became very beautiful and rose to be queen. 14Your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect in the splendor I bestowed on you, declares the Lord GOD.

    15But because of your fame, you trusted in your beauty and played the harlot. You lavished your favors on everyone who passed by, and your beauty was theirs for the asking. 16You took some of your garments and made colorful high places for yourself, and on them you prostituted yourself. Such things should not have happened; never should they have occurred!

    17You also took the fine jewelry of gold and silver I had given you, and you made male idols with which to prostitute yourself. 18You took your embroidered garments to cover them, and you set My oil and incense before them. 19And you set before them as a pleasing aroma the food I had given you—the fine flour, oil, and honey that I had fed you. That is what happened, declares the Lord GOD.

    20You even took the sons and daughters you bore to Me and sacrificed them as food to idols. Was your prostitution not enough? 21You slaughtered My children and delivered them up through the fire to idols.

    22And in all your abominations and acts of prostitution, you did not remember the days of your youth when you were naked and bare, wallowing in your own blood.

    23Woe! Woe to you, declares the Lord GOD. And in addition to all your other wickedness, 24you built yourself a mound and made yourself a lofty shrine in every public square. 25At the head of every street you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty. With increasing promiscuity, you spread your legs to all who passed by. 26You prostituted yourself with your lustful neighbors, the Egyptians, and increased your promiscuity to provoke Me to anger.

    27Therefore I stretched out My hand against you and reduced your portion. I gave you over to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your lewd conduct. 28Then you prostituted yourself with the Assyrians, because you were not yet satisfied. Even after that, you were still not satisfied. 29So you extended your promiscuity to Chaldea,a the land of merchants—but even with this you were not satisfied!

    30How weak-willed is your heart,b declares the Lord GOD, while you do all these things, the acts of a shameless prostitute! 31But when you built your mounds at the head of every street and made your lofty shrines in every public square, you were not even like a prostitute, because you scorned payment.

    32You adulterous wife! You receive strangers instead of your own husband! 33Men give gifts to all their prostitutes, but you gave gifts to all your lovers. You bribed them to come to you from everywhere for your illicit favors. 34So your prostitution is the opposite of that of other women: No one solicited your favors, and you paid a fee instead of receiving one; so you are the very opposite!

    Judgment on Jerusalem

    35Therefore, O prostitute, hear the word of the LORD! 36This is what the Lord GOD says: Because you poured out your wealth and exposed your nakedness in your promiscuity with your lovers and with all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your children which you gave to them, 37therefore I will surely gather all the lovers with whom you found pleasure, all those you loved and all those you hated. I will gather them against you from all around and expose you before them, and they will see you completely naked. 38And I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit adultery and those who shed blood; so I will bring upon you the wrath of your bloodshed and jealousy.

    39Then I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will level your mounds and tear down your lofty shrines. They will strip off your clothes, take your fine jewelry, and leave you naked and bare. 40They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords. 41Then they will burn down your houses and execute judgment against you in the sight of many women.

    I will put an end to your prostitution, and you will never again pay your lovers. 42So I will lay to rest My wrath against you, and My jealousy will turn away from you. Then I will be calm and no longer angry.

    43Because you did not remember the days of your youth, but enraged Me with all these things, I will surely bring your deeds down upon your own head, declares the Lord GOD. Have you not committed this lewdness on top of all your other abominations?

    44Behold, all who speak in proverbs will quote this proverb about you:

    ‘Like mother, like daughter.’

    45You are the daughter of your mother, who despised her husband and children. You are the sister of your sisters, who despised their husbands and children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite. 46Your older sister was Samaria, who lived with her daughters to your north; and your younger sister was Sodom, who lived with her daughters to your south. 47And you not only walked in their ways and practiced their abominations, but soon you were more depraved than they were.

    48As surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did as you and your daughters have done. 49Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and complacent; they did not help the poor and needy. 50Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them, as you have seen.c

    51Furthermore, Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. You have multiplied your abominations beyond theirs, and all the abominations you have committed have made your sisters appear righteous. 52So now you must bear your disgrace, since you have brought justification for your sisters. For they appear more righteous than you, because your sins were more vile than theirs. So you too must bear your shame and disgrace, since you have made your sisters appear righteous.

