A Brief Exchange on The Red Pill

HTCG 02d
John the Fool
What about Bowman’s discussion of the creation of woman out of the ‘rib’? I mean, I am used to scholars downplaying or glossing over the homoerotic elements in Greek philosophy/culture, but we have need to balance out the overwhelmingly negative and pessimistic views on women coming from TRP and it’s Christian sectors which in my opinion both boarders on blaspheming the Lord in regards to his wisdom and power while downplaying the fact that the current state of affairs was and is the creation of men. But, I cannot say such things without being labeled as a Beta or pedistalizer, right?
Ed Hurst
I would say Boman missed the point on that discussion. Still, it raises the important issue that the Holy Spirit does have an awful lot to say about whom we should choose as a spouse, which is something I’ve yet to see covered properly in Red Pill discussions. When I tried, it was ignored, and sometimes even denied indirectly. Everyone wants to talk about the mechanics and common elements, but no one wants to discuss the power of God working our lives.
John the Fool
Yes, and when I tried to share my experience of the Lord’s action in my marriage, I was written off as deceived and or gullible (my wife really was not a virgin, I got lucky, etc.) The ‘power of God working in our lives’ is what I am all about. One man a thousand could land a Christian unicorn in my opinion and it still would not matter as long as one is genuinely in partnership with the Lord, which opens up a whole other can of worms that TRP never addresses because it essentially assumes that the divine will/action is indeed not a factor. Unbelief is unbelief no matter how it is justified, that is, if one is actually being led by the Lord, which is a whole other can of worms that is never cracked open because it is not enough of a factor to be taken into consideration.

Their experience mirrors mine.

What do you think? Agree? Disagree?


  1. professorGBFMtm

    All i can really do is fix(Amplify & clarify) this comment from john {which is very surprising from a guy who was chummy with a certain commenter/$#itposter/troll( who DAL the saint of all saints in the tradcon sphere banned &”moderated” as he told him/her/it on the day he banned him/her/it as such too-even though they don’t see it that way of course but read it here for yourself & decide:

    Sparkly says:
    March 21, 2019 at 11:28 am
    Did my prior comment on this thread get lost in moderation?
    Or is it that I’m not to explicitly condemn the filthy acts of faggotry that these churchians pave the way for?
    If my comments are not welcomed here, just let me know, I’ll contribute, troll & $#itpost elsewhere.
    [D: I binned it. I can’t tell if you are an intentional troll or just don’t understand what you are doing. Either
    way, it saves me work to move you from the moderation list to the blacklist, so I’ll take you up on your

    ) and is well-known as a woman-hater in general} :

    John the Fool
    What about Bowman’s discussion of the creation of woman out of the ‘rib’? I mean, I am used to scholars downplaying or glossing over the homoerotic elements in Greek philosophy/culture, but we have need to balance out the overwhelmingly negative and pessimistic views on women coming from TRP and it’s Christian sectors which in my opinion both boarders on blaspheming the Lord in regards to his wisdom and power while downplaying the fact that the current state of affairs was and is the creation of men. But, I cannot say such things without being labeled as a Beta, C@nt-worshipper, or pedistalizer, right?

    That really just proves how ”uninformed” and ”I want to be seen as ”cool & hip” with the kids so badly I don’t care about all the ramifications” of many are who say ”” red pill”,” red pill”, REDPILL!”-which has been standard for some 14+ years really a few years even before Dalrock thought GAME(circa late ’09/earl ’10) was going to save Marriage, Church & civilization{which just shows how delusional he was to anyone who knows the TRUTH of GAME which is sex, sex, SEX NOT marriage(it’s like thinking that the ’97/’98/’99 Clinton-Lewinsky incident was going to jumpstart a marriage revolution), Christ nor civilization but DAL had a pretty GOOD excuse in that he saw the long-term ramifications of the MANcession going on at the time he became ”concerned” & had a very young daughter at the same time}.

