Feminism and Equality

Feminism was never built on equality. That was just the window dressing.

But some people have mistaken the PR for the real thing.

This would suggest that the Red Pill, despite its valiant efforts, has failed.


  1. professorGBFMtm

    ”Feminism was never built on equality. That was just the window dressing.”

    YES! Even the lesbian ”grandmothers” of political feminism were only saying” all men and women are created equal.”(which was actually about being abolitionists to slavery NOT””true” equality of the sexes” and clearly does NOT mean they are really ”equal” in their eyes in ALL things” only in that they are ”created” equal” which is open to many interpretations-which was used to flimflam MEN mostly- of who too many were desperate for IOIS & ”that’s a good boy” from women as they are in the so-called latter-day Roissyosphere to this very hour and day) NOT ”should be treated equally in society or before the law”.

    ”First Wave Feminism: Women’s Suffrage and The Seneca Falls Convention

    At the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, abolitionists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott boldly proclaimed in their now-famous Declaration of Sentiments that “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal.” Controversially, the well-known mostly lesbian feminists demanded “their sacred right to the elective franchise,” or the right to vote.

    Many attendees thought voting rights for women were beyond the pale, but were swayed when Frederick Douglass argued that he could not accept the right to vote as a Black man if women could not also claim that right. When the resolution passed, the women’s suffrage movement began in earnest, and dominated much of feminism for several decades.”

    See how the ” all men and women are created equal.” was originally tied to getting rid of slavery and letting black MEN vote? and NOT ”” true” equality of the sexes” that too many MEN stumble at that stumblingblock as WE have seen in the ”Christian”-Roissyosphere above, yes!?

    From here the above is:

  2. Malcolm Reynolds

    > But some people have mistaken the PR for the real thing.

    That would imply that these accounts commenting on WordPress are “people”. Most of them are just algorithms repeating various opposing narratives. Their only purpose is to be contrarian, keep you busy and steal your time.

  3. professorGBFMtm

    Also, in honor of the latest joke U.S. election going on here is the ”National Equal Rights Party” that was for ” to fill the gap in political representation for “a new coalition of labor, spiritualists, women’s rights supporters, and reformers.”It’s first presidential candidate, that supposed ”MEN”(I do that in honor of the highly revered ”red pill” NPC ”Saint” the Deti who does it a lot at Spawnys)?”NERP’s 1872 presidential candidate, Victoria Woodhull, was the first woman to run for president in the U.S.[5] Born in 1838 in Ohio, Woodhull worked as a psychic, a stockbroker, and as a newspaper publisher before announcing that she would run for president.”
    IOW?-She was like most presidential candidates and self-proclaimed ”” genius” ”redpill” chump ”leaders”” or better known in reality as a shifty grifter-scamsters like at ”Jack’s” SF, supposedly a ”Roissyosphere” site where they congregate like its mecca for them to ”save civilizationz” and get their highly coveted high-five’s and IOIS from lesbian child rapists(who get ”MENS” panties wet thinking about it) & legendary in the 2010s in-general male-feminist rapists and car crash killers of 25yo womenz (has almost the same effect on so-called ”MEN” as the lesbian child rapists have on them, they do) like Hugo Schwyzer alike.

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