    53But I will restore Sodom and her daughters from captivity,d as well as Samaria and her daughters. And I will restore you along with them. 54So you will bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all you did to comfort them.

    55And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to their former state. You and your daughters will also return to your former state. 56Did you not treat your sister Sodom as an object of scorn in the day of your pride, 57before your wickedness was uncovered? Even so, you are now scorned by the daughters of Edome and all those around her, and by the daughters of the Philistines—all those around you who despise you. 58You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your abominations, declares the LORD.

    The Covenant Remembered

    59For this is what the Lord GOD says: I will deal with you according to your deeds, since you have despised the oath by breaking the covenant. 60But I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. 61Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your older and younger sisters. I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of My covenant with you.

    62So I will establish My covenant with you, and you will know that I am the LORD, 63so that when I make atonement for all you have done, you will remember and be ashamed and never again open your mouth because of your disgrace, declares the Lord GOD.”

    Have you ever heard the ”masturbation and p@rn not forbidden(only disallowed by the RCC)” crowd mentions that to further their case huh?

    Maybe they knew the REASON by REASONing perhaps?

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Here an avowed Athiest then sometimes Agnostic gives the REASON for All the Civil wars or near wars in the last 400+ years :

    Cheque d’Out says:
    26 September, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    There’s a $#it-storm of bribe allegations against Two Tier, Free Gear Kweer Stammer. The trouble is that he’s very far from the only one taking goodies. If he has to resign, who is left to run to replace him?

    Very odd. But Leftards do love to in-fight. And I love watching them do it.

    He like most just doesn’t understand that almost all are leftists( just some are more on the vanguard of the ”new normal” is all)

    Heres a quote that used to tickle DALS fancy(in the good years I.E. THE MOSES, JESUS & GBFM years e.g. summer 2012- summer 2015) too!:

    “The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types — the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”
    ― G.K. Chesterton

    That was the starting point=origin of the left-liberals/right-liberals concept.

    The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types — the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins.

    Now see why tradcons are feminists.

  4. professorGBFMtm

    i like how so-called Patriarchs can easily see the meaning of certain Scriptures but have ”issues” with other ones by inverting them such as they do with Acts 5:29- “We must obey God rather than men.” Which they reason must means “We must obey( blue pilled) Man rather than God.”(”rp” ”Patriarchy” Acts 5:29) in their inverted ”Bible”.

    Sharkly says:
    26 September, 2024 at 11:33 pm
    Men and women apparently cheat for different reasons
    That title does not reflect the results of the data. The author is either too dumb, or unwilling to admit, that it really is the exact same reason, which she and the survey data describe for why both men and women cheat.

    Wives cheat because they lose interest in having sex with their husband.
    Husbands cheat because their wives lose enthusiasm for having sex with them.
    That’s the exact same cause. In both cases the female loses interest in having enthusiastic sex with her mate, causing them both temptation towards infidelity. The wife wants to have sex with somebody she is attracted to. The husband primarily wants to have sex with somebody who is attracted to him and is excited to be having sex with him.

    1 Corinthians 7:3 The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

    Who knew! If the wife tries to unilaterally deprive the husband of sex and intimacy he’ll be tempted to go get it elsewhere, or to be uncaring or mean to her in return while yanking &cranking w/o a care in the world at home & at work. And she’ll also be tempted by her own defrauding and her lack of appreciation for what she has available, to either cheat or to treat him with spite or disregard. That 2,000-year-old warning seems to have already foreseen our latest survey data. That if the wife becomes reluctant to have sex with her husband, then Satan is best able to tempt them both. And should the roles ever be reversed, that creates the same situation in reverse. Either way, if you defraud your partner of willing and enthusiastic participation in sexual bonding, you’re opening both of you up to temptation to do evil, which your marriage was meant to prevent.

    You need to not only provide your partner with all the sex they want (within reason) but you need to also make every effort to participate enthusiastically, trying to enjoy it as much as you possibly can as well. It only makes sense. If you’re forced to put out, why not try to get the most possible enjoyment out of it while you’re doing your duty? Why try to make the other person feel unappreciated, or get less enjoyment out of it than you possibly can while you’re there?