  2. professorGBFMtm

    John the f@ol really lives up to his name(as he just jumped into the ””Christian”-”Man”osphere”)here,he didn’t know it was mostly ”based” on the faulty foundations of ”I get no suxxy suxx from my wife TBH” or ”my wife divorced my Godly(so) Godly @ss sirz” and/or ”let’s try to get younger MENZ in our beta failing Churches to boss around in front of the evilz womenz WE still want to worship.”

    Yes, and when I tried to share my experience of the Lord’s action in my marriage, I was written off as deceived,a deceiver like their political idols, and or gullible (my wife really was not a virgin like MOST wimminz, I got lucky, etc.) The ‘power of God working in our lives’ is what I am all about. One man a thousand could land a Christian unicorn in my opinion and it still would not matter as long as one is genuinely in partnership with the Lord, which opens up a whole other can of worms that TRP=”heavilly watered down game for the masses of shy social t@rdz that are scared of the outside world beyond their safe spaces” never addresses because it essentially assumes that the divine will/action is indeed not a factor just the wet gina or anuth factor. Unbelief is unbelief no matter how it is justified, that is, if one is actually being led by the Lord, which is a whole other can of worms that is never cracked open because it is not enough of a factor to be taken into consideration even by Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne the wanna-be usurper/pope of our ANE religion of Radix Fidem SMH TBH.

    1. Lastmod

      Well, yeah….and if there be ONE…one legitimate criticism of the “Christian Real Man Rd Pill World”

      Its this

      “You’re still doing it wrong. Oh? You have a wife? Been married 12 years and doing okay? Well, actually you are failing because you did not pursue her this way or that way. Don’t worry, she will divorce you soon. Your wife is faithful in church and is your helper? Well, women you see can fake it. She is just biding her time and will spring upon you to “upsur” your authority at any moment. They are all evil and not one good one among them.

      To do it right, and well……sorry you messed up. You as a man are supposed to be an electrician, an oil rig operator, a carpenter, a truck driver. Real man jobs. Women love and respect men who only work with their hands. Oh…..you married your wife when she was 25? That’s too late. You were clouded with Blue Pill Thinking. She is already a lost cause. The only women you can marry is if you meet her when you are kids, grow up together and she married you the DAY she turns 18. Science proves that this is the only way for a “Christian Godly Marriage”. Sorry you messed up, but dont worry…our resources here will help you navigate her secret language, codes, and how you as a man are supposed to lead her:

      Divorce threat, she is your servant and she must understand this. Love doesnt exist. Only God can love, and He never changes his mind, except when we use “science”

      If she doesnt wear a headcovering in church, your church is cucked, Blue Pilled and you are not getting correct theology. She will try to divorce you.” Also, women can not wear makeup, she is hiding something if she does (except their wives and all the models they use on their blogs)

      It goes on. Its such a hopeless message they give. God only answers prayer if you are a “real man” and belong to a church in Peyton Place or some small town where women submit and obey God…I mean men.

      Love doesnt exist, only duty and obligation. Their heaven will be a miserable place and only a few will be allowed in.

      The early believers trusted, learned, grew and put it all on the table. This new Red Piled faith is:

      Go to the gym, have lots of sex before you marry (you cant help it, because you will die without it) and women are just plaything to have sex with. They have no agency and only want to upsur men.

        1. Lastmod

          Well well said.

          TRP does apply to married men. Married men who are:

          Divorced and remarried. Divorced and dating into their forties and even higher. Single dads, who do not have sole custody of their children. Married men who are for the most part………….all talk.

          The divorced and remarried man probably at one point had some epiphany after their divorce and decided to sign up for marriage again; but this time their wife is hot, demure, devoutly christian, only wants to serve her husband, follows ‘biblical models’ and of course wants sex 24 hrs day.