    Why do married people (most generally wives) try to punish their partner with intentionally poor sex? They’re only destroying their own marriage, and their own sexual experience, while they’re allowing Satan to tempt them both further towards eternal destruction. It makes no sense to give your partner unenthusiastic sex. Even if she’s turned into a fat pig, bang that tub of guts like she’ll never forget! It’ll burn more calories off her by doing it that way. And some amazing sex and appreciation might slightly decrease her desire for emotional comfort food, and at least take up some time when she might otherwise have been eating.

    You married that pig. Get your money’s worth out of her. If the quality of her sexiness has gone down, make up the difference on volume. 😜

    I wonder why he can’t be like his Patriarchical Father rather than like the bluepilled Men he obeys though?

      1. Luke 7:33 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and ye say, He hath a devil. 34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

        You condemn my father for disciplining my mom to keep his marriage functioning. Yet you also condemn me for not doing that in my marriage.

        There is no pleasing y’all here in this little troll asylum. You are castoff critics trying to retard and claw back the progress that has been made by the manosphere against Feminism.

        Even God Himself is made into a liar here to suit your evolutionary fancies. But I need not deal with you further because you are of no account. You will not fight, because you’re pacifist. You live like a parasite enjoying the freedoms bought by better men’s blood. You enjoy the fruits from the remnants of God’s holy order of patriarchy even while you condemn patriarchy. You seem to also be against voting, so you’ve preemptively rendered yourself impotent democratically too. Professing yourselves to be wise you’ve become fools. Who say, “I believe X” is an example of circular reasoning, and that citing early church writings that contradict with today’s church beliefs, is an example of survivorship bias.
        Two of the three of you are liars. You don’t “argue in good faith”, but then squeal like a pig about “good faith” when I trick you into exposing your own hypocrisy. Pig-wrestling with y’all here really isn’t worth my limited time. If I do cast you a pearl, it is primarily for my own amusement. Not that I secretly enjoy becoming the topic of screeds of gibberish, lies, and to have the names of various misapplied logical fallacies flung at me. Perhaps this comment will serve to provide a couple of y’all the motivation to continue venting your powerless angst against me for another few months. LOL

        1. Derek L. Ramsey

          You condemn my father for disciplining my mom to keep his marriage functioning. Yet you also condemn me for not doing that in my marriage.

          I condemned no one. Around here we call that an “unsubstantiated claim” which is the nice way of saying “you made it all up.”

          We can all read for ourselves what you said:

          We can all see, in your own words, precisely what kind of person you really are. There isn’t any reason to make stuff up about you, what is true is quite enough. There is no reason to judge you, because your own words judge you.

          The question was (1) if God demands such discipline as part of his patriarchal mandate and (2) you are to obey God rather than man, then why didn’t you emulate your father and do the same? Or more bluntly, do you consider yourself to be a hypocrite or not? Why?

          Answer it if you dare.

          “You enjoy the fruits from the remnants of God’s holy order of patriarchy even while you condemn patriarchy.”

          False and unsubstantiated.

          I’ve never condemned patriarchy. You can’t find a single quote in which I’ve done so. Here is the most critical I’ve been:

          “Patriarchy is ultimately a matter of unbelief: disbelieving the transformative power of Christ within a marriage. It is disbelief that a husband and wife can be in unity without a hierarchical authority, as the Bible says in Genesis.”

          Similar statements are here and here. You can read my thesis here. So much for condemning it.

          I’ve said that patriarchy is not divinely instituted (by citing scripture) and that other methods are superior (by citing scripture and statistics), but I’ve never said that it can’t be implemented in a way that is compatible with Christianity. I’ve publicly stated numerous times that if you have a successful patriarchal marriage, good for you.

          I have criticized what I call “weak patriarchy” which is not patriarchy at all. I could call it “imitation patriarchy” instead if that makes it easier for you to understand. This is when one claims to support patriarchy, but spits on the core principles of patriarchy.

          You can see my actual quotes on weak patriarchy here, here, and here. You can see my comparison of weak vs strong patriarchy here and here. As you can see, I’ve been consistent in criticizing patriarchal hypocrisy, not patriarchy itself.

          For example, when the Weak Patriarch is faced with the feminist state conflicting with the Holy Patriarchy, he chooses to obey whatever the State tells him to do because he’s afraid of the results of not obeying. This is what The Professor is talking about when he mentions obeying Blue Pilled men.

          For example, when the Weak Patriarch looks at a Real Patriarch and tries to override his rightful domain by telling him how he must manage his own family. When the Real Patriarch tells the Weak Patriarch where to stuff it, the Weak Patriarch starts making up tall tales about the Real Patriarch and gossiping about it on other forums like a woman instead of confronting him directly. Everyone rightly mocks this as childish and womanly behavior.

          If you took the time to understand my position, you wouldn’t continue to misrepresent it.

          “Two of the three of you are liars. Not that I secretly enjoy becoming the topic of screeds of gibberish, lies, and to have the names of various misapplied logical fallacies flung at me.”

          I’ll just repeat what I said to you before.

          When I cited your own words where you make claim A⇒B and then I cited your own words in another location where you make the claim B⇒A, anyone can see the plain circular reasoning (i.e. A⇒A and B⇒B), even if you do not. Your claims that I’ve misrepresented you simply fall flat based on your own testimony. You’ve condemned yourself by your own words. You protest and protest and protest and protest and it’s all pointless effort, because you can’t take back what you’ve already said publicly.

          “You seem to also be against voting”

          Yes, because I’m convinced that it is stupid and I do my best not to do stupid things. Others disagree. Voters can foolishly vote. It’s not my job to fix them.

          “Professing yourselves to be wise you’ve become fools.”

          Unsubstantiated claim. Nice try.

          I’ll tell you what I told Malcolm Reynolds a couple months ago. You can comment here all you want, but you really should stop posting if you can’t stop making unsubstantiated claims. Other forums might let those things slide, but you will just be lectured and mocked here if you continue to do so.

          “Pig-wrestling with y’all”

          We are all quite reasonable as long as you avoid ad hominem. You’ve run up against a stubborn “piggish” brick wall because you don’t avoid those things. If you stick to the ideas, your experience here will markedly improve.

          Also, you’d have a lot more respect around here if you didn’t appear to preach one thing (Strong Patriarchy) and practice another (Weak Patriarchy). All we are asking for is clarification for what is a string of behaviors that indicate that you don’t take Strong Patriarchy seriously.

          “when I trick you into exposing your own hypocrisy.”

          You know I responded to that false accusation and you never responded to my rebuttal, right? So eager for a “Gotcha!” that you set aside reality.

          “Even God Himself is made into a liar here to suit your evolutionary fancies.”

          Are you sure you are not projecting?

          You are really big on God being very precise on the language he uses in Genesis 1. So, tell me, why did God so very carefully use the Hebrew pluperfect “had become” in Genesis 1:2?

          “There is no pleasing y’all here in this little troll asylum. [..] Perhaps this comment will serve to provide a couple of y’all the motivation to continue venting your powerless angst against me for another few months. LOL”

          Trolling, eh? Tell me more.

  5. Pingback: Heart and Mind, Redux

  6. professorGBFMtm

    There is no pleasing y’all here in this little troll asylum. You are castoff critics trying to retard and claw back the progress that has been made by the manosphere against Feminism.

    Your are mainly angry that Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne now actively persecutes you and your failing site(s) after acting like he was your best ally and deleting your site links, don’t worry that’s just tradcon 101.

    If you tradcons represent the TRUE manosphere then wherefore comes videos (& this spotlighted comment) from St.Rollo & his followers you faux weak, lying ”Patriarchist” like the rest of you tradcon-type f@ols.

    TradCons are the REAL RED PILL, Bro!

    1 year ago
    Problem with all these tradcon guys like Shapiro, Crowder, Peterson, Renn, sparkly, Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne,bgr=larry solomon =matt perkins, and Walsh is that they haven’t told me anything I don’t already know since 2016 and have had no progress that has been made against Feminism since their failurous arrival & their attempted stolen valor of ROISSY, GBFM & DAL.

    1. Derek L. Ramsey

      I have Christians who tell me that to vote Democrat is the height of immorality. And I have other Christians who tell me that to vote Republican is to vote for the most immoral man ever to live. Christians all agree that the politicians are immoral and should not be voted for, but they also agree that you must vote.