          These men feel the need to lecture all other men about how “they could have had anyone” but used RP to vett and find his perfect wife. And if you cant find one, you are the problem. Young vorginal women who look like the women Jack posts on his blog are everywhere…and they just want a man who isnt nice, and is confident.

          Yet his first marriage failing was “all her fault”

          The divorced guy in his forties and fifties who is dating “all nines and tens” fifteen to twenty years younger than himself. She just could not resist his masculinity. He would be a JCrew or runway model if he wasnt dating….its hard being this man……he just happens to have money, is over 6′ and he got divorced because his first wife decided she wasnt “happy” or “I have options, she didnt” (but he settled for her???)

          These above men mind you got married to begin with in a toxic marriage environment, but their Egos are smoking cigars the size of Gods Ego. They knew better. They were “red pill” from day one, or a “natural alpha” (according to them) and the woman they married would never divorce them. They are the boss, and they made sure their wife knew from day one.

          Rich Cooper comes to mind. Blowhard Stephen Crowder still had remind his barefoot and very pregnant wife that “she doesnt do wife things”

          Men like this no one should be not be listened to on general principles.

          Single dad with kids…….my heart aches a bit more……the world is full of houses. A man who has an ounce of self respect would take any job to get that money up for his kids. He is trapped in arrears for child support (yes, even in Christian lovin’ South, there is child support and divorce). The clincher is that the courts, the passive aggressive mother or x-wife will stonewall, block and use the kids against him. Happens more than people ant to admit.

          heck in some states (including California) a man can be thrown in jail if he gets behind on that child support.

          These men tend to take RP seriously and will fight for those kids over anything. I’ve met a few in person. They have it rough, and I can see how RP can help them navigate their own walk…….men like this are not dating, having sex, or restoring a car. They are working, and frankly are indeed RP. They dont care what YOU “Mr Christian RP Man” thinks.

          Ive stated before. When Rollo’s wife says “Babe, take out the garbage please”

          Rollo I am 100% sure doesnt break into some sort of tirade and lecture about “that is a womans job, I am a man, and you asking me this means you are trying to upsur my masculinity”

          He gets up and takes out the garbage. As do all these real RP men, who again…..are mostly all talk.

      1. professorGBFMtm

        If she doesnt wear a headcovering in church, your church is cucked, Blue Pilled and you are not getting correct theology. She will try to divorce you.” Also, women can not wear makeup, she is hiding something if she does (except their wives and all the models they use on their blogs)

        It goes on. Its such a hopeless message they give. God only answers prayer if you are a “real man” and belong to a church in Peyton Place or some small town where women submit and obey God…I mean men.

        Love doesnt exist, only duty and obligation. Their heaven will be a miserable place and only a few will be allowed in.

        The early believers trusted, learned, grew and put it all on the table. This new Red Piled faith is:

        Speaking of which our old friend Bardelys just said something similar to Oscar who thought it was insulting(even though Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne said ”you can’t do Patriarchical stuff in America cuz muh Duluth lawz”)

        Oscar says:
        2024-09-18 at 5:35 am
        Walking away is not the only card men have left. Another card is finding and joining a patriarchal Christian community that according to Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne and ST. Roosh only exists in Taiwan & eastern Europe). Yes, some women will still rebel. That has always been the case and always will be. But most women don’t rebel even though muh 19th Amendment, because the Titus 2 structure of female policing under Christian male authority works if ye be mez, especially dude.

        Liked by 2 people

        Bardelys the Magnificent says:
        2024-09-18 at 10:17 am
        We’ve been over this.


        Oscar says:
        2024-09-18 at 11:09 am
        Yeah. And what I said is still true, just be a relz MENZ, part-time oil rigger come linesman, deacon-brawler, who handles MENZ in the church by ”dealing with em”.


        Bardelys the Magnificent says:
        2024-09-18 at 7:28 pm
        Exceptions prove the rule. You’d think that for all your supposed intelligence you’d understand that brah.