      Sharkly’s “Demoralization” shows this exact logical contradiction:

      “For the record, I am not saying that your vote will change history, or that we can vote our way to utopia. I’m not saying that your choice isn’t entirely between crooked politicians. I’m not saying there won’t be cheating. I’m not saying there aren’t other more effective ways to influence the world. I’m just saying, regarding voting, go do the upright thing. Then you’re still free to go do all those other things you think might work better. Voting is an easy task and there is no excuse for neglecting to speak up for what you believe is right, or least evil. Don’t let the Demoralizer win a victory by getting you to bury your opportunity to exercise your right to this symbolic portion of dominion that you still have. Or it too might get taken away. Afterwards you can go spend the rest of the next four years doing whatever it is you think should work better.”

      Oh no! We might lose our meaningless “right.” Whatever shall we do?

      Voting is performative virtue signaling (what used to be called “hypocrisy”).

      “Not everybody has been given the opportunity to vote and to exercise good moral stewardship thereby.”

      Good moral stewardship? No, voting is a lie. No one should have anything to do with lies. It’s not good moral stewardship to participate in lying and cheating.

      When Trump ran against Clinton, I told my family to vote for Clinton, to clarify and speed along God’s judgment. If voting is good for anything, it’s for giving people what they deserve: an increase in suffering as a result of their sin and refusal to repent. Trying to save them from the consequences of their own decisions is like a parent refusing to punish their child when they do wrong. Voting for the “best candidate” to avoid bad consequences just leads to lawlessness.

  7. professorGBFMtm

    You condemn my father for disciplining my mom to keep his marriage functioning. Yet you also condemn me for not doing that in my marriage.

    This is why ”Jack” told you ”if only you could stop being the ”poor ‘ole pitiful me-(did I tell you how muh wife wouldn’t give I no suxxy sux either,poor ‘ole hardworking mez?) Messiah wanna-be,you might could amount to something other than a never was bro” back in Summer ’23.

    But as usual you take all good instructions and correction as ”gibberish, lies, and to have the names of various misapplied logical fallacies flung at ‘poor ‘ole pitiful me-(did I tell you how muh wife wouldn’t give I no suxxy sux either,poor ‘ole hardworking mez ?).” like your ever-failing tradcon idols sound to blackpillers.

    Perhaps this comment will serve to provide a couple of y’all the motivation to continue venting your powerless angst against me for another few months. LOL

    As you said of yourself ”But you superior MEN need not deal with I further because I’am of no account as a ever-failurous tradcon who can’t even have synergy with Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne anymore ,poor ‘ole pitiful me-(did I tell you how muh wife wouldn’t give I no suxxy sux either,poor ‘ole hardworking mez?)

    But buck up dude I hear St.DAL might come back and want you to be trolling him again as he moves you from the moderation list to black list as a tradcon communist should be on TBH.

  8. Derek L. Ramsey

    [This comment continues the previous comment]

    “You condemn my father for disciplining my mom to keep his marriage functioning. Yet you also condemn me for not doing that in my marriage.”

    Did you know that in order to adopt an orphaned child, you have to swear (or affirm) that you will never spank your adopted child? If you don’t, your homestudy won’t be approved and you won’t be allowed to adopt.

    That means if you believe that God commands you not to refrain from physical punishment of your child (or wife, Sharkly?), then you can’t adopt without being a liar or disobeying God.

    If someone believes that corporal punishment is mandated by God, then they can’t adopt. Since trafficking children is illegal, such a person who is called by God to adopt cannot do so without probably spending life in prison (or else lying before God).

    I often cite Bruce Charlton’s “Not Even Trying” where he notes that in order to get your scientific study approved in the UK, you have to go before a board of approval and lie about your study. To be a profession scientist requires you to lie.

    I simply want to know why Sharkly has compromised what he (apparently) believes are divine mandates simply because he wants to stay out of prison. Why is he so aggressive in calling me a hypocrite when that is (apparently) just projection?

    Sharkly believes that a man’s authority over his wife is his divinely instituted dominion. Since no government or feminist can stand between God and man or abrogate the dominion that God has given man, then Sharkly must believe that striking his wife—exercising his divine authority—is a divine mandate. The fact that he refused to do it apparently makes him a hypocrite.

    As I don’t like to judge or condemn a person, I’d like to hear Sharkly clarify whether this really is hypocrisy or not. Or put another way, if Sharkly wanted to hit his wife to assert his supposed God-given authority, but chose not to do so out of fear of man, is this not the definitive example of preaching one thing and doing another?

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