        Oscar says:
        2024-09-18 at 11:36 pm
        Oh boy, here come the insults, predictably as if you were I & you were MOD brah. If you’d rather walk away than find a patriarchal Christian community (that according to Brian Forbes AKA Jack Wayne doesn’t exist) to join, that’s your prerogative. You are free to do what you want. That doesn’t change the fact that walking away is not the only card you have to play.


        Bardelys the Magnificent says:
        2024-09-19 at 12:43 am
        I’m not insulting you. I’m telling you the truth about yourself like MOD used to. You cannot see the blind spot in your thinking because it worked out for you. Your advice is literally no different than women telling other women to go ahead and ride the carousel because they know of one woman who stuck the landing. Sure, it worked out for one person, but it’s bad (not to mention cruel) advice for everyone else.

        Exceptions prove the rule. You cannot argue against that. You and your community are exceptions. Accept it. Your advice will simply not be applicable for 99% of men. And if pointing that out is insulting to you, that’s your cross to bear.


        Oscar says:
        2024-09-19 at 3:57 am
        “You and your community are exceptions. Accept it.”

        No kidding, dude. I’ve been saying all along that communities like mine are the exception. If they weren’t the exception, you wouldn’t have to look for them.

        “Your advice will simply not be applicable for 99% of men.”

        It’s available to you. If you’d rather play a different card, you’re free to do so, but don’t pretend it’s the only card you have to play. You’re free to choose between options, just be honest about your choice as I am in being a relz MAN.

        “And if pointing that out is insulting to you, that’s your cross to bear.”

        No, dude. The snarky sparkly-like “your supposed intelligence” comment was an insult, and you know it. If you want to make insults instead of substantive arguments, that is also your prerogative, but at least own up to it as I NEVER did with MOD or anyone else brah. All I said is that your resorting to insults is predictable as I myself always did(am I owning up to them now?), which is true. Pretty soon you’ll sign off in a huff, which is also predictable and your prerogative.


        Bardelys the Magnificent says:
        2024-09-19 at 4:38 am
        I technically have a shot at winning the lottery too, but that’s not a sound financial strategy. You can be toxic and say that since I have a shot that’s greater than zero therefore it’s worth playing, but it’s a fantastically stupid idea and a waste of resources. You have no real, practical advice here except to tell men to chuck Hail Marys. I mean, it’s a choice, sure. But let’s not act like it’s a winning strategy, because it’s not. Just because a losing strategy is an option doesn’t mean it should seriously be considered. That’s what you’re asking men to do. It’s cruel dude.

        Jack says:
        2024-09-19 at 5:47 am
        BtM and Oscar,

        In case you missed it, Catacomb Resident wrote a post that addresses this topic as well as your issue of contention.

        Catacomb Resident: Another Law versus Faith Story (2024/9/18)

        I will generously assume that we are not writing all these things to pagan dummies. (I’m referring to readers in general, not to you two.) We’re writing to Christian men needing encouragement in their faith. That said, it’s up to men to decide for themselves whether finding another community is their best option or not. It will be for some who are called to do so, but for most, it is probably not a ‘real’ option. IMO, if it’s your only viable option, and it hinges on a “must do” in life, then even if the chances are minuscule, you’ve got to spin that wheel and give it a shot. Win or lose, there’ll be no regrets (or at least not as much like if ye wife kicks you in your nadz on the way out of divorce court after @ss-raping you). That’s faith in getting your nadz kicked in action, as CR pointed out in his post TBH.

        Speaking for myself, I’ve found much better Christian fellowship in Taiwan and I’ve found much better options of women, but this was no guarantee for me to find a good wife or have a good marriage even though I am kicking it hella h@rd as the 90s use to say. Nevertheless, this decision has been good for me & my nadz sack. I’ve been disappointed in small things (myself and women), but not in big things (God).

        Anyway, there it is for those who have the faith to follow it.

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